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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 14 KB, 82x496, grayscale values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12242565 No.12242565 [Reply] [Original]

QTDDTOT here. Ask anything not worthy of it's own thread.

>> No.12242616
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170213_16_58_56_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to improve myself with what I got to work with. Lost 70lbs and still going, cut hair to compensate for receding 5head and shaved numale beard to a stubble.

What sort of glasses should I get that will compliment my chubsterface? I have been told by people here that the ones I currently wear are too wide for my face. Is this is the only problem or should I re haul the entire frame style? Maybe something both narrower, but also more square/rectangle?

I'm planning on using Warby Parker's free 5 at home try on thing, so I'll probably post again with the 5 choices, but I wanted to hear some input.

Thanks for the help famalam

>> No.12242621
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170213_17_01_35_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with current glasses

>> No.12242634

get less round glasses. rectangle makes your face look less round

>> No.12242642

you're cute af and you have a great smile

contacts would be best. but if you need glasses, they should be rectangular. definitely post when you get the 5 choices

>> No.12242741
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1483639309358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I wear shoes made by a sports brand such as adidas nike reebook or whatever and sweatpants also made by a sports brand of that type

You would want them to be the same brand, right?

And the sweater be not of any sports brand at all? Is Champion a sports brand or should i avoid wearing a Champion sweater together with sweatpants and shoes made by the same different sports brand?

>> No.12242743
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1484761927744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixing those types of brands is haram, right?

Like Nike shoes and adidas sweatpants -> time to kill yourself?

>> No.12242745

Don't wear sweat pants outside of middle school gym

>> No.12242747

that wasn't the question you nerd

>> No.12242822

Pyccкиe aнoны ecть?
Кaкиe дeшeвыe бoлee-мeнee кaчecтвeнныe бpeнды вы пopeкoмeндyeтe?
Mнe нyжнa нoвaя тeплaя кypткa, a я пypфaг cтyдeнт, пoэтoмy дeнeг нa вcякиe нopтфeйcы и кaнaдcких гyceй y мeня нeт.

>> No.12242852

cъeби c нopмaльнoй дocки нa пapaшy c бapoнoм и жиpoбacoм.

>> No.12242861

Tы этo пpo двaч?
Чecтнo, никoгдa тaм нe cидeл. Ho ceйчac нaшeл тaм кaк paз тo чтo былo нaдo. Cпacибo.

>нopмaльнaя дocкa
wew lad

>> No.12242865

wear a beanie to cover up that hairline tbqh desu

>> No.12242892

Hy здecь хoть чтo-тo мoгyт cкaзaть, a нe пepeкидывaтьcя гoвнoм и зoлoтыми цыгaнcкими тaпкaми нa пpoтяжeнии 500 peплaeв, тaк чтo нopмaльнaя, дa.

>> No.12243726

don't do this

>> No.12243731

> get slightly oversized rectangular glasses
> shave your head
> grow a beard

>> No.12243734

плюc ceйчac дoхyя ликвидaций зимких кoллeкций, ecли из ДC1, пoгoняй пo aтpиyмaм, eвpoпeйcким (и их aнaлoгaм в дpyгих гopoдaх)
либo ceкoнды чeкaй

>> No.12243740

Suggestions for durable but lightweight pants/jeans? Need something that can handle chemicals, look good enough to teach in, and can handle a desert heat

>> No.12243752

8 am undergrad lectures, just saying

>> No.12243781
File: 171 KB, 657x527, 1476627918235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streetwear meet coming up for my uni
>I don't have any good shoes

Help pls

>> No.12243783
File: 32 KB, 640x402, IMG_1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe suggestions please

Like this please

>> No.12243845

>Adidas Skateboarding
>not Adidas classic sneaker models with good build quality and no meme like colourways like Hamburg, Gazelle, Trimm-Trab, Munich, Jeans-MK2, Mexicana, Samba

Would fully recommend looking at stores like Size and End in the U.K. for proper adidas trainers with a far better build quality. Try gazelles, they have a ridiculously large selection of colourways in slightly different builds depending on production date to suit your taste. Try something simple like Moss Green with Black stripes, and avoid the casuals community like the plague. 50 year old men would bust a nut over some of their trainers especially in the spezial range with shitty colourways like light blue with dark blue stripes on off gum sole with name reminiscent of some shitty football match in some fucked up euro country

>> No.12243856

Thank you

>> No.12243885

hey guys what is a fuccboi thanks

>> No.12243887

ur mom

>> No.12243914
File: 641 KB, 796x895, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12243924

just bought my first pair of Jordans (1 mid).
is it possible to make them waterproof or does that damage the shoe?

