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/fa/ - Fashion

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12359403 No.12359403 [Reply] [Original]

What color should I dye my hair?

>> No.12359405

neon green

>> No.12359417
File: 52 KB, 488x484, niall-niall-horan-one-direction-Favim.com-450029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my suggestion was something along the lines of this

I want my sides dark and my top and front bleachy

>> No.12359481

your hair looks fine, stop being underage and lose weight

>> No.12359483


>> No.12359490

garbage camera, bud

>> No.12359500

I'm 5'7 and weigh 145 pounds

>> No.12359504

my hair is sandy so its inbetween brown and extremely dirty blonde. I also hate the brown hair

>> No.12359520

Yeah with no muscle. I'm 6'3 and 174 and still need to drop about 10 lbs and I have a fair bit of muscle

>> No.12359521
File: 247 KB, 566x608, 1490630543820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The called buzz on the sides and fix those thick eyebrows and stop being a manlet

>> No.12359534

Ask your boyfriend.

>> No.12359535

I don't see why so many people are judging me, I'm not fat, I'm only 5'7 but ive already grown 2 inches this year because I hit puberty late. I don't really think I'm ugly.

>> No.12359553

forget that I asked this board a simple question

>> No.12359579

dude it's still 4chan. you're gonna get shit on no matter what.

Also we have the fuccboi general for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread.

As for your question I guess you can try doing a darker brown or blonde. Try to get a decent haircut. The /fa/ favourites are the buzzcut, hitler youth , side part or just do an undercut. hope i could help you
now fuck off underage

>> No.12359587

this, but unironically

i know HY is a dead meme but you're already most of the way there

>> No.12359593

This motherfucker is obviously underage

>> No.12359603

wow, ive never seen /fa/ so outraged before, this guy didn't really do anything wrong all he did was ask a question

>> No.12359620 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x480, WIN_20170330_23_14_17_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey 4chan OP here im 14 btw XDDD :P wich x3 color Shoulddd ;33 i color (rawr) my first pubic :3 hair XD

>> No.12359623

I know its 4chan I've been browsing this site for over 3 years now, I just don't see why the faggots on this board are so autistic over a simple post. I just don't come here often because I browse /mu/ or /lit/

>> No.12359641

Stupid questions receive stupid answers.
You're missing the point. Imagine if you would ask a painfully obvious and/or irrelevant question on /mu/ or /lit/. You would be called out a plebian or brainlet. No offense but you would be better fitted for /r/mfa for this kind of question. Or just ask your mom or friends. also dont dye it in an unnatural color.
That shit almost never looks good.

>> No.12359651
File: 80 KB, 640x480, WIN_20170322_01_20_04_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I dye my hair
>stupid question/irrelevant
>on a fashion board

you are the epitome of autism, just face that you are jealous of me

>> No.12360464

You have dissapoint /fa/

>> No.12360492

idk man but genuine autismo person here and even i think you are the one being a bit autistic

>> No.12360544

fuck off. his argument was that it doesn't deserve it's own thread. have some humility

>> No.12360553

This site is 18+

>> No.12360583

You could lose a good 30 pounds fatty

>> No.12360619

your bmi is >22 and my guesses are you are not particularly muscular either, so if you are not a fatty then what are you

>> No.12360634

lol no point @ 5'7

>> No.12360644
File: 409 KB, 632x596, wheresjake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive bleached my hair both all over and just the top before. Trust me when I say you dont want to bleach only the top. Leaving your sides undone is shit tier taste truss.

>> No.12360711

fuck off fatboy