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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.25 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20170330_124614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12359072 No.12359072 [Reply] [Original]

Are rolled up sleeves effay?

Shirt is Izod.

>> No.12359085
File: 411 KB, 1600x2400, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like you're straight out of The Big Bang Theory.
This is not a compliment.

Fix your, lose the shirt and the tie, get better glasses, get looser pants until you lose enough weight.

Pic related, a successful black man.

>> No.12359086

my guy, you have to let the hair go

buzz or go chrome dome

>> No.12359096


>> No.12359099

>fix your HAIR

>> No.12359105

>le effay cropped pants, all black, meme martens memes all in one picture

If only it was a 6/10 short white teenager, then it would be perfect

>> No.12359107
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everytime I post anything on this site the first thing you guys attack is my hairline.


>> No.12359113

hey man, not trying to attack you

but if your hairline is far back you really shouldn't have an afro lol

>> No.12359119
File: 835 KB, 1689x3877, 13d503ca_IMG_0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a way to miss the point. I was short of pictures with successful (and beautiful) black men.
Nonetheless if you can't feel the fashion sense behind this picture that's another story.

>> No.12359122

the hairline looks normal to me, just really frizzy hair

lose weight, like stop eating processed foods maybe. more for health than any other reason.

also rolled up sleeves are a good look

>> No.12359135
File: 672 KB, 2250x2812, 1490735014056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*jumps in front of you*

You have to go back.

>> No.12359139

If it makes you feel any better, I think black guys have an easier time pulling of a shaved look. Just work out and get buff and you should be good

>> No.12359175
File: 65 KB, 1228x1502, 1490245298041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aight brehs.

>> No.12359197

Holy fuck it's jimmy from ipolitics

>> No.12359235


>> No.12359243


>> No.12359244
File: 526 KB, 2048x1972, received_1863072250616355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you calling nigger whiteboi?

>> No.12359246
File: 569 KB, 750x565, BggcH2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Widows peak is sign of high test right guys??

>> No.12359323

Fucking toss that tie into a fire. Afterwards go straight to church and pray for forgiveness for ever buying that awful tie.

>> No.12359401

What's a good tie? Just solid black red and black?

>> No.12359404
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>> No.12359421
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic unrelated

>> No.12359451
File: 42 KB, 500x371, 1490322442175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Crust, is that a tucked shirt with jeans?
Get chinos dingbat.
Solid color ties are best. Black, navy, gray.
That shirt is ugly. Get one without pockets if you want to wear a tie.
Also, take your Sketchers off and buy some oxfords.

>> No.12359494

First, never roll up the sleeves like that on any button down while wearing a tie.

Secondly, if you're wanting to rock a look like this, then you should buy a short sleeved single-pocket button down instead of the double pocket monstrosity that you're currently wearing. That button down was never made for a tie, and it makes you look like you're about to go crunch numbers on a fishing trip. If you do get a short sleeve, then make sure the short sleeve button down fits you in the upper chest by being slim enough that you see some slight definition regarding the top portion of your man-boobs, but widens out just enough in the bottom portion of your chest that it doesn't show your gut at all and fits loose (it should look borderline unwearable at this stage, because it is). Then you should spend the ten to twenty dollars on a tailor (most dry cleaners or bridal dress shops will do it for you). They'll measure your upper body, (ask them for a copy of these numbers so you know exactly what size to buy while shopping online) tailor your shirt to fit your dimensions better, and assist you in tailoring the fit to support the way you want to utilize it. If it's for work, then tell them you will be tucking it in every day and don't want any fabric overhang or wrinkles whenever it's tucked in. If the tailor is worth their salt, then they should already know this, but it's better to be safe than sorry. This also means that it should ONLY be used for tucking in. You should also wear a slimmer tie for this fit, and look up the length of where your tie should end, because you're tying it too short.

Lose the jeans and get some khaki china's. Go take these to a tailor too, and wear them with a belt which matches the shoes.

>> No.12359508
File: 153 KB, 608x352, 1490116304223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Noted. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.12359515
File: 3.08 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20170330_102448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have slimmer dress shirts, they just aren't the type with roll up sleeves.

