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12346610 No.12346610 [Reply] [Original]

ast thread: >>12341291

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12346613
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>> No.12346620

A lot of retards in these threads

Fat loss is literally just reducing calories

Everything else is the "how to" of such, the psychology behind how you can make the calorie deficit happen

And if you have muscle then just keep lifting and you won't lose any of it

>> No.12346625
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>> No.12346630

Skinny fat

>> No.12346638



>> No.12346654


>> No.12346768

wanna cop this thigh so bad

>> No.12346770
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>> No.12346771

you heard 'em

>> No.12346773

If I don't ever exercise how much should I generally eat?

I want to look like a kpop star

>> No.12346778

kpop a shit

>> No.12346788


>> No.12346790 [DELETED] 

Multiply your current weight by 1000. Eat that or below. Boom. There's no science behind this btw I just got sick of bmi/bmr calculators lying to me all the time

>> No.12346794

Multiply your current weight by 1000. Eat that or below. Boom. There's no science behind this btw I just got sick of bmi/bmr calculators lying to me all the time. It works

>> No.12346815
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>>low calories makes you lose weight
>oh boy here we go
>Taken from Jason Fung's "The Obesity Code":
>"There are Five basic steps in weight loss:
>1. Reduce your consumption of added sugars. 2. Reduced your consumption of refined grains. 3. Moderate your protein intake.
>4. Increase your consumption of natural fats.
>5. Increase your consumption of fiber and vinegar."

I've watched a bunch of Jason Fung videos, but still have a hard time realizing his "calorie isn't a calorie" argument in my own diet. I've tried avoiding carbs nearly completely (less than 5g per day), combined with moderate protein intake and extremely high fats - and I lose weight doing that, but not work than normal calorie restriction.

>> No.12346834 [DELETED] 

Low carb/keto/zero carb communities are full of

a) fatties that just lost their first 20 pounds and think they know everything

b) skinny "superstar gurus" that never had to lose any weight anyway

If you are not them, you actually have to work, no shortcuts faggot.

>> No.12346837

Of course you MAY have to count calories. Good diets only help, they don't erase that. Low carb/keto/zero carb communities are full of

a) fatties that just lost their first 20 pounds and think they know everything

b) skinny "superstar gurus" that never had to lose any weight anyway

If you are not them, you actually have to work, no shortcuts faggot.

>> No.12346847

Thanks. I've found that the biggest benefit of the LCHF diet and intermittent fasting isn't any benefit in losing weight faster with the same deficit, but rather more regulated energy and hunger levels. Now that I don't eat all those carbs I don't get starving hungry like I used to.

When I was a mealcuck I used to eat breakfast at 7am and then be absolutely starving by like 10am. Now I don't eat breakfast and I'm fine until whenever.. generally 1pm now since I'm just maintaining but before when I was doing 23:1 I got used to that just fine.

>> No.12346856

I haven't eaten a carb (or plant matter, for the most part) for nearly 4 years. It's the healthiest diet in the world, it makes it the easiest to lose weight, and I think other ways of eating are usually just wrong (we are mostly carnivore animals). But, if you are not naturally extremely skinny, or an obese planet that loses the first 20-30 pounds only, you HAVE to work on calorie counting too.

Unfortunately, those communities are infested by fatties that pretend to themselves they know everything just because they managed for the first time in their life to lose 10 pounds easily and by a minority of "gurus" that never had to work to lose weight anyway or never had to actually lose weight to begin with.

>> No.12346877

>Low carb/keto/zero carb communities are full of
>a) fatties that just lost their first 20 pounds and think they know everything
>b) skinny "superstar gurus" that never had to lose any weight anyway

Makes sense. But you forgot to mention how this "Jason Fung" is a typical fad diet marketer

>> No.12346880

I will post something which will make u guys really mad in about 5-10 mins

>> No.12346890

Literally what. Are you talking about calories? Say i weigh 120 kg, that means i should eat 120 000 calories?

>> No.12346893

yeah i have no idea what
is talking about

>> No.12346897

Oops i meant pounds not kg, but it's the same thing anyways

>> No.12346904

Intermittent fasting is fine as an EXTRA tool, though low carb is more important and he mainly uses it as an afterthought. Though even himself is a skinnyfat so it's obvious that is not enough.

>> No.12346905

You will die of hunger with 120,000 calories. I used to need around 1,300,000 calories.

