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/fa/ - Fashion

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12289521 No.12289521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is THE look for 2017. functional, stylish, subversive, perfect for blowing commie cucks the fuck out, even when you're outnumbered.

so, tell me faye, what, dare i say it, le 'core' is this?

>> No.12289524
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>> No.12289664

Holy shit he fucking clocked that commie straight in the skull.

>> No.12289667


>> No.12289670

And the guy didn't even slow down. What a cuck ass swing. Are all alt-right nerds such pantywaists?

>> No.12289673

His style is wannabe as fuck but damn the guy is right in the front lines.

>> No.12289736

lmao, it's hard to cause any damage because commies dont have brains to begin with.

>> No.12289744

>straight in the skull
Dude you can see it break over his shoulder blade, it doesn't hit the head at all. Don't get me wrong, I love to see black bloc retards get BTFO but I'd much prefer it if /ourguys/ hit properly and use cudgels that don't fucking break on the first hit. The guy's an amateur and that disappoints me.

>> No.12289748

It's not vidya if he kills a guy irl it's actually game over for him, he doesn't get any loot.

>> No.12289753

He's got a mask, dumbo.

>> No.12289756

Fucking incredible. Next thing you know our boys will be using roman formations and shit.


>> No.12289757

Facist numale cucks in this thread BTFO

we commies are back here and bashing the fash

>> No.12289759

The guy totally disappears what are you talm bout

>> No.12289770

O shit, you're right! I thought (and presumably the other guy did too) that he hit the guy in the turquoise jacket and red beanie, but it's a totally different guy he knocks in the face and that guy goes down like a felled ox.

Damn, I withdraw my criticism.

>> No.12289799

Kid wishes he had a swing like that

>> No.12289901
File: 267 KB, 500x410, 9694-s_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurra für Straßenschlachten!

>> No.12289976

If he actually killed a guy you can bet they'd make it a point to find him. A mask doesn't make you invisible.

>> No.12290127

The guy in the OP isn't antifa, he's fighting them

>> No.12290137
File: 218 KB, 338x355, 1483032440946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so tired of those threads.

Don't even try to say this is in any way related to fashion, just have a look a the replies.
At least /fa/ was shit but it was was related to fashion.

Now it's fucking /pol/ mixed with /r9k/ and /adv/.

This might be the last blow to this slow-moving board.