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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 800x800, big pecs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12331064 No.12331064 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on fashionable clothes when a fit guy in a plain t-shirt will still look better than you?

Should I spend my /fa/ budget on a gym membership instead?

>> No.12331070

that is entirely subjective

>> No.12331080
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>> No.12331081
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>> No.12331085
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>> No.12331086
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get some money to looksmax your face too, and a good diet and skincare

gym membership helps too

Thinspo bluepilled cucks keep coping

>> No.12331089
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>> No.12331092
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>> No.12331098
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Male models do lift weights at the gym but have a strict diet and regiment so they stay at super low body fat and stay relatively skinny

>> No.12331099

Because that's not the point of fashion

>> No.12331104
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>> No.12331106

I do know it, I just wanted to share my personal inspo folder.

Stay ACAB.

>> No.12331107


t. bluepilled skinnyfat roundface fashioncel cuck

>> No.12331115

this strikes a nerve. Both is necessary for fashion, need body and fashion or else youre better off dressing "normie cool" (just a flannel and jeans)

>> No.12331118

poast physique

>> No.12331120

being /fa/ is as much mental as it is outward appearance, you should only dress effay if your mind can back it up.

it not, feel free to go the RIPPED SHREDDED TOTALLY BRAH FRAT HOUSE BRAH!!!! path

basically, you wont be effay ever, you will remain a bro, so save us the cringe and buy the membership.

sage btw, normies blow so much cock

>> No.12331136
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Haha frat bro is slaying the sorority girls while you fashion cel /fa/ggots are jacking off to cuck porn wearing expensive clothing. Keep coping, you bluepilled numale.

>> No.12331139

are you angry you've never created anything good? no talents? fashion is art, its creativity

>> No.12331141

fashion in the form presented on this board is conspicuous consumption in an industry built on planned obsolescence with a facade of higher culture

>> No.12331156

is that why you come here?

>> No.12331204


>> No.12331519


>> No.12331526

At least you have hundreds to thousands daollars

>> No.12331674

Op is a faggot

>> No.12331885
File: 68 KB, 700x700, CAN'T BE HAPPENING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ is making fun of us again

>> No.12331906

fuck /fit/ >:(

>> No.12331928

Both being /fit/ and being /fa/ are worthless unless you're attractive.

>> No.12332058

I think your body and health takes priority. You don't have to look a greek god, but having a bit of muscle certainly helps.

>> No.12332076
File: 113 KB, 960x720, 0OY0PAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I wished I worked out so I could be like /fit/ and get girls

>> No.12332086

Do both tailored your body to your clothing style and vice versa. If you like slp be thin to ottermode. Otherwise it depends on what yours going for.

>> No.12332527

The answer:

absolutely YES

>> No.12332675

Now put that face on a thinspo body and see how much worse he looks.

>> No.12332979

Bull. Shit.

>> No.12333034

>/fit/ meetup

>> No.12333043

Fuck off and go back to playing league of legends you philistine fuckface

>> No.12333064
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>working out to get girls not for your wellbeing and self esteem
>getting into fashion to get girls and not for the enjoyment of creativity and self esteem
Get a personality jesus christ

>> No.12333861

this. Sad fucks of /fa/ never will get their waifu no matter how hot they look

>> No.12333865

i'd rather fuck one of those nice thinspo guys tho. fit guys are disgusting as f.

>> No.12333881
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>mfw handsome, /fit/ and /fa/

>> No.12333892
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>mfw this anon is handsome, /fit/ and /fa/

>> No.12334762

Gym memberships aren't that expensive. If you only have enough money for a gym membership I think you have some bigger problems in your life.

>> No.12334772
File: 433 KB, 469x383, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this anon is
handsome, /fit/ and

>> No.12335081

everything gets boring after a while. Even Brad pitt. (just ask Angelina Jolie)

>> No.12335089

I never spend loads of clothes.
I always wait for shit in the sales... hate paying £25 just for a t-shirt, or £50+ for a decent pair of jeans.
Recently on Amazon I got a t-shirt, a pair of chinos, and 6 pack of boxers for like £50 in total... all that shit full price was meant to be about £130.
You can get nice shit cheap, you just have to be willing to look around or wait for sales.

>> No.12335114

do you actually lay awake at night and try to convince yourself that this is true? you and i both know theres no creativity here, no self expression. its a bunch of mentally stunted ,hive minded cowards who just want to get the latest rick owens or supreme drops so they can look like their favorite rapper. its embarassing

>> No.12335134
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whatever helps you cope

>> No.12335136
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>every single one is a fvcking manlette

>> No.12335238

Why not dress nice and workout. Fucking idiot

>> No.12336108


>> No.12336248

In a literature student at the best university in the world, and I lift 1/2/3/4. I'm 6ft, blond hair, blue eyes with a deep voice, a strong jawline, small nose and hooded eyes. I'm a literal tour de force of a man, and you will never compare to me, no matter how hard you try to fit into your SLP skinny jeans. Cope forever /fa/ggot.

>> No.12336252
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>If you're ugly it's basically over before it even started nothing will save you.

>If you're a pretentious artsy twink then start
being /fa/

>If you have been blessed with facial aesthetics of gods then you need to become /fit/.

>> No.12336323

Why not work out AND dress well? You know that these two traits are not mutually exclusive?

>> No.12336327


>> No.12336348

>generalising like this

>> No.12336392

Is this pasta

Have a (You) regardless it made me laugh

>> No.12336439

Rick says so

>> No.12336443

>will still look better than you
it's not a contest to me

>> No.12336444

>getting into fashion to get girls and not for the enjoyment of creativity and self esteem
This is such bullshit though
Wearing clothing made by others is hardly 'creative' you are deluding yourself if you think like this

>> No.12336447

so having a style isn't creative or a personal thing? if its a no your really 'into' fashion are you?

>> No.12336449

Ever heard of packaging?
You gotta sell the goods.

>> No.12336452

Nope, I really am that impressive

Although I have brown hair not blonde

>> No.12337941

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.12337959

If you're twink mode then gym and bulk up if you're average body type (Not average American body type) then do calisthenics and get /fa/

>> No.12337972

proof that you can be /fa/ AND /fit/

>> No.12337993

>thinks he already has it all figured out
wew lad

>> No.12338016
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instant classic

>> No.12338053


>> No.12338057

Yes, I started lifting 7 months ago and haven't bought any clothes since, it feels amazing to improve your body, that's the one clothing item you never take off, so it should look the best

>> No.12338059

eyes too close together

>> No.12338078

>look better
define 'look better'

that is a very vague term. if by that you mean 'sexually attractive', then yes, maybe. but that again is a rather relative term. I would also argue that for the majority of females, your face and the way you present yourself character-wise is much more important than your body.

you should wear the clothes that YOU like, not for others.

>> No.12338245
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>Paul Joseph Watson

>> No.12340096

haha yesss same bro!

>> No.12340130


>> No.12340188

nigga what are you doing here then

>> No.12340234


Literally 90% of my wardrobe is thrifted and it looks just as good and/or better than anything posted on this board. Fashion doesn't have to be expensive.

>> No.12341001

>In a literature student
>first word wrong
good work

>> No.12341004
File: 26 KB, 323x499, 15965389_1859443490748171_1168094928026011590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have already experienced three existential crises