>> No.12346913

He is an inspiration for everyone (:

>> No.12346959
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- Fat and bulimic
- Low IQ British accent
- The way she absent-mindedly rips up packaging
- Keeps a "plastic mat" on her floor to keep "bits of liquid or food" from going into her carpet
- Doesn't wear a bra/immodest
- Close ups of her eating food with lip smacking sounds, crumbs on her face
- Coughs while making videos and doesn't edit it out

Perfect rage-bait

FUCK she also farts on a bus in this video at 2:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFsRg1-Nzao&t=138

>> No.12346960
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mfw her vids

I like them mostly for the food inspo tho

>> No.12347046

I was about to get up to go to the kitchen to eat some more after my lunch. Ill pass now, thanks :3

>> No.12347058
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>tfw no meth to kill fatty instincts

>> No.12347068
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if i be thin i will wear them everyday

>> No.12347072

This, Kek.

>> No.12347105

Fucking disgusting. I aspire to never become this abominative animal

>Low IQ British accent
Could you articulate on this? I notice that there is a drooly tone not only in her own speech, but also in the speech of other people who resemble her in my country.

>> No.12347120

Her pussy looked fat and amazing

>> No.12347226

I doubt it's the same girl. Those hips and waist...

>> No.12347371

I'm considering buying a treadmill.
Is this /thinspo/?

>> No.12347388


Don't do it. I bought one and I barely use it.

Go to the gym instead. There's something about working out around fatties that motivates you more.

>> No.12347393

I have social anxiety though.

>> No.12347407


Nobody really looks at you at the gym unless you're one of those gymwhores working out their ass in fron of the guys lifting weights.

Just put on some headphones and run.

>> No.12347414

Run outside early in the morning/late in the night
treadmills are boring af

>> No.12347440

Haven't lost any weight since last week and been eating 1000 or less kcal. Have my metabolism stopped? How do i fix it?

>> No.12347454
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>Tfw 188 Lbs
>Too fucking heavy to even neck myself since im pretty sure the rope will just break

Howmuch calories should i even be aiming at?

>> No.12347470


>> No.12347473


>How do i fix it?

By having a cheat day.

Cheat days trick your metabolism and kickstarts it again. If you eat nothing but 1000cals everyday your body will get used to it.

>> No.12347474

Its asking for a bodyfat value, howmuch should i put in?

>> No.12347478

it's optional

>> No.12347484
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I think im just going to neck myself now, fuck didnt know that i classified as overweight.

>> No.12347488

Remember that your muscles weight too.

>> No.12347498
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Reminder to drink vegetable protein smoothies everyday for energy

My everyday smoothie is

8 kale leaves
2 rainbow chard leaves and stems
2 cups of spinach
2 celery
8 pieces of parsley
1 carrot
1 tomato
2 strawberries
5 blackberries
1 large banana
2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
2 1/2 cups of coconut milk
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 egg
2 spoons of hemp protein

>> No.12347508

Will cheat meal work instead? I started to hate food desu.

>> No.12347518

>implying he has muscles

>> No.12347519

Ugh way too much shit

Just do avocado's and Banana's with milk

>> No.12347524

>2 tablespoons of coconut oil
have you tried mct oil?

>> No.12347529

He looks pretty muscular to me

>> No.12347536


>Just do avocado's and Banana's with milk

It's a micronutrient smoothie

Also if you think that's too much you're no gonna make it


>have you tried mct oil?

Yeah from coconut oil

>> No.12347540


>> No.12347552


Just have a big healthy meal or two

I usually pigout on my cheat days and end up losing more weight afterwards

>> No.12347562

anyone else here use caffeine to regulate their digestion?
i hate feeling bloated after i eat and it makes me feel good and energized anyways

>> No.12347567
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meanspo me please

>> No.12347569

I always have an espresso after lunch because I'm used to it and I feel better after.

>> No.12347601

Shoulders rolled forward
Hip and shoulder imbalances

Look up upper cross syndrome and work to correct it. Fix those muscle imbalances too.

>> No.12347602

>upper cross syndrome
I swear to god I was just standing weird for the picture.

>> No.12347609
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5.6ft 121lbs BMI 19.03
I was bulimic few years ago and I really do not know how do I look, how do people perceive my body. I want to be healthy and thin. I will not let my mind go crazy again, I've got really /fit partner and he won't let me harm myself again. But I do want to loose few lbs though. I'm slightly insecure these days, so I'm asking - what do you think? Is it bad? How many lbs should I loose in your opinion?

>> No.12347614

The problem is not losing weight, but gaining a few pounds of muscles to look toned. Just go to the gym with your partner, and hit that core and legs like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.12347619
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Get on my level you fat cows.

>> No.12347629

you should build some muscle and than cut some more fat. You're not bad looking but you're definitely just skinny fat.