>> No.12243960


Кaкoгo хpeнa ты пpocтo гpeбaный oбo мнe гoвopят, ты, мaлeнькaя cyкa? Я бyдy имeть вы знaeтe, я зaкoнчил вepшинy мoeгo клacca в cпeцнaзe, и я пpинимaл yчacтиe в мнoгoчиcлeнных тaйных нaлeтoв нa Иcидa, и y мeня ecть бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Кaк мы гoвopим Я oбpaщaюcь к мoeй ceкpeтнoй ceти шпиoнoв пo вceй Poccии, и вaш IP тpaccиpyeтcя пpямo ceйчac, чтoбы вы лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к штopмy, oпapыш. Штopм, кoтopый yничтoжaeт жaлкий мaлeнькyю вeщь вы нaзывaeтe вaшy жизнь. Tы чepтoвcки мepтвым, мaлыш. Maлo тoгo, я aктивнo тpeниpoвaлcя в pyкoпaшнoм бoю, нo y мeня ecть дocтyп кo вceмy apceнaлy Кpacнoй Apмии, и я бyдy иcпoльзoвaть eгo в пoлнoй мepe, чтoбы yничтoжить вaшy жaлкyю зaдницy c лицa кoнтинeнтa, вы нeмнoгo дepьмa. Ecли бы вы тoлькo знaли, чтo бeзoбpaзнaя pacплaтa вaш мaлeнький "yмный" кoммeнтapий был o тoм, чтoбы oбpyшить нa вac, мoжeт быть, вы бы пpoвeли cвoй гpeбaный язык. Ho вы нe мoгли, вы этoгo нe cдeлaли, и тeпepь вы плaтитe цeнy, вы пpoклятый идиoт. Я бyдy cpaть бeшeнcтвo вce нaд вaми, и вы бyдeтe тoнyть в нeм. Tы чepтoвcки мepтв, дeткa.

>> No.12243965

Effective methods of clearing scars on face from popped pimples?

>> No.12244282

I need some good fitting t shirts, like a more skate-street fit. I'm sick and tired of most tees hugging my arms and barely going down my arm.

Can someone link me some decent brands?

>> No.12244284
File: 367 KB, 616x544, IMG_1093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone. W2c for someone who is 6'1"? any thick drape/duster cardigan please. I can't find shit.

>> No.12244411

I have a pair of adidas gazelles and at the upper heel portion of the leather, I have gotten horizontal creases. Was this bound to happen or did I mess them up? Just tell me no one sees them because my jeans cover it anyway.

>> No.12244421

some threads give people the chance to show off their beaters
my point is: the creasing was gonna happen, nobody will give you crap for them, in fact, some people jizz over that stuff

>> No.12244424

male equivalent of a basic bitch

>> No.12244778
File: 33 KB, 526x764, hanes sweat shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I cop some cheap decent looking sweat shorts? Or should I just buy pic related

>> No.12244821
File: 56 KB, 198x280, deluxe-baja-hoodies-deluxe-baja-earth-tone-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are baja hoodies effay

>> No.12244826

ive heard good things about knyew

>> No.12244832
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>> No.12244837
File: 382 KB, 1024x683, bape-adidas-nmd-2-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I wear with pic related

>> No.12244848
File: 362 KB, 900x1593, hangmans_noose_png_by_mysticmorning-d4ns3ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12244853
File: 63 KB, 402x678, dean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on this back shoelace oversized-looking flannel? Been looking since I saw Dean wear it, but no luck figuring out what brand it is

>> No.12245225


Thanks guys, I'll definitely go for more angular frames. What color should they be? I've read tortoise shell/brown matches with blonde hair/blue eyes

I do wear beanies a bit, but I'd rather not just hide

>> No.12245248
File: 905 KB, 2814x3750, IMG_20170217_064213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations on dress socks for men? As in, long enough to show no skin on the leg under any circumstances.

Up to 30 usd a pair, I guess.

>> No.12245250
File: 49 KB, 510x470, polajacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this years ago and still have no idea what it pairs well with. Black jeans? Not really. A shirt inside? A T-shirt? Not really. Blue jeans? Matches too well. Red pants are obviously ludicrous. As a layer? The zipper just really throws the whole thing off. I'm really at a loss.

>> No.12245548


>> No.12245621
File: 66 KB, 880x880, BatwingPoncho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a woman with 18 inch shoulder width.

