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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 1117x869, felix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12396292 No.12396292 [Reply] [Original]

Are pewdiepie and his closet /fa/?


I feel like he is.

>> No.12396295

>watch video
>click on /fa/ to see if there is a thread
Welp, I ain't suprised

He has some good stuff, other stuff is abit shit like that 800 pound jacket. But for a Youtuber, that's pretty good.

>> No.12396303

He's in the beginner stages of fashion but he's improving quicker than most.

>> No.12396307

What a fucking tryhard

>> No.12396311

The cuck closet

>> No.12396321

he goes on gif for his ylyl videos, so probably does use fa

>> No.12396337

yes relatively

>> No.12396342


Gif is cuck central

And no this guy isn't effay he's a fashion victim

>> No.12396365

he's good looking, famous and rich

and he cares just enough about clothes to be /fa/ imo

>> No.12396414

He already have the aprooff of pol, gif, wsg, lit, a, vg... and now fa.
What is he END GAME!?!?!?

>> No.12396455

buying 4chan

>> No.12396482

fucking kek
I'm sure your wardrobe is lot better right?

>> No.12396521

Whut, that Undercover jacket was really sick.
Ofc, not really worth it, but still why is it "shit"?

It has well made embroideries, it's not the usual dragon, tiger or whatever on it.
It's way more playful with the sukajan concept.
The jacket drapes really well, I mean, look how smooth it is.
The creamy beige inside is also very appealing.

>beginner stages
Do you get a skillcape when you reach 99 in fashion

I would say Pewdiepie has his own style.
It's like he says, it's a combination of Japan, Sweden, tattoos etc.
I mean the clothes fit him pretty well, and when it's oversized it's oversized in a good way.
So he wears the clothing "right".
Other than that, he's not wearing something conceptually interesting, which was like expected.

>> No.12396608

From what video?

>> No.12396611


>> No.12396612

>conceptually interesting
the fuck does this even mean

>> No.12396633
File: 431 KB, 802x430, marzia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His gf is really /fa/, maybe she teaches him

>> No.12396637

I like that even though he is a multi-millionaire the most expensive thing in his wardrobe is an £800 jacket. Yet all you neet virgins spend your monthly neetbux on Rick Owens shit

>> No.12396640

anything that has a defined sense of personality to it

it's just milquetoast teenage streetwear circa 2015 as far as the eye can see

>> No.12396655

Yeah, he names it in the video.

>> No.12396679

Pls buy 4chan pewds

>> No.12396683

thumbnail made me think that he has no hands

>> No.12396687

jesus its all shit wtf is wrong with people

>> No.12396703

>sense of personality
you are just throwing buzzwords around that can't be defined
maybe shut the fuck up and think what you type

>> No.12396866

Yeah. I love his lighthouse shirt. Fucking sucks that it is sold out

>> No.12396890


>> No.12396978

fuck he's so tall and looks so good

>> No.12396999

some of those pieces are dope af tbqh famalampai

id defos cop the undercover jacket and soo much of the other stuff a lot of the japan stuff is lit 8D

>> No.12397009


He's 5'9 and the celeb stats are always an inch or so higher than actual height

That's manlet status, he's just skinny as fuck too

>> No.12397035

I mean that it has some interesting concept behind the collection.
Let's look at supreme. Does it have any interesting concept? Well depends, but I'll argue that it has not.
I would say that the concept behind supreme is hip-skateboard style, in simplified terms.
Is that interesting? Not that much, there are so many other skateboard concepts so it's not unique or new in any way.
Note that I'm not arguing whether the clothes are appealing or not, just about the concept.

Let's look at Margiela.
They both play around deconstruction, which was pretty unusual at it's time.
Margiela is also about anonymity and things related to that.
But are Margiela's clothes super duper innovative in a appealing way? No, not always.
But that doesn't matter as much, because Margiela's clothes is not only about how visually appealing it is, but also about it's concept behind the clothes to why they are made that way.

Do you disagree with anything? Does that answer your question?

>> No.12397037
File: 188 KB, 1433x1077, 1488408827466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marzia will never film you and your wardrobe

>> No.12397133
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>> No.12397140

and you decide what's 'interesting concept'?

>> No.12397146

pewdiepie should get himself tiger print gorka pants

>> No.12397148

>Margiela is also about anonymity and things related to that.
damn dude...
you like... know about like fashion... and interesting concepts...and deconstruction...woah so this is fashion

>> No.12397149

That's fucking easy if you are rich as fuck

>> No.12397170

These clothes... Looks like they would only looks great in a white person. Am I right?

>> No.12397224

Fashion is subjective.
I decide what's interesting for me, I can't decide for you ofc or anyone else.

I don't get what you're getting at.
If you think I'm pretentious, wrong, or inexperienced about fashion, then say it.
I don't claim to be a fashion expert or anything like that. I'm just saying what I have read and thought about.
So care to explain what you're point is, because I'm not getting it. Or don't explain, your choice.

>> No.12397228

>I'm just saying what I have read and thought about.
Trust me, it shows

>> No.12397262

you're just being a cunt now though, you didn't respond to his question

>> No.12397267

he looks like he listened to lil peep once

>> No.12397282

No it's all just literally "expensive", and expensive, shit.

>> No.12397290

Into your own threads, please

>> No.12397292


wasting that roll on that stupid fuckign post


>> No.12397295

I think he listened to lil peep more than once

>> No.12397339


no and whoever thinks so and makes these threads is fucking retarded I am so mad

>> No.12397388

he definitely comes here

>> No.12397397


>> No.12397461

I found the doomsday clothes really cheap, compared to other brands

>> No.12397464

Why this guy is so pretty?

