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/fa/ - Fashion

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12259310 No.12259310 [Reply] [Original]

>moving to a big city and seeing all these cute hipster people who actually know how to fashion
>they are self-confident and are not afraid to try weird fits
>tfw I'm too anxious to be like them

>> No.12259363

>tfw 18 kissless virgin
>tfw wasting my youth feeling self conscious
>tfw told i'm 8/10
>tfw somedays i feel like an 8, but most days i feel like a 6
this is a feels thread right?

>> No.12259381

> be me, 5/10 manlet
> 19 y/o virgin
> dress like a twink
> hetero
> sudoku

>> No.12259438

>be me
>height is my only asset
>not even /fa/t

>> No.12259456
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>dress like mr rodgers
>have qt edgelord gf
>she likes sucking d so i get head daily
>rising quickly in my field (political strategy)
>enter these threads for a quick ego booster

>> No.12259818
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I NEVER understood with ALL these dating and hookups apps like POF and Tinder that there's SOOO many kissless handholdless virgins on this site

Literally make a profile, download some pic editor apps, take a nice selfie and start msging girls you are attracted to then invite them over and fuck them or be a wimp and just hangout or go on a date

>> No.12259843

>compliments from hipsters and stares from normies everyday
>confident enough not to care
>recently cucked a chad despite being a twink
>accepted into uni to study something i love
>still fucking depressed

shouldnt i be happy?

>> No.12259944

I'm not a kissless or handholdless virgin or anything, but I personally hate hookup apps like those. I've tried them before and they just weren't my thing. I prefer actual meaningful relationships rather than emotionless sex.

>> No.12260093

nobodys gonna make you have emotionless sex u can go on dates varies from app to app i guess

>> No.12260108

>rising quickly in my field (political strategy)
What's your endgame?

>> No.12260127

literally >just bee yourself

>> No.12260136

omg, this 100%

i know that people find me really attractive but i'm still so self conscious and have the worst confidence i don't let myself be with anyone that i like ;__;

>> No.12260144

Yeah you're right, I just don't feel like dating apps are very intimate.

>> No.12260149

Okay well, not really sure what you know about intimacy if you think introduction apps actually have the purpose of hooking people up. In the cities I've lived in (large cities in America and Europe), Tinder and Bumble are great for helping you make a fleeting connection in a lonely world. Most people meet up, get to know a few people and then MAYBE date after that. Lots of my friends have just met cool girls/guys on Tinder through similar interests, but not necessarily wanted to have sex with them.

>> No.12260155

Yeah I don't know, it just feels alien to me. I've tried tinder before and didn't like it I guess.

>> No.12260156

Maybe you're ugly or boring mate

>> No.12260164

No I mean it worked as intended I just didn't like the experience. We went out for coffee and then she asked if we could go to my place. I'm not into that kind of stuff. My whole life I've been making connections with people face to face and stuff like tinder just isn't what I like.
And I'm not going to say you're wrong about being boring, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

>> No.12260335

As a freshman in college I was a pretty big anxious little faggot but I lucked into a cute gf and realized I had no reason to be such a bitch and now I am much improved. Just don't be such a self conscious bitch boy and things will get better.

>> No.12260344

>Dress like a normie
>Mostly fuck around in study halls and walking around campus
>Don't talk to anyone
>Made one friend that texts me once a month
>Kissless virgin

Better keep doing everything exactly the same

>> No.12260366

>making meanful connections with girls is so easy these days lol
>just message total strangers who are only intrested in a quick fuck/sugar daddies

Yea okay

>> No.12261203

you're 18 shut the fuck up

>> No.12261404


same breh

>dress like a pirate warlock
>get called weird but more so complimented
>get brain all the time
>studying shit I love

feels good

>> No.12261525

These apps and social networking is what's making these people hermits. Get off your phone and go talk to people ffs.