I can't find any coats or ponchos that fit me and my man-like shoulders. Does anyone happen to know or could link me to some preferably Batwing Ponchos that are able to actually fit 18 inch shoulders?

Something like this only not for 15"?

>> No.12246097
File: 8 KB, 236x334, f2c685003fa3ca9f92a55d624add713f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for good slim black cargo pants. Any recommendations?

I don't have Rick money btw

>> No.12246540
File: 27 KB, 667x659, 1485222406262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a long, skinny, giraffe neck

What do I do to fucking stop this? I'm like an alien

>> No.12246657

Uniqlo. Airism for summer/spring and heat tech for winter.

>> No.12246659

Any recs for hats? Looking to grab a few now that the weather is slowly getting better

>> No.12246747

opinions on knowledge cotton apparel? Wanted to buy some shorts from them

>> No.12246748

W2C adidas ultra boost?

>> No.12247588
File: 372 KB, 1201x1800, 1482796052563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shirts of this color but cheaper than the price of the one in pic related? Brand of this one is A Kind of Guise.

>> No.12247659
File: 247 KB, 1100x733, IMG_5184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these legit?

>> No.12247682

chemical exfoliants. alpha hydoxy acid, beta hydroxy acid, vitamin c serum

>> No.12247742

Okay, how do I start to become /fa/? how do I pick the right clothes?
Most of my clothes are literally leftovers that mom bought me, besides one fitting sweatshirt it's all pretty eh.
I am losing weight (lost 7kg so far) and I want to wait a bit till weight loss over before I buy new clothes (should I?)

>> No.12247762

Adidas us website

>> No.12247778

Make it thicker by working out

>> No.12248111

Would it be a bad idea to go to Goodwill and buy dress pants and dress shirts for cheap?

Im going to work at a very large, well-known dry cleaners possibly, and I want to look sharp. I'm thinking about buying dress clothes, but don't want to blow insane amounts of money. Any advice?

>> No.12248487

I would lurk around for a bit. I rushed into fashion a bit too much and splurged on stuff that I now never wear. Use the time that you're losing weight to fully visualize where you'd like to be.
Seems fine, just make sure it fits well. That's the most important part. If you get old stuff tailored it'd be cheap and still look nice.

>> No.12248604

What is a good and versitile belt (for jeans and etc)
does anyone have some examples?

>> No.12248880
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 628-777-thickbox[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be working in Beijing, need a pollution mask for daily commute. I've decided the model, but which colour would be easiest to work into my looks? Comes in black, blue, and red.

>> No.12248897

yeah, just not the achilles low model, if that's what you're asking, but the Achilles retro low.

>> No.12248955

peep the sticky.
I'd wait until you got into your desired size range then start with basics and then move on the diversifying with nice designer stuff

>> No.12249516
File: 176 KB, 1280x853, l8p370u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C comfy pants like this

>> No.12249522
File: 98 KB, 768x1024, wavy-hairstyles-for-men-imagewavy-hairstyles-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hair length and cut does pic related have?

>> No.12249537

is it realistic for me to be a size S in outerwear? M is always too large for me but i am 179cm and just below 70kg. i am skinny overall, but no muscles, so more skinnyfat than skelly.

>> No.12249546

Our Legacy Relaxed Trousers

>> No.12249583
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1480833772625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally bought a thermal Henley. Would people notice?

>> No.12249585

The size of his nose fucking hell

>> No.12249909
File: 37 KB, 640x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy this hat? It's a panel hat correct? Ignore the Monster logo, I know..

>> No.12249919
File: 36 KB, 640x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12249909 I checked the sites store, (https://canteen.theberrics.com) but came up with just similar looking hats.

>> No.12249945

Tell him you want to look like 2013

>> No.12249946
File: 175 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /fa/ I need boots, but I am not a fan of boots.
I am more of a sneaker/loafer type but those aren't very good choices for winter.
Is there some type of budget sneaker boot that I can wear?
I'd prefer it to be just the right of fashionable and functional if possible.

>> No.12249959

Anybody have experience with Norse Projects jackets? 5'9 120lbs, not sure if I should go with XS or S.
Usually wear XS in uniqlo t-shirts, which is 65cm back length.
XS nunk is 69cm, I think S is 71cm

>> No.12249968

military zespy?

>> No.12249994

i already have white achilles lows but i'm on the fence about white or black velcros, black ones would be easier to pull off and i already have the cps where white would be better in a fit but white ones can look dope with a little beating up from what i've seen, or is that just the original velcro that already had off-white accents?

tl;dr black or white velcros?

