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12331641 No.12331641 [Reply] [Original]

I-I think I'm balding...

But only at the temples

Should I kill myself now?

>> No.12331646

post hair

>> No.12331652
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this is me, OP

this is your future

prepare yourself

>> No.12331662
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>have nice thick hair
>when I run my hands thought it nothing comes out
>lightly pull at the temples hair
>get fucking loads out

>> No.12331703
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>> No.12331713

>have full head of hair
>every time I run my fingers through my hair when washing it I have like 10 hairs stuck on my hands
>freak out until I look in the mirror and see no difference from before
>this has been going on for a while, but only now I start realizing

What is even happening to me? My hairline has looked consistent all this time. Is it my paranoia of my hair falling out that has caused me to realize it all of a sudden?

>> No.12331726

clean your fucking mirror

>> No.12331862

thats just his skin

>> No.12332004

Its normal too loose up to like 100 or so hairs a day or so I read, Didnt buy into it but 10 hairs is definetly alright, it only matters when they stop growing back

>> No.12332621

And once you notice that it's too late anyways.

>> No.12332643

You may be receding but it looks fine on you
You're an attractive man

>> No.12332647

The thing is he could look so much better with a nice haircut.

>> No.12332838

I had a BDD thing where I kept shaving back my hairline on the sides

For 2 years like one person ever mentioned it

No problem getting laid

Basically no one gives a shit about your hairline unless it's absolutely fucked up or something

>> No.12332957

You're actually handsome so you can get away with it faggot

OPs probably fucked

>> No.12334461

I was balding too when i was around 23.

I heard about finastride from a friend and got on it asao and never lost my hair. I'' 27 now.

>> No.12335232

does it cause hair to grow back or just prevent further receding? I'm going a bit thin at the front and it doesn't bother me TOO much but I've been thinking about taking care of it before it gets much worse

>> No.12335298

It can cause regrowth in some men. Mostly maintenance and a bit of thickening for most men. Use minoxidil as well if you want real regrowth and thickening.

>> No.12335327
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Youll be fine just get ripped like Justin, wear skinny jeans, boots, and leather jackets and there will be no problem

>> No.12335363 [DELETED] 
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Am I fat

>> No.12335393 [DELETED] 
File: 911 KB, 2856x2142, 000_3274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay gurl want sum fuk

>> No.12335397

never say never

>> No.12335429

Damn. Should I have been on minox all this time? I decided against it because it was messy and annoying to apply twice a day.

For me it's just maintained, I believe. Eventually it will start becoming less effective. I started when I was 23 and thinned prtty bad. I'm 31 now and about the same except perhaps a bit worse.

>> No.12335503 [DELETED] 
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ay gurl

>> No.12335516

your delts and traps are nonexistant

>> No.12335517 [DELETED] 
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Traps are a mistake, they make you look tryhard. Besides, I don't do gym or any cardio. Mostly just avoiding eating shit

>> No.12335523

Are those things on the sides muscles or ribs?

>> No.12335621

But, you're so handome, omg. Buzzcut looks great on you.

U gay or bi?

>> No.12336025
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Finasteride used with minoxodil is supposed to be pretty good for most men.
Minoxodil is toxic to cats: if you choose to use minoxodil then re-home any cats you may own.
It's actually pretty standard to notice Male Pattern Baldness kicking in around your late teens.
What may happen is you notice a "trickle" of recession, then a fuckload comes out of your temples. Gorilla hands in the shower. Then after that you'll get a trickle again but probably a bit more this time. You'll probably want to buzz before you are 30.

Particularly if you are a young man you should seek to start lifting and fix your posture ASAP.
I don't know if "mewing" works but look into that and get started ASAP.

Baldies can't afford to be sedentary with chair jockey posture because they need as much healthy facial development as they can get.