>> No.12261579

>be fat
>be weird history obsessed weeb with a million books and no friends
>lose some weight but due to childhood meds from an illness my metabolism is permanently fucked and also periods of depression don't help.
>Dress like Dante Gabriel Rosetti designed goth elves
>Do this for years, incorporating different goth things I happen to think look cool
>Suddenly neogoth revival
>people keep telling me I'm beautiful
>Dudes keep flirting with me at work
>Dudes offer me money to date them or cam with them
>Bitch I am a fat, too tall, messy haired freak who just wants to be left alone
>Can't complain about it because it makes me sound like an asshole.

>> No.12261585

not everyone wants meaningless sex, faggot

>> No.12261635 [DELETED] 

>have a huge crush on a friend for the last 2 years
>make up fantasoes
>fantasy of us being together
>fantasy of kissing her
>fantasy of stealing her virginity
>fantasy of happy future with her
>mfw she calls me buddy
>mfw I realize she doesn't see me zhe way I see her
>mfw when my life is generally going how I imagined it to be

Past days have been pretty sad for me, I don't know if I am ever going to tell, that I like her.

>> No.12261638

I know this feel
>Have gorgeous GF
>Live in nice downtown apartment
>0 debt
>Have great income
>already on track to retire young
>Fell into a dream job pretty much fresh out of school

>> No.12261656

What's your job?

>> No.12261658

tell her and if she doesn't feel the same way cut off communication. Friendships aren't a good idea if one of the parties has feelings for the other. In that scenario someone always gets hurt so it's better to end it now if you're under those circumstances.

>> No.12261696

Experimental military program management.

>> No.12261879

>always self conscious about how i look
>start modelling for some local brands
>still self conscious
>ego death
>very confident now, love my life

acid saved me

>> No.12261887

>ego death

what was that experience like?

>> No.12261903

you should definitely tell her.

>> No.12261921

the experience itself was difficult to work through because for a large amount of time there was nothing based in reality. what made it worth it was the realisation i have been living through and attaching myself to a constructed personality my whole life and this isn't what reality actually is. its difficult to put into words without sounding stupid because the words will never match the experience/realisation, only point towards it and you run the risk of sounding like someone who thinks they are better than other people because you have done drugs.

>> No.12261978

There's a guy on YouTube who refused to look himself in the mirror for a year and now he doesn't give a shit what anyone else thinks about how he looks. Is what you did similar but with drugs?

>> No.12262143

Yeah I think something like that, or even practicing mediation for a while would have similar effects. I don't really care what other people think about me anymore, or if I ever slip back into that type of thinking it is easy to recognise it and consciously stop it before it affects me. Due to this I am able to live to my own ideals and have a lot more control over my life, for example it's a lot easier and makes more sense to wear what I want without worrying how it lines up to other people's ideals.

>> No.12262206

Ay I recently bought women's jeans cause they fit better. I'm kinds there maybe.

Honestly though I really struggle with categorizing myself. I'll recognize certain patterns of thought or interest and I'll almost stereotype myself into what I think I should be according to outside influences. It's stressful but hard to break despite being self aware

>> No.12262213
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>catch up with old college friends who now live in the city
>they are all dressed well, ACR, Rick, Acne, cdg, etc.
>spend sometime catching up to develop my wardrobe
>they make fun of me for having past seasons pieces

hello OP

>> No.12262431

so we're just gonna let that slide?

>> No.12263193

boo hoo mr. meeting up with all my fashionable friends


apparently not

>> No.12263197

Your friends are retarded if they trend hop by season.

>> No.12263579
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>most days i feel like a 6
sounds nice anon

>> No.12263662

??? you met her face-to-face

Plenty of people on tinder don't want to get to know you online, so it's good to arrange a meeting. Once you meet, what's the difference between that and meeting someone at a cafe or bar?

