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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 653 KB, 201x281, numalecringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12434140 No.12434140 [Reply] [Original]

> Balding
> in 20's or 30's
> has a beard
> big beta eyes
> lack of brow ridge
> wears shitty glasses to cover up their beta eyes
> shitty sense of fashion (either /r/malefashionadvice core or baggy clothes with graphic tees le nerd core)
> double chin
> orbits women
> skinnyfat
> narrow shoulders

Can anyone explain why they all look and dress the same? Feel free to share anecdotes, or explanations why

>> No.12434144

Jfc who cares. People that constantly make anti numales threads are as annoying as nu males.

>> No.12434145

Nah that is just the average male, seems like you're projecting a bit OP post yourself or fuck off. On a serious note a numale probably gets more action than a prettyboy

>> No.12434147

Uhohhh OP you made some of them mad

>> No.12434149


> numale probably gets more action than a prettyboy

Prettyboys slay lots of prime jailbait in high school and college though. Numales, on the other hand, fuck fat feminists and flat titted hipster girls.


Yup, I did.

>> No.12434152

>On a serious note a numale probably gets more action than a prettyboy
Jesus Christ how many levels of mental gymnastics are you playing right now

>> No.12434156

This is how I can tell you're still 15. In the real world your average bloke gets a lot of average women. Pretty boys get less because your average women doesn't want a vein man that spends hours on his hair in the morning, that truly isn't masculine.

However, the best thing to be is in the middle. Don't be a beta fuck that kisses women's feet just respect them and be chill.

Anyway OP I asked you to post youself, now do it faggot or are you too much of a numale? lmao

>> No.12434163
File: 339 KB, 1067x1600, francisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You do realize facially attractive GENETICS and low bodyfat are what makes up the face of a prettyboy? Many prettyboys don't even take care of their skin unless if they want to use acne cream.

You can't magically turn into a pretty boy by a morning routine.

The bluepills coming from your statement is disgusting.

>> No.12434170
File: 229 KB, 747x725, 1492846802127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numales are cringey, but i'm happy they exist because it makes me feel better about myself.#insecure BUT WHY THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE A SHIT TO MAKE A THREAD ABOUT IT YOU BETA?

>> No.12434179



>> No.12434181


This has nothing to do with fashion

Report, sage, hide in that order

>> No.12434187


as much as i hate numale threads, the thread is about fashion since its talking about "why do numales dress a certain way?

>> No.12434188
File: 606 KB, 1854x2274, 1487399745166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) know im right gay boii poopbum

>> No.12434205
File: 72 KB, 600x800, gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just respect them
that's close enough to kissing their feet for having a vag. respect is earned you single mother raised accident, that isn't some le PUA redpill advice that is asserting baseline confidence so you don't appear like a low confidence child seeking affirmation.

pic related it's you.

>> No.12434224


right on

>> No.12434240

You should give everyone a basic level of respect until they give you a reason not to

>> No.12434244

Shouldn't you also have to earn respect?

>> No.12434247
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, jZgDhiP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFL @ this numale sperging out

>> No.12434249

>average women aren't attracted to attractive men
>all attractive men must be vapid shells of people that spend too much time on their looks
>good looking people get less action

You sure do tell yourself a lot of lies.

>> No.12434250

What I wouldn't give to see a picture of him

>> No.12434253

Holy fuck OP, you literally described yourself. Looks like I was right, you are projecting. Fat, shit style and balding.

There are two cringe worthy people in this world 'nu-males' and people like yourself. Ugly as fuck, and think the only way to get a women is by pretending to be tough and mocking nu-males to feed your insecurities.

Just be yourself and chill the fuck out, you don't have to be macho or a beta fuck. Not ever girl wants to fuck you, and not every girl doesn't want to fuck you. You should respect people on a basic level of being polite ect

>> No.12434254

Did you actually think that was a picture of himself he posted?