Its natural or he have some /fa/ team that tell him what do do?

>> No.12397475

I think it's his Swedish genetics. I don't play video games but I like some of his videos, he seems pretty down-to-earth for being rich as fuck

>> No.12397480

Honestly I agree he has some pretty good stuff.

>> No.12397733

i would not be opposed to this

>> No.12397848

since when does /fa/ approve graphic t shirts and sweatshirts

>> No.12397856

pewdiepie is literally a manlet. seen him in person he's definitely 5'9

he just wears fitting clothes. most manlets don't, which is their demise

>> No.12397880

Seriously, /fa/ is overrun with teenages who came here for streetwear.
Fuck off with your shitty youtubers.

>> No.12397882

>be multimillionaire internet celebrity
>still do plugs to get free shit that's cheap as hell to begin with

fucking pewds

>> No.12397885

yeah fuck
>muh import taxes

>> No.12397895
File: 49 KB, 1386x1385, 1473196023164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every man has the obligation to be upset about taxes, it doesn't matter how much money you have someone stealing it from you is still wrong

>> No.12397923

do u like infrastructure? police? military? national parks? rivers/lakes that aren't 99% chemical runoff? education in any capacity?
the only thing even somewhat mitigating unbridled capitalist exploitation?

mate. society necessitates taxes. you can dream about a world where everyone lives in little self-sustained organic farming towns but that's never going to happen

>> No.12397928
File: 351 KB, 2560x1440, Felix Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the video and I need that bag does anyone know what version of the PORTER BAG it is? I will legit PP someone $10 if they can figure out what type of bag it is.

>> No.12397932

>unbridled capitalist exploitation

it's literally responsible for everything you have. show some fucking respect

>> No.12397937


>> No.12397959

>thinking we wouldn't have iphones and this diversity of streetwear if the means of production were controlled by the workers

im not thanking capitalism for shit m8

correct kinda

>> No.12397963

can't help you and even if i could i wouldn't accept the pp

but it's probably out of stock. the closest thing i see is this (which i think is cooler): http://store.headporter.co.jp/en/products/detail.php?product_id=24

he probably got that exact model when he was in japan.

>> No.12397964


we wouldn't have a functioning society if the means of production were controlled by uneducated undisciplined workers. you can forget about clothes and iphones

>> No.12397967


move to Venezuela pham

>> No.12397970

conjecture; but if you're the same anon as before it's literally brain-dead to say taxes are stealing but complain about not having a functioning society if the means of production were shifted

>> No.12397979


show me a functioning society, past or present, in which the workers control the means of production.

taxation is theft if the revenues from taxation are not being used in the collective social interest

>> No.12397982
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1491037708213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that pink

There is no hope for him

>> No.12397995
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, Sling+Product+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I like the looks of that too I think it might be an update of the one he is looking at, I have a KP sling but it's just a little bit small. I carry a bunch of crap around a decent shoulder bag is killer I wonder if they ship to Australia.

>> No.12398208

he looks like a clean and presentable version of lil peep

>> No.12398210

>literally the hottest meme color among normies right now
it would be surprising he didn't have anything pink right now

>> No.12398227

exactly. because there's never been a single society where workers controlled the means of production, saying it won't work is entirely conjecture. it's not that it hasn't existed because it can't work, especially because marx never intended for a society like that to just spontaneously form. it's through capitalism where he brought in the ideas of dialectical materialism and the transition state.

and i agree to some extent wit the other thing. in america taxes go to a retardedly massive defense budget, but simply calling taxation theft is just a brain-dead-tier opinion. wherever there is a collection, there's a "collective social interest" and subsequently a need for taxes.

>> No.12398231

i imagine; they have a really nice website and it's entirely in english in spite of the japanese web address

godspeed anon

>> No.12398243

if you can id the watch of pewdiepie you get an icecream

>> No.12398258

i feel like the stussy thing is a good 5/6 years late especially for someone who is loaded and could get all his clothes for free

>> No.12398266

doesnt use /wsg/? what a madman

>> No.12398301
File: 76 KB, 1200x634, ClYRZKzVEAkAejT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot /mu/

>> No.12398320

>wsg music threads
>/wsg/ threads
>contagious laughter threads

fuckin board kino

>> No.12398330


>> No.12398336
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurruedurrrrrr dis mah closet im a degenerate
>ironic hipster maymay XD

I hope he dies

>> No.12398348

oh no what terrible fate.
how will you ever recover?

that cunt even made fun of him for collecting watches. fuck her.

>> No.12398349

>hurrrrrr durrrrrrrr meme
>calls out other people for shit memes

>> No.12398397

the head porter bag and black sweater with white paint are his best items

>> No.12398404

the john undercover jacket is pretty cool honoestly

>> No.12398503

>a combination of Japan, Sweden, tattoos etc
That's disgusting

>> No.12398506

well he's from sweden .. and tattoos really only refers to the designs on the shirts..

you can call the japan disgusting but katakana/hiragana are legit beautiful looking alphabets. same for korean

>> No.12398555

his hair look dope

>> No.12398556

>but katakana/hiragana are legit beautiful looking alphabets. same for korean
ching chong ping pong

>> No.12398557

I genuinely couldn't think of a more entry level description of an aesthetic

>> No.12398562

The important thing is you found a way to feel superior to someone

>> No.12399010

Can anyone ID the black and white sweatshirt he got in LA?

>> No.12399181

He was on /b/ in one of his YLYL videos. Id say he does visit 4chan.

>> No.12399192

definitely not /g/

>> No.12399202

go away pewdiepie

>> No.12399212

>ywn make millions shitposting on YouTube