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File: 573 KB, 800x599, TinyHomebuilders-57fb9986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12317280 No.12317280 [Reply] [Original]

Are tiny homes /fa/?

>> No.12317375


>> No.12317382

>yes goy choose a tiny house to live in so that more people can fit into one landmass
yeah bro totes /fa/

>> No.12317401

Tiny Houses are actually sort of the opposite thing. They're an option for a guy with not much money or skill to have a house out in the sticks somewhere.

What you're talking about would be an apartment.

>> No.12317411

What they dont tell you is that you have to live in a trailerpark.

>> No.12317417

Did you just see that minimalism documentary or something? Where are you going to store your clothes? Do laundry? Eat? Shower? Sleep? All in the same room?

You don't appreciate space until you have so little of it.

>> No.12317433

>living in a shed that you paid way too damn much for

>> No.12317438

In what way is forcing people to live in every cm of one land mass not what I was talking about you fucking idiot

>> No.12317459

>so that more people can fit into one landmass

Look at the picture itself. Is it tiny houses stacked end to end or is it one out in the woods somewhere?
One tiny house per 10 acres of land is not exactly Tokyo, is it?

>> No.12317460

>getting heated about tiny houses

>> No.12317470

>implying only one person will do this
the entire point of shilling this shit is that people will move to uninhabitaed places and build a tiny house there and so will tons of other people so that more and more people can fit into one continent
it's really not a hard concept to grasp you fucking retard
kill yourself kike

>> No.12317546

Take a look at this guy. Have you ever noticed the faster people are to call you an idiot - the more moronic their own opinions tend to be?

You have heard of these things called apartment blocks haven't you, m8? Do you even comprehend how many tiny houses would need to be packed into a square km to compete with apartment blocks?

Plus, your whole overpopulation spiel is bunk. The only people that are going to want tiny houses are white men without much money. Do you think these guys are having a lot of kids? Whites aren't even breeding at replacement rate, for Christ's sake.

If you're worried about overpopulation in a Western country what you're looking at is immigration from the East. Those people will never go for tiny houses. What they go for is commieblock style apartments in cities.

>> No.12317563

The other thing you might go for is moving guys out into tiny houses makes spaces for the Eastern people to fill. This would also be bunk. For two reasons. One is our cities have plenty of stuff for developers to bulldoze in favour of nucommieblocks and that's what they do.
Two is they'll only ever sell a few tiny houses. I LIKE the idea and I bet after a month of living one I'd pipe my car's exhaust in through the window and take a long nap.

The NWO is not making Tiny Houses a point of its agenda, if that's what you think you are on the wrong track.
"They" have actually always wanted to urbanize us. They want to drive rural folk into the cities.

>> No.12317569

Fuck off with your retarded conspiracies. People buy tiny houses because it's cheaper than getting a mortgage. You know, mortgages given out by banks run by Jews?

>> No.12317575
File: 1.78 MB, 4000x2259, bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about bus dwelling?

>> No.12317577

Another reason it's a shitty conspiracy: these things aren't actually all that cheap. At least my country I'm looking at 'em and they're very expensive for what you get.
That's because it's just a few hippy carpenters making the things, they don't have the scale to do it cheap.

If the NWO wanted us in these things what they'd do is have Chinese guys building millions of them and selling them to us at irresistibly low prices.

>> No.12317582

you're thinking of apartments faggot

>> No.12317583
File: 265 KB, 352x433, richard sceptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a SWPL who wants to be considered virtuous and hip for living in an upscale trailer but don't want any of the stigma of lowly trailer park trash who do silly things like go to church and value the second amendment.
>I'm a shitlib who champions diversity and third-world immigration in every single nook and cranny of white society who just happens to have found a way to not have to deal with the dire consequences of my voting habits!
>Also no I'm not having kids because PFFFT tiny house, duh!

>> No.12317603

Yo this looks dope and comfy as hell. I've also always wanted to live in a big ass train

>> No.12317649

Tiny houses are usually put on relatively big plots of land. They're for hippies who want to live out in nature.

>> No.12317659

>cant even fit your neo geo mvs cabinet in it

Not /fa/ in the slightest

>> No.12317669
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1920, 1489253878956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All last night I dreamt I was building a tiny house, it was beautiful. The whole structure was wooden and flat packed making it increadibly easy to put together. Oh man, even now the details are slipping away from me. I remembered the whole place exuded the coziest vibe. I can still smell the cedar wood and pine that was used. The main memory that is sticking with me is how the floor panels came wired so all the electrics were already built in, saving time and money. If only I didn't have to work, I'd go straight back to sleep in the hope of revisiting that place.

>> No.12317672

>your voting habits will result in the deaths of whites due to the repealing of obamacare

truly intelligent move, hombre. Saved the white race.

>> No.12317696

spotted the retarded australian

>> No.12317717
File: 7 KB, 236x236, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le poor

>> No.12317720

a trump supporter who knows nothing about the state of the country? what a surprise!

>> No.12318255

Bus dwelling is THE true alternative to house ownership. You can resale the vehicle for its original price + huge markup for all the sweet interior design you did, and people will actually want it, instead of your sweaty fart home in the back of a Walmart carpark. Rockstars live on buses, cucks live in a shed

>> No.12318272

This. Thank you Richard for bringing sense to these idealistic ninnies.