>> No.12434259

>in 20's
>big beta eyes (hazel :))
>nice brow ridge
>don't wear glasses
>polarizing fashion sense
>decent jaw
>women and men orbit me
>skinny, not skinny fat
>broad shoulders

I guess you could call me a trumale

>> No.12434260

nxt lvl blue pilled and extremely low IQ

caging hard rn

>> No.12434263

He replied to me where I asked him to post himself, I assume it must be him. If not, then he's being a pussy posting random men not himself

>> No.12434264

You should have read his post before replying then

>> No.12434267

>can't speak for myself

Well that feels kinda good

>> No.12434277

Just from this post it's obvious that you are not NT and high inhib, lol

Probably a step under numales

>> No.12434280

>not NT and high inhib
Are you gonna speak english or keep rattling off this scientist jargon, buster?

>> No.12434282

Why do tryhard cuckservative weebs all look and dress the same?

> Balding
> in 20's or 30's
> Is average height but acts like being 5'10 is the same as being 4'8"
> Thinks having dark bags under their eyes that sag like an old man's ballsack is "fashionable"
> Shitty sense of fashion (Dresses in clothing that looks like they stole their mother's draperies, yet pays 30,000 per piece)
> Voted Trump for dah maymays, which is just as bad as liberals voting for Hillary just because she has (and is) a cunt.
> Faps to traps
> skinnyfat

>> No.12434283

>high inhib

The fuck is this tumblr self-diagnosis sounding shit?

>> No.12434289
File: 210 KB, 1600x900, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less OP, I wouldn't say beard or Balding has anything to do with it.

Read your shit before you post it anon, but I understand what you mean by projecting. He must be pretty insecure to post this

You should give strangers male or female a basic level of respect, then you work up the respect from there. Just because someone is a cleaner doesn't mean you should not respect them and smile after all they are hard working. Self consciously not giving people respect because you don't know them its pretty asshole behavior.


>> No.12434291

You are describing a group of people with a big presence on this website but I'm not sure why you think "cuckservative" is the word to describe them

>> No.12434295

Because as much as they talk shit about it, it's their favourite genre of porn (Besides tranny porn.)

>> No.12434297

This is the only thing to make sense out of this shit thread. Bunch of nu males saying their not nu males lmao

>> No.12434300

ITT: Numales and Nuhairs getting triggered

>> No.12434302

No I'm not sure why you think there's a significant link between that group and conservatism. I'm not a conservative or right-wing but I do not associate those two groups at all

>> No.12434304


More like obeise

>> No.12434309

>I wouldn't say beard or Balding has anything to do with it

If you say so, baldy. Are you sad now that beards are a total joke?

>> No.12434336
File: 36 KB, 535x600, present.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these beta nu-male ugly manlets sperging out ITT

Go back to plebbit you ugly fucks.

>> No.12434342


Post face

>> No.12434345


Cuckservatives are fucking cancer and usually numale tier as well. And also numales can be used to describe cuckservatives lol.

>> No.12434355

nu-male isn't just about appearance.

nu-male aims to describe 'men' who attempt to look and behave as non-threateningly as possible in exchange for female attention.

>> No.12434363

pic unrelated? hes wearing makeup jfc

>> No.12434367
File: 167 KB, 1247x822, Pioneer Sergeant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see you call this guy a beta male lmao

>> No.12434372

I wear FOX hoodies and baggy jeans to blend in. its bad fashion for the sake of laziness.

>> No.12434376

Fucking why. Why are you even here if you don't put any effort into your clothing? I know you think it makes you look cool because you don't want to be some self-obsessed beauty fairy, but not putting any effort into the way you dress is a big red flag to most people.

>> No.12434379

I just said to blend in.

>> No.12434388

I live in a pretty rural place where everyone wears that kind of shit and likes driving trucks through the mud.

>> No.12434389

You can blend in and still look good. You strike me as very self conscious. You probably worry a lot about people looking at you funny in public. Thing is, most people won't even notice your outfit. Think about how much time you spend in public analyzing everyone's clothes. Not much, right? That goes for everyone else too.

