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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 283 KB, 800x532, eyyy mama mia the pizza pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12334846 No.12334846 [Reply] [Original]

Pop em in there

>> No.12334852
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>> No.12334867


>> No.12334872

that long thin nose and plump jooocy lips were meant for eating pussy.
such a shame.

>> No.12334874


>> No.12334883

It represents his overall attractiveness rating out of 100

>> No.12334911


>> No.12334938
File: 205 KB, 500x366, 1370403791839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no girls would sleep with him
doesn't that make his face genetically rejected?

>> No.12334949

He was rejected because of his god awful personality.

>> No.12334958

because beautiful people with bad personalities don't still get laid?

>> No.12334966
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>> No.12334968
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>> No.12334972
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>> No.12334975
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>> No.12334979
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>> No.12334983
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>> No.12334984
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>> No.12334987
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>> No.12334988

A bit offtopic, but what is this obnoxious little culture at 4ching of not replying directly, but bumping another threda that could act as a answer to your post?

>> No.12335012
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>> No.12335022

Only a 10/10 could get women with his personality.

>> No.12335063

not sure mate, some people just have an inherent hatred of tripfriends

>> No.12335066
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>> No.12335212

He wasn't even rejected - he basically expected women to approach him and fall over themselves asking him out just because he had an alright car, I don't think he ever asked anyone out.

When it actually happened I remember thots on social media were saying how they thought he was alright looking and would've dated him if he wasn't a total psychopath cunt.

>> No.12335218
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>> No.12335222
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>> No.12335225
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>> No.12335235
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>that massive ear

>> No.12335236
File: 2.11 MB, 1952x684, ohf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis bad boy /fa/ lurker tom95

>> No.12335388


>> No.12335394
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>> No.12335436
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>> No.12335574
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oh dang senpai

okay incoming people i find super attractive

>> No.12335594
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>> No.12335598
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>> No.12335642
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>> No.12335651
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>> No.12335655
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>> No.12335665
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>> No.12335674
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>> No.12335675


>> No.12335682
File: 151 KB, 888x1114, 1474389853158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking any mixed race

Dudes lmao

There's a reason why if you're half black or half asian or half arab you'll never be white, you'll be black or asian or arab or in between.

European genetics are a rare bloodline you cherish, not throw away because you can't find a white woman who'll accept your inferior ass.

There's a reason you're white: thousands of generations of your ancestors kept your bloodline alive, not for you to squander it because of a hollywood film or fashion campaign.

The same goes for every race: keep it alive, preserve what your ancestors worked so hard for. You have no right to throw away their traditions because you want to be edgy.

>> No.12335686
File: 155 KB, 736x1003, 6796febe6eb7b6ecaca29fdc78d1f94c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would you like some cheese with that w(h)ine?

>> No.12335691
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>> No.12335694
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Unironically this. I'm an Iranian girl in the US, and to breed with some asian or african would be an insult to my nation and my heritage. Fuck the media telling every ethnicity but whites to preserve themselves, and shaming white people for wanting the exact same. The world will still be racially divided when all white people are gone, except it will be a sadder place.

>> No.12335696
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>> No.12335701
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>> No.12335706

not sure if you guys are retarded (most likely you are), but now in the age of the internet we have this thing called BOATS and AIRPLANES, where we have the option of SAILING or FLYING ACROSS THE OCEAN and FUCK WHO WE REALLY LOVE instead of being INBRED FUCKS .

>> No.12335708

also, you can go back to iran and express your freedom as a racially pure iranian woman there.

>> No.12335714
File: 72 KB, 640x961, IMG_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao stay looked down upon by every race across the globe, mongrel. Everyone knows you couldn't find a girl of your own race who'll love you, why do you think so many neckbeards move to Nippon or Korea, why do you think so many fat white girls go after black guys. Because they've failed, so they go after easier matches.

Cross globe travel has existed for millennia. The "Mixed couple" trope has existed since hollywood. Do the math.

>> No.12335726
File: 115 KB, 532x800, 46742667984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure we had boats and airplanes before the internet.

>> No.12335727
File: 99 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n94usbeEIC1qmfml5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's right goyim, you don't want to be 'indbred' do you? Weird how genetically homogenous people have constructed all the empires and civilisations of the world, uncovered all the science and philosophy and physical feats we have today, and yet you think they're inbred. Lmao, how advanced you are.

>> No.12335738

Hey, I didn't choose for my family to come here 2 generations before I was around, but I'm a much better American than you my friend, because I follow American culture yet I understand the value of ethnonationalism, and wanting to preserve your own people. If a white state or white neighbourhood formed, I wouldn't complain and whine about "muh racism", because multiculturalism and race mixing have failed. You dingbat bigot.

>> No.12335770

lmao just laughing as y'all become irrelevant in the next decade. maybe the SJW movement did do some good in this sense. sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks, sometimes ya can't-- enjoy serving your iranian husband and existing for the sole purpose of sex and servitude. i wish your daughters a better fate.

I'm good with hoarding the hybrid vigor for my offspring and the beautifully ethnic/multicultural women for myself. ALSO W.R.T. THE BOATS-- STAY INLAND, KEKS! PEACE.

>> No.12335787


>> No.12335797

if you actually believed this bullshit you'd be in Iran, lol

>> No.12335799

What the fuck? Literally looks like a white person who was photoshopped to be black

>> No.12335802

Looks like a monkey

>> No.12335821
File: 645 KB, 1280x1919, IMG_2099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12335770 >>12335738

Pahaha, based Iranian causing butthurt.

Enjoy you and your mixed kids being subconsciously rejected by every culture and creed except for your Brooklyn dyed haired numale friends. It's an instinct no amount of cultural reprogramming can erase.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, every culture loves their own people and wants to see them survive. Don't you see nationalism on the rise all over Europe? Overtly ethnonationalist countries across the third world? Take a look outside of your hugbox once in a while. Sorry you hate your own people, there's always time for you to learn to love yourself.

>> No.12335836
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Yeah, this tbq

Martin Luther King wanted people to stop talking about race and respect one another, he didn't want to mix and wipe out one creed

>> No.12335863
File: 151 KB, 960x960, 9xAHvQSvyKo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pol keepin it 3 hunna in this thread

>> No.12335880
File: 42 KB, 358x482, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lames got to always turn this kind of threads into race politics instead of just admiring beautiful people. These faggots are way more fucking annoying than sjws

>> No.12335886
File: 608 KB, 613x765, KKHs9Kf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry these autists ruined your thread OP

>> No.12335897
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and all those empires have fallen, imagine that. If aryans are so superior, why do they lose so god damn always?

oh wait, lemme guess, it was due to "degeneracy" and "race mixing" kek

>> No.12335908

>the world will be racially divided when everyone is so mixed that it will be hard to divide themselves by race
this is what you retards really believe? no wonder the white race is going extinct

>> No.12335942
File: 185 KB, 771x773, tumblr_n4tqebCTTB1qa2e9qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, like China, Russia, Vietnam, swathes of Africa, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Norway, Iceland, all largely homogenous countries. implying Japan would have bent the knee if it wasn't nuked.

It really is just whites you guys have a problem with, isn't it.

Implying diversity exists in any ethnic group around the world except the US of A.
Diversity means no more whites, not no more middle easterners, or asians, they can be as pure as they want, right? You definitely showed her :^)

>> No.12335962
File: 69 KB, 551x800, IMG_1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when all white people are mixed beyond recognition, Muslims and Jews will stop fighting? Africans will stop butchering other tribes? China will leave Tibet alone? Russia won't want Ukraine? Japan will start importing Syrian refugees? What a wonderful world you'll create by getting rid of le evil nazis! Smash racism!

