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/fa/ - Fashion

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12261254 No.12261254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of people on this board do you think suffer from mental illness (diagnosed or undiagnosed)?

>> No.12261258

You have to be retarded to be on this board

>> No.12261264


so, what are you wearing?

>> No.12261265

I dress like I'm homeless

>> No.12261266

chronic depression reporting in

>> No.12261284


>> No.12262182

I think almost always the fits of /waywt/ are trash
I have undiagnosed schizoid personality disorder

>> No.12262184

depersonalization and derealization disorder
> tfw you think ego death trips are fun
> tfw reality is all a sham now

>> No.12262193

Dysthymia in remission and probably some undiagnosed dysmorphia.
Seems bog standard for this board, though.

>> No.12262301

OCD, Tourettes, ADD diagnosed
Have some Schizo stuff once in a while (hear voices and see stuff that isnt there) but not diagnosed.
general depression once in a while i guess

>> No.12262311

undiagnosed depersonalization derealization disorder
It seems cool at first but gets fucking shitty after awhile. I think the fact that I'm alone most of the time and don't have many interactions with others brought it about in the first place

>> No.12262327

What do you do for work/money?

>> No.12262342

Depression is a symptom of adhd. Adhd medication work by increasing dopamine but skitzophrenia is closely tied to dopamine levels as well. Consider switching medications as that is a typical (albeit very bad) symptom. Schizophrenia has many other symptoms you do not want to experience

>> No.12262343

Major depression and Schizophrenia reporting in.
I'm taking prozac and seroquel.

>> No.12262344

BPD, alcohol use disorder, anxiety

>> No.12262347

How does it feel? I think I had something like that due to depression but it could be just anxiety.

>> No.12262349

everyone in the thinspo thread

>> No.12262353

im a college student, dont work yet and I live off campus. Theres nothing to keep my depersonalization in check

>> No.12262358

It's not an everyday thing, but an every-other-day thing. It feels like I'm watching myself from a 3rd person perspective live out life, and my body doesn't feel like mines. And no, I am not a fucking transsexual or on any sort of medication. Sometimes I feel like life is all fake as well, I can't really explain this further without sounding like an edgy teen.

Basically if you've ever experienced psychosis on drugs, then it's literally like that.

>> No.12262361

Adhd diagnosed and, not really a disorder but certainly odd, Charles bonnet syndrome

>> No.12262364

BPD and depression diagnosed

>> No.12262368

I know someone with bpd and major depressive disorder. Fucking sucks, I hope you're getting help or are more secure now

>> No.12262371

I think I had it then. The 3rd person thing, I felt more like I was inside a bubble and couldn't reach reality. I also felt like everything was fake.

>experienced psychosis
I'm this person >>12262343 so, yes, I get it.

>> No.12262373

This, plus borderline personality disorder reporting in.

Makes for some crazy dreams because I build mirror personalities of everyone I have meaningful interaction with and have no sense of self then they all interact in vivid dreams.

>> No.12262379

I completely agree with you on the dream part at least

>> No.12262384

I was but now I'm not but I'm okay I think
thanks for the kind words anon :~)

This was cool but I don't remember my dreams anymore

>> No.12262387

If you care about remembering dreams, then sleep earlier or get more sleep. If I sleep at 12am-1am, then I can't recall any dreams. If I sleep at 9-10pm, then I'll recall 1-4 dreams.

>> No.12262395

it's probably the alcohol

>> No.12262417

Yeah, I was super into lucid dreaming practice stuff years ago and I still remember them whenever I get a healthy amount of sleep.

>> No.12262425

Aye me too. I used to practice Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming and Wake Back To Bed, because I woke up in the middle of the night everyday at around ~2:00-2:30am. Only managed to do it once and quit though

>> No.12262500

I used reality checks. More work but ultimately really effective, still have them once a week or so.

>> No.12262517

I have a diagnosis but I hide it. Only one person has ever guessed (and said something). After a time on meds and a shit-ton of therapy and then re-learning to function off all meds, I've come to terms with my own flavor of bat-shittery so I'm basically OK.
I dress well and am socially acceptable so...??

>> No.12262527


Was diagnosed this morning. Starting "secondary care" soon, although I'm not sure what that means.

>> No.12262533

>>12262527 (me)

Odd that this rare condition is so prolific on /fa/. Fascinating

>> No.12262534

I have no idea what that means either. I'm not going getting any sort of help, although it's self-diagnosed. I don't believe it's possible for it to disappear. You just have to accept it and deal with it.

>> No.12262542


That's my understanding of things as well. Self diagnosed it years ago though, back when I realised that it wasn't actually normal

>> No.12262549

> ...I realized that it wasn't actually normal
Yeah, I might be on the spectrum as well because I didn't become self-aware until my first year of university.

>> No.12262550

My experience with it is that it leaves an emptiness we try to fill by fitting in, which lines up with principles of fashion.

