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File: 141 KB, 600x419, DrugItem_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12259714 No.12259714 [Reply] [Original]

is adderall effay?

>> No.12259723

as long as you aren't taking it as prescribed

>> No.12259725

Any drug of choice is effay, but drug addiction is not effay.
Moderation of use = effay

>> No.12259788

use in moderation to boost productivit, self-improvement, and general awareness VERY effay. next level shit imo

>> No.12259910

i'm prescribed 180 pills per month

>> No.12259918

I just sorta got diagnosed with adhd. hopefully they'll prescribe me something. anything I should ask for specifically?

XR or IR? is Vyvanse better? Can it be taken with xanax?

>> No.12259947

>Perscription opiates

Not effay:

>> No.12260215

>not /fa/

>> No.12260220



>> No.12260246

what about jenkem?

>> No.12260258

what about ecstasy

they'll probably give you concerta at first. tell them it's not really vibing with you and try to get adderal XR.

Adderal and xan don't really mesh well. if you're feeling stressed on adderal, just take an l-leucine

>> No.12260276

>180 pills per month
nice bait faggot

>> No.12260283

>Not effay:
that doesn't make any sense

>> No.12260287

>ketamine and lsd effay
otherwise i i agree tho

>> No.12260288

lowkey ive taken lot of adderall to get through school but i feel like there has to be a con

i used to take 2 12.5mg tablets every day while doing my undergrad and i could crank out 5000+ line documents (as a cs major) without a second thought. it gave me insane energy and focus but i find it hard to believe that it didnt ruin my brain somehow in order to give me that instant effect

i only took 2x12.5 but i know some people were doing 2 or 3 30mg+ every single day so maybe im safe since they're not dead yet

>> No.12260296

vyvanse is much better

>> No.12260428

please don't make me laugh, ketamine and lsd and other big psychedelics are shit tier raver drugs, it will never be /fa/ have brain damage or be a retarded hippie in 2017.

the only effay drugs are benzos, every opiate (prescripted, pure opium and of course heroin) and coke. Even the weed or hash can be effay but out of their context of rapper related drugs, because being a ghetto nigger it's the most un-effay thing you can do.

shit-eater peasant tier:


>> No.12260437

of course not, it's 100% trash

>> No.12260442

What is effay ?

>> No.12260444


>> No.12260887

what's the name of this board?

>> No.12260930

You sound like someone who has never done any drug before and is also a fag

>> No.12261117

I heard vyvanse is smoother when it comes to the come up and the come down, but adderall is more powerful. Which of course includes a stronger come down as well

>> No.12261141


wanna know how i know you're in high school?

>> No.12261179

these are THE worst threads on /fa/. id rather see alt right fashion threads than this shit.

>> No.12261188

Is it because half of his drug cocktail is prescribed by the pediatrician?

>> No.12261269

you're right, i'd rather have more knife and balding threads

>> No.12261274

>they said as they didn't sage and kept the thread alive

>> No.12261415

Speed users are pathetic. I used to have a prescription and ive spent a lot of time around that scene and I wouldnt call it "effay."
Fuckin pediatric tweakers, sad idiots. Ive never met a speed user that i thought was smart. What kind of retard would take a behavior altering drug for fun only to then stick out 2 hours of inconsolable anxiety and incoherence and then repeat the process?
All of you limp wristed european fags should seriously either reevaluate your gay sad boyz aspirations or fucking end it already.

>> No.12261432

There are studies about the link between prolonged use of amphetamines and severe major depression later in life. You fed your brain chocolate cake everyday and now you may feel sluggish and out of shape.

>> No.12261443

What an insufferable cunt.

>> No.12261595

im sorry anon, i forgot to

>> No.12261601

Not all drugs. weed, shrooms, dmt and any other new age stoner type of drug isn't effay
Coke, pills and heroin are effay

>> No.12261681
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>> No.12261706

xanax is the least effay makes you a complete disinhibited retard

>> No.12261743

only in america
you can get 180 pills of fucking speed for $15
explain yourslef

>> No.12262176

> Valium
> Xanax
> Heroin
> Cigarettes / Tobacco
> Prescription Opiates

Not effay:
> Weed
> Cocaine
> Meth
> Ecstasy
> Ketamine
> Codeine

>> No.12262219

is jail effay?

