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/fa/ - Fashion

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12482338 No.12482338 [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/'s consensus on suspenders? I think they look pretty badass if you're older and/or muscular.

>> No.12482349
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most people don't wear them. I actually don't know what to think other than that's it's vintage-wear, kinda. wear them or don't, it doesn't matter.

>> No.12482351

You will never wear them as well as the Dutch hunchbacked dandy journalist Jort, a man who only wears bespoke Italian suits and only fucks 20-year old hot chicks.

>> No.12482352

i have a pair of suspender that i would like to wear to finish my skinhead aesthetic but the pull my pants wayyy to much up against my crotch and makes the pantline looks wavy and strange.

how do i fix this?

>> No.12482353
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>> No.12482354

holy fuck that was horribly written.
let me try again.

i have a pair of suspenders that i would like to wear to finish my skinhead aesthetic but they pull my pants up wayyy to much against my crotch and makes the pantline look wavy and strange.


be careful with benzos kids
how do i fix this?

>> No.12482356

Better than a belt because it actually pulls your pants up rather than constricts your waist.

>> No.12482357

I agree it looks cool but hard to not associate with 80s wallstreet

>> No.12482370

Loosen the suspenders?

>> No.12482382

Where can I get real/fake gosha suspenders.

>> No.12482400

how would i go about doing that?

they seem to be made of some very elastic material.

do i just extents them as hard as i can and leave them fixed like that for a few hours?

wouldn't that make them look all wavy when it's done?

pls help, i really want to look like a skinhead so people can start fights with me.

>> No.12482413

Do they not have metal clasps on them?

>> No.12482437
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Do your suspenders have the metal bits circled in red and a sort of loop of material along green? The metal bits you should be able to undo and then decrease the loop of material, making your suspenders effectively longer.
Most suspenders are one size fits all but some suspenders come in multiple sizes, it's possible but not likely that you got some that are too small.
The other half of it is your pants. Perhaps you'll want to find some pants with a higher rise.

eg. Wrangler Cowboy Cut jeans. (If they don't explicitly say cowboy cut they're probably not high rise)

>> No.12482542

>JBP giving that sneaky middle finger

>> No.12482545


Pretty sure I'd associate it with all other decades before the 80s and skinheads before bankers.

>> No.12482552
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i dunno

>> No.12482554

I think most people don't year them because you have to have buttons sewed into your pants to wear them.

>> No.12482555
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i feel like this is still fresher in the collective consciousness

>> No.12482556
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>> No.12482564
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I associate them with rural folk.

>> No.12483266

Suspenders look best on tall/athletic folks

>> No.12483267

Completely wrong shirt with those suspenders.

>> No.12483278
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>> No.12484231

I was at a friend's party one day and before it started had my jacket off and sleeves rolled and got compliments for the look with suspenders.

>> No.12484441

it's Vincent Cyr, a degenerate poor as fuck meme youtuber. that video was about his "outfit of the day"

>> No.12484491

I was at a wedding and received multiple comments about my suspenders. They are a good conversation starter. Also, I had an art teacher tell me I had style and that not a lot of people can pull off suspenders.

Suspends are a rare sight and people notice when you are wearing them.

>> No.12484757

w2c that qt black girl?

>> No.12485124
File: 59 KB, 731x914, cole1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised u /fa/gs didn't post this yet

>> No.12485304
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Is Jordan Peterson /fa/?

>> No.12485340

that's a harness

>> No.12485355
File: 102 KB, 960x899, tumblr_mtqhqzqZbg1sgrg1to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no although I will say his sense of style is similar to how he talks

>> No.12485367


>> No.12485373

I was wearing some thicc suspenders with gray wool pants. Everyone said I looked like a guy from the 40's waiting for the bus to boot camp

>> No.12485388

Oh jesus dear lord this thread.

Nothing wrong with suspenders. They're comfy, useful and can actually look dishevelled in a nice way from time to time. But they are not a god damn fashion accessory you wear to look "badass". Suspenders were for the longest time seen as underwear of sorts, and wasn't to be flaunted around. Dress codes and such have changed since, but I would still scorn anyone wearing a pair without any intention of actually wearing a jacket. Because the only other category wearing suspenders are kids for whom belts are too restricting, and you really don't want to draw fashion inspiration from four year olds.

>> No.12486226
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I honestly want to do this really bad. But it just looks autistic if I'm not a professor. Does it look autistic in an office setting?

>> No.12486231

Str8 autism if you don't have the personality to make it work.

>> No.12486325

Belts were a mistake, desu.

>> No.12486350
File: 33 KB, 562x550, marty-jacket-ref31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12486382

Clean your room, ascend the dominance hierarchy (but not much, because obviously you don't have to for a negress)

>> No.12486487

In a Harvard prof upper-class dad style, yes.

But not super, super effay.

>> No.12488104

what shoes are those

>> No.12488162

>I honestly want to do this really bad. But it just looks autistic if I'm not a professor. Does it look autistic in an office setting?
some parts of it are out of your control such as not looking like a kid larping as a successful business person. also, you need to be fit - there are a lot of connotations associated with high class success and wealth, taking care of your body is one of those connotations. etc. you also need to develop your own sense of high class fashion, don't just buy the most expensive shirts and pants and loafers etc. don't buy a tie because it looks cool, but a tie because it looks good on you and reflects your personality. that kind of stuff. you need to develop an understanding with brand names and accessories too, how watches work and what makes a good one. what makes a good tie. don't forget these things also have to represent you. get a good niche fragrance that you love, not what other people love. this is also a necessary trait: wear what works for you (with an understanding of why) and carry yourself confidently, everyone else be damned

>> No.12488176

also you can tell that what left is wearing is the equivalent of a painter inexperienced with the traditional arts making a minimalism painting. to the untrained eye it looks cool but once you learn and understand the traditional methods that make it possible to deviate you begin to see that it's just a jumble of junk envisioned by an inexperienced artist. the people who matter to you if you want to wear these clothes are the people who can tell this difference immediately

>> No.12488180

and also, knowledge is something people associate with maturity. if you have a knowledge of what you're doing and wearing then you're seen as mature by most people, and with that comes confidence. you don't want to be up against people who know what they're doing and wearing when you don't. you'll get eaten fucking alive

>> No.12488989

unironically the most interesting person in the country

>> No.12489064

That's what my dad said too

>> No.12489092

unbuckling your belt is more alpha when you are getting ready to fuck a girl

>> No.12489121

i dont think anyone said that