>> No.12336055

lies. many hot people prefer exotic looking people just because they are exotic and different. men get bored of the same type of women sometimes.

>> No.12336056

desu mixed children have less chance of being retarded in that sense, stronger genes and a bigger pool to choose from.

>> No.12336057
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>> No.12336068

You don't know what inbred means and you don't know what love means.
You just want to cum in people from different races or have them cum in you.

>> No.12336127

Mixed-race people report higher mental and physical illness.
You're probably hung up on thinking of people like breeds of dog.
A German person breeding with a fellow German isn't going to have weaker, less viable offspring because they're in-bred. Germany has a massive population, much greater than you would need to keep a species healthy.

Humans are actually more in danger of making themselves weaker by OUT-breeding. If you want to compare it to dogs: imagine you put a Great Dane's sperm into a Dachshund. There could be all sorts of problems with that, right?

Well we have an example of what organic out-breeding can do in humans. In the UK the original inhabitants were invaded by Celts and bred with them. They were invaded by Angles, Saxons and Jutes and bred with them. They bred with Norman French. All sorts of groups bred with them, they're actually the opposite of in-bred. But what is the result?

Brits are unquestionably ugly compared to many other European groups and they have unnaturally awful teeth from mixing with people that were only slightly different to them.

I can go with you so far as to imagine a program of scientific race-mixing could produce a superior breed of human. That is possible.

But people randomly fucking each other and not giving a single shit about what kind of kids they're going to make? There's no reason to believe it would produce anything but negative results.

>> No.12336162

can i get a quick rundown on these guys?

>> No.12336172

where is your data for that fact
you're the reason trump was elected

>> No.12336205
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>> No.12336207

The Supreme Gentelhombre

>> No.12336209

>if you want to compare it to dogs
this is why you're a disgrace to whites.

this is why I like some indians

>> No.12336218

looking for a semi fast explanation on these men

>> No.12336229

shooped, but the shooped face is plastic surgery gone wrong

>> No.12336241

The final redpill is that you fucked your own faces you mouthbreathers.
Your facial structure involving your cheekbones, undereye areas, length and squareness of jaw, hollowness of cheeks are all to do with tongue posture and swallowing pattern.
Now start chewing gum and keeping your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth and maybe you can undo some of the damage you've already done.


>> No.12336244

why are /pol/ posters so angry

>> No.12336253

>oy vey beddah fly to africa and make mulattos goyim, wouldn't wanna be an inbreedah by having a kid with someone who looks like you!

>> No.12336271
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>> No.12336273
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>> No.12336316

don't be fooled by the cheekbones

he got an ugly little recessed chin

>> No.12336329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12336339

You're really trying your hardest at driving the point that brown people can look good only if they look exactly like white people, don't you?

racist scum

>> No.12336340
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>> No.12336342

what the fuck does this have to do with fashion?

>> No.12336360
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>> No.12336366

just bought some mastic, shit is pretty nice, much more interesting texture and taste than flavored gum
>what does appearance have to do with fashion

>> No.12336369
File: 126 KB, 666x1000, 13398871_1145259088830719_1206091719_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor mans Jordan Barrett

>> No.12336377

It literally doesn't. If this thread were about how to complement what type of face what types of clothes, it would be fashion related. Just posting beautiful faces is not. If it were about surgically altered faces, it would be. But it's not, it's about genetically perfect faces. If it were about make-up and how to make your face beautiful it would be, but it's not. This has nothing to do with fashion.

>> No.12336469

i love you

>> No.12336641
File: 114 KB, 1080x966, 14723522_1251489618248498_1090218843260846080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather look like max desu, Barrett doesn't look human enough for me

>> No.12336804

awww hehehe

>> No.12336830
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>> No.12336944
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>> No.12336973
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>> No.12336997
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>> No.12337143

Too bad his IQ is sub-80 :3

>> No.12337163
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80s actress and singer vanity was quite beautiful.

>> No.12337180
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>> No.12337203
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From a fellow MEWSTER RACE associate, directed at mouth breathers.

>> No.12337224
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>> No.12337246

Lul. I hope you know you're not white yourself. Everything you're spewing is nothing short of bigoted bullshit. Nobody worked hard to preserve anything; there is no special purpose you fuck. There is no benefit to having a "pure" race

>> No.12337254 [DELETED] 


You don't that, why you got to be that type of a petty racist in a thread about perfect faces?

Nigga can't even be born pretty without someone being sour about it.

>> No.12337261


You don't know that, why you got to be that type of a petty racist in a thread about perfect faces?

Niggas can't even be born pretty without someone being sour about it.

>> No.12337263

10/10 would make a man out of him

>> No.12337265


Stop believing white supremacist pseudo-science and propaganda.


Falling for the meme of believing that high, thin, and narrow features are exclusive to white people and not natural to other races.

>> No.12337271

Who this?

>> No.12337278
File: 85 KB, 502x600, g8142_u5271_anne_frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like rebel Anne Frank

>> No.12337342
File: 104 KB, 682x1024, Mir0copingFaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even attempt being /fa/

>> No.12337347
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>> No.12337348

mother of god

>> No.12337354

this is a blue board, nudity is not allowed.

>> No.12337356

itt thread: literally me

>> No.12337364
File: 52 KB, 960x638, 10406548_10201729450352658_6651220876797457323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many of these may be beautiful, but they have such whore faces.

pic related my 10/10

>> No.12337387
File: 26 KB, 306x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every thread. you people realize these are all /pol/cucks, right? why do you even bother responding? they feed off this shit and they know /fa/ is the most susceptible. yet you people keep responding.

>> No.12337494
File: 200 KB, 741x1000, froggo black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's /ourgirl/ from face rate threads.

>> No.12337501

she's more like interestingly ugly I'd say
definitely not perfect

>> No.12337533


>> No.12337569



>> No.12337575

She's pretty in an ugly sort of way. I'd get high on opiates with her though.

>> No.12337579

>muh eugenics
aside from that nonsense i've found the average mixed person to be much better looking than someone with a purer ethnicity. especially half white/half asians... hnnng

>> No.12337617

This is nonsense, especially the bit about the Brits. Normans, Vikings, Jutes, Angles, Frisian, and Saxons were all Germanic. Celts and Germanics are both Indo-Europeans. I don't believe in any racist pseudo-science but if it means anything to you, Hans F. K. Gunther, the leading racial theorist of the Nazis, believed the English were a combination of the best of the best Aryans. He also believed their population had experienced LESS Miscegination than your average German because of being on an island did a better job of keeping out non-Nordics. IIRC, Madison Grant felt the same way. If you're gonna have stupid racist beliefs, at least have the right stupid racist beliefs.

>> No.12337734
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>> No.12337913
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>> No.12337917

all of those people are either of mixed white ascendance or of iranian heritage, which is an ancient aryan tribe.

You're a fucking sperg.

>> No.12337919
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>> No.12337921


>> No.12337929

lydia graham is uggo now tho

>> No.12337930
File: 7 KB, 225x225, halfasian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also, if they're part Black, Asian, and White then they'll become elite athletes like Tiger Woods

>> No.12337935
File: 101 KB, 750x390, IMG_0368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least have the right stupid racist beliefs

Literally summed up the leftist view on race. It doesn't matter if it's factual and scientific, it's still "dumb and racist". Lmao, good job

>> No.12337942
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1490223518409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiger Woods

Guys, breed with other races. Because your moms would be pretty sad if you died alone because no one from your own race would have children with you.