However, the way you dress has a big effect on how people think of you whether you like it or not. If you dress like a slob with baggy blue jeans and zip-up hoodies, people will assume you're a slob. You can look nice without drawing attention to yourself.

>> No.12434394

I always analyze peoples clothing and its usually worst than mine. at least what I wear isnt from walmart like 99% of people.

>> No.12434397

That's most likely because you're insecure. I do it too sometimes, but you should know it's not happening all around you.

>> No.12434423

> Balding
shit beta genes
> in 20's or 30's
raised on the internet and video games
> has a beard
has to make up for lack of hair/chin
> big beta eyes
> lack of brow ridge
shit genes again
> wears shitty glasses to cover up their beta eyes
not confident enough/complete lack of self-awareness
> shitty sense of fashion (either /r/malefashionadvice core or baggy clothes with graphic tees le nerd core)
think this is a way of fitting in
> double chin
fat slobs
> orbits women
have never gotten laid
> skinnyfat
don't work out
> narrow shoulders
don't work out again

>> No.12434428

Narrow shoulders also falls under shit genetics. Muscle has something to do with it but it's primarily bone structure

>> No.12434857


You can increase your shitty frame by putting muscle onto it.

>> No.12434861


Fox Hoodies and baggy jeans are disgusting. If your ugly, just wear fitted clothes.


Lots of people on /soc/ who identify themselves as libertarian or conservatives orbit camwhores that are usually ugly.

>> No.12434890

>Lots of people on /soc/ who identify themselves as libertarian or conservatives orbit camwhores that are usually ugly.

Lots of people who post on /fa/ and in the facial aesthetics thread are ugly too. Beautiful people don't need validation from 4chan.

>> No.12434893
File: 38 KB, 343x600, 1491847446126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I
>am bald
>am a lanklet
>have a recessed chin and maxilla

But I also
>have a strong brow ridge
>don't wear glasses
>don't wear MFAcore or graphic tees or hoodies
>don't orbit women
>don't really talk to women at all for the most part

Am I a numale?

>> No.12434915

>Am I a numale?

No, numale is more about non-threatening push-over beta personality than looks really.

The personality just correlates to a specific look, but attractive guys can be betas too they're just not the full numale package.

>> No.12434958

How exactly do people even bald in their 20's? I know literal cucks who still have hair in the late 30s.

>> No.12434970

It has all to do with how much testosterone you get

The way they look, the way they act it's all because of low T

>> No.12434979

>tfw accidentally became an orbiter

what do?

I can't just ignore her or I'll look like an asshole, she thinks I'm her friend but I don't want to be a beta orbiter "friend"

>> No.12434981

But a person with low t can become aware of his behavior and change it

>> No.12434984
File: 313 KB, 1333x1600, 9432726_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive noticed the ones that all have the same hair style and skin complexion. Its like something happened to you white bois in the past decade to make you nu males look swarthy and hairy.

And not in a sexy Mediterranean way. In a mainstream, dorky, manchild way.

Hit the gym. Hit the shower and get a clue millennials.

>> No.12434985

Bad luck with genes anon. My hairline started to go in high school. By the time I was 19 it was beyond recovery.

>> No.12434990

>tfw just out of secondary school and prettyboy af
>tfw have to deny a lot of jailbait
>(;)) do i?

sucks to suck

>> No.12434991

Yeah I know I'm a low T nu-male and I try hard to not act like one

But most nu-males don't know they're nu-males and go around blissfully unaware of their nu-maleness

>> No.12434995

>swarthy and hairy
This is a numale trait?

I don't know what being swarthy has to do with it. I have pale skin, although I am pretty hairy.

>> No.12435000

>skinny, broad shoulders

16 year old me would kill for you

>> No.12435003

Numales tend to have high, nasal voices as well and it drives away many who are listening to them. A deep voice gets people listening and attentive and ultimately forges the man from puberty onwards

also, nice trips

>> No.12435015


Im talking about the dweebs you see on youtube and tv. Buzzfeed writers and people of that like. They usually congregate in urban cities.