>> No.12262226

if you lived in a town where heroin is used youd understand it isnt effay at all

fucking scum of the earth

>> No.12262250

this 100%

>> No.12262254

it appears you do not understand the power of modern medicine and its associated risks

>> No.12262261

from my experience 2x12.5 mg isn't too risky, as long as you keep it under control and don't go more on the regular. i know a few people who completely fried their brains due to lack of self-control.

>> No.12262266

yeah whoever is prescribing you this should have their license revoked imo

>> No.12262366

Heroin is the most fucked up especially when you live in heroin capital

>> No.12262396

How do you get them prescribed? Do you just say you have adhd?

>> No.12262482

I don't know what you cunts mean by effay drugs. Is it based on the image you get when others find out you take them or on the beauty of the drug?

If the former, kill yourself. If the latter:
LSD = Mushrooms > 2-CB > MDMA > Salvia > Weed >> Cocaine > Xanax.

Amphetamines are good for studying.
Cocaine is overrated.
Benzos are more useful as trip stoppers and offer little enjoyment when taken on their own. They kill your emotions- no sadness, happiness, nothing.

>> No.12262987

wtf how did you get prescribed that? You're selling that to college kids for $20 a pill tho right?

>> No.12263773

>ketamine and lsd and other big psychedelics are shit tier raver drugs, it will never be /fa/ have brain damage or be a retarded hippie in 2017.
>the only effay drugs are benzos
You know benzo's give Alzheimer, right?

I'd take LSD over addicting sleep inducers any day

>> No.12263795

I did 2cb at a party last tuesday and fuck it was so amazing. Do you have any other party drugs recommendations (besides the obvious MDMA)?

>> No.12263900
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are you narcoleptic ?
or do you have terminal stage adhd

>> No.12264482


>> No.12264500


>> No.12264594

No because pills are for pussies

>> No.12264637

being this new

>> No.12264642

>heroin = effay


>> No.12264650

>heroin not effay

>> No.12264653

>ctrl+f "heart"
>0 results

Lol, you kids are going to learn an important lesson about amphetamines one day

>> No.12264731

makes you skinny, pale, anti social... sounds about /fa/ as you can get to me

>> No.12264775
File: 40 KB, 1100x619, extra_large-1464384608-1115-ketamine-could-be-approved-to-treat-depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketamine and LSD

My life used to be a total shitshow, I had chronic social anxiety, depression, and was just a complete failure in every regard.

I started micro-dosing these 2 drugs and it just radically changed me in almost every way.

No more depression, no more lethargy/fatigue, no more anxiety, I started feeling energetic, creative, and way more goal driven at all times. It started to click in my brain what I really wanted in life and how to get it. It felt like I finally snapped out of a really long hangover or bad dream.

I can't recommend this shit any more highly, it WILL change your life for the better. I would not be where I am now without it

>> No.12264791

Vyvanse is ass depends xr is longer ir is stronger but shorter

>> No.12264836

>Tobacco in any form
>Prescription opiates
>research chemicals/nootropics

Not effay:
>Everything else

>> No.12266027

What about regular old amphetamines? Helped me drop about 30 pounds a month when I only ate vitamin pills and suplements for weeks straight.

>> No.12266029

Happy for you. Glad it works. I've considered using them for the same purpose.

What's your dosage?

>> No.12266229

former heroin addict here
heroin is not /fa/
3 months sober on the 7th and i couldnt be happier

>> No.12266280

what kind of opiates did you start out with?
did you think you wouldn't get addicted?

>> No.12266287

started with hydro and oxy
when those got too expensive some kid who went to my school shot me up when i was 17
i thought it was okay because the high wasnt really that intense
starting using after that and eventually it spiraled out of control to the point where i tried to kill myself because i couldnt find any purpose beyond getting high
i shot up nearly a full gram but one of my good friends found me and took me to the hospital
i went to rehab after that but ended up relapsing a few months after
i just got out of rehab not too long ago and im planning on sticking with sobriety

>> No.12266289

good on you. I hope you can stay on that track.

I'm considering doing codeine recreationally, since I found myself to have easy access to +10 grams of it. never done opiates before.

it's probably one of the worst ideas I've ever had, though.

>> No.12266290


You will always have friends here anon. Keep it up.

>> No.12266293

i say there's no harm in trying as long as you dont let it turn into anything else. everything in moderation.

thank you

>> No.12266822

you know LSD triggers mental illnesses, right?

>> No.12266859

good luck anon

>> No.12266889

only if you're predisposed to it

>> No.12266941

pls dont reproduce

>> No.12267040

the fuck is effay

>> No.12267395 [DELETED] 


Top kek. The people who deny AD(H)D exists are in the same boat as a climate change deniers.