>> No.12337946
File: 63 KB, 850x1238, hpCfrNf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would believe this dude was an incel for the longest time. Autism knows no bounds.

>> No.12337950
File: 118 KB, 758x878, 1490231047180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever keeps you tight at sleep, m8.

It's always funny to hear this kind of shit, later it turns out that the ones defending racemixing are ALWAYS race-mixed themselves. LMAO. Good luck with that coping-mechanism, losers.

Blame your parents.

>> No.12337960

It is a meme, but not one you "fall for", rather one you get to be a part of, if you get my drift ;)

>> No.12337968
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>> No.12338039

I will never understand this tragedy. The dude couldve easily picked chix up but never did. I know it's apparent he had some major autism going on but I can't even begin to comprehend how much of a social fuck up he had to be to not have at least one easy girl.

>> No.12338044
File: 147 KB, 750x1247, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12338060

he had super autismo and according to his own posts on a bodybuilding forum, he found it "unsettling" that the average penis size was 5" instead of 4"

So, he was fucked either way.

>> No.12338103

bogdanoff ?

>> No.12338161


Obvious Jew schematics victim.

I live in the #1 travel destination for Chinese tourists and in the street I live, there are 3 families alone with a white father and an Asian mother. Their kids are ALL looking very misaligned. I used to work part-time in a nearby kindergarten and one of their daughters was there too. I felt so sorry for this little girl, because her body proportions and cranial structure were so off. It made me mad at their parents for selfishly shitting out hapa children and not giving a fuck.

>> No.12338162


>> No.12338166

"cashmeouside howboudah"

>> No.12338171

>There's no reason to believe it would produce anything but negative results.

look in the mirror champ

>> No.12338224
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>> No.12338288

>semi fast explanation

do you mean rundown?

>> No.12338305

I'm looking for a closeup headshot of a man with grey hair and green eyes, he's topless against a greyish-green background.
Anyone know what I mean?

>> No.12338328

Is there a story to this? I wanna hear it.

>> No.12338335

Can you not separate arguments you disagree with that are consistent from arguments you disagree with that aren't? I disagree with old school scientific racists but their work makes more sense than the nonsense spewed by your average Stormfront poster.

>> No.12338336
File: 853 KB, 1024x1439, 1486085106665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek, do you think this matters to black people? We have nothing to be proud of, so why should I respect my heriitage? And from the viewpoint of a nationalist: why should I respect your heritage by not breeding with them?

>> No.12338355

i love this picture because there's no way of refuting it and cucks get BTFO every time

>> No.12338373

You don't think you should be proud of the accomplishments of Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Usain Bolt, Martin Luther King Jr., Otis Redding, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Kanye West, Frederick Douglas, Franz Fanon, Miles Davis, Neil Degrasse Tyson, or the guy who made peanut butter? What about the accomplishments of the Mali Empire, Nubia, Ethiopia, or the Songhai Empire? If you think blacks have nothing to be proud of, you're wrong. You've probably been reading too much /pol/ propaganda. I say this as a proud white person. Learn to love yourself.

>> No.12338382

She looks like a modern au zelda from breath of the wild

>> No.12338402
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10/10 coming through

>> No.12338488
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>> No.12338498
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no homo but this dude is straight gorgeous bro

>> No.12338706
File: 105 KB, 1090x1528, 96nslts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know all the details, but basically he was a basement dwelling, bodybuilding, next-level autist who ended up moving to thailand or some shit to get laid in the end.

Went by Orb if you want to google around.

>> No.12338729


>> No.12338815

>tfw the white race will be gon in your wifes son's lifetime and you know this faggot has no kids

fuck you at least i left an impression on somebody's life, all you did was shitpost on a japaneese image board about muh genetics fucking stormfag

>> No.12338855

>tfw reached the level of inceldom that seeing beautiful women just depresses me because I know they would be legitimately repulsed by me
haha wonder what the next level is

>> No.12338863

mongrels Americans on a suicide watch

>> No.12338877

rich coming from double digit iq sand nigger shitskin living in another country

>> No.12338893

Anon i was with you till you bought up the Brits. The nation that maintained the history's largest empire and had contributed more to art, music and science than almost any other nation.

>> No.12338896

>racist scum
I think you might have accidentally arrived on 4chan. You can turn to your normal website by typing either tumblr or Reddit into your address bar.

>> No.12338914

>Black people even want to steal good genetics

Much easier than doing something worthwhile with your life, right? You niggas are shameful to MLK

>> No.12338923

Did you know that context is key?

One poster keeps spamming pictures of mixed race models - another points out that they only look good because they have whiter features than non mixed brown people, ironically.

So while the first person's intention was to prove that race mixing was desirable, the second points out that this opinion is based in the same racist sentiment as white supremacy.

Saying mixed people are better looking is aching to saying brown people can look better when they have some white in their system.

Basically, that was trolling "progressives" by showing how their high morals and good intentions are actually racist too.

You took a bait that wasn't even for you...

>> No.12338929
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That double digit IQ got my dad into Harvard before quotas arrived, and I'm training in law. What have you done with your life friend?

I thank God every day that I don't have some African or Asian blood giving me weird skin and a fucked up skull because my parents were "progressive". Stay mad

>> No.12339014

wot the fugg

>> No.12339024
File: 79 KB, 584x960, IMG_5653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls fucking marry me mr.orange shirts

>> No.12339032
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>> No.12339070

Would look better if half Asian-Black though

>> No.12339077

Fucking kek. This is clearly shooped.

>> No.12339085

>he was a basement dwelling, bodybuilding, next-level autist
reminder that all of these things are effay

>> No.12339089

>muh ancestry

>> No.12339097

That's honestly the dumbest thing you could utter. Do you really think your exception being came out of thin air? Surely you couldn't be the result of millenniums of genetic evolution...

>> No.12339104
File: 259 KB, 931x1400, IMG_2056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an embarrassment. Every single one of your ancestors are cringing at you.

>> No.12339113
File: 301 KB, 980x374, IMG_1870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't cucks like you just take your Asian wife's name and completely erase your family history? You clearly don't care about it, so why even have a surname in the first place? Embarrassing

>> No.12339116
File: 82 KB, 800x820, e1d8fe60e515652ee0af3a2a269016e971d6ab743716c8b59d6f65055caa7e1d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post ur faces so I can see how your perfect bloodlines turned out

>> No.12339174
File: 22 KB, 300x250, SpBQTdHHxS-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Gee, anon, sure ruffled mah feelings here.

>> No.12339184

>Every single one of your ancestors are cringing at you.
why does that matter

>> No.12339221


>> No.12339232
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brb kms

>> No.12339290
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If you don't care about other generations then castrate youself.

>> No.12339295 [DELETED] 

why should my ancestors' opinion be more important to me than some random nigger's opinion?
why lol

>> No.12339301


>> No.12339303

>why lol
Said in the post.

>> No.12339305 [DELETED] 


>> No.12339330


That's what ugly fucks like you think

>> No.12339355
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>> No.12339358
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>> No.12339361
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>> No.12339364
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An average man chose a less than average wife and had less than average children. What do I win?

Not defending race mixing. I'm Caribbean married to someone who is also Caribbean. I personally enjoy the various facial features of other ethnic groups. Race mixing shouldn't be a meme that everyone does simply because "muh dick". It should be natural, not fetishized. Eg; falling in love with someone who has similar interests, background and qualities you enjoy. They just so happen to be a different race.

