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12261257 No.12261257 [Reply] [Original]

"Japanese Street Style Magazine FRUiTS to Shutter After 20 Years Citing Lack of Cool Kids"

fashion is over, everyone just wears H&M and Zara, if you do something different you're 'weird'

>> No.12261267

Japanese fashion is a meme

>> No.12261275

inb4 entire thread of uniqlo and common projects fashionistas complaining that people don't dress conservatively enough, actively contributing to the problem

>> No.12261277

Check waruso we already had a thread about this

>> No.12261283


also Vetements and tumblrgoth fashion isn't particularly special and looks like shit anyway

>> No.12261298

We had this thread like a week ago.

>> No.12261305

I enjoyed that thread.

>> No.12261314

at least there are different subcultures, instead of uniformity

>> No.12261317

Even if you don't wear fast fashion "designer" fashion is teh same, everyone wears the same popular items from popular brands.

>> No.12261331

Maybe modern Asian parents can't afford to give their kids a 20k yen allowance every month to spend on alt clothing

>> No.12261333

This bullshit got posted a few weeks back and the fits were ridiculously shit.

A veritable mix of "LAWL SEW UNEEK" and "SEW RANDUMB XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" fashion, neither of which are fashionable.

>> No.12261340

>Implying this kids aren't all trying to get into some faggy avant-garde sect of the yakuza, literally fulfilling all of our JoJo fantasies while making big $$$$$

>> No.12261346


Well the magazine is over but the founder is still patrolling Harajuku for shots.

>> No.12261350

He's probably just gonna get a new publisher and start a new magazine. Free&Easy had to do the same thing

>> No.12261358

what do you think fashion is?

it at least is thinking about what youre gonna wear, in detail, experimenten, stepping out of the norm, thats what makes it exciting

>> No.12261369

It's an artform like any other meaning it has a subjective purpose.

>> No.12261378


then you can only lament it dying

>> No.12261386

Jacking off material for tasteless weebs

>> No.12261409
File: 482 KB, 1280x854, 9xxFCF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trends change, maximalist dressing isn't cool right now. it will come back. saying fashion is dead is fucking stupid, the fact that it is a living, changing thing should show you that fashion is alive and well.

kill yourself retard

>> No.12261426

I fucking hate the ever living shit out of this word in context of fashion
It sounds like you don't know who you are and you have to 'seek yourself' through dressing up ridiculously or something
Not to mention you are wearing pre-made clothes literally made and sold to be worn, you are,n't """"experimenting"""" for shit, you are buying things you are being sold. Even if you wear some unconventional combination of clothes, it's not 'experimental', someone did it before you and even you found the inspiration for it from somewhere.
"Experimenting" in the context of fashion is making new kind of clothing, experimenting with unconventional and new, not wearing fucking clothes.

>> No.12261454


it does mean that tho, these days

>> No.12261564


just because something is not "experimental" in the bigger picture of the fashion industry doesn't mean it's not experimental to an individual.

i don't understand the end-goal of your critique beyond making you feel like you know the "true experimental" stuff and that other people don't.

we want people to not all dress the same, right? well for that to happen, people have to experiment with their personal style. those experiments might seem tame to your extremely wise rare fashion avant-garde eye, but everyone has to start somewhere. and that's okay.

and if your only bone to pick is that what they consider experimental doesn't seem very experimental to you, uh, okay? to what end are you harping about it, though?

>> No.12261570

W2c pants

>> No.12261574

Beautiful uniformity > ugly diversity.

>> No.12261617

>doesn't mean it's not experimental to an individual
Well aware of that, it's just bullshit word to describe other people's fits.
>your critique
That was hardly critique, just why I think the word is such ass.
> for that to happen, people have to experiment with their personal style
Absolutely not, again it's a bullshit word because the context and who judges what is'experimentation' are up in the air, someone buys a sweatshirt that's black, color he has never worn before, you might want to call it 'experimenting' the person buying the sweater does not, there is no right here because the word is so vague.
That's kinda the issue I have, it's thrown around only on internet and people use it describe something that is something they haven't seen before, maybe the kids in FRUiTS didn't feel that "experimental" maybe that kinda stuff was their go-to daily fits, that's what they are in to.
And to me, personally, fashion is about knowing yourself and dressing to that end, you aren't unsure about what you want because you know who you are and what you like, there is no 'need to experiment' as you put it because you just do you.

>> No.12261624
File: 234 KB, 640x630, tumblr_n85eakMPx21sqhjvzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so you want all music to be the same genre?

all movies the same formula?

>> No.12261649


well in that case all words are "bullshit words." while there is a large overlap in what people mean when they use particular words, everyone in every context tends to mean something slightly different.

seriously what harm are you on a quest to solve?

on another note, i would argue that if you're never unsure about anything you wear, then you're probably not wearing anything terribly interesting. maybe you should experiment more.

innovation doesn't occur within the comfort zone.

>> No.12261939


>> No.12261944


>> No.12262439

I've got a set of large format FRUITS cards somewhere. Like 50 cards with a fit on each.