>> No.12435017

>Nah that is just the average male

Sadly this is true, but that doesn't make it right.

>> No.12435025

But how is their skin becoming darker? Are you saying they're mixed race? I thought you meant pure white

>> No.12435478


I noticed this as well in school...I have a deep voice, I don't speak much, but any time I've spoken in class everyone turns their head my way...it makes me nervous.

>> No.12436057

Why does anyone deserve respect? I give people the same respect as animals, in that I give them the benefit of the doubt, avoid being cruel and let them do whatever makes them happy, but I don't think someone deserves much respect unless they prove they should have it.

>> No.12436068

This born on the range mofo lmfao

>> No.12436460

Hang out with her less and less
Occasionally ignore a text
Be more critical of her
Take more opportunities to criticize her on looks but in a non mean way
Flirt with other girls if you two go to a bar or social thing
Look nice
Try to turn her into the orbiter

>> No.12436508

there's no such thing as being an accidental orbiter, its in your genes, it will happen to you over and over again

>> No.12436530
File: 2.86 MB, 711x400, 1488753669641.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of y'all were hitting on how this is a new phenomenon but nobody is connecting the dots. Could it be that the same fluoride making our frogs gay is turning people into little bitches? There's all sorts of extra hormones in the fake food nowadays that were not there when our parents were growing up. I don't think this is something you can just brush off

>> No.12436560

not even gonna dig into most of the post or this topic, but just stopped in to comment on:
> lack of brow ridge

bro. I think I sense some projection from you here. I reckon you're a weird neanderthal looking motherfucker with a horrible heavy brow that's way too hairy. It's really not a good look man, it's not more manly, it's just ugly

>> No.12436593

low t makes them consistently go bald?

>> No.12436798

You know what country doesn't fluoridate? I'll give you a hint. It starts with an I and its full of Jews.

>> No.12436875

Watching things like these make me want to be fight people.

>> No.12436946

Low t does not result in baldness, hi t does. Notice how most of these guys have disgusting amounts of chest hair

Hi t does not mean you won't be a beta mess

>> No.12436950


wtf even is that gif?

Also stop all this"numale" bollocks. When you start using jargon like that you're definitely spending too much time on the internet.

>> No.12436951

My girlfriend just asked me earlier this week "what's up with all the wimpy guys with glasses and beards?"

Even normies notice this shit. Pretty useful term if you ask me

>> No.12436961


No it's not, what's wrong with " wimpy guys with glasses and beards"? Do you have to pay by the syllable in your homeland or something?

>> No.12436967

Uh ohhhh now I see what's going on
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings buddy

>> No.12436971

wimpy guy with glasses and beard detected

>> No.12437016

>shitting in the middle of a fight
this bear has no respect whatsoever

>> No.12437020


>> No.12437076

The real signs of a numale are
Weak jaw
Small chin
Narrow shoulders
Wide hips

>> No.12437167

My experiences are different to everyone else's. All the so-called nu-male types I've met are pretty good with girls and more fun to hang out with. The guys I've met that deride le white knight nu-male betas, on the other hand, not only aren't as good with women but don't even look better than 'nu-males' and I find them less fun.

>> No.12437244

every C-list celebrity male comedian dresses exactly the same

>> No.12437250

Its the fluoride and hormones in the food, coupled with all the bullshit on tv

>> No.12437284

And it's always jokes about how they don't work out and how sad/strange their genitals look

Louis CK gets away with it to some extent because his pros outweigh the cons but god damn, self deprecation was a mistake

>> No.12437330

How do I stop being a numale

I don't think I dress like one or really act like one, but genetically I think I am inherently numale.

>recessed chin
>narrow shoulders
>speech impediment

>> No.12437366
File: 24 KB, 325x300, Audie Murphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry so much about looks, if you don't act like a numale then you're not a numale.