>> No.12249998

go to /skin/, they can probably help you out

>> No.12250012
File: 59 KB, 540x640, vans sk8 hi del pato mte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like these maybe?

>> No.12250014

Rec on a black duffel coat for someone who is 6'2?

>> No.12250016

i'd go black since you already have the white achilles

>> No.12250024

leather sk8 his

>> No.12250025
File: 95 KB, 570x377, airmax90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these effay?

>> No.12250035

out of all of the interesting colorways the air max has you pick the allwhite?

>> No.12250041

im a simple guy.

what are some better colorways pls

>> No.12250074

i'd mainly avoid combining nike and adidas, personally i dont think wearing a champion hoodie with adidas kicks is wrong though

>> No.12250087

>>12248880 black would probably be the easiest because it goes with whatever

>> No.12250124

Not really a brown shoe person. My wardrobe mainly consists of sky colors

>> No.12250218
File: 139 KB, 1398x690, ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to wear this jacket? Got it during sale for resale, but it's actually really nice piece.

>> No.12250219

Best place to get basic coloured hoodies?

No logos or minimal logos prefferably
Also in Canada

>> No.12250425

I want thick striped t shirts/long sleeve shirts similar to the guess x asap shirts. I cant find any that arent autistic. Any ideas?

>> No.12250446

I am a /g/irl who has never really paid much attention to my appearances before but I just got a new job with a cross country move. I am using it as a good excuse to throw out all my old clothes and I have started getting fit over the past few months. I am very tall at 5' 10", thin, nerdy looking, sometimes get confused for a boy and I'm about to hit 30. I'm sick of looking like I come from /g/ and I have no real idea what where to start. I don't want to turn into that slobby aunt that people have or the cat lady of the office.

>> No.12250454

What's the /fa/get rules for button up shirts in warm to hot weather. Especially something casual like a outdoor concert in summer?

Are undershirts needed? Is it actually bad for others to be able to see your skin some through a button hole area when sitting?

This is all assuming a tall, slim but unshaped body underneath.

>> No.12250456


>> No.12250779

undershirts are best if you think you'll sweat, because they hide super obvious sweat marks. your shirt should fit well enough that seeing skin between buttons isn't an issue. if you choose to wear an undershirt, be careful that the fabrics dont cling together.

>> No.12250781

what shoes to wear with light wash straight leg jeans

>> No.12250938
File: 88 KB, 600x600, croptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get a high cut and baggy crop top like this

>> No.12250980

1. Which country makes the better Clark's Originals? I read that the quality of the leather is different depending on where the boot was made
2. Size 9.5 in vans. What size for said clarks?

>> No.12251056
File: 54 KB, 520x779, loi-thoi-trang-dan-ong-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c pants

>> No.12251149

Has anyone here bought Velva Sheen shirts or sweats? How are they?

Does anyone here even own any tubular knit pieces? Do you even notice that you don't have those seems?

>> No.12251313

j crew

>> No.12251382 [DELETED] 

Where can I get those trousers, anon?

>> No.12251385

Don't mind me, anon. I'm a noob.

>> No.12251396

theeyre honestly ok. definitely size up one. theyre sturdy but i prefer my tshirts soft so i eventuallt just got rid of it.

>> No.12251461

New to this board, what is fuccboi general?

>> No.12251479

read the sticky

>> No.12251682

Ok, I can give you some advice.
But need pic of face/haircut to know what we're dealing with here

>> No.12251706

wouldn't it just be better to just shop men's coats/jackets that are unisex? like duffle coats

>> No.12251733
File: 928 KB, 1000x1500, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a haircut, but i can't decide from the old ones. Or just try something else?

The current (and the worst i think) the bottom one.

>> No.12251960

Please shave your face.

>> No.12252073

Are male bracelets /fa/ ?

>> No.12252105

Bryan Silvia?

>> No.12252133
File: 856 KB, 1440x2560, 20170129_073359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled him, but he is lot skinnier than me.

>> No.12252136
File: 129 KB, 719x1280, IMG_1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buzz or no? I have no idea what to do with my hair

>> No.12252179

if streetwear, try ultraboosts, they gobble that shit up.

>> No.12252247

Nike SB satire ii's. Have a pair myself, comfy af.

>> No.12252283

Black cargoes and combat boots if you want to look militant

Otherwise sk8-hi and some Cavempt tee I guess???