>> No.12347635

You're almost there. I would lose 5-10 lbs, but you already look okay. Focus on health and take care of yourself.

>> No.12347643

you don't even look fat. how the hell do you weigh that much

>> No.12347663

You want to be more toned not skinnier. Your body is perfect sized, but you need more muscle, and less fat but the same size.

>> No.12347679

I'd say drop another 5-10lbs like the other anon said. This should tighten up that hip to stomach area, make your legs look longer, and tighten up the arms. Exercise will help also.

>> No.12347681

>those girly hips

>that squishable looking gyno

>> No.12347716

I have £0.03 in my bank account and i havent eaten a meal in 2 days and im so hungry but maybe this is a blessing in disguise

>> No.12347723


Do you work?

I have gone a week without a meal. You should be okay.

>> No.12347725

What did you spend your money on?

>> No.12347728

>blessing in disguise
I felt this way after getting food poisoning and the thought of eating disgusted me to no end (not like I could keep anything down anyway). I think my stomach shrunk too so yay.

>> No.12347731


i dont work, and yeah i've done long water fasts a lot in the past, but ive been on a couple months binge and my stomach has stretched, so lack of food makes me go crazy now

i know ill be fine, but when its somethings thats forced instead of choice it starts to feel a bit weird
drugs and cigs

>> No.12347766

In pounds obviously shit wtf don't be stupid

>> No.12347772

I'll die if I try to eat 100k calories.

>> No.12347774

best way to spend your money
i did the same
(why must coke cost so much ): ?)

>> No.12347778


i'm worried ive just fried my brain a bit too much now

>> No.12347787

No clue brethen, decided to weigh myself on a scale today so i was pretty shoced myself when i first saw the digits

>> No.12347792

just take a break an do something mind refreshing like reading a book and it should go away friendo

>> No.12347793

whats that bruise on her leg from? is that from being thinspo?

>> No.12347797

probs anemia

>> No.12347800

>walked into a table

>> No.12347802

Do thinspo people have shitty healing process? If so a single cut could kill.

>> No.12347856

Do you have any clue how muscular humans look?

>> No.12347867


>but ive been on a couple months binge and my stomach has stretched

Damn, how much are you eating?

I had this problem for about a week and spent lots of money on unnecessary food

>> No.12347875
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Just fuck me up with your criticisms senpai.

>> No.12347884

Do any of you view the FPH threads in /fit/? They're pretty good 'Spo quite frankly.

>> No.12347899

What does FPH stand for?

>> No.12347900

how do I stop eating when I'm bored?

>> No.12347906

Get a full body wax, Mohammed.

>> No.12347908

Weight loss isn't linear, you're retaining water, you just have to keep doing what you're doing and it'll fix itself.

>> No.12347910

First; trim that awful lawn on legs and arms, second; take that tee off so I CAN criticise you what should be criticised mainly, since this is /thinspo/.

>> No.12347923

ask yourself if you're actually hungry or just bored every time you're about to eat something

if you're just bored, distract yourself by doing something and drink water

might take some time to memorize if you're not very motivated

>> No.12347945
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what is the difference between someone whose build is like this, and someone who is legitimately thinspo?

Are some bodies too big boned where even if the frame has little fat it just isn't twiggy enough?

>> No.12347954

>Fat People Hate

It's funny as all hell, go witness it.

>> No.12347959
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>> No.12347993

That guy could probably lose weight, wear different clothes and be /thinspo/.

>> No.12348039

>tfw cold all the time

i'm not even skinny... how do you deal with this

>> No.12348041

Thank you! I was seriously sick for the last 6 months and I wasn't able to exercise at all. I was lil bit bulky before that and I will definitely build some muscles again.

>> No.12348060

Put on a sweater?

>> No.12348100


>> No.12348101

I think the mirror is making your legs look big

>> No.12348103

Shave ur armpits for fuck sakes

>> No.12348111

assuming for whatever reason i can't seem to trigger my gag reflex how else would i be able to make myself vomit

>> No.12348122

Besides hair, how's everything looking?

>> No.12348133


cooking oil
salt water

Don't go full bulimia, m8

It will fuck you up. Just go light anorexic

>> No.12348137
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You don't. What you do instead is synthesize discipline and resume making progress.


>> No.12348141

I can facefuck you if you'd like

>> No.12348145


plus purging makes ur cheeks chubby
(and most bulimics are average/overweight as well)

>> No.12348154

Doubtful on that. That's how they look IRL.

>> No.12348202
File: 529 KB, 795x1280, 17-03-26-15-16-48-074_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 125lbs at 163cm right now, but my goal is 105
who else violin hips here?

