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/fa/ - Fashion

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12426759 No.12426759 [Reply] [Original]

are doc martens in, out, timeless or terrible? personally I like them but I don't want to be the only person I know in combat boots because I'm a shameless normie. fwiw am girl

>> No.12426767

You're a girl so they're absolutely basic, you pretty much can't go wrong with 1460s.

>> No.12426767,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12426903

They're the boots for people who don't actually need boots (aka women) so go for it. Have no illusions about them being "combat boots" since the back/Achilles area is too straight, the toebox is too svelte in profile, and the soles are comically thicc to have the traditional lines of a combat boot.
Docs are essentially leather hi-tops.

>> No.12426907

Far too plasticy-feeling leather to call it leather.

>> No.12426908

I have docs but haven't won them in years. I like them though.

>> No.12426930
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>shameless normie
Docs are right up your alley

Like >>12426903 said they're not "real combat boots" but real combat boots are difficult to pull off even as a guy unless they're more dressy like pic related, in which case they're also more masculine and even harder to pull off as girl

>> No.12426935
File: 11 KB, 300x274, !!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a weird definition of "real" considering those haven't seen combat in probably 80 years. doc-style boots were actually "real" combat boots more recently than those were. pic related is real combat boots

>> No.12426965
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Those don't have enough ankle support nor the adequate lug to be combat boots of even ww1 vintage even with puttees as >>12426935
alluded to. Those are what are referred to as "engineer" boots

>> No.12426976

They're really not so difficult to pull off. Just loosen the laces a ways down.

>> No.12426980

They're not combat boots. And if they are, they're the most casual definition of them. Stop saying this.

They were made for postal workers and policemen, not infantry-men. Nowadays they're most popular with basic Tumblr-bitches and edgy preteens. Basically and alternative to Timbs at this point, their status has gone to shit.

>> No.12427000

Kind of the impression I got, not that I mind the whole "status" thing, really. I mean it's a minus but not a dealbreaker. Shit, I even have a pair of wheat Timbs, though they're uncomfortable on me and really just for snow.

I mostly asked this because I'm in pursuit of a good, versatile, genderless boot. You know, something I can wear equally well with 501s or a dress. Practicality is big for me though and Docs definitely aren't - it's just that the more useful alternatives tend to be very masc as people have pointed out. Bit of a lose-lose, really. At least Docs have a gender-neutral past to brag about.

>> No.12427026

Buy Solovairs. They're /fa/-approved, fully Made in England-alternative to Doc Martens. Their Derby-models look better than standard Docs (unless you get the MiE-model which is around 100-150$ more than the standard mode), you'll get plastic-y chink-made boots that'll last you 12 months tops) and they're higher quality. They don't have that obnoxious yellow-stitching either.

Boots like these look good though, I just consider the entire "DUDE SPIRIT OF BRITAIN LMAO"-marketing façade they put up and the """"reputation"""" just plain wrong. Even skinheads prefer more traditional and underground brands like Grinders, Boots & Braces and yes, Solovair aswell.

>> No.12427030

>They don't have that obnoxious yellow-stitching either.

The non-American solovair do, it's different in the USA because Dr Martens own a patent on yellow stitching there.

>> No.12427043

You can get them with white, black, or even rainbow stitching though. You just gotta order off eBay

>> No.12427102

>no yellow stitching

shit, that alone's enough to sell them! I'll definitely look into these, thanks for the rec

>> No.12427104

oh but yikes @ the skinhead shit/casual "chink" you dropped in there please keep that nonsense in pol thx

>> No.12427136

They're made in China. They're poor quality boots. That's what I was trying to convey.

And Doc Martens market their boots as then original skinhead-boots. They even sold a 6-eyed steel-toed boot that they marketed as "the weapon of choice for skinheads", and they plaster their adverts, commercials and promo-shit with the flag of Great Britain.

>> No.12427138
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Pic is for (You)
Nice trips

>> No.12427143

yikes really? wow. shows how much their image has changed. good to know this then

>> No.12427144
File: 40 KB, 480x360, 511466-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timbs are pretty shit, but I do kinda like their Earthkeepers

>> No.12427146
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Wa-hey, effay approved so you know they're quality.

>> No.12427148

Jesus Christ, they actually use THE BRITISH FLAG??? How racist. Brb, throwing my Docs away. Disgusting.