>> No.12267399


Top kek. The people that deny AD(H)D exists are in the same boat as climate change deniers.

>> No.12267454

I pity idiots like you.

>> No.12267537

you have no idea how true this has been for me in regards to LSD. I feel if I could capture the feeling of it, I could be incredibly successful, could create amazing things, learn anything I wanted, mold my life to its desired shape. being "high" on it does justice to the word in the truest sense. its like a pair of crystallized glasses that makes the problems in your life only solutions waiting to be found.

its an amazing combination of creativity, drive, focus, and depth...if there were such a thing as brain steroids this would be it.

and the crazy part is, I haven't even done that much. I've not had much of an interest so far in "blasting off" as DMT users say...I've only looked to it in microdoses for an enhanced everyday world.

it sadly reminds me of fuel for a car...it is isn't infinite unfortunately. it doesn't switch on those parts permanently. you do come back to sober reality...even with the new perspectives, the "old habits" seem to fight back with equal strength. its a work in progress, as I guess can be said about the self in general. but knowing that a state like that exists gives me more faith in life and living in this world, and the possibility of doing good and succeeding/ my ability to contribute

>> No.12267557

I'll most likely destroy you in any relevant argument. don't even try

>> No.12267567


lmao "destroy"

what are you, 12?

>> No.12267586

adderall wards off alzheimer's

>> No.12267591

You know ADHD was literally just invented in a room full of people who were funded by drug companies, right?

>> No.12267623

I will whip u and your puny brain to shreds

>> No.12267678

lmao, how did you get it? how can i get me a plan?

>> No.12267680


>> No.12268266

Lol what?

U mad brah?

>> No.12268274

>doesn't provide any sauce as usual
Hard to take anyone seriously unless they're providng us with some hard evidence

t. ur mom
>sauce because I said so lol

>> No.12268351


only interesting thoughts ITT right now

people seriously discussing whether heroin is fa need to off themselves

>> No.12269093

OK I take XR and IR what drugs can I NOT mix with

>> No.12269190

objectively yes. pharma stim use is big in the fashion industry. great drug

>> No.12269191

i prefer vyvanse to adderall as well

>> No.12269198

>weed on the not effay list

It's the r/trees faggots who are not effay, not the drug lmao

>> No.12269205

this. like having cigarettes/spliffs when you're out at parties is very nice. it can compliment a lot of drugs as well.
obviously the like "weed culture" ie. people who wear weed t shirts, etc.. are incredibly oneffay. but that is only a portion of people who smoke weed

>> No.12269230

i tried modafinil several times and nothing happened even at 300mg . what are the normal effects supposed to be like. am i just a non responder to this ?
sorry for being offtopic
coke is pretty effay
weed is pretty uneffay

>> No.12269240

people need to expand on why they think things are "uneffay/effay".

>> No.12269259

must be nice being white

only people i know that get shit this hard are white ppl or hood niggas that got a crooked doc

>> No.12269327

wow it sure is nice having crippling narcolepsy

>> No.12269598
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>> No.12269611

LSD did the complete opposite for me now im anxious all the time

>> No.12269638

I feel like I almost have ptsd or aat least trauma from bad lsd trips. like it's been about 3 years and i still feel it impacts me
psychs are not for me I've realised, althought microdoses are manageable/fun

>> No.12270236

i have never tried adderall but a couple of month ago i was put on ritalin by my psychiatrist and it has done fucking wonders for me

>> No.12270245


>> No.12270269


Most effay drug

>> No.12270288

>Implying they don't just want money

>> No.12270374

that's like every drug

>> No.12270409

been struggling with mental health issues for several years. i was born with autism and have been depressed for some time. i was put on a shitload of different meds including antidepressants, antipsychotics, beta blockers, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers. so far nothing worked for me, and even psychiatrist eventually have no idea on what to do with me. then some time ago i had to do some testings concerning concentration and memory, and the results apparently turned out to be bad. i was then soon put on ritalin. now obviously its main goal is to help me concentrate , help me focus on tasks and actually finish them and allow my thoughts to appear more structured. but additionally it also turned out to affect me positively in many other ways. while on ritalin, my social anxiety decreases, and i become more talkative, as if there are fewer boundaries and can be more open and social toward others. i also feel more energetic and motivated in general, and become more productive and creative. so far this is the only thing that had a positive effect on my mental health, even though it is not first-line treatment for my main issues.