>> No.12348215
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What are violin hips?

>> No.12348218

You have to do something about your calves. They look weird.

>> No.12348219

>how else would i be able to make myself vomit
have you tried watching CNN?

>> No.12348222

God damn please be in Amsterdam

>> No.12348234

wow rewd

>> No.12348246

Too disproportionate/small for my body?
Sorry, I'm in canada

>> No.12348255
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>> No.12348256

assuming you're somewhere between 100 and 180 lbs and you meant to say multiply your weight by 100, that can put you at anywhere between 1000 and 1800 calories, which is at least a little bit below the TDEE of anyone but an auschwitzmode midget girl. yeah, you'll probably lose weight, but you could probably pick an arbitrary number anywhere within that range and it would have the same effect.

>> No.12348269

Thanks. Anything someone can do about that? Like fill it somehow (muscle? plastic surgery?)

>> No.12348271

are violin hips bad?

My girlfriend use to rub her crotch over my hip bones to get off

>> No.12348277

yeah i hate when my gf gets off

>> No.12348286

Why would you do that? Looks pretty damn good.

>> No.12348310


>> No.12348322

I have no idea? That anon seems upset with her hips

>> No.12348336

Oh baby, id go to canada just so i could sniff that armpit

>> No.12348352


you said originally to take your weight in lbs and multiply it by 1000. that would put someone who is 100 lbs at 100,000 calories per day. i gave you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you meant multiply it by 100 instead.

>> No.12348370
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not the same anon you responded to in >>12348256 but i think your math is wrong :*

>> No.12348429


>> No.12348440

Cocaine helps

>> No.12348456

Me, but I'm a guy. Still pisses me off though.

>> No.12348532

Why is 4chan full of gay assholes that instruct males to do full body waxing? Jesus christ dude. Maybe you aren't into men after all as you were memed to believe.

>> No.12348541
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>> No.12348542

Do you shit regularly? Whenever I have a plateau of mysterious origin it usually turns out the weight is just stuck in my ass

>> No.12348571

nice tits?

>> No.12348616

>tfw male with hip dips

if someone used them to get off they can't be all bad

>> No.12348617

That pic is me. I'm opposed to waxing my hair, fuck that.

>> No.12348619
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Bloodborne A-grade thinspo

>> No.12348633

Is it thinspo? He looks ottermode

On the side note it kinda pisses me off that most of the time you can't do thin enough males in games like let me have my fucking twink when I want one

>> No.12348661

If you use the max it to the other side of the slider the character basically looks the same but with slightly more muscle. Good ol' rpgs.

>> No.12348671


Some females don't like men with body hair, those females are fat

>> No.12348673

Any feedback?

>> No.12348774


>> No.12348776

you don't look fat, just 'big' = v muscular but also some fat. might want to look into /fit/ bulking and cutting rather than going thinspo

>> No.12348830
File: 75 KB, 711x1000, MV5BMTYwNDM0NDA3M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTkzMjQ3OA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,711,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on IMDb .
Turns 32 today

>> No.12348843
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What's everyone's height, current weight, goal weight and weight loss method?

I've been eating quite more than usual but determined to resume progression, starting with tonight's daily meal.

>> No.12348882

144.2 just measured rn instead of morning tho and i overate : (
goal is 130
method is caloric limit

>> No.12348890

Don't really know.
Eating less.

>> No.12348896

Look into fasting

I'm watching this and it has useful information, but the camera work is fucking bad and nauseating.

But the "essentials" include Jason Fung's presentation:

>> No.12348902

intermittent fasting gave me indigestion so now i just go for as long as possible without eating
i try to limit myself to 800-900 kcals/day but i have 1100 as my hard limit on paper (taking cals burned off into account)

>> No.12348912

Currently around 153, goal is 130.
Alternate day intermittent fasting and cutting carbs.

>> No.12348913

come on now

>> No.12348920
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I don't really have a goal weight. I'm just looking to maintain at 165. I used to be anorexic.
My method is intermittent fasting days with normal eating days and going to the gym 4 times a week.

>> No.12348947
File: 164 KB, 605x807, 43136828sOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been having a chopped salad (spinach, pepperoncini, onion, light honey mustard, and some white chicken) and hot curry for dinner and I'm going down decently.
Right amount of yum while being filling and low on calories.

>> No.12348957

150 or so
Calorie counting using myfitnesspal. shits easy.

>> No.12348960

I'd like to toss your salad, young lady, assuming you're the same age you appear to be. What is it, about twelve?

