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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 600x600, IMG_4782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12281716 No.12281716 [Reply] [Original]

should i quit or is it fa

>> No.12281740

do what you want

>> No.12281746

quit cancer ain't cool

>> No.12281766

these are best cigs

>> No.12281772

i quit jan 9 of this year and feel pretty good about it. it's probably media brainwashing but i still feel like smoking looks effay. unless you're one of those faggos who has to have a cig in mouth/hands for every pic taken of you to look badass

>> No.12281810
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>> No.12281822


>> No.12281827

Great meme.

>> No.12282039

Omg dad, what are you doing here? I thought you didn't know English.

>> No.12282045

would be pretty decent spoken word poetry desu

>> No.12282080


>> No.12282146

>Basing your health on the opinions of NEET's on Indonesian bird watching forum

>> No.12282328

desu baka senpai cuck

>> No.12282659
File: 27 KB, 364x366, 215-hank-hill-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+cigs are a great way to stand around doing nothing without looking awkward
+cigs are a great way to meet new people
+cigs help you focus while relaxing you at the same time
+cigs give you something to look forward to when there is nothing else

-they taste nasty
-you smell like smoke
-they are addictive
-they are expensive
-the people you meet smoking are mostly degenerates
-hazardous to you health in large amounts or in the long term

>> No.12282679
File: 129 KB, 750x1099, 7d801495-10a4-4985-b170-42be53a6d077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA sure, be a good goy and quit

>> No.12282728

feel free to laugh at my eastern european accent

>> No.12282805

>taste nasty
wrong unless you're 14 and think beer is gross too
only if you're a degenerate, 0-3 a day is fine
so is fashion
>people you meet are mostly degenerate
if you hang out where degenerates hang out, you are a degenerate
>hazardous to health
also only if you smoke like a degenerate

please, refrain from posting

>> No.12282819
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>> No.12282822

the ramblings of an addict.

>> No.12282843
File: 3.47 MB, 5312x2988, 20170218_155309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramblings that are all too familiar

>> No.12282914

>is an addicted degenerate with shit taste


>> No.12283397

keep hanging out with your degenerate friends, smoking doesn't make you /fa/, you have to be /fa/ already

here's a tip: when you want to quote someone, you can highlight text in the post prior to clicking the post number

addiction is for degenerates though, I agree

>> No.12283403

this fucking pic lmfao

>> No.12283407

damn w2c? US

>> No.12283408

>being addicted to the most pointless drug

B-but it looks cool r-right?

>> No.12283414

Where is the proof in anything but the first one?

>> No.12283416

>thinks greentext is solely for quoting
Fuck off newfag

>> No.12283507

It is effay, but you should quit.

>> No.12283668

So... how's your first week going??

>> No.12283828

>Hey should I quit this potentially life-threatening habit
>Or does it make me look like a very dated version of "cool"

Ah, insecurity.

>> No.12283849

If you're worried about that less than 10% of developing lung cancer, then go ahead and quit. If not, just don't chain smoke (try to keep it under half a pack a day) and make sure to eat healthy, exercise, and drink plenty of water.

>> No.12283901

Smoking in 2017 makes you look like dumbass and smell like shit. Just smoke some fucking weed and get something from it at least.

>> No.12283916


Smoking weed makes you look like a bigger dumbass and smell like shit. Fuck off until you grow up.

>> No.12283935

>+cigs are a great way to stand around doing nothing without looking awkward

or just play w your phone like everyone else

>+cigs are a great way to meet new people

not really. most people just want to bum your ciggies, and then they make some superficial bs conversation for <30 seconds before running off

>+cigs help you focus while relaxing you at the same time


>+cigs give you something to look forward to when there is nothing else

sad but truu

>-they taste nasty

they taste fine once you get used to them. taste is fucking crazy bad at first though or if you haven't smoked in awhile.

>-you smell like smoke

no biggie imo

>-they are addictive

so is everything.

>-they are expensive


>-the people you meet smoking are mostly degenerates

truu but degenerates can be cool

>-hazardous to you health in large amounts or in the long term


>> No.12283953

>taste is fucking crazy bad at first though or if you haven't smoked in awhile.

