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/fa/ - Fashion

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12385534 No.12385534 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12386803
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Opinions on this tie?

>> No.12386809
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How do I take good care of my loafers? Also how to make em shine?

>> No.12386852
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God I wish that ivies stopped doing "holistic admissions." I just wanna talk smart things with some upper crust white dudes who do shit, not listen to gooks struggle through giving a statistics thesis or a bunch of niggers wail about social justice while struggling through an american studies major. Not to mention such cucked white kids that any proposed business start up they come up with has some sort of charity blended into it.

America sucks, but every other countries sucks more. I'm glad I did research on my schools a bit and actually visited.

>> No.12387411

where do you go to school?

>> No.12387413

that outfit is cute until you get to the knees

>> No.12387510

>how to make em shine?
You... shine them... ?

>> No.12387520

What brand sells the best penny loafers???

>> No.12387554

My dad is a police officer. Can I be preppy or not enuf money?

>> No.12387626

the problem with dressing preppy is that people are automatically going to assume ur parents are rich. Buying an oxford, short shorts, and boat shoes isn't that expensive, but frat cucks and dads have really tarnished the aesthetic. I recommend buying something like penny loafers to really differentiate yourself from every other normie out there.

>> No.12387675

Its between Vanderbilt and Virginia. Any advice?

>> No.12387720

Sounds like an ivy-reject

-your neighborhood ivy graduste

>> No.12387761

Is University of Toronto equal to the lower tier ivys?

>> No.12388019

Prep is dead.

>> No.12388041


>> No.12388045

Good thread

>> No.12388058
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>Trad General

>> No.12388094

Unless it's representing a school or club you're actually associated with, it's try hard trash.
Even if it does represent one of those things it's only acceptable in certain situations

>> No.12388400

I'm going to be Vandy 2021. I'd recommend going there. Post something in the accepted students FB page ending in two periods I will message you

>> No.12388430
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reminder that this is the most /fa/ school

>> No.12388765

fuk u budeh

>> No.12389372
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Opinions on this jacket? I love the color and details, but it's fused..

When it goes on sale it will be ~$400-500, do you think it's worth a cop?

>> No.12389476

Lol I dont want to meet some faggot off of fourchan.

>> No.12389488

Best HS in our state. Our valedictorian is going to Michigan State. Last years went to the big public university in state and is getting paid to go to shool. Only minorities and liberal potheads wanna go to the ivies or Cali schools. I had a 34 ACT and more extracurriculars than I could list, didnt even apply to Ivies you fucking mung - only didnt get into UChicago (waitlist gang)

>> No.12389499

sounds like ur poor kek

>> No.12389554

ID on jacket?

>> No.12389579

I'm UVA 2020. Sounds like you wouldn't have fun here
There isn't much "upper-crust" here, just nu-frat boys and basic liberal girls. Also TONS of chinese foreign students. I hang out with the WXTJ crowd and they are cool, I would recommend joining some sort of club so you don't have to hang out with the masses if you come here.

Great school though, I can say that the pros outweigh the cons for me.

>> No.12389586

meant to quote

>> No.12389615

Wait, so are you actually implying that the "holistic admissions" of Ivies have allowed "gooks" and "niggers" in at YOUR expense? Wrong, you're just an average dude.

You realize Ivies put quotas on the number of "gooks" they let in because if it were a complete free for all with no quotas the entire student body would filled with Chinese who were doing linear algebra and differential equations in fucking Honorable Chairman Mao middle school while you were eating Doritos and jacking off.

>not listen to gooks struggle through giving a statistics thesis

>struggling with statistics

What planet do you come from where gooks struggle with math and stats?

Ivies are filled with Pajeets and Chinks who are waaaay better than you, bro. Sorry about that "muh white race" delusion though. Better luck next time.

Two groups benefit from "holistic" admissions standards at Ivies:

>blacks (and Hispanics)
This is true. But their percentage at Ivies is still quite small, well below their numbers as percent of population. True, most blacks in Ivies would not be there without AA, they're pretty average but even so none of them are idiots. It's not Tyrone and Laqueesha...

The immigrants blacks at Ivies like from Nigeria and Cameroon, are as bright as the next person there (and do NOT benefit from relaxed standards).

>upper crust white dudes
Holy shit. They're all "legacy" my-granddad-and-mom-went-to-Harvard babbies. Hilarious you decry "holistic" admissions and then turn around and praise a huge group that benefits from it. Daddy-made-a-donation white guys are probably the biggest admissions hacks babbies at Ivies because I can tell you these dudes outnumber black students like 5 to 1 easy.