That would probably look decent with Rick or Raf stuff too, cool piece

>> No.12252290

Grow out long hair or buzz, both looked best I think

Also shave your goatee man or grow a full beard, it just looks bad

>> No.12252327

Don't you look fine with short hair.

>> No.12252361


but my hair isn't short

>> No.12252370

black jeans, camo hoodie / white shirt

>> No.12252376
File: 135 KB, 622x481, Nike-SF-Air-Force-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252390

you sell them for mad profit and buy something that goes with your wardrobe

>> No.12252410

has bape ever made a piece that wasn't ugly and overpriced? who wears this shit?

>> No.12252475

What is the equivalent of what levis is for jeans but for chino
What are some good brand, not overpriced, to cop chino?

>> No.12252486

well, Levi's sells chinos too

>> No.12252494

and what makes you think that because the levi tag is on them they'll be the equivalent of levi denim but in the chino market? are you fucking stupid? did you not understand what he said?

>> No.12252502


>> No.12252503
File: 269 KB, 606x693, 1435286722413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was talking about fits. calm down, dude.

>> No.12252513


well is it?

>> No.12252518

Not really.

>> No.12252532

no. I'm not sure what that dude is on about. nonetheless, your hair looks fine. cutie. >>12252073
one and three (the two left ones) are the best by far. please stop growing facial hair.
just show the pic to your barber. they love it when you do that.

>> No.12252537

>>12252532 for >>12251733

>> No.12252539

Sk8 hi MTEs got me through a NY winter, the water repellent coating is great and mine look barely a week old even though I've been wearing them pretty consistently since September. Just don't expect them to be 100% waterproof, there are a couple tiny holes.

>> No.12252614

dockers I guess
carhartt make decent chinos too

>> No.12252861
File: 137 KB, 640x854, Z0FrMPe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of jacket is this / w2c one like it

>> No.12252868

Really? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, you have short hair

>> No.12252942

I assume no one on this board is actually knowledgeable, but here goes:

How do you tell the Margiela Defile label from the original blank label?

>> No.12253001
File: 17 KB, 426x320, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for tank tops that have a more thick shoulder strap design (in other words the fabric just keeps going up straight on the sides)?

Pic related, and talking about mens tank tops btw

>> No.12253025

a t-shirt without the arms

>> No.12253029

doesn't even matter unless you're autistic

>> No.12253035

Buy a T shirt and cut the sleeves off. I'm wearing one right now. It's super comfy

>> No.12253105
File: 741 KB, 2400x1140, which 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i became a wageslave and have tons of money that i dont know how to spend

i wanna get one of these, what do you recommend?

>> No.12253117

hoping i can get some zebras from the new drop so i can resell them to imbeciles like you for a 300% markup

>> No.12253123

NMD R1 PK's or Moon Rock Yeezys forsure. Would go with a lot of fits.

>> No.12253154

>spending $1500 on shoes

Are people here really that retarded?

>> No.12253192

where are some places to buy horizontal striped t-shirts?

>> No.12253227

Anyone have any discount/free shipping codes for tres-bien?

>> No.12253255

Does anyone know if H&M oxford shirts, t-shirts, and hoodies/sweaters run TTS? Particularly compared to Topman t-shirts and hoodies. I wear medium Topman shirts/hooides, but my measurements would fall in the Small category on H&Ms website info.

>> No.12253394
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>> No.12253526

Got a pair of leather boots from Diemme a few months back and more recently inherited my dad's LL Bean leather bomber. (he said he got it in the 80s) I'm very happy with these pieces; how should I take care of the leather so that I make them last for as long as I can? Also, should I wear leather boots in snow?

>> No.12253692

how new are you?

>> No.12253717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12253724
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>> No.12253731
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>> No.12253828
File: 49 KB, 513x655, 6016483-1-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently came back from a trip in japan and bought a pair of MD runners 2 not knowing they were the woman's shoes version. Im a guy, so i was wondering if its obvious taht im wearing woman's shoes, or whether its fine to wear em etc. scared that i fucked up big


>> No.12253833

if you want an actual, city socks are some of my favorite boost shoes but you need a certain wardrobe for them to work

>> No.12253840

Would just skinny jeans work?

>> No.12253844

theyd have to be black with a dark/neutral colored tech-ish jacket on top. in my experience city socks are best complimented by SLIGHTLY techwear-ish fits

get some skinny black joggers and tapered cargos if you really want them to pop

>> No.12253845

Maybe a picture of you in front a full body mirror..

