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File: 61 KB, 667x800, 7b3f77c041da40ef91c6d6b5b256441f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12447369 No.12447369 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the most effay?

>tfw D10 with light brown hair

god fucking kill me already please..

>> No.12447377

>D30 with dark blonde hair
feels good

>> No.12447378

>A60 with light brown hair
A40, 50, or 10 are most attractive

Don't think I've seen anyone with A10, that would be crazy.

>> No.12447389

tfw when blue/green central heterochromia

>> No.12447394

>T50 with black hair
am i effay

>> No.12447395

you're a nigger

>> No.12447397

T40 with dark brown hair... It fits my jew nose so I'm content.

>> No.12447409

>D34 with black hair
i get compliments all the time :^)

>> No.12447415

>tfw youll NEVER have a50 with jet black hair and pale clear skin

why live

>> No.12447425

my dad has this
he's 53 and women my age hit on him
life isn't fair lol

>> No.12447433

D50 and ginger
why live

>> No.12447434

T50 i mean

>> No.12447436
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am I A40?

>> No.12447438

>T50, blonde hair, pale skin
My eyes are probably the most complimented feature by hoes

>> No.12447447

i wanna kill myself

>> No.12447448

D60 but more yellow.
Might be the reason some animals hate me.

>> No.12447743


>> No.12447757

>tfw D10 with light brown hair
>god fucking kill me already please


>> No.12447796

im t50

>> No.12447803

>A40 with dirty blonde hair

i think. might be A50. i've never thought about trying to match clothes with hair or eye color

>> No.12447807

>A30 with a bit of brown around the iris and light brown hair.

I hope Mister CIA is nice to me.

>> No.12447817

I'm A30 but a little bit lighter
I have dark brown, almost black, hair
Its fine I guess
All the girls in school liked my friends eyes more tho
He is blonde with A40

>> No.12447843

Who else is "full of shit" T50?

>> No.12447850

T17 master race

>> No.12447862

Me, I feel your pain

>> No.12447880

Between A60 and A17
Dark blonde hair


I like c40 and sometimes t50
Limbal rings and contrast are more important than colour

>> No.12447881

A17 w brown hair. I usually buzz it but I've had it growing out all year

>> No.12447906

>tfw t20
I just wish I had ligthereyes, I'd literally be two points higher with them. Doesn't even have to be blue, honey colour would be great. By the way, does putting diluted honey in your eyes help them get lighter?

>> No.12447909
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1 A30
1 D30
>tfw ugly heterochromy

>> No.12447914

T50, long dark brown hair and so pale it hurts.

How effay am I not?

>> No.12447915

Post eyes

>> No.12447923

>tfw knew a polish chick with A50 with a tight body and white hair but didn't do anything because i was absolutely smitten by a jap girl that i blew it with
kill me, im so alone

>> No.12447975

A30 with dark brown hair that is very close to black

>> No.12447988

>tfw A30 and Blonde

Feels good man

>> No.12447998

mine is closest to A10 but with a yellow spiral with dark brown hair

>> No.12448005

Anything non-brown will probably get brown-eyed girls wet so don't worry about it.

>> No.12448026

D20 and dirt blonde.

>> No.12448253

D20 and Brown Hair

am I sub-human?

>> No.12448282

i have green eyes but the exact color of green isn't on there. like D30 or D34 but with no brown and a deeper green. i like my eye color the best, green eyes are rare.

>> No.12448307

D37. I don't care if it's ugly or everybody hates it, I like it

>> No.12448648

Nice humble brag faggot

>> No.12448692
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>tfw T60 with black hair

>> No.12448705
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>brother has c20
>mom has D30
>I have t50

>> No.12448712

>he isn't A10-60
lmao gtfo eyelets

>> No.12448716
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>> No.12448731
File: 899 KB, 680x907, 669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually think your eye color is what makes you unattractive or even has a significant effect you are in denial .

>> No.12448733

>A40 with black hair

I've been complicated a couple times but most of the time nobody notices because I don't make eye contact

>> No.12448741

my sister has legitimately gray eyes. sometimes i think its cool, sometimes kinda creepy.

>> No.12448751

A40 with dark brown hair

>> No.12448758

>A50 with sandy blonde hair
did i do good

>> No.12448767

This, actually, it's more of a /pol/ meme for muh whiteness. If you have shitty facial aesthetics and hair your eye color isn't gonna save you.

>> No.12448831
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A30 or d10?

>> No.12448840

d420 if you know what i mean

like it look like you hit a blunt hey

>> No.12448843

No, not really, just don't sleep a lot

>> No.12448853
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>> No.12448873
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who /T07/ here?