Fucking clueless. I can tell you with confidence that "holistic admissions" or whatever the fuck is NOT the reason you didn't get into an Ivy, clearly.

t. Columbia '11

>> No.12389794

Didnt apply to ivies read the rest of the thread you fucking idiot. Rice, Vanderbilt, UVA, UNC,and USC were all acceptances. I was saying that ESL gooks are bad at speaking and PRESENTING a thesis you fucking no reading comprehension idiot.
The native africans are shit, I have two in my stats class right now and they both fucking cheat and constantly beg to borrow homework.
Niggers are 100% affirmative action. I know a girl with a 23 ACT and got a FULL RIDE out of state to UVA, from Atlanta. Her name was Tamiqa you dumbass.
You allegedly went to Columbia, and are without a doubt the exact stereotype of the liberal faggot I ragged on in my OP. You're talking out of your ass and not addressing the shit I brought up.
I respect Hispanics though. They work hard as fuck throughout their affirmative action. I know a girl at Stanford who works 30 hours a week at a hospital while still going to med school.
Fuck you for trying to pull bullshit out of your ass, faggot cole burner.

>> No.12389843

>cole burner.
not him but "Coal"

>> No.12389856

>going to ivies makes you a liberal faggot
lmao nowonder you didnt get accepted

>> No.12389860

he's not completely wrong though, a bit sour? probably, but most colleges lean left now, The difference is really just a matter of how hard they lean.

>> No.12389863

University of Toronto is above any Ivy-league school lol. Americans are retards. I couldn't get into U of T medicine with a 4.1 gpa and 2100 volunteer hours. MCAT was 516. Get a fucking clue, dummy. US private schools are pay-your-way. Also, their undergrad curriculum is remedial compared to Canadian universities. We had a transfer student from U of Chicago when I was in second year undergrad, and he flunked all of his classes. kid had a 3.6 at U of Chicago.

>> No.12389871
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frenchie here,always wondered, are the usa's ivy schools the same thing as our CPGE here

>> No.12389873


>> No.12389883

What are you, like 12? I'm talking about academic rigor, not endowment and cafeteria food.

>> No.12389902

harvard and columbia are both much better than university of toronto by basically any metric idk wtf you're on lmfao. You're main argument is that because you didn't get in, it's an amazing school. Do you know how fucking delusional that sounds?

>> No.12389907

You're also discounting the same source that U Toronto uses to compare itself to other universities but yea you're right

>> No.12389923

I went to U of T for undergraduate... It's beyond first-rate. I've seen the curriculum at US schools. Discounting Caltech and MIT, they're all very top-shelf diploma mills. I also wrote the SAT in high school, and it was a joke compared to the IB exams i took that same year. Tertiary education in the US is very accommodating, and not nearly as competitive as in Canada. We have maybe one or two major universities per province, and tens of thousands of brilliant students competing for maybe 1/100th of the number of seats that would be available to them in the US.

>> No.12389947
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unironically this, legacy is by far the worst

the internationals I know at my uni (not Ivy, but roughly the same name recognition) are much smarter than the rich white kids 90% of the time and have better personalities (with the exception of east asians who seem to lack social skills outside of their language)

lmao blacks are not 100% AA, smartest fucking person I've ever met was a black kid who now goes to Princeton, far more impressive than the average ivy kid

straight up delusional, shows how much you know about the US education system. UoT is on a similar level to top tier schools like HYPMS but nothing more, US top schools tend to have more funding as well so your superiority complex is a meme

UofC isn't even an Ivy btw, and undergrad difficulty is entirely dependent on the students ambition, the major/program, and how far into the degree they've gotten (first year or so is basically designated for making social connections, helps more later in your career than a heavy freshmen courseload tbqh). A kid doing a fine arts major at a LAC will have a stupidly easy courseload while someone doing EECS at berkeley will have a very difficult courseload. I can guarantee you the UoC kid flunked from his own faults, not the US education system.

>> No.12389969

Whatever. All I'm saying is that due to the very low university:student ratio in Canada, universities like UofT attract incredible minds. Also, almost all of our universities are public, and because of this, they don't pump up averages, unlike schools like Harvard.

>> No.12389972


>> No.12390021
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I really don't see what you are getting at, pretty much all information needed for any normal undergraduate degree is freely available online and there are in fact a lot of unis in the US with rigorous undergraduate degrees (mostly STEM) but ultimately no one cares how difficult your second year physics course was since it is still basic as hell and could be learned on your own without the help of a prestigious university. US universities continue to put out loads of world-class research from the undergraduate level so we clearly are not neglecting our students

SAT is literally meant to be for the average student and is only used as a basic qualification for top tier school applications, I thought it was
a joke as well as does any academically focused students, and IB exams aren't particularly impressive either and can be taken in the US as well. Academic merit of students at top US universities is measured by things like published research, completed coursework (believe it or not you can go past the minimum US degree requirements, wow, who would have thought), accomplishments in extra-curriculars where knowledge was applied, relevant work experience, etc...