>> No.12427171

Fuck off you whore. Doc Martens are for, and always will be for, rebels or creative people. If you're nervous about wearing them then they're not for you. I think some uggs are more for basic bitches like you

>> No.12427179

Can anyone describe the difference in quality between Docs and Solovairs, beyond just
>Made in China
>Made in UK
Genuinely curious.

>> No.12427442

i'm asian-- its fine to say "chink" shit if its really chink shit. no need to police the board

>> No.12427474

>muh normies

Back to r9k faggot.

>> No.12427477

>If you're nervous about wearing them then they're not for you.
Cringe comment but this is actually good advice for anything, not just Docs.

>> No.12427478

>creative people
>doc martens

>> No.12427479

>They're /fa/-approved

Almost spit out my drink thanks for laugh m8. Good to know they'll be approved by a bunch of broke teenagers on an erotic Laotian Magna Doodle website's fashion board.

>> No.12427488

The materials used in solovair are infinitely better. You're getting decent leather, compared to that nasty plastic leather docs use now. Also when comparing the two boofs side by side, imo the solovairs look better overall. Alsoy solovairs are incredibly comfortable. They have their own sizing chart, so you have to measure your foot a few ways, but if you do it right you'll get the perfect fit. The new docs just look cheap and uncomfortable. If it says anything, my dad owned DMs from the 80s all the way till the production moved to china. He got a pair from there and threw them out in a month or two.

>> No.12427554

dont worry, docs are normie/basic, wearthem if you want

>> No.12427558
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worst b8 ever

>> No.12427567

they're edgy boots for people that are basic

>> No.12427574
File: 753 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170425-214929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which color would be better with black pants? I'm between top left and middle right

>> No.12427616
File: 178 KB, 1050x1400, picture_2794724mgv6o7jfsvqkhaqzj3sfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip /fa/...

>> No.12427821

ayy le mayo

>> No.12427837

I have top left, it's the most versatile.

>> No.12427848

Middle right or bottom left.

>> No.12427849

Terrible, except on women.

Doc martens aren't combat boots

Nor will they hold up in combat

>> No.12427855

One is hand made from leather and Goodyear welted.

The other is a cupsole with imitation good year welting thread for decoration (yellow) and vulcanized to a leatherette upper.

Doc martens in China go for roughly $55-89

Doc martens made in England attempt to compete with redwings, danger, chippwea and lower end Allen Edmonds

>> No.12427900

I judge the fuck out of girls that wear docs desu. lemme guess black lipstick, choker and acid wash denim to match?

>> No.12428101

Girl AND a fucking normie?
gee, what an unlikely combination.

how about stop being a rancid disgusting normo fuck and just wear the boots if you like them, you damn cattle/herdanimal.

>> No.12428106

He was literally just quoting the op

>> No.12428266
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>What the fuck did you just say about me you little shit? I'll have you know

>> No.12428640

nice butt.

>> No.12428652

this is a fucking guy isnt it

>> No.12428657
File: 218 KB, 900x902, fashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you goys hate jews here??

>> No.12428658

post brought to you by Butthurt Fuck-Ups, inc

>> No.12428869
File: 193 KB, 853x543, 1472275075715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but only because they are capitalist internationalists and must be purged

>> No.12429031

I cant tell if the "docs are racist because skinheads are racist" thing is a joke or not, the original skinheads who wore docs and made them popular were not racist that were just working class brits

>> No.12429061


Captoe shoes always end up being 10/10 in my opinion

>> No.12429096

docs have a bit of an 'autistic indie kid' reputation which always puts me off them, but as long as you're confident you're normie enough to not give that vibe you'll probably pull them off fine.

>> No.12429102

The only non-autistic post itt lmao

>> No.12429105


>> No.12429511
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>> No.12429517

So should I not wear doc martens as a guy?

What combat boots should i wear

>> No.12429537
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>So should I not wear doc martens as a guy?

>> No.12429560
File: 99 KB, 480x400, 1461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore all the meme posts
martens 1461 pw look great on men

>> No.12429570
File: 58 KB, 600x600, Pepedankmeems420blazeitohbabyatripledankaestheticafkeepit100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>martens 1461 pw look great on men
>calls others memes

>> No.12429646

You stupid frogposter

>> No.12430047
File: 24 KB, 400x400, mem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Combat boots i've seriously liked are the Austrian Meme boots. They're comfy, big, and easily accessible. Good moshing boots, and cheap

>> No.12430064


go back to leftbook you don't belong somewhere without trigger warnings

>> No.12430192

oh my god those soles make me want to vomit

>> No.12430231


>> No.12430237

stop being such a fag m8

>> No.12430489

Skinhead =/= neo nazi

>> No.12430889

Doc Martens aren't even combat boots.