>> No.12437378

What kind of speech impediment?
I've had a very slight lisp since childhood and always been insecure about it but even my sister who is not afraid to directly attack me at all (she once said I had grapefruit knees) said it was charming and gave me some character

>> No.12437611

I have a lisp and I also slur my words even though I try to enunciate properly. I sound like I'm drunk or high all the time.

On top of that, my family moved around a lot when I was a kid so I never developed a normal accent. My accent is a weird combination of different accents. People are always asking me where I'm from.

>> No.12437649

It's pretty simple:

The numale meme has been used to describe people who dress/look a certain way. Usually the term will be posted alongside a man with fedora/entry level hipster fashion and soft, feminine features desperately covered by a beard. So why do they all look the same? It's truly a term that's assigned to one particular look. It's like saying why do all Goth kids dress the same.

>> No.12437679

Do you shave it all off? That can help. Or if you're balding in a good pattern (Staham like) keep it short. Or just wear a cap constantly.

>recessed chin
Without cosmetic surgery you're pretty fucked. But if it's like an overbite it can be corrected. I had to wear a shitty mouthpiece that pulled my lower jaw forward when I slept.

>narrow shoulders
Work out you idiot. Gotta eat big to get big, cmon.

>speech impediment
Invest in logotherapy.

>> No.12437744

>Do you shave it all off?
Yeah I shave it but people have told me I look like a creep.

>cosmetic surgery
I can't afford that.

>Work out
Yeah I'm working on that.

I can't afford that either.

>> No.12437763

that hit a nerve didn't it?

>> No.12437806

>jailbait is good
>but flat tits are bad
I don't... understand...

>> No.12437809

you forgot the fuckawful plaids and flannels

>> No.12437816

And the skinny jeans and American heritage boots.

>> No.12437824

Get a hair transplant.

>> No.12437929


>> No.12437947

If you don't have a reddit/tumblr account and your twitter profile pic isn't a pixel avatar you're probably fine.

>> No.12438116

But he looks nothing like a numale

Balding+beard doesn't make a numale but a numale is balding and has a beard

>> No.12438392
File: 551 KB, 1600x1200, 20170501_213051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there really anything I can do? I Wear my glasses and don't shave my head fully because I feel that my face would seem longer and uglier otherwise. Also insecure about my eyes.

Do I seem ugly and cuckish to the point that you would instinctly want nothing to do with me?

>> No.12438448

>big beta eyes

aka "the number two indicator of an attractive face". big eyes are only behind high cheekbones

>> No.12438457

A lot of what makes a nu-male "ugly and cuckish" is in the attitude. Try to drop the 4chan meme lingo, take yourself more seriously but don't turn into a retard about it.

Find an identity for yourself.

>> No.12438461

Same anon, your facial aesthetic brings to mind Goebbels. Meek, but not submissive.

I don't want to compare you to a nazi if you're not on the /pol/ train, but he wasn't a bad looking man. He was unique and attractive.

Use him as an example.

>> No.12438463

you're literally the guy on OP with some more hair holy fuck

>> No.12438473

And until he starts *nodding respectfully* he's not going to be, lad.

>> No.12438477

Oh you're asking for it now bub

>> No.12438478

>He was unique and attractive.

he was a literally deformed uber-manlet and got consistently cucked until he became a powerful politician.

Goebbels is based but let's not give him false hope, anon.

>> No.12438488

That has nothing to do with Goebbel's facial features or clothing. I should have stated that I was talking about aesthetics more clearly. My bad.

He was a deformed manlet, wasn't he? Wasn't his foot twisted?

>> No.12438591

dont kid youself numale

>dresses like shit

>> No.12438592 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 3817278-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking about copping these to wear for a wedding with a black suit and as to just try the look before I commit to something of higher quality.
If Im fucking up PLEASE tell me now.

