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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.37 MB, 2248x2997, bXztnQn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12410240 No.12410240 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to laugh at /mfa

>> No.12410245

its time to noose urself

>> No.12410247
File: 3.85 MB, 3174x4232, OACKNDY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guy in the photo

>> No.12410250

why do chubby people try to wear this stuff?

>> No.12410255


I reckon I could make this guy cry in less than 4 minutes.

>> No.12410260

good fits tho

>> No.12410263

For real it just looks pathetic

He's that self-absorbed, puts that much work into his wardrobe but can't be bothered to just eat at a deficit for a month or two

One of the worst kinds of people

>> No.12410278

Is he actually chubby!m? Legs seem to be pretty slim. It's good fits, not extravagant, but colors work, stuff works together and it fits him well.

>> No.12410291

Damn, projecting much?
Honestly only thing objectively wrong with the fit in the OP is the shirt (shoes are arguable, same with the jacket.). He's only slightly pear shaped, month of deficit would make him look much better tho.

>> No.12410305

>He's only slightly pear shaped, month of deficit would make him look much better tho.
That's what I just said you fucking retard; how little work he needs to deficit yet he doesnt and instead puts a bunch of thought into being ""effay"" making cool, aesthetic poses is one of the most pathetic things there is

Looks like a tool

>> No.12410307
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That tiny baby hand though

>> No.12410308

i swear this is actually him and he made this thread to get attention

>> No.12410312

i wanna be ryan gosling so bad - the fit

>> No.12410315

>t. /mfa active user
Kek gtfo fagget

>> No.12410320
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 1492364914432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mean idea for a thread, OP

>> No.12410366

Guy looks like he browses r/athiesm every day but his fits are okay

>> No.12410369

Sickening suit m'lord

>> No.12410376

Wow what a fucking badass! does your mom know youre on the internet

>> No.12410382

neither of these are that bad, not great but better than the majority of people dress easily

stop gimping out

>> No.12410391
File: 769 KB, 958x651, haley-joel-osment-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chubby face, slim legs
Did you call me?

>> No.12410392

1st would look better with different undershirt.

>> No.12410396

Yer wohrdrovbe is ON-POINT!
>Look at me mom, I can /fa/, I said a memesy.

>> No.12410462
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dont make fun of other ppl or my gang will beat u up OP

>> No.12410511

>Rick squad

>> No.12410685

>This is what rick fits look like irl

Wow... This really made me think...

>> No.12410690

never go fully tricky ricky

>> No.12410691

on short fat gooks ye

>> No.12410695

All his fits would look good if he wasn't an incel

Proof that ugly people can't be fashionable

>> No.12410700


These those goth gook manlets cosplaying I keep hearing about?

>> No.12411110

joy lane pt2 coming soon

>> No.12412193


>> No.12412352

this board isn't any better, though.

>> No.12412355

nah nigga, on everyone b. fuck outta here

>> No.12412569
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>> No.12412575

lookin' stage ready my man
dont let these cookie cutters get you down

>> No.12412593


Nothing wrong with this. Jacket and the shirt under it could fit better. I think his face looks weird paired with the haircut and glasses. This is what actually ruins the fit the most.

>> No.12412639

The Mighty Mighty Bossstones core

>> No.12412656

Why did these fucking street wear cuccs have to ruin stone island :'(

>> No.12412843

Is it possible to be /fit/ and effay?
Because this makes me extremely uncomfortable

what a shit normie chad shit is this

>> No.12412846

Chavs already ruined stone island.

>> No.12412847

Manlet kek

>> No.12412895

they spent so much money to look like this

>> No.12412901

They all look fine besides the fat one. At least they have friends and a hobby.

>> No.12413880

Chavs made stone island what it was

>> No.12413883

this is better than anything waywts recently
the matching suede boots/jacket is bit tacky I must admit

>> No.12413896

Fit yes, swole no. Otter is the one true path for /fit/fa/

>> No.12413906

He looks like a cool guy tho :(

>> No.12413972

yeezys ruin everything, everytime

It would've looked fairly normal but the fact that you threw another grand into the mix just makes it disasterous

>> No.12414016

He looks funny because his legs are incredibly short, not because he's /fit

>> No.12414018

Fun fact: most people have short legs. Especially the little near-underage /fa/ggots.

OP just chose retardedly ugly mismatched jeans wash.

>> No.12414024

also his physique is disgusting and pitiful.

>> No.12414031


his face, hair, glasses make it so much worse.

just simply cover that up with your hand, and it immediately looks a bit better.

>> No.12414034


>> No.12414053

Disregarding the often cliche outfits, most of mfa dresses/presents themselves better than the socially and fashionable incompetent /fa/ poster

>> No.12414056

found the cross posters

>> No.12414057

Kek get the fuck out of my board faggot

>> No.12414440

literally not even that bad, he just needs to lose some weight, correct his posture and not pose like a retard

>> No.12414463



>> No.12414464
File: 167 KB, 509x518, 1417730385162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it, you /fa/ggots just hate what you perceive as mainstream or pedestrian out of spite.