>> No.12430905

My boots are steel toe and have more rubber on the bottom.

>> No.12431184
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What are the acceptable alternatives for male burgundy boots? Genuinely curious.

>> No.12431661

these look like shit
all black meme timbs look pretty nice tho

>> No.12431685

Hahaha while this is true Solovair doesn't seem flavor of the month like many fa trends

>> No.12431703

Wore those for two or three years. I don't like them desu. The soles are bad. Way too little grip on slippery ground. Also they are a bit expensive.

>> No.12431824
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate docs but i still want to fuck any girl wearing them. why is this?

>> No.12431927

Docs are not too bad for the price, 100€, I've seen sneakers go for more than that, and these are comfy, go with a lot of stuff, and you dont have to worry about them getting dirty or scuffed. Obv there are better options out there for a bit more money, but as a starter they are not bad at all

>> No.12431952


Lmao they're like 190€ in stores here. And no, getting them dirty will lead to nasty scuffs, holes and tears on the leather and all around a raggety appearance.

>> No.12431965

where the hell do you live? at that price they are not worth it at all

>> No.12431975

Popping in real quick to say that as a faggot, I give you permission to say "faggot"

Before OP can scold you too

>> No.12432043

Finland. Shit costs alot here. A new pair of Martens is usually like 150-200€ here, and usually our stores have this selection;

>8 eyelet, black/white/pink/green/cherry red
>3 eyelet, black/cherry red

And I think we have a few online-stores that sell stuff like the 1490s or 1919s, but even then a pair fo 1490s is like 185€ + shipping, in total around 200€. It's absurd, I copped my pair of 1490s in New York, costed about 120€ straight from a Doc Martens-store.

>> No.12432051
File: 125 KB, 720x900, 32493_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's add to this;

with 200€, you could easily order a pair of Solovairs, MiE-Docs or Corcorans or anything like that. We have this store, Varusteleka.fi that sells their own line of combat boots, they are handmade in Estonia and they're dang fine, pic related.

>> No.12432720

/fa/ doesn't work on flavor of the month. They're fixated for a long time on stale memes. Rick, tech ninja...

>> No.12433274

don't worry, i've given up, you, uh, you... niggerfaggot

>> No.12433277

They're timeless if you know when to wear them. Match them with an English mod/skinhead inspired outfit and you're cool. Otherwise they just look out of place. I wear them daily, with a fred perry and bleached jeans, also known as the average skinhead look.

>> No.12433572

Got any pics? Also, how can I go about making my own pair of bleach-stained jeans.

>> No.12433575

They're just black boots. Pretty inconspicuous. What so bad about them?

>> No.12433579

The fact that they're often used by tiny, loli-like goth girls that you just know give out that good succ?

Can't blame you tho.

>> No.12433769

Fuck off Plastic skinhead

1. Get jeans
2. Splash with bleach

Go for a skingirl sort of look, disavow your norminess

>> No.12433825

>timeless if you wear them at the right times

>> No.12433955

They made me want to puke but in real life they just look solid black. They only look like that in pictures cause of the white background, because they're a little bit see through.

>> No.12433979

Brand in pic?

>> No.12434729

china made docs are well made, but of hard plasticky poor quality leather - id never get em reolsed (though you could) - see them as an alternative to a pair of nikes, theyre actually cheaper than a decent pair of nikes/adidas

>> No.12435231

i think they are pretty timeless
sometime they go out of style, soemtimes in, but i mean, pretty classic. big, hard core boot is always a look that's gonna work in many cases.

>> No.12435257

I hate anyone that wears this garbage

Unless you're cute. But I'm guessing you aren't

>> No.12435325
File: 132 KB, 1400x870, fred-5068-450c_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out and terrible

>> No.12435387

oh but yikes @ your use of skinhead. As a skinhead myself, it offends me you used that term in such a derogatory manner. Please keep that nonsense on tumblr thx

>> No.12435442

>see them as an alternative to a pair of nikes

what the fuck are you even talking about