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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 69 KB, 1024x576, _89882570_muhammadali_getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12388922 No.12388922 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most effay sport?

>> No.12388976
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this may have been true before people started wearing comically huge shorts slathered in ads.

tennis gets my vote. the movement is balletic.

second choice would be ski jumping.

third choice would be polo.

>> No.12389002

Is sucking dick a sport?

>> No.12389096

tennis for whites

hoop for blacks

baseball for the rest

>> No.12389104
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Old-school boxing is definitely up there, but Jai Alai takes the cake

>> No.12389115
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I mean look at this

>> No.12389118
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>> No.12389119
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It's nearly inhuman looking

>> No.12389127

>blacksgetball, sport of the urban poor
Is riding the Metro line in Los Angeles /fa/ too?

>> No.12389130
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Can you consider ballet a sport?

>> No.12389131

No, dumbass

Take a lap

>> No.12389143
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The Hunger Games

>> No.12389144
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but it's epitome of effay tho

>> No.12389176
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it's effay, but it's not a sport.

>> No.12389248

Have you even watched basketball? There is a grace to it and it doesn't often stop play. A good basketball shot has the same level of form as a golf swing or a tennis serve but with a motherfucker putting a hand in your face

>> No.12389251
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table tennis, what else

>> No.12389272
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Sounds like a milder volleyball where ball is allowed to be held and to touch the ground

>> No.12389279


>> No.12389284

savate is savage

>> No.12389296
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agree, but the number of people on the court and constant cutting etc doesn't have much aesthetic appeal. individual parts of every sport are beautiful. the foot movement of a fatass football offensive lineman is beautiful if isolated in slow motion. and every sport has beautiful moments when frozen in a photograph. but it's hard to find many of them beautiful in real time.

plays in sports that loosen the defense enough to penetrate are beautiful to watch, but that's a tactical beauty more than a physical one.

>> No.12389406
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>> No.12389409
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>> No.12389413
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>> No.12389417
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>> No.12389423
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>> No.12389432
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>> No.12389441

if ballet is a sport its hands down the most effay

>> No.12389463
File: 166 KB, 1024x1001, tennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12389489

What is up with you faggots glorifying retarded, obscure sports? Literally any sport is /fa/ assuming you're actually passionate and good at it

>> No.12389495

Yeah except volleyball is for fags

>> No.12389500
File: 308 KB, 1163x1400, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making the best of a mediocre thread on a shitty board. what's up with you not contributing anything but your unhappiness

>> No.12389557

whatever you're good at

>> No.12389609
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>> No.12389713
File: 317 KB, 1200x799, nina-williams-bouldering-in-bishop-93-1447364481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily Bouldering

>> No.12389830
File: 142 KB, 856x593, Mensur 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

academic fencing, mensur

tfw this is not a thing where im from

>> No.12389862

yes, hitting the public courts and showing the plebs how you play the sport beautifully is as good a feeling as people admiring your fits.

>> No.12389872

This guy knows it.

>> No.12389886

>Polo not the most /fa/ sport


>> No.12389910
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>implying contemporary /fa/ isn't modeled completely after the urban poor

>> No.12389915

None. No extensive physical exertion is /fa/. This whole obsession with image is even less /fa/ though so I don't even see a point in caring.

>> No.12389916

She's scary slim.

>> No.12389927

Hoops is just the most effay sport. Period.

>> No.12389940

t. Hood rat

>> No.12389949
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>> No.12389976
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>> No.12389982
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How is this even a question?

>> No.12390013
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not even close

>> No.12390236

Grace and aesthetics anon. Being sedentary is in no way aesthetic its called being a slob or neet neith of which will ever be fashionable or /fa/

>> No.12390442
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>> No.12390486

hockey is one of the least fa sports

>> No.12390494


nice aesthetics on a macro scale, but entirely too many fatasses play, and way too many players look like fucking slobs. if they executed everyone over 180 lbs and made high socks and stirrups mandatory, you'd be on the right track.

you post the least aesthetic rider with the least aesthetic style to make this argument? there are some effay things (the environments/architecture, the leader jerseys, some team kits, the drug use) but pissing on the side of the road isn't effay.

surprised no one has mentioned auto racing. but also not surprised because it's not a sport. and also because like boxing it was infinitely more effay 50 years ago.

>> No.12390756


>> No.12390783

it's boxing


>> No.12390794


>> No.12391163
File: 11 KB, 350x277, poseexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic pugilism, though anything the aristocracy partakes of could work. Shooting, skiing, mountaineering, etc.

>> No.12391190


>> No.12391192

>Implying sabre takes any grace

Foil is the only path

>> No.12391234

This thread is pretty embarrassing since the hardest sport most of the cringy faggots have done is probably vaping. Most sports can be 'fa' it all depends on the individual and their styles.

>> No.12391269

We are judging the aesthetics not the participation you slow cunt

>> No.12391319

How the fuck does that make sense anyway. You can't judge a sport's "aesthetic" you dumbfuck, since everyone will look different doing it. You can strap a midget with fencing gear or boxing gloves/you can watch a fatass in walmart outfit play tennis and it'd probably change your perception of the sport's "aesthetics" god you're fucking dumb.

>> No.12391324

fencing is obviously the most /fa/

>> No.12391329


>> No.12391475

anyone who disagrees needs to read "the outsider"

>> No.12391514

>but if retards are doing the sport it's not aesthetic anymore, checkmate

You need to spend more time in museums and less time online.

>> No.12391533

Cycling. It makes you lean, and the scars you get from crashing will look good.
However, looking like an idiot while on the bike is absolutely mandatory.

>> No.12391539


>> No.12391554
File: 179 KB, 501x301, clay_pigeon_shooting_lessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fencing, boxing, tennis, table tennis, archery, karate, shooting sports, street racing, horse racing.

Most individual sports where you can show off your grace and skills are fa. Most team sports ie basketball, soccer, american football are overly masculine sports that only attracts fat, aggressive negroes, lowlife south americans and caveman douchebags who only listen to alpha m and Gavin Mccines on how to be a real man.

>> No.12391563

Soccer or tennis

>> No.12391702
File: 164 KB, 1200x630, bs_smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only answer

>> No.12391706

>tfw when /ourguy/ is kill
hold me brehs

>> No.12392001

>No extensive physical exertion is /fa/.

You're missing out a whole dimension of aesthetics if you fail to take into account movement

>> No.12392003


And this is probably the best example of someone who moves (moved :( ) with incredible style

>> No.12392006


>> No.12392019

chess, climbing and golf

>> No.12392265

In the sense that this board uses effay, either tennis or cycling. These two generally are portrait as sports for high society. Also when you search for sports painting you find that 99% of are about tennis.

>> No.12392325

While I'll admit there is definitely a grace to it, its also a very mainstream, highly physical, large team sport. Hockey is kind of the same way, the players can move very gracefully and fluidly but big sports arenas don't really scream /fa/.

>> No.12392329
File: 46 KB, 597x455, DmC Racing Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392332