>> No.12339371

>there's no way of refuting it
Are you literally mentally challenged? The BROTHERS and SISTERS of most superstars are worse looking that them because guess fucking what, they didn't win the genetic lottery like their sister of brother. Jesus, aren't you STUPID.

>> No.12339598

Why don't you just let your parents and grandparents die out in the streets when they're senile then, you fucking pigdog. That way you'll have more money to spend on your gay clothes you wear while you stay incel, or alternatively you could afford more strap on attachments for your dyed hair girlfriend. You're doomed to a pointless, sad life.

>> No.12339608
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Your sister filing a sexual harassment case against you does not count as leaving an impression on someone's life. Go make white babies before xenoestrogens leave you sterile or incel, you eejit.

>> No.12340006
File: 2.99 MB, 568x320, Muslim culture.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Dad
>a prestigious education institution founded by us white people
what are you trying to prove here shitskin??just because your mohammad dad got into Harvard doesnt mean that youur average sandnigger have low iq. Also black nigger has contributed a lot into music and pop culture and asian has lots of high fashion designer and other shit..What have your shitskin people contributed to this modern world?
>What have you done with your life friend?
I am a medical student in KU leuven fucking subhuman but nice projection though...

>> No.12340067

me too haha

>> No.12340301
File: 251 KB, 1080x1176, tumblr_of6hdlOckb1uhn1kco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree, Islam has hampered our development, the practice of marrying a first cousin has damaged our collective IQ, all of the educated and high IQ people fleeing our lands and moving to the US to become lawyers, doctors etc has left our countries with 'brain drain' as the anthropologists call it, and our countries have been stuck in either abject poverty or authoritarian tribal theocracy (to which the West can also find blame).

However, before the advent of Islam, the Arabic people were pantheistic conquerers and scientists who formed one of the most wealthy, advanced scientific and medical communities in the world, with collected discoveries from around the world. We were one of the centres of trade, our art was unparalleled, our writing and laws exceeding any empire of the time. We had our renaissance whilst you were still getting raped by Vikings and building little wooden huts in the mud, desperately clinging on to the remnants of what the Romans left for you Britbongs. And then came Islam and its jihad. So it is not a racial issue that you talk of, but a religious one. And if you wish to talk of shitty religions ruining culture and hampering enlightenment, I point you towards the Jew worshipping Christians, who erased the polytheistic pagan beliefs of your glorious European ancestors, Romans, Greeks, Celts, Nords, everyone.

It is just as Hitler meant, a race's worth is defined by its deeds and morality, not the colour of its skin. That's why there were Nazi divisions in Africa, India, Asia. You have corrupted his message and bought into the Jew propaganda that whites must hate and divide themselves from other races and each other, rather than work side by side with them to build the global Reich and drive out the merchants and communists.

I do not believe you understand what projection is too, you have fallen for another low iq 4chan meme.

Any questions صديقى ?

>> No.12340314
File: 189 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_nynnbxFiDy1rz3fkho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disagree with scientific evidence

Sorry, what?
You don't have to "hate" anyone or be "racist" to acknowledge the work of impartial scientists.
Hell, it's people like you that allowed THE SCIENTIST WHO DISCOVERED DNA to have his Nobel prize stripped from him for daring to substantiate a scientific study into the effects on IQ of Africa's current state as a country. I guess you'd call him an 'old school scientific racist'.

Lmao, keep holding back human progress and understanding of our amazing species, you progressive.

>> No.12340320
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>founded by white people
>not founded by Greek scholars

>Western law & democracy
>invented by white people
>not stolen from the Greeks and Romans only ~300 years ago

fucking snow niggers lmao

>> No.12340332
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This sandnigger chick is redpilled AF

Islam really fucked over its followers way more than its enemies

Kinda sad homie, the arabs literally were the real life WE WUZ

>> No.12340334
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>> No.12340363

Racial pride is literally one of the most retarded things conceivable. To be proud of your family's ancestry is totally reasonable. Nationalism is a bit of a stretch (DUDE WE WERE BORN IN THE SAME ARBITRARY EXTENSION OF LAND LMAO) but makes some sense if you share a culture and history. However white/black pride and such are so arbitrary and meaningless that you gotta start asking yourself how lacking in things to be proud of such subhumans must be lmao

>> No.12340381

iranians mostly aren't white, yet they have the sloped forehead, aquiline nose and other features common to "whites"
many other non-white etnies (mostly from north africa and middle east) have the same features

>> No.12340400
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>iranians aren't white
>he doesn't know

>> No.12340402

>Neil Degrasse Tyson
he's a retard

>> No.12340411
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genuinely debating this: What if your race is so tied up in your land and culture? Racial pride makes a lot of sense nowadays, because the prevalence of marxism (just think of every buzzfeed article, every film) seperates people into groups based on gender, sexuality, religion but especially race.

They also make it very hard to seperate yourself from your culture: a white person will always be a part of 'white history' and 'white culture' just like an arab will always be associated with the acts of their fellow arab Muslims who act pretty poorly.

We're stuck in this. For generations, this is how we've been taught to see the world.

However, you can't deny that the narrative has been overwhelmingly negative and shaming to white people, for their collective crime of
It also fosters an 'original sin' idea that an average white guy gets some of the blame for cruel or outdated practices of historical people of the same skin colour, which is dumb - most white US families a century ago DIDN'T own a slave, they wanted to free them or were indifferent. Yet modern white children still have to feel awful for this, despite slavery, colonialism, war, and all of the barbary that comes with it was practised GLOBALLY often AFTER the whites had abolished or ended it. Yet there's no other collective guilt, no African guilt for the warlords who sold the slaves etc.

I see racial pride as a direct push back at the negative characterisation that is placed on people by merit of being part of a group that is deemed 'bad' or 'guilty' or 'privileged', especially whites. They want to celebrate and pride achievements of their nations, family and like-minded kinsmen (on battlefields, in philosophy, ethics, politics etc). Hence why you don't see any people pushing for white pride also being proud of the white communists and KKK of the past, or the Nazi war criminals and butcherous gestapo, who by any political view were evil (at least sane, non edgelord or agent provocateur).

>> No.12340420

>white culture
this makes absolutely no sense at all
Italian culture, Nordic culture, Germanic culture, Iranian culture...even western european culture would be acceptable. the entirety of the white race doesn't share a single narrative, culture or history. it's a misnomer

>> No.12340452
File: 235 KB, 3345x1877, Australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And race really isn't arbitrary. The fact that you can even have 'mixed race' in the first place proves this. We instinctually categorise different humans into different groups based on their appearance, and instinctually prefer to be around and breed with humans who look like us. This is one of the basic tenets of psychology.

Birds all share an ancestor. Dog breeds do too. Yet a bird that has developed over thousands of years on an island, or in the north of Europe, is going to be a very different bird to an African bird. Frankly it is a miracle that we can still interbreed with Australian Aboriginals, who have been isolated for thousands of years, because plenty of other species divide off into weird uncrossable 'races' or species, like Lions and Tigers whos offspring are infertile.

Sure, there are blurred genetic lineages, crossovers, historically traceable miscegenation (e.g. Genghis Khan raping his way across the top of the world), and we all of course share a common ancestor, when we were running around the plains of Africa millenia ago, an argument which some might say blurs the definitions of race. Yet if this were true, why did we distinguish ourselves from other groups in the first place? Because it is part of our psychology. The same psychology that saw other homonids like Neanderthals as a seperate race, even though they shared almost identical DNA. That's why we butchered so many, and bred with a small percentage because we could. Because that is our very human nature, one we shouldn't deny, but should learn how to accept peacefully and not ruin other people's lives over.

