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File: 20 KB, 320x213, AC1C87EA-C58B-4DD8-ADF5-3D14C565FD9F-789-0000008B683209A0_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12256706 No.12256706 [Reply] [Original]

Will I get robbed in NYC for wearing yeezys

>> No.12256707

i hope so

>> No.12256722

You're already getting robbed by buying a $220 glorified Roshe

>> No.12256725

>but ye bruh

>> No.12256736

Pffft. You're way more likely to get robbed for foams or js.

>> No.12256750

I still refuse to believe these are anything but an elaborate in-joke. They look like my nan knitted them ffs

>> No.12256760

Most people will assume they're fake desu

>> No.12256771

how common is it to get robbed for wearing nice shit in new york???

do americans even care about stone island etc lmao. can i wear my normal clothes or?

>> No.12256782

Banter is more common desu

If I see a guy wearing pristine white CPs and he looks like he works at Starbucks or McDonald's you can be damn sure I'm stepping on them "by accident" and the beta cuck won't do a thing

>> No.12256793


>> No.12256795

Depends which part of NY and which time of day

>> No.12256798

well you just sound like an absolute douche

>> No.12256799

so fucking ugly

>> No.12256818


where do i avoid

>> No.12256825

don't buy shit you can't afford, poorfag

a guy who can afford CPs isn't going to give a fuck if someone steps on them because he buys a new pair every six - twelve months, he doesn't cradle them in wooden shoe trees and desperately clean them every single time he wears them out

>> No.12256834

Here you go

>> No.12256838


>> No.12256840

t. edgy 9th grader

>> No.12257110

im not a poorfag and id punch you in the face for deliberately stomping my clean shoes. just because you have money doesn't mean you want to spend it on the same shit because some autist thinks its funny to destroy someones property.

>> No.12257124


>> No.12257187
File: 30 KB, 539x552, 1487423352560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon, but destroying/damaging other people's stuff ain't cool. It just makes you a massive dick.

If someone busts their ass working a shitty job in McDonalds so they can dress nicely, I actually find that quite admirable.

Quit pretending to be rich on an anonymous anime image board as well, you colossal faggot.

>> No.12257449


>> No.12257461

you need to get off the internet and spend some time with people man. this is like prep kid bully in shitty 90's movie tier man.

>> No.12257494


>> No.12257578
File: 686 KB, 1080x1118, 1487486451551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he fuggn went there lad

>> No.12257581

things that will never happen: the post

>> No.12257595


>> No.12257602


>> No.12257968

I'm getting really sick of unemployed teenagers boasting about how rich they are on fucking 4chan of all places. Go back to btnk fit battles where you can front beside your dad's benz without people seeing how gay you are.

>> No.12258063

t. aspie

>> No.12258117

no, you'll only get ridiculed

>> No.12258138