>living in a box gets really claustrophobic once the novelty wears off of your ebin minimalist interior design
>you can't resale for anywhere near the amount you built it for
>things will always go wrong. It will always leak, axles will rust, cookers will break, beds will have insects in them, your shit will stink, it sucks after a while no matter how cute
>you can build a homestead out of shipping containers, or build a log cabin, or buy some old shack in the woods and make it gorgeous for a fraction of the cost of fully constructing and decking out one of these
>you can extend a house when you have kids. You can never extend your cuckshed. Literally sterilising yourself
>only a quirky vegetarian shitlib will ever consider dating you in one of these
>you should be getting laid in your 20s and finding a good woman at the end of them, not living like trailertrash.
>build a house you can sell when you're tired of the area/want to build another. Much more rewarding and you can have friends around
>buy a camper and redecorate for 10% of the price and explore the country to your heart's content, then sell it and come back to reality you goob
Heed my words fellow bros, I too dreamt of this before realising the reality

>> No.12318277

>incredibly easy to put together

It takes people years to build and kit simple cabins by themselves, let alone with no real roofing or electrician or carpentry experience. Please don't fall for this meme - don't you realise how many millions of people would be doing this right now if it was as simple as it seemed.

>> No.12318349

I mean it was literally a dream. So fantasy.
But you've never heard of huf houses. Flat packed houses that are put together by a crack team of German ninja builders. They go up in days.

>> No.12318386

No dreams allowed.
That sounds awesome, I was responding to the tiny house DIY sentiment of Op. Are the homes tornado proof?

>> No.12318390

life off-the-grid is effay

>> No.12318393
File: 371 KB, 960x640, IMG_2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the grid is effay as fuck. Trailer parks and shitty tiny houses that blow away in a hurricane are not. Don't build a cuckshed flimsy dolls house on wheels like some cucked liberal, be a real man and build a cabin in the woods, or a beautiful modern house by a lake, or some mountain manor.

>> No.12318398

just get the material and build it yourelf with your friends (assuming you have friends).

>> No.12318407

Pahaha, this image is literally photoshopped.
The lighting of the shed looks like it was taken in some walmart carpark, which is the reality of this lifestyle if you want to see people in civilisation ever, or go to any shop or library, or have a job.

Which knowing the mentality of the people who want these, probably doesn't matter to them, because they don't want a job - they want to sit in their cuckshed and jerk off online all day, eating tinned food and ignoring the smell inside these.

Build a house on some land, that way you own something you can sell, you can secure the land from thieves, have a nice garden and grow things, and expand to have childrun. Suck it up and pay the small property tax, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Or buy a bus/camper

>> No.12318439

Always thought it would be cool to construct a house out of freight/shipping containers on a few acres on land.

You can get used ones for pretty damn cheap.
Under $2k for a 40' x 8' x 8' steel container with a wooden floor.

>> No.12318461

This is what I would like to do. Sounds like a sick Idea, they would be EASILY moveable too.

>> No.12318467

how much would a house like this cost? millions?

>> No.12318472


Healthcare doesn't solve the health problems of the country.

Healthy living does.

>> No.12318660

good goy live in your little cuck shed make way for mass muslim immigration.

give up your neighbor hoods and go live in a box somewhere

>> No.12318684


jesus christ /pol/ is fucking obnoxious

>> No.12318823

>that you paid way too damn much for
They cost exactly as much as they should dumbass, assuming you live in the USA and not in cuckifornia

>> No.12318834

>Are the homes tornado proof?
No idea on that front. I don't whether they build outside of Europe. We don't get too many tornadoes here. At least not the ones you need to worry about.

>> No.12318840

>a trump supporter
what does this phrase even mean

"people" just throw it around for anyone they don't like

>> No.12319080

If you could budget out having less glass, to build one wing of this out of modern, highly insulated, simple materials and repurposed metal would be very affordable compared to using beautiful "authentic" materials used on most house builds. Just look up renewable off grid houses, most of their dirt cheap materials look modern as fuck, it's just a matter of taste as to how it looks. The Frank Lloyd school of architecture churns out modern minimalist buildings for very little money, and a lot of them are very liveable. Costs are only high if you hire someone to design everything, you use loads of high grade glass and expensive materials, which you don't have to do, and you can heat them very efficiently with off grid and wood burning systems anyway. It's my dream to build some super cosy extended cabin with a huge modern wing or two by some lake or up some mountain, and live cosily off grid with my family.

>> No.12319089
File: 297 KB, 960x640, IMG_2223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related:

The costs:
>the hiring of construction tools/vehicles & labour
>the land it's built on
>construction materials like beams and girders
>large amount of glass
>interior fixtures and infrastructure

That's not millions, my friend. You can pull it off for much less: just look at the britbong series Grand Designs, they often build huge, gorgeous glass and modern buildings for £1-200,000

>> No.12319099

10-20,000 for 200 square feet of floorspace, most of which is a bathroom, cooker and bed.
> l m a o at your investment

>> No.12319264

stop it anon this whole post is making me feel comfy

>> No.12319490

An agoraphobe would hate this. Everyone could just look in.

>> No.12319492

What exactly do you think tiny houses do if you can't do any of those things in them?

>> No.12319709

so can places like this still get internet in theM?

>> No.12319773
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, 1488471118503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, either wired, or ~$100 a month portable phone hotspots, or build your own transceiver for much less per month, or even free. There's whole communities who live without the national grid or fibre optic, and have absolutely fine wifi

>> No.12319776

and where do you find the people to build the house? do you just hire a construction company/contractor?

>> No.12320383

I was expecting more pics of the inside of tiny houses in this thread. I misled.

>> No.12320388

how the fuck should I know? Watch Grand Designs, it'll probably explain everything