You laugh at /mfa to better yourself and help establish the fantasy that you're somehow a cut above them in the fashion game when all you really are doing is circlejerking over longass sweaters, jackets, skinny jeans, and military boots.

Miss me with that 'holier than thou' bullshit.

>> No.12414496

Would be pretty good if he got into better shape. Sorta looks like michael pitt.

>> No.12414513
File: 630 KB, 2448x3264, QvIEjyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12414519

Is that you? That's not even the worst thing on streetwear, that's just a random picture of some dude.

>> No.12414523

Do we even have the right to laugh at them anymore?

We lack the community that actually followed high fashion closely, so we don't even have that to back our lofty position of self-righteousness.

This place is full of hype fuccbois now.

>> No.12414528

>right to laugh at them

>> No.12414535
File: 67 KB, 1440x1440, 41aYfi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall just picky

it looks good, if he changes the shirt and doesn't wear matching jacket boots it would be even better
I mean his pose is weird but /fa/ is the last place that should criticize that

the scarf looks stupid but everything else is fine as I said above

yeah they look weird, but they're teenagers, I dare you to post what you wore as a teen

yeezy's don't fit I agree

rest is fine, he was probably just showing off anyway

in 2-3 weeks max he'll realize those shoes don't fit and the jeans are too loud and he'll change them, nothing wrong with that

>> No.12414538

>high fashion

You can know all there is to know about Bugattis but that doesn't mean you can laugh at a guy driving a new Ford when you're driving a 30 year old Toyota.

>> No.12414579

>Do we even have the right to laugh at them anymore?

this is 4chin mate, we'll laugh at whatever the fuck we want

go back to mfa

>> No.12414631
File: 51 KB, 480x720, maxresdefault1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason Genova
The Man, The Myth, The Legend

>> No.12414745

Lel they all look like absolute shit.
>be short
>still wear stuff that fucks up your proportions even more

>> No.12414788


>> No.12414819

holy shit somebody with common sense!

>> No.12415555

How long do you think this nu male had to travel to find a barn to pose next to?
Must have been a long bus ride

>> No.12415771

Crop the guys head off. It suddenly looks so much bettter lmao

>> No.12415791

I don't really get the hate for /mfa now, especially the WAYWT of now are literally the same.

The quality of the WAYWT has gone down so hard over the past couple months.

>> No.12415794
File: 30 KB, 662x218, redditbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try reddit

>> No.12415819

The amount of people defending this fucking faggot is insane.

Look at his horrible chin. His ugly mouth. His tiny baby hands. His chubbiness. His pube beard.

He's pure genetic trash. Do you think women like his fashion sense? They don't.

>> No.12415853
File: 35 KB, 500x704, 1481255885511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, guys, i look chubby like him.
how much deficit is enough deficit?
i want to be sexy...
but i also want beer!

>> No.12415862

i want him as the next bond villain

>> No.12416034

I just see a /fit/ normie
>that fucked gait

>> No.12416052

>the fat one

hahahahaha he looks like an asian cee lo green

>> No.12416058


This outfit is good. Shave off that nasty neck beard. Why do people keep growing that shit out? No man has ever looked good with hair on his neck.

>> No.12416059

I didn't know that the ghost in the shell movie was a documentary

>> No.12416061

I used to dress like that (-leather jacket) and they do

>> No.12416065

Then what's stopping you from getting the fuck out of here?

>> No.12416069

- leather jacket meaning I would never wear a leather jacket or a rider style jacket

>> No.12416073

>in denial

Not him but I only come here when I get bored

>> No.12416092

Literally the dude that always post
And has no sense of fashion. Time to hang yourself mfa scum

>> No.12416103

I've been here longer than you bud :)

>> No.12416139

>b-but I-I've been here longer t-than you
I appreciate the good keks thank you sir

>> No.12416185

hahaha found the leglet

>> No.12416188

Sorry bud, but screaming reddit every time someone disagrees with you isn't going to do anything. Maybe you should solve your insecurities before posting again. I bet you wear reeboks lmfao

>> No.12416560


>> No.12417643

where can someone even buy something like that

>> No.12417701
File: 85 KB, 843x843, 10866246_1464483290456948_8176009193801686713_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It piss

>> No.12417727
File: 43 KB, 600x326, full rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw will never have a cenobite as a member of my squad

>> No.12418137

How can a vendor sell shit like this to a person and still have a good conscience?

>> No.12418292
File: 25 KB, 400x400, IMG_7431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12418299

You forgot his pear shaped body

>> No.12418307

>not full of ass burgers

>> No.12418316

Everything posted so far is better than half of the shit posted in WAYWT threads.

>> No.12418344
File: 11 KB, 319x108, red-carpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12418369

Always keep the fifth button opened

>> No.12418372

kekd vehemently.