>> No.12348980
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You'll need to look into standing side leg raises, hip thrusts and anything that looks at working the ITB and glutes

>> No.12348982

150ish I guess?
keto + imf + now I have to ride my bike everywhere

>> No.12349034

you can't have watched his videos
he doesn't talk about "a calorie is a calorie" as much as he talks about "calories arent all stored the same way"

>> No.12349039


wtf lol this is no real binge

when i fucking binge i dont have time to set everything out and record myself doing it and thinking about it and taking my time it just fucking happens at lightspeed like im in some sort of food induced killing spree

>> No.12349046

Any /fit/ here? Lately I've just been eating a metRX 30g protein meal replacement bar for dinner every night after I get back from the gym, it's worked pretty well in suppressing my appetite post-workout but I don't know that it's the healthiest thing in the world. Gonna keep with it for about a month or so and see what happens I think.

>> No.12349047


>insulting the based god with an envious and false statement

protect your neck

>> No.12349049

I feel like we're not using the same unit of measure. In America, 2000 calories is considered a proper day's caloric intake.

>> No.12349052

>I want to look like a kpop star
That's not a matter of diet. Just have a few hundred grand to spare and basically live in the surgical center.

>> No.12349057


great body, gross lips and nose

you shouldn't wear your caps forward, it just draws more attention to the nose

>> No.12349064


trim the hair and do some pushups

>> No.12349069


If you're going to be taking protein take it before you work out to build muscle otherwise just have a normal meal.

No need for that much protein if you're not building muscle.

Also look into insect based protein bars, it's better than those sugary protein bars and you get a lot more protein

>> No.12349083

what's wrong with this lips?

>> No.12349086

He specifically talks in about how "calories in = calories out" is wrong and, yes, how "calories aren't all stored the same way"

>> No.12349089

Here is a blog post about it called Why The First Law of Thermodynamics is Utterly Irrelevant: https://intensivedietarymanagement.com/first-law-thermodynamics-irrelevant/

>> No.12349095

Post body

>> No.12349096
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How would you efficiently lose 10 pounds?

>> No.12349098
File: 109 KB, 780x1052, smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roast me daddy

>> No.12349099


Doing IF or OMAD for a few weeks

>> No.12349113

that's hot. looking good anon

>> No.12349116

I just wanted to be precise. I'm still a growing boy.

t. 19 year old not manlet

>> No.12349123
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>> No.12349126

yuck yuck yuck yuck

>> No.12349133
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>> No.12349134
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>> No.12349136
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>I want to look like a kpop star
m-me too,, i eat about 1000-1200 a day

>> No.12349138


>> No.12349139
File: 301 KB, 720x735, 1472496781883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349141


>guy ate nothing but nutella for a week and lost 8lbs

You guys are doing it wrong

Eat more nutella

>> No.12349144
File: 47 KB, 564x846, 4079f8ab1314001c98aedb7ef982bbd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349145

this is the perfect body if you crop the picture from the bottom lip down

>> No.12349146
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1470430344025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349149

her torso is so long

>> No.12349163

you made me smile anon thank you

>> No.12349166
File: 73 KB, 377x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will forever have big boobs :(

>> No.12349168


>> No.12349177

are you real ?

>> No.12349183

how do you excersize? asking for a school project

>> No.12349189

114, maybe a little less
Eat less than maintenance. Eatting pretty close to it now as I'm fairly satisfied at this point.

>> No.12349191

Same knees

>> No.12349194
File: 403 KB, 1029x684, langthin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up 5 lbs. from this, mostly from biking more


>> No.12349195

You don't need to wear pants senpai

>> No.12349198

what the fuck is wrong with your feet? why are they so high? they look like skateboard ramps

>> No.12349209

Get some more fah boxers.

>> No.12349214
File: 64 KB, 302x535, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon :) girls are cool

Yes I'm real

>> No.12349217

v impressive

>> No.12349222


>> No.12349224
File: 6 KB, 480x270, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349232

You have a nice body. If you worked out and toned a little bit you would be really, really attractive.

>> No.12349249

Went from 84kg to 75kg (was always fairly muscular, just gained some fat because didn't train for like a year to study.
I'm pretty proud of myself, 5kg to go though, not necessarily for aesthetics but to improve my gymnastics.

Currently happy with my progress, this weekend I think i REALLY overdid it though at my goodbye party with friends, alcohol-wise and food-wise.
Should I do a 1-2 day fast to recover?

>> No.12349255

you do you, man
you do u...