>> No.12448889

the only true master race

>> No.12449077

>D20 with black hair
Am I effay?

>> No.12449080

>implying I can see my own eyes

>> No.12449298

A30 as a ginger girl. I look like Steve Buscemi otherwise but I'm still batting out of my league, god bless colorism

>> No.12449301

A17 with dark brown hair here. I have no complaints.

>> No.12449319

D34 or C30

i have T20 :-(

>> No.12449327


>tfw t50 but your skin is actually pale

don't even know

>> No.12449364

A20 with dirty blonde hair , feels good

>> No.12449402
File: 98 KB, 342x342, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark brown hair with ? (idk what this is)
I like the A10, A60, D20 and D40

>> No.12449507

What circumstances?

>> No.12449508

>My father and his branch of the family are kinda like D37 but shift depending on dilation

Damn boring, dominant brown overwriting a cool green!

>> No.12449520

t17, black hair, pale skin, am i /fa/

>> No.12449534

same, T07 but with a bit more green though

>> No.12449645

Female, D20, dark brown hair. I was blonde most of my life.

My brother is black hair and A10.
My mother is dark brown and A17.

We are German-Americans, so literally the best race.

>> No.12449709

there is no best race

>> No.12449776
File: 46 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no clue what i am. im not good at this.

>> No.12449778

u got a heart in ur eye wtf

>> No.12449788

oh yeah, its a neat little mark i was born with. its pretty cool.

>> No.12449794
File: 81 KB, 924x612, _20170507_105851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you're german with brown hair and brown eyes, I will never have cute aryan kids and that feels fucking terrible

>> No.12449806

Please never reproduce

>> No.12449813

A30 with blonde hair. Only A tier eyes are acceptable.

>> No.12449814

I won't

>> No.12449826

Who here t10 with dark hair

>> No.12449832

you look like an inbred slag from newcastle

>> No.12450027

D20 with light brown hair

>> No.12450029
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>> No.12450059
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what am i?

>> No.12450204
File: 692 KB, 1232x682, IMG_8144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would this be?
im colorblind thats why I ask

>> No.12450246

a man who takes pictures with a Sony Ericsson phone

>> No.12450339

who c20 here

>> No.12450343

>heart eyes

>> No.12450362

>A50 with dark blonde hair

>> No.12450402
File: 50 KB, 206x132, Namnlös.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am i?

>> No.12450406

definitely not the working kind

>> No.12450407

a faggot

>> No.12450434


How do you people take pics this good of your eyes ? When I try it the shadow from my hand / phone gets in the way of the light.

>> No.12450486
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1403, Screenshot_2017-05-07-13-14-01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related and regularly have people I don't know walk up to me and talk about my eyes. Usually one or two times a week. I think it's largely because I have very dark, almost black hair, which makes for good contrast.
My first couple years in high school when people didn't know my name they would literally refer to me as Pretty-Eyes.

>> No.12450512

son with that mentality don't have any kids

>> No.12450520

not sure. it's like a cross between A30 and D30. really cool though and very effay

>> No.12450563


>> No.12450585
File: 108 KB, 1719x366, IMG_20170507_200448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those black spots cool or do i have eye cancer

>> No.12450601

cancer af

>> No.12450615
File: 206 KB, 598x568, 20170410_015459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T50 shit brown

>> No.12450628

im too young 2 die

>> No.12450639

mine are t20 but when light is shined on them it's a mix between t17 and d40. wish they were greener.

>> No.12450727

Gray eyes masterrace reporting in

>> No.12450732

these are pretty average eyes idk why people would stop you on the street

>> No.12450734

Probably with pale skin and black hair

>> No.12450744

>insecure hapa

>> No.12450745


>> No.12450844

d20/40 or 60 depending on mood.
I have dark hair and freckley nose.
what do I win?

>> No.12450933

cute fräulein

>> No.12450975

>He thinks his eye color changes with mood
Go charge your energy crystals, faggot

>> No.12451139

A Fitty, brown hair

>> No.12451142
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>depending on mood

>> No.12451148

that feel when T40 but both parents have ligther eyes than me

>> No.12451226
File: 10 KB, 200x199, AlbumArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depending on mood

>> No.12451248

No one gives a shit.

