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/fa/ - Fashion

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12454727 No.12454727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you are buying cheap clothes in big stors like: H&M, forever21, ZARA etc..

You must know that people DIE for creating your favorite (for the month) t-shirts and jeans.

To know more watch the documantary :

Thank you for taking the time to read, hope this is helping people to be more conscious.
Think twice before buying.

>> No.12454733

Why should I care?

>> No.12454768

One can't be /fa/ and unethical at the same time. Not anymore.

>> No.12454773

OP I hope you know whatever device you used to post this was also assembled under similar conditions at some plant in China

>> No.12454780
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i'm a /fa/scist though

>> No.12454787

Then you'll never be /fa/ in general. You might as well be Down syndrome

>> No.12454811

Totally incorrect. Fashion has always stepped on the proles.

>> No.12454827


If you want cheap fast forward fashion the best is to buy at primark. They are the most ethical cheap clothes company and they are so cheap because they cut prices elsewhere. They pay workers more than Hugo Boss and other "bigger" companies.

The downside is that their clothes get no quality control so you have to try on 10 pairs of the same size/item to find the one that fits you perfectly.

>> No.12454841

maybe he just doesnt like getting fucked in the ass

>> No.12454872

I only care enough to post that I don't care. Don't bother replying.

>> No.12454880

Isn't that true for expensive clothes as well?

>> No.12454883

They knew the risks. People die all over the world,

>> No.12454885

It's the truth.

No one cares about 3rd world labor, much less 3rd worlders themselves otherwise they would do something about it.
Remember: people get the governments they deserve and all the consequences associated therewith.

Keep buying whatever. Nobody cares.

>> No.12454888

Not necessarily

>> No.12454893

I went into a Forever 21 for the first time this weekend and HOW THE FUCK does anybody shop there, first of all the lighting was so harsh it made me squint my way around the store, nothing was organised in any meaningful way and every single item made me cringe in some capacity or another. Absolute fucking garbage.

>> No.12454911

You could say the same for cheap clothes then.

>> No.12454961

To a vastly different extend.

>> No.12455011

The places you listed are not the cheap clothes I go for.
t. dressed in dickies and wrangler

>> No.12455018

Fascists are ethical and religious, tardo.

>> No.12455141

I only buy European Japanese or american/canadian made clothing. I'm not some random plebeian

>> No.12455575

Is it better to buy from Aliexpress or Tabao for cheap clothing? (Lets assume thrifting wasn't an option) I assume the money goes directly to the seller of the items instead.

May as well support a decent wage of some chinese person rather than shit like Zara.

>> No.12455615

It's likely those items are made under worse conditions than the big brands, not some humble family working out of their living room.

>> No.12455643

>You must know that people DIE

People without jobs make no money and starve to death because the countries don't have any social security nets.

Western sanctimony about worker conditions when people who get jobs consider themselves lucky is pretty ridiculous. As long as people are free to leave and there are no slave contracts they choose to stay. Are you asking yourself why?

>Think twice before buying.

How many street kids are you supporting in these nations? Have you donated a cent to some education fund for asian nations?

Virtue signalling assholes.

>> No.12455662

>Virtue signalling
Your first point is good, your second is fallacious but granted, and it's not really virtue signaling if you're anonymous, is it.

>> No.12455666

Where can we shop then?
How do i look fitted as fuck, and progressive, while not looking like a cuck?

>> No.12455671

>it's not really virtue signaling if you're anonymous, is it

The entire point being made is one that disregards facts, ignores reality but elevates emotional appeal over everything else, yet in the end the person advocates doing fucking nothing for the people supposedly hurt.

The post and the sentiment is more concerned with the appearance of being engaged, because it's important for OP to ride an moral high horse, but as for doing something that requires effort? Not so much.

>> No.12455728

do you think that I give a fuck m8? I have my own problems, the world is unfair, deal with it

>> No.12455753

A. You're making a lot of assumptions about the person and their level of real-life engagement/activism on the subject. B. It is not virtue signaling if the person is anonymous, because the entire implied intent behind the term is that the showy moralism or virtuousness is done to increase social standing and be seen as someone who cares. An anon has no reputation to enhance, therefore there's no signaling.

Just call the person fucking sanctimonious next time instead of shoehorning in the red-pilled word of the month.

>> No.12455763

wrong-o, bucko, conditions in Chinese plants are actually quite decent, they just pay their workers close to nothing.

>> No.12456466


It could unfortunatly be the same with expensive clothes, you're right.
The thing is to always know what you are buying.

Where does it come from?
Who's the boss and what does he make with your money?
Who's the workers and how are they working conditions?

But anyway watch the documentary if you can, they explaining way better than I can!

>> No.12456502

>>12454727 (OP)

Yes but this is absolutely unfair that people die for our confort.
Don't you think?

>> No.12456507

Yes but this is absolutely unfair that people die for our confort.
Don't you think?

>> No.12456516

Fast fashion is for teenage girls and fuckboys who want to get with those teenage girls

But on your point, capitalism is exploitation, as long as there's capitalism 99% of people will be to some degree exploited.

In the modern global picture though, you're less exploited, and the concept of having the factories there works as a propaganda point to, you look and can go "At least I ain't in Cambodia making clothes for H&M while living in a mud hut that floods with sewage" and continue voting in Democrats and Republicans.

>> No.12457434

and it smells like cheap plastic

>> No.12457623

So you are saying that people die to make me look good? How is this not /fa/? Death and self-destruction are the foundation of cool

>> No.12457632

>expecting a bunch of spoiled middle class white shitstains to care about people who are not white from a different country