>> No.12349257

are you single? can you be my girlfriend? insta? snap? pls
Id honestly give you anything you want
pls respond. SRS
if you aren't single i just want to be friends idc

>> No.12349260
File: 36 KB, 450x600, 14877856_10208134831396646_658081468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do that in this thread

>> No.12349265


>> No.12349267

4chan is a sad place

>> No.12349268

reported for being gay as fuck (^:

>> No.12349271

I want to keep telling myself this is fake, and just some obscure bait.

>> No.12349273

is somebody using chemical substances like meths to kill hunger?
not cia
pls respond

>> No.12349282

don't listen to them

they're obviously all gay af :)

ill honestly buy you anything up to $100 off amazon for you

>> No.12349289


>> No.12349290

>up to $100 off amazon for you

lel cringed hardu

>> No.12349292

I'm a bi mostly gay dude who sometimes likes chicks but only if they're landwhales

the fact that I find you to be attractive is very impressive. damn, those are some nice legs. this is a perfect female body. keep up the good work

>> No.12349295

cw 180
gw 150?
calorie restriction (is there any other "method?")

>> No.12349299

ever heard of nicotine and caffeine?

>> No.12349300

it isn't her you fucking retards

>> No.12349306

>this is a perfect female body.
get out
boobs aint /fa/

>> No.12349313

well duh, stimulants curb your appetite.

>> No.12349318

what strong stimulants do you use?
>inb4 hurr durr coffee for caffin

>> No.12349320


>> No.12349322

they didnt help at all

>> No.12349330
File: 56 KB, 302x535, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sorry that's a little too personal


>> No.12349332
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>> No.12349336

i was wrong

>> No.12349338

Post butt? Usually girls as lean as u have sad butts

>> No.12349342
File: 132 KB, 305x259, 1487570663563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat something Ms skeleton, y'all on this thread are degenerate as fuck

>> No.12349343

Cute af

>> No.12349344

who cares dude

>> No.12349347

You guys are fucking thirsty as fuck.

>> No.12349353

my thighs and calves are thick. My overall bone structure in my legs is thick. am I fucked should I quit fashion

>> No.12349359

pls be in


>> No.12349362

LLP here.

Just wanted to say that, you have a very very good body!

>> No.12349387

LLP here.

Just wanna say, I saved all your images, and i will touch myself to them of course! need no worry however, i am very attractive and also very Thinspo!

you have a very cute body, if you were thirsty one day i literally would sacrifice myself just so that you could have some water. thank you for posting your pictures.

>> No.12349388


>> No.12349396

LLP here,

Just wanna say, While you trudge around in a dark bog in search of your damp and tiny tent as people with superior social skills and charisma giggle and chase each other to their shared sleeping bag, I will curl into a foetal position beneath my duvet, tucking it up to my chin and inhaling the subtle scent of a candle flickering nearby. While you wake up crying from the tinnitus inflicted by a band who doesn't comprehend the notion that loud noise isn't necessarily music, I will be dreaming of holding hands with my oneitis in a field of waist-length wheat, laughing and running to a small stream where we will bathe and picnic.

>> No.12349397
File: 27 KB, 450x122, Screen Shot 2017-03-26 at 11.57.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349401

hey thinspo. I'm 160 41 kg(90 lbs) and I dress decently alright but somehow I feel like I'm just awkward and gangly and not true thinspo. Is it just my perception of myself? Personality wise I'm not awkward but I just feel my body is.

>> No.12349405

could be a number of things or maybe one simple thing

define awkward and gangly

>> No.12349407

LLP here,

Just wanna say, Sometimes you need a drink, but you don’t want some regular alcohol, you want something special. Its times like this you need to break out a case of Uncle Monty’s™ Tipsy Walrus Vodka. A secret recipe passed down through not really any generations of the Uncle Monty’s™ family, this recipe was originally bestowed upon Uncle Monty Cornelius by an equally drunk, but very wise elder of a secret walrus tribe as he illegally, drunkenly stumbled through the Walrus Island State Game Sanctuary a few months ago, a special blend of clams, snails, soft-shelled crabs, shrimp, and so much vodka you’ll be too drunk to remember what you’re actually drinking, Tipsy Walrus Vodka is a very special drink, modeled after the very walrus it takes its name from; Uncle Monty’s™ Tipsy Walrus Vodka comes with its own layer of blubber to make sure your drink never gets cold! So, order a case now! Uncle Monty’s™ Tipsy Walrus Vodka, you people bought everything else we’ve been selling. Ever made a shit too big to flush easily? That's correct; it doesn't happen to me all the time, but it does happen sometimes, and today is one such time. It should be noted here that this is partially due to my toilet not having all that much water. So in cases like today's, wherein I drop a pile of turds that actually touch the bowl on one side and stick out of the water on the other. These are the sorts of shit piles that just stick on and sometimes barely budge even after multiple flushes. So how do I conquer such piles of shit? I usually light up a stick of incense and plant it in the pile like a flagpole in a newly claimed land. This plays the dual role of overpowering the stench of shit and helping to break up the pile into more easily flushed pieces. Sometimes pissing on the pile helps, too, but I can never depend on that.Still, how do you handle such messes?