>> No.12270443

Anticonvulsants are the only thing that has worked for me. Gabapentin has literally cured my depression.

>> No.12270478

most drugs are /fa/ its just about how u do em

that being said rare drugs are the way to go - managed to get a hand on some barbiturates n they are super awesome

but being able to snort ur drugs is so much more /fa/

only quality post in this thread

>> No.12270566

i have tried lamotrigine and valproate (depakote), but both seemed to do nothing after taking them for months and being at the correct dose. would it be worth to try gabapentin you think?

>> No.12270814

Any pills are "fashionable" really, more so than any other drug.

>> No.12270828

it's really all about moderation
almost all drugs that fuck with your dopamine receptors in a manner that makes you happy are the pinnacle of being /fa/
but once you depend on it, it's all over for you and everything is downhill

like, when people talk about ye, they immediately (almost always) go to the confidence boost it gives you
but, i was already confident prior - so what use was it to me?
it was an overflowing source for energy and productivity, i could micro manage my life to perfection
for example: i'd finish atleast one manuscript a day, go to a show/party daily, network with so many people within a day
then i started upping my dosage and it just fucked everything up
stopped working out, didn't care how much money i spent, and fucked all the relationships i had with people
turned me into a vessel of the man i thought i was
took myself to a psych ward and cut everyone off to get better

yeah, sure
doing it casually could be cool
but if you do
you can never want for more
if you romanticize self-destruction though, definitely do cocaine and crack

>> No.12270833

exchange xanax and heroin and youre right

>> No.12270845

That's about what I used to pay at Costco.
It depends on the store. CVS it was something outlandish like $600 for the same amount.

I'm very very very happy I finally stopped taking them after years of numbness.

>> No.12271192
File: 64 KB, 639x960, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch speed paste "pink champagne" is trv effay

>> No.12271201

woah you are such a cool guy using name and admitting to do drugs I wanna be cool guy like you when I grow up going through rough things such inpspiration

>> No.12271431
File: 119 KB, 1000x849, Screenshot_20170207-141610_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

story time

>on adderall trying to study
>decide I'm horny so I try and bop the weasel
>adderall suppresses boners for some reason
>have been so focused on choking he chicken because of adderall
>mtw I look at the clock and realize I've been smacking the snake for a good ten hours

>> No.12271446

>blessed are the cheesemakers.

>> No.12271458


>> No.12271476

Drugs have nothing to do with fashion

>> No.12271485

for professionals only.

>> No.12271615
File: 351 KB, 634x897, tumblr_nlh1myvYiP1uqdlfso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been in a slump fot what has now been the mayority of my life, tried suicide once but puzsied out cause death and life seemed equally uninteresting for me. I have been coasting on without purpose, no drive, no goals, just anxiety and slowly becoming more of a hermit and filling my life with distractions. Every so often I get a panic attack followed by a walk around the city where I debate what I want to do with my life. One of the few friends I still have offered me too go trip lsd with him, hit up art museums and maybe the beach after. I have also been thinking of trading weed for adderal, I dont even like it anymore but its just what all my real friends are into. Also got a few modelling offers and im slowly trying to get more fit and bulk a little, so my self image isnt garbage.

Sorry for the journal entry, but would you mind sharing some of your experience with lsd. Been really thinking over what I should make of my life instead of a monotomy of distractions in the form of vidya and too many youtube videos but im just so directionless and uninspired i become complacent.

>> No.12271618

Trading my weed habit for adderal*

Not much of a habit just what ill spend 20$ on once a week or so

>> No.12272129

yep same for me

>> No.12273597

anything but opiates are effay to do

although opiatecore may be a better aesthetic

>> No.12274559
File: 105 KB, 564x1128, 5c742e933a63e6eaca21ff10e16313c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FL here, how easy will it be to get prescribed this?

Jokes aside (because it's fucking FL) should I get health insurance and then set a psychiatrist appointment and get Adderall. Or should I skip the health insurance part. (I have a minimum wage job but I need to better myself)

>> No.12274628

And also better society/the world around me.

>> No.12275478

I'm in a similar boat as you, except I trip regularly. Turns out LSD isnt going to magically give your life meaning, but it does help in the sense that you'll see some experience in a new light (noises you hadn't noticed before, patterns you didn't see in things, etc). Trip just to see what it's like, but keep hitting the gym and trying to find something else you're interested in.