Hitler had a point: the true destiny of mankind is not to racemix until we are all one brown blob, it is to celebrate all of our colours and hold highest the virtues that define our races: the high intelligence and discipline of the Asians, the sporting and hunting prowess of Africans, the hardy nature of the Scandinavians - that's what his Olympics were.

>> No.12340464

oy vey good goyim!

>> No.12340465

I agree.

That's why Amerifat ethno nationalists are misguided and dumb. The collective term "white" is misused by leftists and the right so much, it's not even funny, but then again so are terms like "Asian" (in Britain that also means Indians and Arabs because of the Asian continent, which is dumb).

I agree with you, that racial subdivision is much more nuanced, that you could use a term like Nordic to collectivise the peoples of Scandinavia and partly Russia, and Germanic, Mediterranean etc.

You would need a historian to work out who first lumped all these people together as 'White', but that is the way that it is today, and we have to accept that.

>White Pride is an umbrella term that encompasses being proud of yourself and your people wherever you're from, because if you don't have enough melanin or your hair is too light or your eyes are too wide or blue, you're demonised by a huge percentage of the world.

Which I'm sure you can agree is simply retarded, to raise children to hate themselves because of their genetics.

>> No.12340467

> lmao
>>>r/blackpeopletwitter is that way.

>> No.12340479
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fuckin this. All the Heil Hitler 88 shit is probably mostly false flagging and agent provocateurs, so normal people will view the very idea of being happy with your skin colour and not whipping yourself for something you didn't do as
>fuckin nazi bigots

Think what a dirty term White Pride is compared to Black Pride, or #ProudtobeAsian. DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?

INB4 white peepul don bad things. Every race all round the world have done bad things, some have more privilege, and they're all allowed to be happy and love themselves without the media telling their kids to go fuck themselves, 'evil racist bigot slave owner nazi KKK'

>> No.12340484

So what do mixed race people do? Kill themselves off? Fuck that.

>> No.12340488
File: 79 KB, 564x725, IMG_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you didn't answer his rebuttal at all. You just said hurr durr white culture doesn't exist when he just said that we have been taught to see European races as part of "white culture".


>> No.12340494

I like you. You should post proof your a girl

>> No.12340504

Like, as a mixed race person, I do believe that people should be proud of their race, and work to preserve it, but that leaves me out of the mix. I don't have a race to preserve, or a culture to preserve. Fuck that.

>> No.12340508
File: 98 KB, 704x704, IMG_2280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed with other mixed race people, or find a racial type that directly matches or compliments your racial characteristics:

This is kindest for your children. It means
>no misshapen over/undersized skulls
>no weird skin pigmentation
>no weird organ and bone size
>no extra genetic congenital conditions
>no weird common mixed racial characteristics like fucked metabolism, IQ lowering and food intolerances

As well as this they get the social benefits of
>growing up not the 'weird kid' wherever they are in the world
>mixing happily with kids that look like them
>happily make friends and meet significant other within their community
>love you even more for not being a filthy progressive

It's simple senpai. If I was a ginger mixed race Italian I'd probably marry a ginger Irish girl.
If I was a light skinned nigga I'd probably marry a carribean girl, or a west Indies girl, or another light skinned girl.

Don't kill yourself senpai, it's not your fault.

>> No.12340540
File: 91 KB, 640x853, IMG_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this is the most redpilled thread I've seen on /fa/ in a long time. Every young /fa/ggot should read the discussion in here.

Based Iranian girl, based /fa/ggots, have this beauty.

>> No.12340558

Having an awful personality, like being bad and self centered, is a different from being autistic and not knowing how to have a conversation. All people who have so called bad personality and still get the girls, are socially skilled. They are just not what we consider "nice", but they are often very charming.
autists don't get laid because they have awful social skills. Even the girls don't. First of all, they maybe have 1-2 people in school they even speak to, others think they are weird, gossip about them or bully. Even those people never ask them to come anywhere, they have never been invited to parties, never walked down the street with friends. The only members of the opposite sex they know are their classmates who they don't even speak to because don't know how to hold a conversation. Sometimes they don't have anyone beyond teachers and parents who speaks to them. Appearance doesn't really matter, I wouldn't say that autistic nerdy students in the class are ugly, often they look younger, are thin, but have awful social skills or expect others to approach.

>> No.12340565

Most white people don't look at all like models with narrow faces but soft potato faces. I don't think that the "model look" is more characteristic to a white person than any other race.

>> No.12340587
File: 153 KB, 500x639, IMG_1816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You can have lovely, honourable, kind autists who never get laid and you can have scheming, methodical, derring-do autists that never get laid.

Social skills are something you train, something your parents set you up with and something that people are 'naturals' at. It's also a skill that fades if you don't use it, that's why Tom Hanks and other castaways have come back to civilisation and acted like Chris Chan.

However, don't despair! Some people can make up for incompetence in the social skill field, by having a great talent they've nurtured and trained, and can get plenty laid. Think how many musicians there are, ugly, long greasy haired, short, stout, low iq or bad at giving interviews, whose amazing musical skill or stage presence makes women THROW themselves at them.

Not for long term relationships, but these women throwing themselves at you, or in fact any social interaction with the opposite sex, can help you train your social skills to the point that you can meet a good woman to have kids with or marry.

Don't despair anon, if you have low social skills. It's like picking up the guitar - you'll get better slower than if you were young, but you can still become pretty fuckin good at what you do.

Also this thread is full of race realism and it's glorious, it's the most /fa/ thing.

>> No.12340597

Well, at least you weren't an asshole about it.

>> No.12340608

>race realism
that's cute, bigot

>> No.12340612


>when you realise the opposite of race realism is race denialism

To quote >>12340314

You don't have to "hate" anyone or be "racist" to acknowledge the work of impartial scientists.

Lmao, keep holding back human progress and understanding of our amazing species, you kind and lovely progressive.

>> No.12340627

Marlon Brando was so fucking attractive before he got old and fat

>> No.12340646
File: 21 KB, 513x546, 4e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahahahaha, every single refutation was BTFO by simple logic.

Progressivism really is a dead end, isn't it? Simple logic can knock you over to the point that you can't reply with anything other than 'bigot'.

Don't you know it's not /fa/ to be low IQ?

>> No.12340662


>> No.12340663
File: 80 KB, 600x900, IMG_1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu have you ever been to Scandinavia?

I think you've spent too long around the lard swilling mongrel amerifats, there really are nations of exclusively gorgeous, strong featured 'model' people. I'm a Britbong and I was blown away visiting Sweden and Norway

Bill Burr on Swedish people

>> No.12340670
File: 38 KB, 401x604, tumblr_nxwak8Urve1urjwbeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one piece of evidence that there are no differences between races and i will acquiesce to your superior logic

>> No.12340673

Nordic culture is a branch of Germanic culture. They're not different things.

>> No.12340696

this board is disturbingly obsessed with this guy...

>> No.12340701

the real irony here is that racist= ignorance= lower IQ. like that is a honest to God fact

>> No.12340706

he posted a few fit pics here way back.

>> No.12340710
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denying racial stereotypes have basis in fact = not ignorance?

>> No.12340714

jesus christ racist idiots ruin decent topics every time....

>> No.12340722

being a racist is being knowingly or unknowingly ignorant or malicious in regards to another ethnicity or culture. In other words you're an actual dumbass about other humans.

The fact that you need that explained o you at all is proof.

>> No.12340730

you're trying to justify your own ignorance on an image board.... on 4chan. like think about your life my guy. you're also going to die one day.