US universities are less competitive (if that's even true at the top level) since we have a higher number of high-quality universities. In Canada you are competing over who gets to go to the universities with good resources while in the US our universities are so well equipped we don't have to worry about that, this is entirely a Canadian disadvantage that suggests nothing negative of the US. More students in the US are offered more opportunities, this is purely a benefit

>> No.12390044
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fair enough, although it isn't as if incredible US minds disappear due to slightly less competition. Our 10x population causes our top 10 unis to have roughly the same caliber of students of UoT. Grade inflation is definitely a problem, especially at Harvard, not as detrimental as you might imagine though

>> No.12390057

Pretty top notch reply, I must admit. You don't get it, and i don't expect you to. It's just difficult as fuck up here, we don't get any scholarships, and nobody pays you shit even when you graduate. I'm a born and raised vancouverite, and I even when i finish med school i won't be able to buy a house here with my wife until i'm like 35. It's horrendous. Meanwhile, you american fucks have a million residencies and med schools at your disposal, while we have to do two NSERCs, keep a 4.0 average and get left behind two cycles in a row before anyone will even sneeze at us. The US really is the land of opportunity, don't take it for granted.

>> No.12390064

You're right. Just a salty Canadian over here.

>> No.12390083
File: 90 KB, 563x768, QVUrOqr2hLOnWhgRu4gDQRTOEULpzQpy2PjzxshLFAk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, it's worse than I though up there. Does Canada just have a low overall demand for med-practitioners or does your medical industry not pay enough to properly compensate graduates? I know a couple of med students at the University of Washington who seem pretty positive about their future outlook so this is a pretty strange post to read

>> No.12390103
File: 26 KB, 184x390, Screen Shot 2017-04-11 at 10.08.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>went to U of T for undergraduate
how did you manage a 4.1 GPA? My program capped at 4.0

>> No.12390118

Oh, I transferred to SFU after my first failed med application to U of T med. I had a 3.9 in my program at U of T, and then I proceeded to get straight A+s at SFU for my last two semesters, so I ended with a 4.1 GPA at SFU. Albeit, it gets a little hairy when you convert your averages when applying to professional school. some schools like UBC use percent based. I ended up getting into UBC med.

>> No.12390122

I've heard you can get up to a 4.5 or 5.0 in some places

>> No.12390125

I don't think any schools in Canada have that system. Maybe in the US.

>> No.12390129

From what I've heard UVA has a really nice campus, maybe nicer than some Ivies. I know a kid who goes there and loves it.

Idk anything about Vanderbilt tho. Also idk what your're looking for. Is it just smart people to talk to?

>> No.12390132

There's just regulations on how many doctors can be pumped out per year. after you become a doctor, which is like becoming a fucking rockstar, you actually make good money. The reason i said the house thing, is because even suburban houses in vancouver cost around a million or more

>> No.12390150

Can a CHI be /fa/ with this type of clothing ?

>> No.12390187

>didn't apply to any ivies

>> No.12390192

Black percentages at a college compared to population are irrelevant cuz hardly any blacks graduate HS. Compare high school graduation to ivy admittance and its astronomically higher.

>> No.12390772
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Stop talking about mundane shit and post pics you fucking sad fags

>> No.12390775
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>> No.12390778
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>> No.12390784
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RIP in peas Rugby

>> No.12390958

>this pathetic shitposting about muh ivies and fucking Canadian universities

Jesus fuck, what a bunch of tryhards you all are.

>> No.12390992

still better than seeing the same take ivy pics for the millionth time

>> No.12391094

>You realize Ivies put quotas on the number of "gooks" they let in because if it were a complete free for all with no quotas the entire student body would filled with Chinese who were doing linear algebra and differential equations in fucking Honorable Chairman Mao middle school while you were eating Doritos and jacking off.
You're trying to argue against his point by saying that even more unfettered holistic admissions would be even worse? I think you may be unironically retarded.

Intake should be limited by
>American citizenship obtained from birth
>not having a parent who's a rich immigrant from some tyrant shithole country
>academic accomplishment
at minimum.

T b h if they limited Harvard intake to only legacies and used academic results only to filter them I'd be okay with that. It's the contact network you get and thus the attendees' families that really matter anyway, not your high school grades. That's some lower middle class poindexter shit.

>> No.12391894

Did they stop encouraging proofreading because of all the "holistic" admits at your school?

>> No.12391957
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Burgers please leave

>> No.12392011

>liberal faggots
trump went to upenn

>> No.12392431
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I dont go to college I just like the style

>> No.12392790

Cole Haan & Bass are low-mid tier entry level options.

John Lobb, Aigner, Edhen Milano, trussardi and Bally command stratospheric premiums, but offer unparalleled quality.

I can't suggest anything at Gucci yet since Michele took the reigns.

>> No.12392929

Gradded high school last year in Van.

Students who went to UofT all applied to like 3 Ivys each, got panned come March. Like 20 people at least, and good students - 1500s for SAT. I was the only one who got in, and then I would have gone to UBC if I didn't.

>> No.12392934
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Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.12393554

wear jack wills everything

>> No.12393579

Hey I'm thinking of doing a Master's at UfT
But only because it's in a nice area and my grandad lives down the street so I wouldn't have to pay rent.

Tbh unless you're one of those networking fags the university you go to really doesn't matter that much in Canada; you're just going to be spending all your time shitposting in your room anyways

>> No.12393587

lots of nice preppy shops in Oxford. But you'll look weird if you go in one not as a student.

>> No.12393668

GDBO please leave.