>> No.12253850

pls respond

>> No.12255037

>neutral colored tech-ish jacket on top
post it pls

>> No.12255106
File: 507 KB, 780x944, Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 9.27.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are G-star pants good quality? Thinking about pic related. Got a reigning champ hoodie for around the same price which I like a lot so I guess thats my barometer for whats "worth it" for the price range

>> No.12255582
File: 1.19 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on parka please?

>> No.12255614


Also: trim eyebrows, use make-up, change glasses.
First two things should be already enough to avoid being considered a boy

>> No.12255625

That pink-coloured hair is a risky thing if you do not want to look too obviously like an animu-lover. Especially if the natural colour comes growing out.
Either dye it propely or change completely back to natural colour.

>> No.12255816
File: 2.06 MB, 1444x1280, ops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this cap fit ok? am i allowed to tuck my ears into my cap?
got this cap and i love it but it looks goofy if i don't tuck my ears into it because i have a tiny head and it has a wierd tall front.
if i wear it like pic related i think it looks fine, but if i wear it with my ears untucked and without a hooded jacket it looks huge and wierd
thoughts? i can return it but i don't know if i want to, idk what to do

>> No.12255860

I honestly think it's fine, as long as you're ears don't hurt

>> No.12255891

nah they don't hurt, the cap is at it's tightest and there's still room for my ears so it's comfortable

>> No.12255893

eh its ok. don't tuck your ears and take better care of your skin man.

>> No.12255899

can't be a fuccboi with that skin, fool

>> No.12255903

ok thanks
and yeah i know i have bad skin, i've tried alot of the shit in the skincare threads and it's much better than it used to be but it's still not great
i'm only barely 18 so hoping it'll go away as i get older

>> No.12255905

I lift and what not so typically my legs don't play too nice with slim jeans but I really like slim or skinny jeans

What do I do?

>> No.12255906


>> No.12255915

haha good luck finding high waisted pants at fucking j crew

>> No.12255917

stop falling for the leg day meme and don't wear skinny jeans

if you overdid it you look pretty silly in anything other than gym shorts so wear those everywhere

>> No.12255934

ah good for you

>> No.12255938

Yikes, I don't think I overdid it or anything but you may be right

>> No.12255984
File: 162 KB, 960x960, kqlzzwR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c this pink shirt jacket thing
also what are shoes

>> No.12256030

Anyone know the quality of undercover x uniqlo UU stuff?

Thinking of copping some pants but was wondering what I should expect

>> No.12256038
File: 132 KB, 800x796, IMG_1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12256042

The shirt is certainly Raf Simons
Shoes are Acne Studios

>> No.12256409

Just started out trying to dress nicer and bought some dark grey wool trousers.
I'm not entirely sure what to wear with them shirt and shoe wise. Could someone point me in the right direction for shirts?

>> No.12256417 [DELETED] 

what are some good mall tier stores to get fashionable clothes for the summer in a hot city? Macy's, nordstroms, dillards etc or j crew gap maybe? Any suggestions would be great

>> No.12256425
File: 142 KB, 730x1024, peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what are some good mall tier stores to get fashionable clothes for the summer in a hot city? Macy's, nordstroms, dillards etc or j crew gap maybe? Any suggestions would be great

>> No.12256560


>> No.12256576

White Shirt
Military Green
Dark brown shoes

>> No.12256842

I kind of like the look of this, but at the same time they look a little ridiculous, like a bad guy cape or something. Sorry to hear about your shoulders btw, I'm in the same boat. The only solution I've found is to go up a size in everything. Even if it fits bad in the bust/stomach and length, it's better than having the sleeve seam be in the middle of your shoulders.

>> No.12256885

I'm 6 foot 180 lbs and pretty /fit/ usually wear M t-shirts but I feel like they might be too small now. Should someone my size be wearing L shirts?

>> No.12256926

thanks fampai
only have meme shoes currently

>> No.12256967

Anyone know how difficult is it to cop supreme from the online store? Thinking of getting a sweatshirt or something.

>> No.12257145
File: 211 KB, 2000x2000, AR0456_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want white shoes. Cant really afford to shell out money for CPs or svensons or another CP alternative.
I have a pair of stan smiths but I really really hate them. I dont like the enormous tongue and my jeans bunch up around them weirdly.
I was thinking of copping these reeboks but want to know if i will have the same problem with them.

>> No.12257496

How do I combine techwear and slackercore

>> No.12257593


>> No.12257619

How do I wear white af1's high tops without looking like a hypebeast

>> No.12257626

Are there any pro tips to losing weight?