>> No.12340732
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>decent topic
>"Post your favourite genetic Ubermensch!"
>one person mentions the negatives of race mixing
>butthurt progressives attacking an Iranian girl

"racist idiots ruined the thread"

>> No.12340739

a human is fucking a another human, you fucking jackass. there is one race, human. i feel myself getting stupid as shit talking with you dummies.

>> No.12340740
File: 700 KB, 400x600, tumblr_nzjc4fWglT1r607aso1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you sure showed me with your logic.
If I can help just one fellow /fa/ggot to think for themselves instead of spewing 'racist' 'bigot' 'ignorant' like a good goy, that was 2 minutes of my time well spent.

>> No.12340748

>thinks "perfect" genetics is exclusive to one type of ethnicity.
>thinks genetics is all about shade of skin.
>derails thread with numbskull racist fueled nonsense.

use your goddamned brain, do it for me baby.

>> No.12340755
File: 372 KB, 1200x1600, 1489793340828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the Israeli passport officials when you try and migrate to their country. Anything other than a genetic jew? Jog on.

Ironic how it's always pro-Israeli jews that push the narrative that 'race doesn't exist' yet they hate arabs, hate whites for kicking them out of every European nation, and then steal from the impoverished blacks, asians and whites of the land. If you had half a brain you'd ask WHO is telling you that there's no difference between a 6'4" basketball elite black guy and a 5'6" asian physicist, and WHY they want you to mindlessly parrot that.
No one is saying either is superior. To say that women are shorter than men isn't to say that one is superior. It is not hateful or bigoted to be realistic about the differences between human beings, it is a shame to whitewash and erase all the quirks and differences that make us an amazing rainbow species capable of living side by side.

Or does that make me a nazi trump supporter?

>> No.12340759

>think for themselves
>thinks that differences between humans is some great revelation
don't flatter yourself, you're not enlightening anyone baby.

>> No.12340772
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lmao he didn't say any ethnicity, he was pointing out that a thread about perfect genetic beings isn't exactly a great thread topic. Stop projecting because you think that Ubermensch = White lmao

Good, so you do have a brain after all. Now, the next step in your journey to enlightenment is to realise that
>there is nothing wrong with acknowledging the different traits and abilities of the races
>no race is genetically bad, dumb, guilty or evil, or owes anything to anyone

Boom, you believe in white pride as well as every other kind of pride.

>> No.12340780

who the fuck even mentioned jewish people? you have weird obsession with jewish people I guess.

>difference between a 6'4" basketball elite black guy and a 5'6" asian physicist
Well no shit, captain obvious. Not sure what their occupations have anything to do with this. 6'4 dark skinned dude can be a physicist,,and a 5'6 "asian" can be pretty good at basketball....
notice how one is referred to by skin shade, the other by the region their ancestry is from?

you are being super paranoid btw.

>> No.12340791

>it's always pro-Israeli jews that push the narrative that 'race doesn't exist'

Nope. It's faithless diasporacucks who push that shit. Stay out of my bloodline, goyim.

>> No.12340797

As a child mouthbreather, it really depends. My brother and sister were not mouthbreathing but still needed braces and surgery because of too many teeth. They haven't decided yet and don't need it so bad as I did.

Also, my problem was not the recessed jaw but too big lower jaw. After the surgery it looks perfect though. Not mouthbreathing would not have saved me as I had too small face and too many teeth to fit in. The reason why people have dental problems now is also related to the brain growth which pushes teeth down. Humans don't need as many teeth as apes did and they just don't fit in human jaw. Of course, mouthbreathing makes it worse as my situation was compared to my brother and sister. But it is still partly genetics.

>> No.12340799
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Pro-Israeli Jews are not every single ethnic jew, you ignoramus. They are a political and religious group/affiliation. It's like talking about Pro Trump Republicans, they are a voting bloc and a unified group.

An occupation is something that they are good at. Something that they are suited to. People hailing from China, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam and Japan overwhelmingly perform highly on IQ tests and at academic levels, indicating a racial characteristic of high IQs. Notice how all of these countries have people that scientists categorise as belonging to the "Asian" race?

So it's commonly claimed there's an evil KKK Trump Nazi conspiracy to be realistic about race, but a huge amount of politicians, news, films, tv and media outlets pushing the narrative that white people are evil yet you cannot discuss racial differences, who all coincidentally are run / owned / overwhelmingly staffed by pro Israeli jews, and that's kinda paranoid?
When they make up less than 1% of the working population of the US?

I'd say you'd be a little naive not to be slightly curious about that.

>> No.12340805

several post in threads are obviously racist in nature,
it happens like clockwork every similar threads are posted....

the problem is every time faces of other ethnicities are posted ( i.e. those with dark skin) some anons attribute any "good" genes to being half caucasian.

a shared gene pool between all of humanity is why anyone looks like anyone.

>Boom, you believe in white pride as well as every other kind of pride.
No, white pride, like any pride is a political ideology, has little to do with understanding that all humans are essentially the same race, despite having unique genetic features.

>> No.12340809
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The majority of high level zionists in the senate and at the top of media firms are atheist nihilists, they just cling to the orthodox judaism to further keep the in-group out-group philosophy and keep the faithful jews vehemently supporting them.
Man this world is fucked with them pulling the strings of US governance.

Huge irradiated crater where Jerusalem used to be WHEN?

>> No.12340811

I have lived in Scandinavia actually and while there are many model types, even more of them are the potato faces, They are just not famous abroad. But I agree that Scandinavia has more people with strong bone structure than anywhere else in Europe. I'm not an American btw.
Just the idea that model-looking black people are whitewashed is not very true because it is not like those black people had surgery. There are different nationalities and groups among the black people and asians too.

>> No.12340824

Some media Jews are Zionists, but most aren't. Most are self-loathing trash who would throw themselves in front of the Islamic Truck of Love and Peace if they had the chance.

>> No.12340825
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I agree, typical trolls are always in these threads.
But pride in one's family is encouraged, as is pride in one's town, one's friends, one's city, one's laws and practices, one's quaint traditions, one's history, one's nation, one's kinsmen and neighbours and allies are so important. They keep history alive, they bring light and happiness to everyone, they make children want to grow up and contribute to the arts and culture of the world, and make it a better place.

Without pride in one's people's customs, history would be a pointless relic, we would never learn from our ancestors or keep great knowledge and practices alive, we would be an amorphous brown blob of people "essentially of the same race" instead of a vibrant tapestry full of every quirk, every faith and philosophy and food and practice.

if you had a committee, would you elect 12 identical humans who all thought the same, or would you pick 12 interesting experts who loved and came from different cultures, thought differently to each other and were all good at different things? I would pick the latter.

I don't want Native Americans to lose pride in their history. I don't want African descendants of slaves to forget about their long lost home of Africa. I don't want Irish and Dutch and English and Norwegians to lose pride and happiness and forget their rich history. And neither should anyone, that's why "white" pride, or whatever you want to classify it, European, mediteranean, scandinavian pride, is just as important as any other kind.

>> No.12340831

>Pro-Israeli Jews are not every single ethnic jew
and you think they as well aren't genetically unique amongst themselves? and once again, why the hell are you focusing so hard on the jewish.

>An occupation is something that they are good at. Something that they are suited to.
doesn't mean that's all they are capable of, or even best at. so what is even the point in that example. all of those asian countries having high results is attributed to their educational systems. countries with high cultural value in pursuit of scientific or medical achievements. it's educational and cultural, not genetic. culture and race is not the same thing.

your view of the world is too small and dictated by political ideologies. there are shitty and good people from all walks of life. go out and actually interact with regular ass people from other cultures. maybe even visit some other nations. you'll probably feel more in tune with being human.