>> No.12262572

I think it's more insecure kiddos and teens having an awkward coming of age that browse /fa/, and since they get lorded over at school they come here and post the "look at this faggot's awful fit (this kid picked on me and is dating the girl I like)" or "If you like these, you're a tryhard" threads to make themselves feel a little better.
Nothing wrong with that, I just think that's what most of fa is. A few crazies here and there but I think 100% is an over-exaggeration.

>> No.12262580


anyone who says over 10 is just meme'ing

>> No.12262597

>all these people giving themselves diagnoses

There's your answer

>> No.12262601

It's pretty likely a response bias, which is to say that only people who feel it applies to them /have a strong opinion about them will actually go into the thread.

>> No.12262646


It was when I started uni too that I first sought treatment. Bastard uni have made me leave for the year though, as they're "worried".


I understand it could make you feel that way. Personally, the disorder has made me appreciate actual abstracts, as nothing truly feels real to me, nor do I feel alive or a part of what's around me. That's what made me appreciate fashion how I do; I enjoy wearing an owning pieces for me own pleasure, as they carry certain meaning to me, such as harkening back to changes in culture, or even cultures I would have liked to have "experienced". These days though to fit in, one just has to pick up some crap from primark or Urban Outfitters, as very few people actually seem to put thought into what they wear.

>> No.12262649


ADD coupled with OCD must be problematic to manage.

Do you ever feel severe violent compulsions?

>> No.12262653

I don't write off self-diagnosed people because often something really IS wrong and they know it, maybe just not what they think or how they perceive it. It's better to go to a therapist and get evaluated, and get sometimes badly needed help in any case, having such feelings.

>> No.12262667
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Tfw I have this paired with brain fog and constant fatigue. Someone kill me :)

>> No.12262682
File: 66 KB, 338x456, IMG_2244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have AVPD, MDD, MADD (maladaptive daydreaming), and BDD.

>> No.12262695

i don't often get brain fog anymore but the first time i got it i was scared as hell. it was fucked dude. i'm sorry that you have it bud :(

>> No.12262698

Sending love to fellow BPs <3

I am a fairly stable person in my regular life, but most of my BPD traits emerge in romantic relationships, and I tend to share every ugly thing about myself with partners (e.g. self harm, eating disorder, disturbing moods). I don't want them to think I've tricked them into liking them, and I usually believe that I'm an unlikable person and can't imagine that "if someone knew the real me," he'd stay. I haven't been single for more than a few months in almost ten years.

A few years ago I really hit bottom and felt emptier and more isolated than I ever imagined was possible. I was medicated for a long while and eventually signed up for a six month DBT skills course and it honestly changed my life and my feelings of independence. It's mindfulness based so you might find it too hippie-like but some of the stuff honestly really works. Even though I still think I need my partner, I know I could actually survive if he were to leave. I know I need him to believe in me, but I think to some extent I can believe in myself now. I still wake up and feel empty sometimes, but instead of feeling hopeless I can think of times when I survived emptiness and even though it's unpleasant, it's okay.

It's really hard sometimes to read about people's perception of BPD, especially because we're painted as cruel and manipulative, even when we don't mean to hurt them. I like to explain to people that my emotions are intense and I have a hard time separating my emotions from reality when they ask about it. It is useful for loved ones to have resources for you. Most will tell you you're the one who needs therapy, but it can be useful for them to know what to do to be supportive. Loving Someone with BPD is probably the best book. I have a copy and gave one to my partner and mother. sometimes if I need something or I'd prefer if they handled something differently, I'll ask them to read a certain passage that outlines what I need

>> No.12262705

Narcissistic psychopath according to an online test

>> No.12262712

>never had a job
>anxiety issues

I wonder if there is something really wrong with me and I can't fathom it or if I am just a lazy fucking idiot. Lots of people do more with less.

Probably just a lazy fucking idiot. Is that a mental illness yet?

>> No.12262716

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12262721

take this test, maybe you'll learn something

>> No.12262745

I took an online test and it said I was a wolf. But I'm really a dragon, I just lied on the questions. :^)

>> No.12262766
File: 99 KB, 522x428, Screen Shot 2017-02-23 at 1.21.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here, not surprised by this at all

(I was diagnosed by BP in a hospital)

>> No.12262769

diagnosed multiple personalities(one of them being a sociopath) reporting in :D my life sucks sometimes, sometimes it doesnt... it shifts... like i do...

>> No.12262773
File: 417 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me >>12262705

>> No.12262781
File: 39 KB, 470x360, Screenshot 2017-02-22 at 10.30.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine's. D&DD guy. I am introverted, but love the presence of friends. I wouldn't say I'm narcissistic at all, but maybe I am.

>> No.12262783

enough to constantly make threads about mental illness that are not even tangentially related to fashion

>> No.12262786
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My results.