My biggest problem is craving for sugar

I know half of it is a mental game, but my family sorta has always had horrible eating habits.

and I'm not fat by any means but I could easily lose 10/15 pounds and look better.

>> No.12257628

i advise suicide, nigger.

>> No.12257633

just don't stuff your face with food, it's not that hard

>> No.12257638
File: 923 KB, 1379x1409, PlateSitup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out >>>/fit/
has a lot of good shit in the sticky. In short, find out your BMR on IIFYM and be honest with yourself, eat that much +200 calories for a week then eat that much exactly until you've lost enough weight.

>> No.12257777

fat raw denim stacks?

>> No.12257784
File: 41 KB, 540x837, djsnglnsh184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of style do I have? 4 pairs of slim fit jeans. Half of my shirts are pocket tees with designs like in posted pic, the rest are a few basic baseball tees, some striped tees, and a few graphic tees ive had for a while. I got 2 pairs of old worn out Vans.

Just turned 21 and I'm wondering if I need to move on or if I can squeeze 2-3 more years of this since I'm going to uni.

>> No.12258070


But I think the beauty in fashion is that you can do normcore but do it in a way that's almost unique, if you're willing to experiment and look a little different to others

>> No.12258148


Not really a style at all? Just a generic teenager/student - not that it's a bad thing, just in no way fashionable.

Also, normcore was a reimagining of that bland 90s style, not just "normal clothing".

>> No.12258450

w2c non gay male rings?

>> No.12258558

that's not normcore at all you dumb fuck

>> No.12258568
File: 6 KB, 394x264, Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 6.33.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving to austria in the summer and looking for tips fashion-wise/places to go. My guess is that they're on thrift grind? Any websites I could check out?

>> No.12258654

Go for future cyberpunk lowlife slacker. A lot of the slacker vibe is in the fit of clothing and lax way fits are assembled. Get together techwear pieces that fit more loosely and aren't pristine.

Idk man, I just got some at H&M for $20 and tapered/hemmed them myself in 30 minutes. Could be an option if you're short on money and want them to look good.

>> No.12258704

I don't get that problem w them, you should be fine

>> No.12258719

I miss /fa/ feels threads

>> No.12258741
File: 28 KB, 478x382, IMG_20170221_091305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'3" and female. At a complete loss for how to style my proportions without looking like a dwarf. All short girl inspo I see is either froofy and girly or waifish Asians. I'm neither of those.
Anyone have resources or thoughts on how to style a stumpy womanlet body?

>> No.12258755

appealing colors and textures are the same for all body types, visual appeal can be learned and understood through any creative medium

you're too little to be elegant or intimidatingly beautiful, but you can always dress for dick. Work that godly hip:waist ratio short girls always have. Skintight pants for the ass, avoid drapey or loose tops like the plague. Absolutely no boob curtains.

>> No.12258769

Hmm, I'm ok with this. How do I make sure I don't make any general mistakes. I was matchy matchy for a few years but stopped when a few people ragged me on about it.
Also do you know any stores that got more stuff like this? Pacsun and and Tully's are 95% bro tier graphic tees with dumb design or half naked women.

Also suggestions for new shoes for this generic style? I've been going to Vans for a decade since I've lived next to an outlet up until now and I feel like changing it up now?

>> No.12258795

high waisted shorts are good, though played out

>> No.12258819
File: 64 KB, 600x428, whatisthisshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this type of shirt called?

>> No.12258888

this might be a dumb question but between a 100% cotton shorts and a 97% cotton 3% elastane one which one would you pick?

>> No.12258895


I know it's a cliche, but when it comes to basics Uniqlo is probably the best for yr budget (getting the impression that clothing isnt something you'd spend a lot on). If you've got any friends you think dress well, dont be afraid to ask them to go shopping with you. Making sure everything fits is really important: get trousers hemmed, shirts fitted etc.

I'd avoid anything with graphics on, without a good eye for aesthetics that stuff tends to look pretty tacky - same with the pocket tees, but to a lesser extent. Simple patterns and colour blocks can be a simple way to add a little more interest, switching up textures and materials is also an easy way to add variety to low effort outfits.

Look around you, see what other people are wearing and note what you like and dislike - try working out what colour palette you enjoy the look of and structure yr purchases around it. The aim is to have most items of clothing be interchangable so keep an eye out for capsule wardrobe threads as they often have the sort of inspo I guess yr looking for.

When it comes to shoes keep them fairly minimal, if yr not willing to spend a decent amount you probably shouldnt draw attention to them - vans are honestly fine if yr not that fussed about being "fashionable", but only buy them in neutral colours. If you want to switch things up, just look around and, again, try to work out what you like.