>> No.12263675

>dress like a pirate warlock
I want to see

>> No.12263717
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>tfw 5'8

>> No.12263724

>still studying
You failed your life bruh

>> No.12263752
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>tfw 28 living in a big eu city
>tfw having enough money to buy expensive clothes
>tfw i spend more money on clothes than on my gf
>tfw she cries because I bought a 450 euro sweater
>tfw I tell her that pay for a lot of her food and stuff
>tfw she sucked my cock after the argument
>tfw telling this on an anonymous imageboard which I have been visiting for almost a decade.

>> No.12263777
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Does anyone else kinda wish they lived in a city that was less /fa/? I live in one of the "fashion capitals" and standards here are so high.

>> No.12264164

>Most people tell me im a 7/10
>First year of college and still no friends
>Im a social guy and everyone knows me but nobody would consider me a friend
>Dont want a sex buddy but a gf
>Dunno how to ask a girl out

A-at least im 6"2 heh..

>> No.12264420

You write really well. I used to get caught up in what style would 'represent ME the best' but it's a very limiting thing to do. That said I think there are a lot of advantages to having one particular style or a capsule wardrobe where everything matches with eachother basically, it makes clothing more functional for myself at least. I think for me it helped to think about the actual function of clothes and how it fits into your daily lifestyle, being able to recognise and appreciate why you are drawn to a particular style of dress, but not letting that push you into a corner and categorise you. There will always be fashion archetypes or subcultures or whatever and if you have an understanding of this you can begin using it to your advantage, take what you want from each style depending on how you feel fit.

>> No.12264424

omg ur gf sucked ur cock! holy man thats.. whoa

>> No.12264428

Same dude. Lets fuck bro.

>> No.12264461

Also I think it is beneficial to develop a level of dissociation with the world whether that be people or objects. Recognise them, reflect on the impact it has on you, but stop it there unless you want that particular thing in your life, if it will be beneficial to you. Maybe dissociation isn't the correct word because it implies you aren't as engaged with the world. I think it allows you to be more engaged with the world in a way that keeps coming back to what lifestyle and reality you want to create.

>> No.12264468

>most people tell me im a 7/10
>no friends

no one tells you that you are not 7/10 most likely a 4/10

>> No.12265142

> been with two girls
> 2 friends I don't talk to
> 6'2 170
> face literally butter and ugly as fuck
> unable to function because of face

>> No.12265162
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I get girls flirting with me literally everywhere I go. If it helps any, I often reject them because I know women are whores. I only get laid when I want.

>> No.12266447
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>all these bitter fucking /fa/ggots..

Jeezus christ it's no wonder half this thread is filled with virgins, for God's sake be a LITTLE optimistic or at least not so fucking bitter lmao

Sure you're gonna meet some slutty girls, or girls that just want a sugar daddy, but sometimes you meet normal girls or girls that like hanging out and being with you and vice versa, it's a big fucking world and not everyone is going to be the same

And what the fuck is the alternative?? Sitting on an Indonesian paper mache' construction site? Looking for >(you's) ??

If I was a handholdless kissless virgin in my mid 20's 1st thing I'd be doing is using apps like POF and TINDER for the fact that if I'm in my mid 20's and almost a wizard I obviously suck with girls, and luckily we live in an age where you can find someone to fuck or hangout with, which beats the alternative of being 5everalone

>> No.12266483


I'm 25 and turning 26 soon, living in NYC. Let me tell you the truth or at least what I consider it to be. Over time you develop confidence in your stylistic choices, it's really something that comes with age and also having the income to support any experimentation in fashion that you may want to do. Being in a community with "hipsters" will do a lot for you in terms of self expression. The only people who will care about what you wear are people who won't even remember you 15 seconds after you passed them and they made a snide comment to their equally fashion ignorant friend. The key to confidence with anything and not just fashion is having a positive outlook on yourself. If you work on your self esteem and craft an identity for yourself that is not centered around what you wear, I promise you will be able to confidently wear whatever strange fit you could imagine. Good luck in your personal quest anon, most importantly just be happy with who you are and it will reflect in your sick fitzz.