I don't understand why people say this. I know taste is subjective and all, but the only reason I started smoking in the first place was because I liked the smell and the taste. I just smoked my first cigarette in 5 years the other day, and I thought that it tasted great. Not enough to keep smoking more than a few cigs every couple of years, but I absolutely did enjoy the taste and smell just as much as I remember.

>> No.12283973
File: 65 KB, 529x450, ee0289cfa3b6e5a3a4e88efa991fd6f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigarettes are expensive in the long run and will make you smell like shit.
Pipes are a much more /fa/ method of nicotine intake.

>> No.12284146

using a pipe if you're under 35 makes you look like a huge fag

>> No.12284436
File: 4 KB, 350x234, Large_Clay_Pipes_Left_Side_WM__95214.1357316891.350.350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's with the assumption you're going to use an old grandpa pipe like a hipster

I can think of some alternatives

>> No.12284440
File: 328 KB, 2032x1520, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12284443
File: 9 KB, 340x270, pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck, you could even have multiple pipes to match fits if you wanted to

>> No.12284539

>not smoking weed
you could never be a model then

>> No.12284541

>can't read sarcasm
how's your first middle school english class going?

>> No.12284546

You don't want to. That's why you're asking. Stop. Get help.

>> No.12284548

why not just roll cigarettes..... there is nothing cool about a pipe for tobacco

>> No.12284560
File: 59 KB, 343x429, a1M9EqR_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why smoke when you can....


srsly tho u should quit senpai

>> No.12284564

You forgot your irony punctuation.

>> No.12284767

I'm not European, sorry you need to use symbols to express irony & sarcasm

>> No.12284805

a Vape is an "electric fedora"
No way

>> No.12284904

mein negro

>> No.12284922

pls be memeing, a vape is the cringiest accessory you can own

>> No.12284927
File: 1.14 MB, 480x358, y8Ea8jB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I smoked for 7 years, and finally quit after multiple unsuccesful attempts. Haven't smoked in 6 years now.

Just quit, it's clearly the superior choice. If you are an occasional smoker, don't fool yourself into believing that you are above getting addicted. All these people smoking tons of cigarettes a day started somewhere.

It's very detrimental to your health, you blow a lot of money that you can spend on things that are actually good for you, and the odds are strongly in favor that you end up addicted if you aren't already.

That was probably the biggest factor for me: Being a drug addict. Is that really the kind of person one wants to be? Someone that's addicted to a harmful substance and does nothing about it? There's a reason why fewer and fewer people are smoking. It's a bad, foolish habit and you better stay clear of it.

>> No.12284933

But what if I actually don't wanna live past 40? I think I'll keep smoking

>> No.12284939


Do people actually believe that smoking is going to kill them before 40? It's not. At worst, it barely takes a fraction of a decade off of your life.

>> No.12284947

I'm not saying that cigs will kill me before 40, I'm basically saying that the health problems that arise from smoking don't mean anything to me personally. I destroy my body in different ways every day, so why not smoke cigs as well?

>> No.12284956


Well, basically all arguments to quit smoking are based on the premise that you'd generally prefer a higher quality of life, and a longer life expectancy.

If you don't share that premise, then I suppose smoking might no seem so bad.

>> No.12285191

Where is the proof in the first one?
>inb4 muh (((scientific research)))

>> No.12285506

Clearly quit. Smoking is the biggest meme, backed by billions of dollars every year.

Sure you look cool but you smell like an old person to people that don't smoke.

>> No.12285522


>> No.12285535

>I'm a rich white kid
>look at me everyone I'm a victim

God this shit triggers me so hard, hope you enjoy dying of emphysema - it'll be like trying to breathe through a coffee straw. I guarantee you won't being throwing your self pity party then, you'll just hate yourself for being fucking retarded as a young guy.

>> No.12285542
File: 251 KB, 717x608, Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 18.56.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice <3

>> No.12285563

living long enough to die of cancer ain't cool