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/fa/ - Fashion

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12253951 No.12253951 [Reply] [Original]

has being /fa/ helped you attract the opposite gender whether it was your intention or not

>> No.12253953

I definitely get more attention from girls in a "hey anon you look good today" but honestly I get those comments more from guys than girls

>> No.12253958
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Bitches were attracted to me decades before fa existed

>> No.12253961

Yes, I get compliments on my fits regularly now and have noticed girls checking me out when they think I'm not looking.

>> No.12253967


you better at least be 6 foot 2 and good looking otherwise this is just delusional

>> No.12253971

No. To normalfags you're not fashionable unless you're just trendy. So I never get compliments from them. But I still do from patricians every once in a while.

>> No.12253976

When I'm walking around campus I notice girls checking my fits out, along with the other /fa/ looking dudes.

I don't think I'm conventionally attractive in any sense but I think I look somewhat out of the ordinary so folks look occasionally. I wish they didn't, but that's the price of dressing how I want to.

>> No.12254034

post fit my dude

>> No.12254044

>I wish they didn't,
holy shit. you are such a pretentious faggot.

>somewhat out of the ordinary
t. docs and turtlenecks

>> No.12254057

yes but not because of clothing.
i followed tips on improving facial aesthetics (mewing, skin-care, reduciing bf%), hair and excersing and it helped a lot

>> No.12254155

I have seen people check my fits, female and male.

>> No.12254172

I have bad acne and I'm short so the girls I want never pay me any attention. Fat girls and older women give me looks like they want to rape me but I'm not interested.

>> No.12254189

No one wants an acne ridden teenager

>> No.12254194

You must be fat and old

>> No.12254202

unless it's acne studios kek

>> No.12254210

No one wants anyone with acne, period.

>> No.12254227

not that I know of but its making the same sex way more aggressive which wasn't what I was looking for. Im not good with people btw.

>> No.12254255

The vast amount of people at me college wear sweatpants/hoodie, or basketball shorts/hoodie almost constantly, so I get a lot of looks being one of the few people actually somewhat put together. I have no idea if it's good or bad looks, but it feels nice, and apparently a bunch of tumblr girls want to fuck me.

>> No.12254271

I'll tell you this before you learn the hard way: "tumblr girls" are just girls that didn't match up to "mainstream" social media standards, so they just went down one notch. tumblr girls would be the girls on snapchat wearing victoria secret pink if they were just a bit better looking.

theyre also usually more boring. avoid them

>> No.12254279

what kind of worthless ass college do you go to

>> No.12254465

Maybe like 30 years ago but not now

>> No.12254468

Oh yeah don't worry I've had my run ins with then and avoid them like the plague. They're all crazy as hell and try to ruin your life if you don't do exactly what they want. I somehow have a skill at unintentionally attracting them and it's awful. Thank you for the heads up anyway. Hopefully people will read it and learn.
A small sports focused college in a fly over state. All my friends are Chad tier, and couldn't care less about how they dress cause they don't need it to get girls. It's actually a lot of fun here with em. We do well for ourselves

>> No.12254762

I can definitely tell that I attract more attention from girls than most of my mates. Shame I'm a fag

>> No.12254797

yeah but its mostly from tumblr girls and they're pretty boring to talk with

>> No.12255021

girls don't care about fashion, but some gays tried to awkwardly flirt with me because of my clothes

>> No.12255051

yes, but i'll never get chads attention