>> No.12359573

Throw the black shirt in the trash, you look like a waiter. Also, your tie seems way too big. The width if your tie should depend on your body size. In short:
-no black dress shirts
-try the tie before you buy (even measure it, check out tie bar)
-lose the jeans

Some brands to look into: J. Crew, (Factory), Banana Republic, Gap, Uniqlo.

These are all mall-tier brands but with the look you're going for and the budget you probably have, you can definitely start shopping there. If it looks expensive, it's probably cheaper on grailed and ebay.

>> No.12359585

chinos* not China.

In my opinion however, you shouldn't be wearing this fit at all unless it's your work attire. I only suggested you wear a short sleeve button down because of your rolled up sleeves. You're still going to look like a doofus because you're not wearing a pocket-less well-fitted long sleeve button down (not rolled up) with the chinos, an appropriate tie, and a good belt shoes combo. I would only wear the short sleeve if I work in a work-place environment where I'd need to stay cool, but the argument could very well be made to instead opt in for a fitted polo shirt in these cases.

If you don't need it for business, or your workplace allows you to not wear a tie, then you could actually get by with the pants you have on (tailor tho), pairing it with a tucked in white tailored dress shirt with no pockets and a collar that is appropriate for flaring out (preferrably no buttons on the collar example: small spread collar), and buy a casual blazer for it.

This blazer could be something from the GAP even. Price doesn't even fucking matter, just make sure it's close to the color of the jeans (tailor tailor tailor. You should get into the habit of tailoring every piece you buy, even if you think something like your pants fits you well in the length). For this fit, lose the tie completely, keep the top two buttons unbuttoned, and wear a tan colored leather shoe with a nice tan leather belt. There, now you'll be dressed like a million bucks. As for your weight and hair, don't worry about it as much. Tailors can work magic if they're given the right size. As for tailors, I'd suggest you find a nice one that will give you your measurements, and where you could also ask them what'd be the best shirt size for you to come in with for alteration. Get off your ass and do it, because they'll more than likely do this for free. Form a bond with this person.

>> No.12359600

nigga looks straight out of the boondocks

>> No.12359601

I'm sorry but BOY WHAT IS THAT HAIRLINE. Shit man the outfit isn't bad but all the attention is going to your hair. Get it cut short with a fade on the sides, that way it would look nice and your receding line shouldn't be that noticeable.

>> No.12359636


Now I'm convinced that I need to cut my hair. I was thinking of growing it out haha. But if it looks ridiculous then there no point ignoring the elephant in the room.

I am dieting currently and hitting the gym, so the weight should come off quickly. Probably shouldn't have bulked so hard, even tho my strength went up a lot.

>> No.12359639
File: 951 KB, 245x245, 32412312315125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and I both know that shirt doesn't fit you, and you know it because I can tell you've tried to roll up the sleeves, but it's probably too tight for your body. You want something that fits looser than that, and don't worry about if the arm arm length is too long, because a tailor will alter that.

Before you buy anything else, you should find a good tailor in your area, get your measurements from them, and ask them the things you should look out for whenever buying something that you'll need tailored.

Going back to the weight and hairline thing, you'll figure out pretty quickly that your current shape is unworthy of a fit that you've put in the time and effort into getting fitted right. I didn't give a shit at first, but after putting in the ground work and money into getting shit tailored, I started to highly focus on what I would put into my body, (now I only eat one big meal per day with no sweets or sugary drinks), and I focused more on my face and hair. The same will probably go for you after you put in the ground work, because you'll feel like you've wasted time and money if you don't look right.

gif related: Find someone who inspires you and stick to working towards adopting their body and style. It could be a character, actor, etc. They don't have to be black either, because most often times there's a way for you to adopt the look. You look bad right now, but I could imagine a prime you looking good in what pic related is wearing. Same shades and everything, but with a lean body, waxed chest, and a fade (or some very close-cut haircut). This will propel you on focusing on yourself more. Remember that you don't have to work out to lose weight either, just find a way to eat less.

>> No.12359657

Cut your hair this instant, young man.

