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File: 55 KB, 190x220, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12494315 No.12494315 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW there's only 10-15 years of life to be attractive and have fun

Why even live/try to look good past thirty desu

>> No.12494317

If you take care of yourself and don't immediately stop caring about your image once/if you find a wife, that won't be the case

>> No.12494336

See, I don't totally agree with that. I'm a straight guy, but I've always thought that 30 year old dudes that take care of themselves look much better than 18 year old kids. As much as I dread getting older, I certainly think I'll look better at 30 than I did at 20.

Chix r fukt tho lmao

>> No.12494341
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>> No.12494343

That is rare, she looks 50.

>> No.12494345

Only people that will definitely look like shit after 30 are white women and arab women.

>> No.12494354

I think you're right, actually. I'd be fine with getting older, but all the fun girls will be gone and replaced with child-hungry hags way too soon, especially since I'm about to blow 8 years of my life studying to become a pharmacist so I essentially miss the best part of life

/blog, sorry

>> No.12494389
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guys can easily be attractive to 50 if they take care of themselves, and some of the lucky ones are silver foxes past that.

not neccesarily true. White women seem to age so quickly because their skin is susceptible to sun damage, they can easily look attractive into their 40s if they have practiced proper skincare since their later teens/early 20s. Sadly probably less than 5% of white women do this since everyone seems to be obsessed with tanning, I wish people would learn from korea/japan

anecdotally speaking my mother and aunt spent most of their lives in florida. my mom who is younger by 5 years never wore sunscreen and now she looks 50 in her 40s while people struggle to guess the age of my aunt who has used sunscreen religiously most of her life. Sure as hell convinced me to be the one pale person while all my friends were tanning, even in my early 20s im starting to notice that my skin looks better than theirs

>> No.12494621
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daily reminder there's tons of middle-aged men who have way more fun and are more effay than anyone in this board

>> No.12494625

i get laid more at 28 than i have ever been at 19

explained well:


>> No.12494648

here's what happened: the moment women entered the workforce way back then, labor got cheapened and having a functioning nuclear family as intended wasn't possible anymore due to time constraints and because you needed 2 incomes to make it happen. you still do and work became even cheaper. enter migration crisis on top of all that because the economy demands more workers and because there is no native offspring in the west. women are going against their own nature at this point. great. say hello to a totally blind future.

>> No.12494670
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not particularly "effay" as such but Stephen Colbert is a good example. Guess some are lucky to age better than most, although staying healthy would prolly help desu

>> No.12494703

And how would you solve it professor?

>> No.12494709


>> No.12494716
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Post oldspo

>> No.12494717
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>> No.12494718
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>> No.12494720
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>> No.12494722
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>> No.12494723
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>> No.12494724
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>> No.12494726
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>> No.12494739

This is true. I'm 30 and have no nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkles or baby crow's feet thanks to being a goth in the 00s and fearing the sun. Drinking and smoking also play a big part in aging.

>> No.12495220

I can't solve it. you can't expect a single individual to solve the crisis that eats the very soul of the west. not even Donald Trump can solve it alone.

it's probably gonna be like the end times of the Roman Empire until a massive civil war brings degeneracy to an end with a bang. then, hopefully society reboots. not like an economy will be around for women to even act degenerate, that's for sure.

>> No.12495222
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>> No.12495263

Good luck with that vagina allergy of yours.

>> No.12495291

>I'd be fine with getting older, but all the fun girls will be gone and replaced with child-hungry hags way too soon

There's an endless supply of fun girls appearing every year anon, you don't need to go full pedobear but an early twenty-year something girl will do just fine

>> No.12495300

what an ignorant ass comment. guess you didn't even understand what I was talking about. back to your special needs class, cucklet.

>> No.12495342

>t. knows fuckall about history
Jesus Christ how do some people have such a simplistic and limited knowledge of basic history and social development/change?

>> No.12495343

>guess you didn't even understand what I was talking about.
I wouldn't really blame him for not understanding what you were saying given your shitty-ass grammar

>> No.12495348

>omg i can't believe you are not respecting the flaming pile of retarded shit i posted

>> No.12495352

I love Susan Sarandon, but she had some surgery done, her tits obviously and around the eyes too I think. She said it clearly in an itw

>> No.12495363
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>Why even live/try to look good past thirty desu

Why not

>> No.12495368
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>> No.12495406
File: 1.28 MB, 3000x1961, Photo-of-Serge-Gainsbourg.-Photo-by-GettyImages-478474942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-pretty and old ≠ not fashionable

>> No.12495424
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>> No.12495435

two scoops

>> No.12495436
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>> No.12495442
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>> No.12495445
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>> No.12495459
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>> No.12495512
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>> No.12495809

This is only true for women

>> No.12496103

This is the best answer desu
Born in the 19th century, picked up a 22-year-old girl on set in the forties, love of her life, worked out tops.

If you're a guy, there's literally no reason to worry about age. Either you were born uggo and then you're fucked either way, or you were born good looking and then you're solid as long as you don't do anything shittingly stupid, like panic and get hitched to an awful harridan at age 25.

If you're a woman, sure, your options are limited. You can look good until 50 if you work on it, but there will still be strong limitations on what you can plausibly wear for the last decade or two. Either be smart and throw in with an older guy in your early twenties like Bacall did (that way he'll always appreciate your looks since you're so much younger) or neck yourself whenever you melt. Your call really. (Same thing as for guys of course, if you're ugly you're up shit creek regardless of age, only even moreso since literally nobody gives a single shit about any of your other traits besides how good you are in the sack.)

>> No.12496111

My skin is like a baby, but how do I combat bags under my eyes? Is it reversible or do I just embrace it? Should have sleep more as a teenager, now everyone says "you look tired" when they see me

>> No.12496116 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 3543906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when missed out on all these years of fun by avoiding social contact and playing video games all day instead of losing weight, working out, dressing well and learning social skills
>now have to ironically relive those lost years through video games and tv shows

>> No.12496123

>Should have sleep more as a teenager
That has nothing to do with it, you retard
It's one of two things:
*genetic, or
*you're not getting enough vitamin D, eg sunlight, eg you're a hikki neet who never goes outdoors

I've diagnosed you as a case of #2 based on numerous factors concatenated by my superior intelligence, that will be $5000, please come again

>> No.12496133

AND he's a manlet, folks

>> No.12496142
File: 148 KB, 1000x786, klklk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12496274

surprise surprise people can stay effay past their 20s, you millenial piece of shit

>> No.12496324

So white women burn their skin to make it look darker just to increase wrinkles and the chance of cancer?

>> No.12496330

he's talking about the decline of women's happiness coinciding with the rise in feminism

also attributing to the fact that feminism led to the decline of the middle class, and the lower buying power a median income family holds today as opposed to 1950

>> No.12496336

heres an easy fix

1. find a wife instead of being a fucking retard "getting laid" on tinder

2. what do you mean you cant have fun past a certain age? you mean you want to be retarded forever?

>> No.12496353

Plastic surgery/cosmetics will advance significantly in the next 20-30 years if society doesn't collapse or some shit like that. There is a bit of hope.