>> No.12349419

I guess it's just baby deer-looking vs model-looking lol.

>> No.12349427

Food is measured in kilocalories, meaning you multiply what you see on the label by 1000 and that is the actual number of calories. Suggested daily intake is 2000 kcals, or 2 million calories.

>> No.12349433

pick up a weight or two and eat some food you emasculated twink faggot

>> No.12349435

LLP here, just to let you all know I've seen a lot of child porn in my days on 4chan! I'm honestly soooo desensitized to it now so feel free to post as much as you like! I won't stop you :smile:

>> No.12349456
File: 134 KB, 541x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls stop :)

Last one for today since I already took it

Any girls know good ways to tone up without exercising? Or is that not possible. I'm vegetarian if that matters

>> No.12349471

LLP again, that censoring of yo tidday seems pretty half-assed. Speaking of ass, I'm gonna need a pic of dat ass too to get me through tonight.

>> No.12349472
File: 23 KB, 343x270, assd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349475

you look like a whore

>> No.12349478

you have beautiful eyes

if i may ask? what is your ethnicity?

you are pure perfection

>> No.12349481
File: 85 KB, 542x960, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5 133

measurements are 33 - 25 - 41

I have such a long torso but my legs are so short & fat.

Does anyone have pear shape inspo?

>> No.12349516

you have nice hair

>> No.12349549

i now barely get hungry anymore
thanks /thinspo/

>> No.12349602

>be cutting super hardcore again (basically starving myself but not quite)
>recommended 1300 kcals a day, personally aiming for ~800
>roommates doing this big sunday meal thing out of the blue
>pasta with sauce and meatballs
>cheesecake with a banana bread crust
>have medium sized plate of pasta with a couple meatballs and tell myself it's okay if this is all I eat today
>try to avoid cheesecake but don't want to be rude
>eat about half of a pretty small piece
>purge most of it 30 minutes later
>currently getting hungry and there's a fridge full of delicious food begging to be eaten
>cravings and moderate hunger currently
>keep chugging water but it's not working suppressing, peeing basically every hour
>feel willpower failing
oh god help me

>> No.12349610


>> No.12349616

how long does it take to get to this point

>> No.12349648


>> No.12349659

aw man I have the same problem, super long torso and short legs. You look pretty nice though.

>> No.12349695
File: 120 KB, 1080x810, 11429558_772985549515017_741223071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're naturally skinny unlike most of us

Great body though, don't starve yourself.

>> No.12349746

100 pushups daily
100 sit ups daily

>> No.12349768

>dat phone case

>> No.12349770
File: 367 KB, 1224x1632, supermalevitality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they want to look good solely from restricting calories and not exercising

>> No.12349785

>not having fetish for clothes

you might great look in naked
but no naked body is better than a clothed body

>> No.12349797

>but no naked body is better than a clothed body

wanna know how I know you don't get laid often

>> No.12349800

i don't get a boner for 90% of fat cows irl so am fresh out of your tfw no gf hecks
quality < quantity

>> No.12349801

>>12349800 (You)
quality > quantity*

>> No.12349833

how hard is it for you fucking retards to set your camera down and time a photo?

>> No.12349840
File: 38 KB, 365x450, 1399347377854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349844
File: 71 KB, 338x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349851

girls are cute in how little they eat

>> No.12349871

how do you know it's a grill

>> No.12349888

What's a healthy way to eat eggs for breakfast if I don't like hard boiled?

>> No.12349903

Tering, deze krijgt echt een pakkie slaag thuis.

>> No.12349914
File: 973 KB, 1059x754, luvoratory____render___by_ohmypink-d7fjejy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349917

honestly, you looked better with more weight

>> No.12349925

you looked good before and after but hypocrite anons will say before because they like thicc girls.

>> No.12349968

Are you Onepunchman?