>> No.12359718 [DELETED] 

I used to try and stick to diets all of the time, so some words of advice. If you think you'll be able to maintain the calorie deficit you're currently at and know you can reach a BMI in the lower side of your optimal range in a couple of months, then I would hold off on anything related to tailoring clothes or purchasing clothes that you'll need tailored until you are done cutting. There's only so much that a tailor can alter, so just stick to your basic necessities (t-shirts, cheap shorts and pants, a jacket, etc.) and find an inspo that you can truly gravitate towards. That way, you'll be ready to hit the ground running whenever you're within an optimal weight range.

And if you ever feel like you are beginning to not stick to your diet, then find out what your MBR is, look up how many daily calories it would take to lose 1-2 pounds per week based off of your activity level, and stick to drinking plenty of water and chewing gum until lunch and dinner time. This makes it easier for you to count calories (most of the time you won't even have to because it'd be hard to go over the calorie amount in one to two meals), it builds up more will-power by making you understand the difference between actual hunger and a psychological desire, and it helps your body lose more weight quicker by placing it into starvation mode. Also, many body builders and people losing weight focus more so on their diet than gym first. If they go to the gym, then they'll hit very minimal weight, and instead, opt for cardio. For me, I only jogged in the morning while cutting and I only did that for my heart health; not to lose weight. If all else fails, then you may have a binge eating disorder and a Vyvanse will curb your appetite. Check with your doctor first, because I am not responsible if you pass out from something like a blood-sugar problem. I'm just telling you what worked for me.

>> No.12359730

I used to try and stick to diets all of the time, so some words of advice. If you think you'll be able to maintain the calorie deficit you're currently at and know you can reach a BMI in the lower side of your optimal range in a couple of months, then I would hold off on anything related to tailoring clothes or purchasing clothes that you'll need tailored until you are done cutting. There's only so much that a tailor can alter, so just stick to your basic necessities (t-shirts, cheap shorts and pants, a jacket, etc.) and find an inspo that you can truly gravitate towards. That way, you'll be ready to hit the ground running whenever you're within an optimal weight range.

And if you ever feel like you are beginning to not stick to your diet, then find out what your BMR is, look up how many daily calories it would take to lose 1-2 pounds per week based off of your activity level, and stick to drinking plenty of water and chewing gum until lunch and dinner time. Have a small lunch and a big dinner. This makes it easier for you to count calories (most of the time you won't even have to because it'd be hard to go over the calorie amount in one to two meals), it builds up more will-power by making you understand the difference between actual hunger and a psychological desire, and it helps your body lose more weight quicker by placing it into starvation mode. Also, many body builders and people losing weight focus more so on their diet than gym first. If they go to the gym, then they'll hit very minimal weight, and instead, opt for cardio. For me, I only jogged in the morning while cutting and I only did that for my heart health; not to lose weight. If all else fails, then you may have a binge eating disorder and a Vyvanse perscription will curb your appetite. Check with your doctor first, because I am not responsible if you pass out from something like a blood-sugar problem. I'm just telling you what worked for me.

>> No.12359772

>le ebin skinny tie mamay
fucking kill yourself the width is fine

>> No.12359773
File: 172 KB, 1440x1440, FB_IMG_1490915170484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thanks bro. I do work out regularly and I track calories with MyFitnessPal. Losing weight does take time tho.

Pic related is me at the gym.

>> No.12359775
File: 6 KB, 250x173, 1489968212921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck's are effay atleast.

>> No.12359784






>> No.12359790
File: 112 KB, 444x460, 1490243982378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop.

>> No.12359794

He's already dead. For the love of God.

>> No.12359799
File: 129 KB, 300x232, WTDnnwE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12359808

I saw most Somalians have hairlines like that desu it just looks different i guess, don't feel bad op

>> No.12360200

pants are a bit too tight, creates the muffin top when you wear tucked in shirts...need a belt if you wear a tie.

that type of shirt doesn't look that great with a tie, wear one without the buttons on said pockets and without the rollup tabs on sleeves.

>> No.12360209

Jimmy remember masturbating is wasted gains

>> No.12360216

you need to lose the hair, it's too far back at the top. You are a strong black man, cut it off and if you can grow some facial hair to balance out your face. Black men with a shaved head do not get the same critical looks compared to a white man. Wear dress shirts that aren't as tight.

those glasses with the black frames do not work that well, it looks like you have white on them because of the thick prescriptions

I'd say a gold/brown metal frame in a rounder shape would look great with a neat beard. Even a short goatee would look ok

>> No.12360218 [DELETED] 

Oh look, the nigger monkey can tie a tie! You'll always be a coon to us whites

>> No.12360227

>can tie a tie!
seems like white boy has no education...do you also say jump a jump or eat a eat?