>> No.12451249
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>> No.12451250
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>depending on mood

>> No.12451276
File: 56 KB, 400x600, main-qimg-d9586b3b3a0828978b95ea3c34e80df7-c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somewhere between A20 and A30
>Long, naturally ashy brown hair

Pic related, would it be better if I dyed it dark brown? I think it would contrast my eyes nicely

>> No.12451278

black hair + blue eyes is the GOAT combo

>> No.12451282

Just know that not everybody hates brown eyes, I love brown eyes on men

>> No.12451283
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, 1385411906021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depending on mood

>> No.12451291

Feels good man.

>> No.12451295

let me ask you this: do you know any famous thinkers with blue eyes? blue eyes are obviously much prettier, but most great scientists and philosophers has white skin and brown hair and eyes

>> No.12451373

Are those your the peepers being posted by some tranny in /clg/?

>> No.12451382

A50 with dirty blonde hair

Juden tremble at the sight of me

>> No.12451400

kinda envious, heterochromia looks good as fuck imo

>> No.12451439

>A20 with light brown hair

Friend says I should dye my hair darker, should I listen?

>> No.12451447

>tfw somewhere between A40/A20
Feels good

>> No.12451454

what dude?

>> No.12451478

YES. dye it jet black

>> No.12451482

I'm native american

>> No.12451486

Got the insecure part right though :'^

>> No.12451490

D60, pretty happy with that, as it's not particularly common and looks interesting enough.

Most people around here have blue/gray eyes, never quite got the obsession with those. I always thought it looks rather dull.

>> No.12451493


>> No.12451500


>> No.12451532

racism = low intelligence

>> No.12451609
File: 73 KB, 900x1600, Resized_20170503_160918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my eyes /fa/?

>> No.12451627

taking this picture just to attention whore about them isn't. but yeah they're pretty anon.

>> No.12451875

A40 masterace with dirty blonde hair here lads.

>> No.12452368

A40 with light brownish-red hair

>> No.12452373

D10 and Moderate Ginger

>> No.12452393

A17 with a lite blond hair
I think its feelsgoodman

>> No.12453802

You're /95% of the people of Earth/ core so no, you aren't fucking effay.

>> No.12453812

If you said this unironically hang yourself.
Anon... they might not be your brother and sister

>> No.12453821

you're too stupid to post

>> No.12453844

A40 with black hair. Am I ugly?

>> No.12454135

daily reminder that if you are between T20-T50 you are NOT white and need to leave this board.

>> No.12454167

T30. Alpha, wondrous genetics. Elder scroll tier mystery

>> No.12454175


>T10 w/ Auburn hair

A-am I effay?

>> No.12454207
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Dude, every anime fanfiction want to be like you. I can be you friend and tell your that the actually is a good thing for you eyes.

Learn to love you refelction in you mirror, and you confidence will follow.

>> No.12454208

Wow its almost like personal worth isn't heavily based on exact genetic stock

>> No.12454313

somewhere between A20 and A30 with redhair.
Am I effay?

>> No.12454339

I have D34, with a sharp blue ring. Hair is blonde.

As far as I know, all my family has blue or green eyes. I'm jealous of my brother, he has A30, with a spot of gold in one.

>> No.12454343

I have the same color, but with a blue ring instead of green. My brother has it too, but his is all one color.

>> No.12454397

I heard that honey can actually help lighten someone's eye color. Is it a meme?

>> No.12454411

yup do not put honey in your eyes

>> No.12454426

Huh, odd point. Mine vary between a30 and d30. Always figured it was from lighting conditions. Going to be all scientific about this and take pictures of my eyes in varying lighting conditions and emotional states.

That said, I'm also going to get a (crystal) prism and figure a way to evaluate the lighting conditions. Work lighting has shifted from HID lighting to florescent and now LED. I have noticed how ceramic capacitors have changed colors with the new lighting and that might explain apparent shifts in my eye color.

Probably a simple enough test would be to take a picture of my eyes on a clear sunny day. That would be nice and repeatable. wouldn't even need a (crystal) prism to check the spectrum of the light.

>> No.12454429

Sooo are they asian, indian, or mexican ?

>> No.12454435

Brown eyes makes you look like a real person with real feelings and personalities

>> No.12454438
File: 450 KB, 1415x1478, IMG_2499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown eyes, black hair, brown skin. I don't wish i was something else :^)

>> No.12454459

i would...

>> No.12454460


clear skin at least

things could be much worse

>> No.12454474

I like brown shades in my physical aesthetic. I somehow like the ethnic feels of it.

>> No.12454618

closest to D60 but with a larger portion of green and a really bright yellow ring
i had blonde hair most of my life but its been slowly changing to black, theres a lot if highlights and lowlights because it cant choose a single consistent color, its kind of speckly hair, hoping for that hot salt and pepper hair when I'm an old man