>> No.12438593 [DELETED] 

Aw fuck wrong thread

>> No.12438596

Appreciate the advice.


Damn I guess I see it looking at his younger pictures. I always figured Adorno if anyone despite the less rounded face.

>> No.12438601

Are horn-rimmed glasses a bad thing now
Dont have the cash for a lasik right now

>> No.12438707

It's so poo doesn't leak.

>> No.12438710


*nods respectfully toward you* stand your ground against these fucks, an try and cope as best you can

>> No.12438711

>flat titted hipster girls
wtf i love numales now

>> No.12438803

I hope you're just trolling and aren't actually this retarded

>> No.12439221
File: 132 KB, 500x800, BPA_DetectedInPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numale is loathsome but he is genuinely a victim of modernity. He had little choice in the matter and he can only correct some of it.
It's not a matter of genetics either, not exactly. You think all these people just mutated all of a sudden and made all these numale children?
That's like claiming people are fat fucks because of genetics. Simply impossible that everyone became "genetically fat" all of a sudden.

So what happened? It's a few things. One is that there is effectively poison in our food and water. We're consuming chemicals we should not be and some of them actually act as estrogen on the body.
Male fertility, for instance, has been going down for a long time. It's like we're all on a small dose of tranny medication even as we are in the womb.

Another thing is soft food. Our parents have been feeding us shit you don't need to cut with a knife and for some of us it was always most of our diet. Nothing tough to chew means you do not develop your jaw properly. That's why jawlines and chins are so rare now and why so many people need braces.
(Think about it, people with genetically fucked up teeth mostly shouldn't exist because they would have been weeded out by natural selection. Dental infections would have killed them.)

Lack of vitamin D and healthy exercise are another big part of it. What is the difference between Brits and Australians? Level of sunshine and physical activity. (Historically it has also been nutrition. Australians got more meat so in the World Wars they were like ubermensch compared to their cousins.)

All we can do is hope these numales manage to breed even though they are repulsive and they realize the mistakes of their parents and correct them in their own children.
Many of Gen Y's children can be Chads if only they learn.

>> No.12439235
File: 39 KB, 630x380, Bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about baldness the other day, it has been my opinion that people just make a big deal of it because no one balds in movies and TV until their late 30s.
I don't see any reason why there would have been an explosion in Male Pattern Baldness in Gen Y, so why do people keep making a big deal of it?
A thought occurred to me: it could be because in generations past by the time baldies got that bald they had kids and a wife.
When a guy has kids it isn't striking if he has a "dadbod" and dresses poorly, right? You expect that from a dad.
But since these guys are unmarried with no kids you expect them to have a more youthful appearance.

>> No.12439269


>> No.12439276

Work out, get jacked, and get a short buzz cut. That is your only hope.

>> No.12439358

>I want to wrestle naked men while shitting on the floor
there's clubs for that

>> No.12439564

>working out will fix your facial structure

>> No.12439642

Losing some fat will add definition, making you look less beta. Also having legit looking shoulders and neck takes some of the focus off lackluster face.

>> No.12440061

When you have a severely recessed jaw and downward grown maxilla and you're bald, you're never going to look good regardless of how fit you are.

>> No.12440086

>le tuff army man

Why are some people so obsessed with sucking up to figures they see as masculine? Seems like insecurity to me.

>> No.12440102

You're also forgetting that the majority of people dressed much more neatly than they currently do. It was basically suits all day for everyone up until the 70's, and even then it took until the 90's/2000's for the majority of people to basically look like slobs all the time.

>> No.12440794

I wasn't alive then. I don't think Boomers had the same hang-ups about baldness as we seem to and in the Boomer's hey day it wasn't nearly as acceptable to shave your head.

Perhaps I was overthinking with that theory. It might just be the clash of the feminized chinlet features with the baldness.

>> No.12440815

talk shit post /fit/

>> No.12440828

yeah nah, that was the 50s mayn. Anyway, you seem like you don't belong here

>> No.12440960

nod respectfully to us please