>> No.12360234
File: 47 KB, 149x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like an Uruk Hai from lord of the rings

>> No.12360246

get a black man weave bro

>> No.12361112

you look like shit.
Completely honest.
Your face is your problem, and your clothes only make you look like a tryhard.

Suck those cheeks on, stop putting your tongue between yor teech.

>> No.12361139


My nigga, your hair is shit. Just shave it bald. Lose the glasses or get a fashionable pair of frames if you're set on having 4 eyes. Work on taking better care of your skin as well.

>> No.12361148

k, i'll just call you a nigger then

>> No.12361153
File: 9 KB, 250x226, too intelligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that head

>> No.12361163

desu i don't really think you re hopeless
you got the face to go skinhead and you don't look that small so yea. just loose a little weight, you need cheekbones for a bald head

>> No.12361240

Buzz head and grow out facial hair

Actually that haircut would look pretty ebin with a big ol' mustache

>> No.12361358
File: 3.53 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20170331_075422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would combing to the side or front be just as bad? Although my hair is kinda frizzy and the hairline is garbage, it is decently long.

Undercut or straight buzz?

Pic related is hair spiked up

>> No.12361387


buzz your head NOW
lose weight NOW
clear your skin NOW

>> No.12361430
File: 9 KB, 198x254, ascascef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleveland Brown! You should meet the real life Peter Griffin mah nigga.

>> No.12361436


wew lads

>> No.12361446

Dude, I know you want to keep some hair on your head, but seriously, just try buzzing it. You can always grow it back if you don't like it.

>> No.12361480

where the frick to cop a sweater like this?

>> No.12361488

In this pic hairline looks fine but the hair having no shape could use a buzz or undercut unless you're trying to grow it longer and in some transition phase right now

>> No.12361504
File: 32 KB, 500x415, 1490039465729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks haha. Makes me feel slightly better about it.

I am trying to grow it out, and although I haven't cut my hair in a couple months, I do get the sides buzzed shorter every once in a while when it gets too unruly. Idk if I want an undercut or not,. I might just buzz the whole dome anyway since that's what most people recommend.
Even though it looks shitty I can't be bothered to cut my hair every 2 weeks.
I am gonna lose weight tho. Fat face makes me look uglier than I probably could be. Maybe if I lost 20 more lb I'd look halfway decent.

Anyway thanks for all the input guys. Really appreciate it. Honest criticism is precious.

>> No.12361507

you have the hair of a 60 year old black guy
definitely shave. gl at the gym boyo

>> No.12361514

Surprisingly productive thread lads

>> No.12361525

Start mewing NOW

stop putting your tongue between your teeth

>> No.12361528

That's because /fa/ is nice board

>> No.12361535

he actually does seem to mew because his cheekbones are not low-set, his mouth is common for Black people and not deformed. White people tend to have flat mouths which gives the illusion that their chins are 'stronger', everyone else protrudes to some degree like his

>> No.12361537

The inflated cheeks are not normal, that is the resultof keeping the tongu ebetween the teeth. There are plenty of black people with chiseled jaws.

>> No.12361541


>> No.12361544
File: 118 KB, 666x1000, 1489963184166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tucked shirts with jeans
No slim fitting jeans until you're actually slim
No double pocket shirts
No tie and shirt without a jacket (except if you're a bartender)
Buy skincare products as soon as possible (now)
Buy a better pair of glasses

Stop posting (cringy) memes and writing like you're on Buzzfeed or whatever.

>> No.12361548

and Black people aren't all the same just like the other races vary from part sof the world

>> No.12361549


>> No.12361588


warya caadi iskadig!

>> No.12361608

Looking fucking great bro. keep it up!

>> No.12361623

what shoes are these? they dont look like docs

>> No.12361679


Those are derby shoes. I grabbed the pic from Cos but they don't seem to sell any derbies, although I would suggest against buying shoes from them.