>> No.12262799
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I'm >>12262182 and >>12262721
do you have images of fits you really like? I want to know what a fellow (possible) schizoid is into.

i like what this guy did and it's what I'm going for myself. right now I dress in all black.

>> No.12262804


to please this guy, >>12262783
would you all also reveal a little something about your fashion sense too? also, I hope posting the test was helpful :) it was for me

>> No.12262809

diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety

guess my favourite designer

>> No.12262816
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>> No.12262819

Hey, anon. Just want you to know, and I mean this sincerely, that I hope that you and everyone with BPD would stop getting into romantic relationships with others, sale those who don't have your disgusting mental issue. You don't understand how taxing and hurtful you are when you inevitably hurt someone emotionally, and your constant abuse and manipulation of others is something that you selfish, disgusting people should keep to yourselves. You're literally the most selfish people on the earth to think that you deserve to have a relationship with others, especially since all people with BPD see relationships as something that's temporary and disposable. I understand that you only use relationships as a way to feel validated, but you can't understand reciprocation like a normal human does so you are naturally extremely selfish and psychopathic in the most pure scientific term. I mean this truthfully, and with all honesty I do believe you are better off dead.

>> No.12262822

Especially with those*

>> No.12262824

When I was younger my taste was based on autism much more than what looked good and what looked good on me. I owned a fedora, for instance. (Though I'd like to believe I was self-conscious enough to wear it better than most.) It was things that amused me with no consideration of how I looked.

Over the years I progressively looked to what I think works on me and what wouldn't be too weird retarded.
I still have a taste for early to mid 20th century kind of stuff. Work wear was a trend I liked.
Not having a job and relying on neetbux severely retards your ability to develop taste because you have less chance to try and err.
I try to buy things that I think are classic, tried and true.
I don't wear much black. I would have worn more years ago but even then I'd avoid all black.

>> No.12262828

FYI I'm not against all black, I'm against all black on me.

>> No.12262830

I'm pasty as hell and try to emulate those Japanese guys on those magazines that keeps getting posted here. Cropped pants and jeans are staple to my outfits though. I also love turtlenecks.
> no fit pics

>> No.12262843
File: 705 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked? Bipolar, OCD, ADHD, hypochondria, Generalized anxiety, and depression grill reporting live. Ask me anything.

>> No.12262845

I also wore trilbies, from the end of elementary school all throughout high school until sophomore year of college when my hair got too big for them to fit anymore.

>Not having a job and relying on neetbux severely retards your ability to develop taste because you have less chance to try and err.
more like being stuck with poorfag options which tend to be lower quality

>I don't wear much black. I would have worn more years ago but even then I'd avoid all black.
>FYI I'm not against all black, I'm against all black on me.
Fuck, I got sick of it finally after browsing this place for half a year and seeing just that; it's boring, so I'm going to add color to mine and it will be better for it.

>> No.12262848

jesus man, i wonder whats wrong with -your- brain

>> No.12262849
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that's not real
you're not a real person

>> No.12262855
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I don't see relationships as temporary or disposable. I want to find someone who understands me and accepts me and won't leave me and be with them forever. And I'm not the least bit psychopathic. Not everyone with BPD is the same.

I'm also not a grill so maybe your anger isn't really directed at me

>> No.12262857

I wish it wasn't real. I spend so much time wondering if normal people truly feel okay about the world, and that everything bad thing that happens isn't a sinking pit of despair and fear. But I just can't snap out of it. I've been like this since I was a child

>> No.12262858
File: 38 KB, 426x639, pfw-a16-jacquemus-of-exaggerted-proportions-voguekim_0403_426x639_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you post in thinspo threads?

Really into exaggerated proportions and reworking classic silhouettes lately

You must have been hurt really badly by someone to say things like this. I hope you can find some way to heal and recognize that the BP in your life didn't do these things because s/he didn't care about you.

I know that BPD people have a reputation for treating relationships as disposable and temporary but I'm not sure that's entirely true. Most BPs I know treat their relationships as permanent from the get-go and that kind of fucks them over when the guys are only interested in sex or hooking up, when the BPs were looking for more. I haven't experienced that firsthand because I've basically only been in long term relationships (1-5 years) but I latch onto people really quickly too.

>> No.12262862

Nope, do t usually browse this bored but the title caught my attention and I was trying to figure out where I could cop some /fa/ chokers. Im usually on /fit/.

>> No.12262869

Mine wasn't a trilby it was fur felt, medium brim.

>> No.12262899

did you like split

>> No.12262964

i had this after doing way too many psychedelics when i was 18... flash forward 4 years and im finally pretty much back to normal

>> No.12263021

100% just like everyone who posts on 4chan

>> No.12263031

it called major depression. Depression itself is a chronic disease.

>> No.12263147

Copped the 3rd person thing off some dodgy Mdma caps. Even though it only lasted 30-60 min it scared the absolute shit out of me. Wouldent want to deal with it on a longterm basis.