>> No.12340843

>But I agree that Scandinavia has more people with strong bone structure than anywhere else in Europe.

What about the Netherlands? They also have the tallest people in Europe.

>> No.12340848
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Right, so now we're having a valuable, open discourse about why asians score highly on IQ tests. Do you know the definitive answer? No. Neither do I. It's a very interesting topic.

I never said anything about morality in race. No one race is evil, no one race is good, obviously. But an ideology can be evil, especially when it directly transects with politics, and a key component of being part of that ideology is your race. That's what happened with the Nazis: your acceptance into the SS and higher ranks was dependant on your race and religious views, just like the political faction of Zionist Jews. There are non-Jewish Zionists, just like there were Indian Nazis and Japanese Nazis, but there weren't many non-Aryans in Hitler's bunker, just like there aren't many non-Jewish Zionists at the top of media firms, Hollywood and the US Government. Is anything I've said objectively wrong or hateful?

You don't know my political ideology. I could be a damn commie for all you know.

But simply shutting it down as a bigoted hatefact is dumb, ya dangus.

>> No.12340859

there is nothing wrong with loving yourself, or loving where you come from. although when it is at the expense of other people based around some arbitrary idea about race due to some superfical genetic differences (like skin shade), it becomes a problem that makes shit worse for all of humanity.

those are usually the ones that don't see the variety in humanity as a good thing. those ideologies lead to the erasing of history and cultures different from their own.

the concept of race is an antiquated social construct, has been for a long time. black, white, asian, spanish, brown. it doesn't even make any sense, there is no consistency in the classification. especially when humans are ever changing both genetically and culturally.

>> No.12340864
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And I've travelled a lot. I've been lucky enough to go all across the world, from Buddhist cultures to hardline Sharia lands, from ethnonation states to open border democracies. and met the ordinary people in nations that have to suffer under despotic totalitarianism, or faceless, soulless globalism, freedom of expression or hardline religious intolerance, and that is why I'm interested in understanding why they have to suffer for another faction or country's gain, why one viewpoint has to be forced on 'free individuals', why children have to be exposed to political propaganda and have state interference in every stage of their lives.
But you're right, I'm probably not in tune with being human.

>> No.12340878

i never once called you a bigot tho, you keep...
stop projecting

>Right, so now we're having a valuable, open discourse about why asians score highly on IQ tests. Do you know the definitive answer? No. Neither do I. It's a very interesting topic.

Sure, i don't have the definite answer, because there is no a definitive answer.it mostly to a variety of factors relating to the cultural and educational standard of those asian countries. not because they're all from continent of asia. It is an interesting topic, agree.

> never said anything about morality in race.
you mentioned evil several times in that post tho....

>> No.12340887

can you fucking shitskin redditors get the fuck off my board

>> No.12340888
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If it's not relevant and important to humans, why do you have every politician from Obama to Trump talking about the different races and their tendencies to act in one way, to vote in one way, the problems faced by one racial group from the next.

Face it bro, I don't like it and neither do you, but race is here to stay, so we need to find the way of peacefully coming to terms with your race, loving yourself and being proud of your skin, and not feeling ashamed that you prefer people with the same physical and genetic makeup as you - it's a psychological aspect of nearly every human's psyche, whether you're a buddhist or a nazi.

That's the truly chill world: where everyone celebrates their history and the accomplishments of their peoples through the murky, muddy past to the modern day, and we learn to live in our sovereign nations without blowing each other up or ruthlessly exploiting slave labour from another, less organised or scrupulous people.

Ironically, this is the world that Hitler hinted at: a world where people lifted up and cherished the best parts of their people's identities, while working side by side to advance humanity.

Really rustled my jimmies when I realised his dream for the global reich wasn't a world of blonde ubermensch, but a world of virtuous, strong people of every creed reaching for the stars. Just read up on what actually happened when Jesse Owens won the Olympics: it was the Americans who refused to shake his hand because they were still stuck in racist eugenics, Hitler believed any virtuous, hard working person was capable of being an Aryan, that's why there were Nazi divisions in Africa, India, Asia, Japan. But I appreciate if that's a little off the wall for most people to swallow #makeuthink

>> No.12340890

this is why having long discussions on an anonymous baker os tricky... not sure who i was originally even talking to. if i made an assumption about you, i apologize.

i ask my self similar questions, so why do you think cause certain humans to divide others up into arbitrary boxes and cause others to suffer? what is the cause for such behavior?

>> No.12340899

nice boy

>> No.12340906

>the Americans who refused to shake his hand because they were still stuck in racist eugenics

The Nazis had a fucking eugenics program were they would torture Jews for the sake of genetics. Holy shit dude

>Hitler believed any virtuous, hard working person was capable of being an Aryan, that's why there were Nazi divisions in Africa, India, Asia, Japan.

And you have proof that these "Nazi divisions" were sponsored by Hitler right?

>But I appreciate if that's a little off the wall for most people to swallow #makeuthink

Yeah because those are lies.

>> No.12340908
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It's okay bro, this is the wrong place to discuss this but idgaf, thread will probably 404 soon anyway.
I think it's a natural tendency to form tribes, and to be competitive with each other. Hell, when I went to Norway, they (jovially) hate the Swedes next door and want to undercut them at every opportunity, even though genetically they are almost identical. Think about sports teams: people get into fights and sometimes kill other supporters just for liking a different team. It's in our nature, it's a dark side of us and that is why we need to discuss it, instead of brute forcing 'love and tolerance' on a people who simply will not accept it. That's why the extreme right is rising in Europe: people won't accept the love and tolerance, and the harder it's pushed, the bigger the pushback, hence Brexit and literal neo-nazi groups popping up.

Therefore, I sincerely believe the way to be happy isn't to cram as many cultures into one nation and force them to get on with weird quotas and government schemes: they will resent each other, resent the government and one group will eventually naturally get the competitive upper hand, resulting in more division, government interference (through media, laws and mandates) and more human suffering.
No, the way for peace and happiness is to let people have their own countries. This is so simple and ingenious, it's almost miraculous: by rallying behind one flag and by being all of roughly a similar background/code of ethics, people can put aside political differences, differences in appearance and taste etc, and learn to live side by side, and actually advance their country instead of just simply leeching off the government and fighting amongst themselves.

The suffering of other sovereign nations sucks, but in my ideal situation where people largely stayed in their nations and global trade was fairly small, it would be much easier to band together and help out a suffering, wartorn or impoverished country.

>> No.12340926
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Dude, lmao. You didn't refute anything I said.

Seriously, there's a reason the whole /pol/ redpill is such a popular meme: there are some things about WW2 that are simply untrue, and it's a simple wikipedia search away.

I really do encourage all of you to factcheck what I've said: if it seems crazy and ridiculous, then it will take you 2 minutes to google and disprove me.

The US didn't even treat its black and Irish soldiers like their white ones: when they were deployed in Germany, they had to build separate bunkers and cook different food for the black G.I.s and the whites. Pretty tolerant.

>> No.12340950

No, other anon has a point.
Beside this being completely fucking unrelated to the board.

Nazis aren't hated around the world, they're just another part of European history in a lot of places, and even looked up to in others. Think of all the novelty Hitler shops, Nazi restaurants, funny reenactments and idolatry, people dress up like the Furher like they dress as Elvis.

