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/fa/ - Fashion

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12446167 No.12446167 [Reply] [Original]

>20 year old white American male
>growth disorder so I look like a 12-year-old
>5'3" and 120 pounds
>clothing choices vastly limited to tacky, cutesy bullshit

Please, /fa/, help me out here. What's a good quality clothing line that has a good selection for people like me?

>> No.12446181
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>> No.12446186

You're the average /fa/goot
Just wear what you see here

>> No.12446188

3 or 4, yeah. I look at everyone else my age and I just want to shoot myself.

Not very helpful...

>> No.12446195

Become a qt trap and then post your legs

>> No.12446198

not very funny either

>> No.12446205

damn....I hope you're gay or willing to transition to a girl

>> No.12446215

Neither, and I'm straight. God isn't good.

>> No.12446222

well then you better start going to literal midget meetups for girls my dude

>> No.12446228

on second thought how fast do most trains go approximately so i can just end it

>> No.12446232

trust me lil guy, suicide by train is not how you want to go out. could always become a girl uwu

>> No.12446934

you're as tall as my dad

>> No.12446938

Pls be my bf

>> No.12447452

im a 4'11 and i love 5'3 guys, they arent too tall for me so it would be akward

>> No.12447472

As long as your clothes fit perfectly you should be good

>> No.12447532
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>white American

>> No.12447547

Become a qt trap and post pls

>> No.12447551

>>growth disorder so I look like a 12-year-old

You can be this generations Andy Milonakis, go into comedy anon. You'll kill it in comedy people will already laugh when they see you're 5'3"

>> No.12447564

post a fit(?)

>> No.12447575

Yo, what the heck, I'm also 20 and 5"3.
It could be worse bro, after years of not caring, and eating whatever/sitting on my ass trying to go "Pro at Counter Strike". I've doubled my weight, went from 110-120 lbs to 210 lbs in 2 years, shit could be worse, you could be 5'3 and fat like me ;_;

>> No.12448888

Get really fucken swole

>> No.12448905

I'm also 5'3"
I hate shopping but I've been buying jackets from Zara, pants from asos and my shirts from h&m.
I'm not into fashion but those places have stuff that fits me alright. My gf helps me get stuff, she's into fashion shit I really don't care much for it.

>> No.12448917

>22 year old white american male
>6'3 and 220 pounds
>clothing choices vastly limited to trash xl clothes
once i graduate and get a real job ill start getting my shit tailored so it fits me better

too bad for you though OP.

>> No.12448955

enormous muscles don't really look good on anyone in my opinion, and on someone who is 5'3" it would look especially comical and disproportionate

moderate muscle mass with strong definition/low BF is where it's at

>> No.12448996

Yo, this is for every manlet here so buckle up.
Know that I am just giving this advice or piece of thought based on my opinion so if you dont wanna follow it, fuck off.

>1. Go for clothes that fit you.
If you go too small or too big even by a bit, you will look hilarious. Try different sizes in everything you buy.
Wearing bigger sizes never make you look bigger.

>2. Dont wear ultra bright colors.
This draws attention and since youre already small, youre gonna come out as childish. Also avoid tshirts with videogames, cartoons or movies designs on them.

>3. Whenever possible, go with slim fit instead of skinny.
Believe it or not, it looks more respectable and it won't make you look like a tightly packed sausage.

>4. Be confident about yourself.
No matter how small, tall, rich, poor, hairy or bald you are. Youre only gonna live once. Better make it worth it.

I would suggest getting some nice polos and tshirts in colors like navy blue, dark green, black etc in solid xolor without any motifs. Avoid getting anything baggy or too tight. Some slim fit jeans and slacks are good. And some wingtips, loafers or simple sneakers. Avoid boots as they can make your proportions appear funny. Specially anything hightop.

>> No.12449012

im not this anon but id like to add, dont do that thing where people buy their pants too long so they can have the cuff fall where the break should be.
itll just look like you were too small to buy pants that actually fit.

>> No.12449024

I'm the anon you responded to. And I approve what you said. Buying correct pant length is important.
I also would recommend watching some videos and guides on how stuff should fit. I dont have any links or pics right now. So youtube stuff yourself.

>> No.12449030

go for the shy metrosexual artsy boy look, maybe you could pull that off.

>> No.12449263

Alright this is what you do.

Get confidence. Fake it if need be.

Then move to a country with short people like the Philippines, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico City, etc

By then you should have perfected your confidence game and should at the very least be able to pick up young insecure chicks.

With your superior USD you'll be able to afford whatever crap you want in your new 2nd world home.

>> No.12449268

I can't imagine how terrible that must be.

I am 5'7 and 120 lbs and I feel like I am doomed to dating fat girls because I'm so short.

Being 5'3 must be hellish. I guess just try to have a very good personality and get fat.

>> No.12449313

Just dress like a kid and date 12yo girls, duh.

>> No.12449703

Either become a trap or go the slightly easier route of just being gay - going to be real hard to be a masculine straight dude at only 5'3

>> No.12449706

so much this

OP is 100% fucked if he wants to remain straight - even 5'6 dudes are considered a total joke. Becoming a tranny is really the only option as 5'3 is even too small to be a gay dude really.


>> No.12449711

Exactly my man, even girls these days are over 5'7, can't imagine existence at 5'3.

>> No.12449716

>120 pounds

>> No.12449717

>growth disorder so I look like a 12-year-old

Go to survivors of child molestation groups. If you attend a couple of them you might find a qt lady pedo that will fuck you.

More seriously though you need to MOVE FAST if you want a wife.
See, the thing about height is women discriminate heavily against short men but men give zero fucks about how tall are the girls they fuck. They may even specifically look to fuck womanlets because they like to throw them around and shit.

A consequence of this is a 5'0 girl will fuck 6'0+ men and come to the conclusion she should marry one. At 5'0 the man that is the "right" height for her should actually be in the region of 5'4.5.
4'11-5'1 should be do-able for you and you can find them but you need to go as young as possible and as fast as possible. Lock one down that is a virgin, if you can.

If you try to get married at age 33 you will be completely screwed. All the women will have double digit partner counts and none will want anything to do with you.

>> No.12449956

yeah its an unsexy disability, and the cards are stacked against you. however, you're 20, so you have time. Get a cool hobby like surfing or snowboarding, be that cool short dude that the average girls want. This is also helpful for fashion, as you can get into that fashion without looking like a midget poser (they definitely make decent skating/surfing/snowboarding gear for 12 year olds)

>> No.12450011

It's ok OP, the titty skittles will make you like the dick