>> No.12349988

>140,000 calories a day

This kills the man

>> No.12350004

185 cm
90kg I used to be 125
Now looking forward to 75kg

I'm restricting calories and work out(mostly cardio though)

>> No.12350012
File: 142 KB, 640x480, tumblr_ny5ndw0aN31up9zp0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12350056
File: 5 KB, 250x232, 1483627135427s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rainy for 3 weeks in my city
>Lose 3kg in that time
>Hot day for once
>Shave genital area, suddenly seeing veins pop everywhere
>Cock looking porn-star huge

Im ok with this

>> No.12350100
File: 49 KB, 665x574, 1472581663537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 cheat day
>gain 3kg

>> No.12350124

does onepunchman suck dick?

if so yes

>> No.12350132

i feel bad for you guys, i eat whatever i want; heaps or nothing and stay 75~kg at 6'3. Try get a fast metabolism and lose your thyroid.

>> No.12350134

What countries are the people who mix imperial and metric from? I see it all the time here.

>> No.12350136

That's not really that thin though... I could probably stay at the same bmi without trying too

>> No.12350139

That's not thin at all. My BMI is much lower than that if I eat whatever I want but I don't see that as something to brag about.

>> No.12350141

idk i'm a lanky fuck, 20 bmi

>> No.12350142

ouch > (him)

>> No.12350151

How does everyone get enough nutrients on 1200 calories?

do you take daily vitamins?

>> No.12350153


>> No.12350154

Been floating between 600-1100 calories for about 4 days now, did some purging last night so I think I'm really under right now

I don't know if I'm tired or if it's taking a toll on me but the cravings I was having last night have completely disappeared, I feel exhausted, kinda shakey, and don't really feel like eating.

should i eat or

>> No.12350155

by now, eat.

why don't you just eat 1k day and be okay?

>> No.12350156

why don't you guys just go for a run or whatever geez

>> No.12350157

Yeah I guess if you're tall you'd look much thinner at that BMI, right


You could do it without pills if you're an average sized woman though

>> No.12350160

>implying i'm not running every day

>> No.12350161

nutrition >>>> exercise

>> No.12350165

see >>12349602

>> No.12350172

please to god stop purging

it'll ruin your teeth from vomiting so much and stressyou out a lot

just follow the basic rules inthinspo threads and be healthy

>> No.12350174

I usually am, out of necessity I couldn't last night, so I had to purge. It's not a thing I normally do.

>> No.12350179

you get nutrition from eating not not eating

>> No.12350181

i overate 2 kcals last night : (
it was so bad i almost took laxatives

>> No.12350186
File: 51 KB, 540x960, dont ask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12350189

Can't you at least purge through exercise instead?

>> No.12350190


>> No.12350191

you look like absolute shit

>> No.12350195
File: 280 KB, 452x710, 1462057330238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair call, was a good meme though

>> No.12350325

>going out for a run
>imblying you can resist temptaion of food stores

tfw smoked a whole pack of malredu to forget about hot pockets that use to comfort my empty soul and now i smell shit

why isnt there brain surgery for hunger killing hormones yet?

>> No.12350370

>no pic
no care

>> No.12350505

Bullshit, he looks brettygud2me. No homo.

>> No.12350566

honestly it took me a month or 2

>> No.12350664
File: 29 KB, 564x564, a2050fdc70ed77d5d52c93d64b4e3897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here exercises? And if so, what do you do?

>> No.12350671

I do 20 min. cardio and ab stuff every day. I try to hit the gym and do weights a couple times a week.

>> No.12350701

what is BDD?

>> No.12350705

body dysmorphic disorder

>> No.12350711


>> No.12350840

and water most likely. I gained a pound overnight simply eating maintenance after eating at -700 for two days.

>> No.12350897

177 cm
62 kg
55-58 kg
under 1000 kcal per day

>> No.12350926

right is perfection

>> No.12350933

whoops typoew
2,0000 kcal/2 kCal

>> No.12350942
File: 617 KB, 1089x612, IMG_5257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw starting to see progress
Am I gonna make it senpai?

>> No.12350943

Calisthenics in the evening, cardio in the morning or midday, time permitting.

>> No.12350948

how long do you all do cardio for

>> No.12350949

You look quite chubby.

>> No.12350960

Yeah. Have discipline and look at thinspo EVERYDAY, constantly

>> No.12350977

45 minutes to an hour, though not daily. I do walk 4 miles everyday

>> No.12350983

Used to be way bigger tho, but you aren't wrong. I wanna lose like 60 more pounds if possible, but I'm already down 60 already.
I lurk pretty hard pretty much 24/7

>> No.12351083

if youre afraid of being seen running (like me) try running with a dog. idk why but it helps

>> No.12351092

what the fuck is that bike

>> No.12351151

new thread

>> No.12351163

carry mace on your wrist or one of those lifealert things

>> No.12351200

good idea t b h

>> No.12351378
File: 144 KB, 1192x547, 1490336019703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thick bone structure. I want to be thinspo but people say that I should get fit. wat do