It's only the West that pushes the narrative that they are the epitome of evil, whilst communists are just kinda bad I guess, and the allies are THE BEST JUSTICE TEAM FOREVER instead of motivated largely by economic gains. And he's right, during WWII the Americans were obsessed with a much more literal eugenics, where Irish, Blacks and Italians were directly subhuman to tha white man, and so were treated like dirt.

The victors write the history books. The Nazis were bad in a lot of ways, failures in many more, but they pale next to the Communists so many progressives idealise. And we're still cool with nuking 2 million people into dust, twice?

>> No.12340968
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Can someone help me understand if my jawline is shit or not? This is me from like 2011 back in high school (like 17, ignore the thug look I sucked at photos). Right now I'm overweight (6'2 and 220 lbs) but I've been losing weight, used to be 240 a month ago and was just wondering what I'm looking forward too.

>> No.12340970
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This is how I looked 2 years ago for those interested

>> No.12340977

You got them saved?

>> No.12340987


Hey look man, nazi poster here
Right now there is a trend of crazy overanalysing your facial features, loads of kids are thinking about major surgeries after visiting Lookism, don't be pulled in - not everyone is a model, but a lot of people are more attractive than models because they have a friendly face and good personality, which your pics suggest.

You have some of the same facial proportions as Kanye, so compare your jaw to him, and see if you think he has a nice jaw or a potato face because it's too big/wide. You have a good chin and fuckin sweet dreads mon, if you were going to consider any face changes wait til you drop to 8% bodyfat, get some calipers so you can measure. Just keep the good diet and hydration and you'll soon be able to see the peak performance your face can reach. Good luck bro!

>> No.12341188
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>> No.12341248

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.12341252
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>> No.12341255
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If a country is majority X race then odds are there are notions that people of that race are better in specific ways than people outside of it - in beauty, morality, intelligence, social skills, work ethic, what have you. People outside of that race starting pride movements often do so to show examples of people excelling in contexts that they're typically told people of their race can't/don't excel in. When you're in a majority white country and push white pride you're doubling down on something that's already the norm, which is why it's usually just used as Neo-Nazi rhetoric, and as a result it's tainted by association and nobody wants to use it anymore.

Consider that there isn't the same backlash (at least in America) to phrases like Polish Pride or Italian Pride, where you're probably referencing a cultural heritage rather than genetics. In my experience, people don't typically care if you say you like your blond hair or blue eyes unless if you append "because they're inherently the best" to it. From there you just play by the standards you'd apply to a usual braggart.

>> No.12341315

Except polish and italian people are lumped in as being part of the white collective, and have to suffer the guilt and shame that comes with it. hence the movement to remove that guilt and shame.

>> No.12341325
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>> No.12341380

Yet you still are sandnigger leeching and living in another country...Why don't you fuck off to your own country if it is so great then...
>IQ 4chan meme
Keep telling yourself that shitskin

>> No.12341500
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>> No.12341503

Are you the iranian women poster? Im a catholic half iranian looking for a qt gf.

>> No.12341557

She has such a strong looking features and expression, like she knows she's good looking AF but isn't a korean girly girl that most cucks on this basket-weaving forum are looking for - would 'mire hard if this girl paddled up next to me in the surf on a 6 foot day.

>> No.12341698

You look like a nice fellow.

>> No.12341717

Unironically, can you read? Were you taught that skill at school?

>> No.12341725
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You guys are all jawlets

here, watch this

>> No.12341748


Who is this?

>> No.12341756

What ethnicity?

>> No.12341843

How about you go back to Iran and be a proud (non white) iranian woman there?

>> No.12341880
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>> No.12341884

Whichever example you give, that poster will simply answer that while you are correct, they still believe that most whites look like potatoes, and that while models are chosen because they exemplify physical characteristics of the market they are addressing, they still feel white models don't look like white people for some reason.

>> No.12341906

Alain Delon

>> No.12341913

Wait, so the dude was SO autismal that he got angry to discover the women around him were NOT materialistic, gold-digging whores? That's a whole new level of autism, I finally feel like I get the hype around this guy now.

>> No.12341918


>> No.12341957

You're insufferable, please stop posting forever

>> No.12341973
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>> No.12341978

I don't think the shame over "people from your general ancestral region were brutal conquerors and slavers" compares to the dread of "your ancestors were directly conquered and degraded/killed/enslaved" and all ensuing cultural consequences. The former is a healthy shame that reminds the average person to stay compassionate while the latter is just demoralizing.

The campaign to expunge that shame is run by people who either want to ignore a recent history of violence and bigotry (and all continuing consequences of that for the traditional targets of both) or embrace it. Around here it's mostly the latter. That's what taints white pride to the point of people spiting it; otherwise it's just redundant. Blond hair is good? I'd never have assumed that, unless if I looked at just about any movie or TV show or magazine.

Speaking as a Nordic-Celtic, people aren't offended by you saying you like your blue eyes or blond hair unless if you emphasize you think they're better than any other color combination. That's when they start to pick up on you being an asshole rather than just self-confident.

I get constant compliments on my blond hair and blue eyes from people of all races; the only reason I've ever felt bad about them was because I know there are people who've committed genocide and used eugenics to actively propagate my phenotypes. I always found that bizarre; apparently blue eyed people are more prone to blindness in old age and I always get sunburns on my scalp in the summer because my hair affords no protection, let alone my overall increased chances of developing skin cancer and, on a shallower level, wrinkles. Those are some pretty fucking impractical traits to propagate.

>> No.12341999

he exists in all of us

>> No.12342056

>ywn live in 80's Japan

>> No.12342082


>> No.12342113

Looks like an oriental Ezra Miller

>> No.12342116

little rundown?

>> No.12342151

>what are you trying to prove here shitskin??just because your mohammad dad got into Harvard doesnt mean that youur average sandnigger have low iq.
Not based Iranian grill here but you're dumb as fuck if you think Iranians are abous. Persians are genetically almost same as Greeks, not Arabs. They had very high level civilization that the Tusken raiders basically just stole and claimed for their own eg the """"Arabian"""" Nights is actually all Persian stories which is why the people have Persian names like Shahriar, even the Quran is full of plagiarized Persian poetry because camel jockeys can't into creativity.

>t. German who saw tons of both kind of immigrant, one is terrible, the other actually bros

>> No.12342367
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>Brits are unquestionably ugly

>> No.12342386
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it me

>> No.12342424

BTEC Elder Maxson.

Nice covering ur shit jaw with a beard faggot

>> No.12342493
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>> No.12342599

stay mad shitskin

>> No.12342608

i am european too and we got lots of middle eastern people including persian so of course i know what kind of people they are...

>> No.12342651

yare yare daze

>> No.12342941

I'm Afghan and believe the same. Diversity is beautiful, so why destroy it by mixing? I especially see no point in Europeans and Afghans and Iranians in mixing because we already have so much variety in our ethnic groups, whereas blacks all have brown skin and brown eyes and black hair, Chinese all have light skin, brown eyes and black hair. But the rest of humanity has variety within their respective ethnicity, so why destroy it? Eventually we will all end up looking black if we mix and that is a depressing forecast.

>> No.12342962

where you from in bongland mate

>> No.12343008

every day i cry over her ears

>> No.12343027

>why even have a surname in the first place?
fantastic post, dripping with truth

>> No.12343075

t. AmeriMongrel

>> No.12343429
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>Brits are unquestionably ugly

fake news

>> No.12343565

fake freckles are disgusting

>> No.12343701
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>> No.12343714

how she do that with the stars

>> No.12344009

whoa we got another shitskin here

>> No.12344491