>> No.12262648

>everyone in every context tends to mean something slightly different.

>being this postmodernist piece of shit

>> No.12262723


is that supposed to be a rebuttal

>> No.12262724

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12262785

>uniqlo and common projects fashionistas
these are two utterly different demographics lmao. Lots of people that wear CPs wear something interesting on top of them- they're just a really basic and clean sneaker that doesn't take attention away from the rest of your fit

>> No.12262792

>maximalist dressing isn't cool right now
>posts shitty palewave h&m tier jogger garbage
imagine being this out of touch lmao

>> No.12262803

refusing to cede ground to a linguistic structure that cannot provide or even accept the concept of truth is probably the best rebuttal possible in this scenario.

>> No.12262832

this thread gave me aids

>> No.12262842


it does provide a concept of truth. that language is necessarily shifty in nature is presented axiomatically as the truth--which provides ample room for rebuttal.

the position being presented isn't quite so simplistic as the "LOL THERE IS NO TRUTH" strawman that you've constructed.

>> No.12262847

if that image is what they consider "cool kids" then i sure am glad they are shutting down

also i am CERTAIN it has absolutely nothing to do with being a print magazine in the year of our lord 2k17
you might as well distribute your content on stone tablets

>> No.12262865


"print is dead" is a meme. while many traditional business models for physical printed books/periodicals are dead, there is still a growing market for print media. you just have to find a way to access it.

take the burgeoning zine industry as an example. in the wake of traditional periodicals dying out, a void opened up that diy-folks are actively filling and often profiting from.

if you'd like a larger example, take Poetry magazine, which has been in print circulation since 1912 and which, in 2016, had a record high in their number of subscribers.

people buy print media. but with so much free and accessible media online, they won't put up with any shit for it anymore--meaning that the inflexible mainstream print media conglomerates died. adapt or die -- you can make money in print media, but you have to cater much harder to your readership than in previous eras.

>> No.12262957

I dunno what their standards are but when I've been in Tokyo I've seen heaps of nxtlvl fits.

>> No.12263120
File: 9 KB, 245x205, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly truly happy to read this

>> No.12263161

We've had this thread before.

I live in Tokyo. Yes, by all accounts Harajuku is not what it used to be, but I don't think "a lack of cool kids"/H&M/Uniqlo as the sole reason for it shuttering is telling the whole story. Part of the reason is probably because, well, it's a magazine and the print publishing industry in general is on life support.

Maybe in 2017 young people of that age just happen to care about other shit than they did in the 90s and early-mid 2000s.

It's like saying. "Omg, it's 1980. Where has flower power and tie dye gone??"

For the record I still see people like the girl in that picture in Harajuku periodically. Few and far between, but the reality is that it was never ubiquitous. Kind of another idealized fantasy about "omg weird/wacky Japan XD"

>> No.12263243

>fits were ridiculously shit
Why were they shit, because they don't follow the trend?
Some of them were good in a sense that they had different concepts behind how they wore and why they wore the clothes.
So if this is not fashionable, what is fashionable? Follow the trend like a hypesheep?

Well, I use the word experimental as a way to describe when dressing something that does not follow the trend or norm.
So when someone wears a black sweater, it's not experimental because it doesn't go against the norm, it's not something new.
When I see someone dress in rainbow colours and with satanic accessories, a general way to describe it would be experimental.

But that is still a very vague word, so I avoid it, but it can be used in some context for where it makes sense.
E.g. when you want to quote clothing style or clothes that go against the norm or trend.
Because do you have to say "clothes that are not trendy" every time you want to say that? I certainly don't as it's very bothersome.
So that's why we have "experimental".
Of course the word does not even have to be "experimental" it can be "rebellious" or whatever else, but "experimental" fits okay and I have nothing against it.

>> No.12263278

>then you're probably not wearing anything terribly interesting
Why does one have to wear 'anything interesting' in the first place though? And interesting according to who?
Innovation is not prerequisite for fashion anyway, the whole 'being ahead of the curve' is another thing I just plain don't agree with, it's fine if some people seek that and want to be there but you absolutely don't have to be to be 'fashionable' or whatever.
But if something that is not follow trends or norms is just something someone does, so inherently him that it's natural, something he does when it's cutting edge and something he will continue to do when it's mainstream and popular, it's never really 'experimental' because it would require one to attempt something in the first place.
> it can be used in some context for where it makes sense
Yeah I'm not really trying to tell people to stop using words here, the word just bothers me, like I said in the original post, a lot in the context of fashion and how it's often used.
In a way 'experimental' communicates some sort of insecurity or like I mentioned, not knowing one self. as you need to 'search' and try new things because you don't know yourself and what you want well enough. And that's the opposite of what is 'fashion' or 'fashionable' to me, fashion is confidence and knowing who you are, when you have those things it comes naturally, you don't need to experiment.
And I'm not talking against peacocky and loud outifts either or putting on costume daily to look like caricature or something, if that's you, do your thing.