>> No.12275555

There's nothing effay about gurning, blown out eyes, gittery eyes, sore lips, and talking and dancing like a retard, MDMA is pleb-tier

>> No.12276733
File: 44 KB, 635x473, 1488060468494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12276874

this. tried shrooms and lsd too often when i was 18-19, ending up bringing up childhood trauma/repressed memories and now i have like ptsd effects from these trips. 3 years later

>> No.12276875


>> No.12276883

Did a decent dose the other week, the come up was pretty rough. I had to sit down for a while. Once I was over that hump it was pretty fun though.

>> No.12276915

Fuuuuuug I just got perscribed 30 mg and was told to take it in the morning and around 2.

Am I gonna die effay?

The only negitive effect I've noticed is I can't sleep for shit. anyway to counter act this? Weed?

>> No.12277094

I have a kpin script but actually have GAD. I take it no more than 3 times a week, .5mg-1.5mg.
occasionally I'll take it on a bit of a binge ie like 3 or 4 days in a row. but then I'm careful to slow it down
how am I doing?
I also use kratom some days, and smoke weed maybe 3 times a week
do ecstasy at techno parties maybe once a 1.5 month. i feel i am a polysubstance user, but I cycle and feel in control?

>> No.12277688

valium is the most beautiful drug on earth

>> No.12277866

being from Vermont I promise you opiates are not effay at all. Too many friends I've seen go down into that dark hole and never come out.

>> No.12277894

You can get any prescriptions you want in burgerland.
I was put on anti-depressants at 9 years old for 'severe anxiety'. My psychiatrist was just too cowardly to tell my parents that they're shit at parenting and to stop throwing drunken tantrums because it stresses out your kid.

Instead she said the problem was a natural genetic disposition to be stressed, and really that's what every other doctor/counselor told me. Within the first 1-3 visits I get recommended a drug to be put on. They don't give a shit about finding the root of any problems, they make you a space cadet so their job is easier and you think you're getting better without gaining any self-knowledge and finding the cause of your problems. They're just drug dealers.

>> No.12278098

Stay in school and don't do drugs kids.
Don't fall for the druggie meme and work hard.

>> No.12278188

Adderall can be a hole you fall into. It's very easy to just take more and more and progressively dehumanize yourself. You know you're taking too much when you stop caring about things you used to, especially relationships and hygiene. If you take adderall it's always a good idea to take 1-2 days a week off to help lower tolerance (which happens pretty quick) and also to give you an unmedicated perspective on your situation. I think as long as you remain mindful of the risks and take vitamins/make lifestyle changes to accommodate the medicine, it's fine.

>> No.12278562

(1) ADHD is a disorder primarily communicated through genetics, although it can, in certain cases, come about as a result of brain damage pre and post-partum. It affects areas of the brain that have to do with impulse control, time management, and all executive functioning. Like all cognitive disorders, there is a spectrum for ADHD based on which grouping of behavioral and physical symptoms are possessed, however one very important commonality is that those with ADHD do not have an attention disorder, they have a dopamine inhibiting disorder.

(2) Amphetamines, in the amount that they are prescribed, are inherently neither hurtful or addictive. The safety of regular amphetamine use at low-dosages has been vetted through over 80 years of medical application. The following conditions must be met in order for damage from amphetamine use to occur:

1. Taken at extremely high dosages.
2. Taken regularly for an extended period of time.

>> No.12279111

Do you have any papers to cite on what 'extended periods of time' means? Genuinely curious

>> No.12279373

this happens to me all the time and i don't even take drugs or alcohol.

>> No.12279546

pretty easy tbqh

opiates (heroine, morphine, etc.)

speed (adderall included)

mdma (ecstacy, etc.)

>> No.12279595

that's because you live in vermont. an objectively un /fa state

>> No.12280360

Biphentin >>>>>>>>>

>> No.12280393

i was put on ritalin recently. different from adderall, but also works for me.

slight increase in energy level and motivation. concentrating on tasks is easier when i am on it. also makes me a bit more social and decreases the boundaries in social situations, at least for me. also lost 10 kg so far. no more binging episodes when i am on it. when it wears off it can be tricky, as you tend to forget to eat sufficient during the day and might compensate when last dose wears off.

anyone else here on a ritalin prescription? i am currently being prescribed 40 mg mr + 20 mg sa per day. i just hate it being so expensive in comparison to me other meds, which hardly cost me anything or are even completely free. even xanax is almost free, why isn't this shit.

>> No.12280460

get a generic, it's the same thing. i'm pretty sure ritalin went genric last year