You can find similar derbies from
A.P.C, Church's, Crockett & Jones, Jil Sander etc

>> No.12362130

You should take a hint already then

>> No.12362976
File: 36 KB, 463x479, 98ac43d0b4a264ac0a3f23863dc825d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP keeps talking about getting undercut. Is this what you mean?

>> No.12363022

>all black clothes
easiest way to tell if someone has autism tbqh

>> No.12363040

Untuck that shirt
Get a haircut
Hang yourself with a tie holy fuck how could you think that's a good idea the north winning was a mistake

>> No.12363045
File: 1.99 MB, 2336x3504, rich old perverts 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tie game is pathetic. Start with the most basic/solid color non-shiny ties and make sure they're darker than the shirt underneath.

You only wear slim-fit when you're slim; as in no fucking body-fat or not insanely ripped.

>> No.12363337

Nigga you're worried about sleeves when your hairline jostled back like that? LMAO I'm fucking dead son, you're not dead ass right now

>> No.12363381

He doesn't look Somalian

>> No.12363433
File: 441 KB, 537x541, 76432356765432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't wear shirts with pockets on the front, especially double pockets unless it's subtle like pic related.

Also the rest of your outfit is too casual to wear with a tie, you can wear a tie with rolled up sleeves but I'd pair it with chinos and a crisp white shirt (not pockets or other ornaments on it).

Finally if you're going to tuck in your shirt you need to be wearing a belt.

>> No.12363438

qaniis, abaha was

>> No.12363439

how about ditch the fucking tie and just buy some white henley shirts.

>> No.12363440
File: 43 KB, 775x620, $_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man if you're this noob just buy a few henley shirts and leave one or two buttons undone. anso get a buzz #1.

>> No.12363896

>First, never roll up the sleeves like that on any button down while wearing a tie.
Wait, what? Is this seriously a rule? I've never heard of it before and you always see politicians with rolled up sleeves and ties.
You're not seriously arguing for the existence of short-sleeved dress shirts, are you? Those things are horrible!

>> No.12364458

>like that
you need to read his post again. It isn't bad to give your sleeves a 1 or 2 roll up the forearm...it gives the down and dirty to get work done look.

but to roll it up almost or past the elbows with that type of shirt with the button clasp to hold it up? naw, nigga

>> No.12365225

So you're saying you should only roll the sleeves up until they're like halfway up the forearm? Because that also looks terrible. I'm pretty sure the sticky is with me when I say that anything other than rolling just past the elbow is the ONLY acceptable way to have short sleeves in a button down that isn't Hawaiian.

>> No.12365287


>> No.12365591

Nah, it's acceptable to roll the sleeves up like that under certain situations. You mentioned politicians, so go back and look at where they're at whenever they're doing it. None of them go to work doing that shit, anon; however, you can pull it off given the right circumstances.

>> No.12365755

>Finally if you're going to tuck in your shirt you need to be wearing a belt.


And don't ever let me catch you without fucking chapstick.

>> No.12365760
File: 166 KB, 900x750, roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to ROLL them before you wear the shirt. I roll mine up sometimes to accentuate my inner forearm tattoos.

>> No.12365890 [DELETED] 

faamm whos fuckin mans is this? i really hope someone just stole some facebook pics of some normie and is trolling. Anyway, if you really want to start looking even a bit fashionable, find a celebrity or fashion icon or anyones style you like and try to recreate it. This is the plebbiest way in, but its just like beatmaking. If you can recreate a beat, you learn the technique within itself and you can do your own thing from there

>> No.12365894
File: 47 KB, 200x200, 200x200px-ZC-984e75eb_jordanlaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faamm whos fuckin mans is this? i really hope someone just stole some facebook pics of some normie and is trolling. Anyway, if you really want to start looking even a bit fashionable, find a celebrity or fashion icon or anyones style you like and try to recreate it. This is the plebbiest way in, but its just like beatmaking. If you can recreate a beat, you learn the technique within itself and you can do your own thing from there

>> No.12366049

are you fucking kidding me man?
You were born black which means you can do most things and make em look cool SOMEHOW.

That is a privilege most whiteboys don't have.
Shave your head man shit looks dope

>> No.12366743

>he thinks those are doc martens

holy shit, to be this pleb