In all honestly /fa/ isnt the board yr looking for, /r/malefashionadvice will be far more constructive when it comes to looking presentable and unobtrusive. At the end of the day, most people dont give a shit how yr dressed, but it's worth putting a bit of effort in for yourself and for those who do.

>> No.12258967
File: 71 KB, 450x700, 61641c312d8d5c0db7556c2d98f7b953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for this style of leather jacket? Most of the ones I've been able to find didn't have these kind of lapels.

>> No.12258978

double rider?

>> No.12259074

Ok, thanks for the advice.

>> No.12259094

Anyone know whats a good sun protection hat for males?

I am tired of looking like a nigger every summer, but all the wide hats look autistic or faggy as hell. I need it for everyday use, and it needs to protect the neck and ears. Bonus points for techwear aesthetics.

>> No.12259125

poorfag spotted

>> No.12259129

Does APC size their shit differently in Japan. This is important.

>> No.12259704

Shave, and don't purse your lips when you take a picture. Also you look like shaggy when he takes the potion that makes him ripped lmao

>> No.12259807

dont know why you are so hard on yourself
if you really lost that much weight then great
I think you look pretty cute id give a 8/10 thats considering that 10/10 dont exist
oh and i like your glasses they suit you pretty well in my opinion but if you want new ones try something rectangular(ish)

>> No.12259992

What sweater fabrics are unlikely to get pilly?

Is it possible to tailor a shirt where the arms are a bit too short? I don't know how that would be done, but I'm not a tailor, so

>> No.12260175

I shaved after this comment - >>12252290 (i can't grow full beard so i shaved)
I only purse my lips in the first picture, because this wheel can be heavy after few minutes and the photographer ask me some cool expression, but my shoulders started give up, so i can't smiley or anything else.

Once, when i gave IT lessons for elders and unemployeds, one mom come with her ~7 years daugther who say:
- Look mommy, He is look like shaggy from TV!
So, you are the second who say that, except, she doesn't say anything the weed.

>> No.12260988

True. Finding applicable inspo is a PITA though since it seems like 80% of women's fit pics are giantesses, and the other 20% are tiny Asians. Thanks, anon.

>> No.12261082

What is the best chain length? 22 inches or 24 inches?

>> No.12261192

Depends on your torso length. A 22" will hit almost everyone a little differently. Try some on and see what you like.

>> No.12261228

Where loose clothing, layer what you can reasonably. Pants will you be your hardest thing to cop as most pants with technical function, if you're not getting it from Y-3 are pretty slim, straight fitting

>> No.12261383

make this piece the center of attention

black shirt
black pants, jeans are fine, skinny cargos are preferable
black sneakers, boots are good too

>> No.12261387

also if ur looking at selling it, email me


>> No.12261700

>I need boots
>but I am not a fan of boots
>posts sneaker
Just keep letting your mom buy your clothes. You're never gonna make it

>> No.12261705

my girlfriend wants me to buy her yeezys, but the real ones

where the fuck do i get them, the cheapest ones at flightclub are fucking $600, i dont want to throw away that much money on shoes

>> No.12262235

get a new girlfriend

>> No.12262328

how do you even fit in an M? i'm 5'10" 140 and wear medium. size up

>> No.12262334


How do I get my hair to stay in place?
My hair is incredibly thick and it does what it wants to.

I just want the classic halfpart, but my hair refuses to cooperate and will almost immediately go flat.

>> No.12262593

Does anyone know where to find uniqlo sweat shorts or something similar for about the same price? Apparently they were taken down from the uniqlo store

>> No.12262598

Are you an actual cuck?
If you don't want to then she can get her own yeezys.

>> No.12262619

can someone link the /fa discord

>> No.12262659

make one.

>> No.12262665

or use the irc!

>> No.12262699

has anyone any experience with Suicoke? I've been looking for some nice sandals and I can't decide between the DEPA, KISEE or SHACO, really need to know if Suicoke's any good and if so which pair would be recommended. I can see from the measurements that I can probably go down half a size since the sole is like 1cm bigger than the stated size, so that's nice I guess.

>> No.12262738

Google Josuke Higashikata cosplay you retard

>> No.12263109
File: 1.27 MB, 2812x2180, 1479234998398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted bottom left sweater originally but it sold out and they won't restock

left or right boys? trying to replace my uniqlo sweater by a higher end one. brands are benjamin jezequel and sunspel respectively

>> No.12263236

how do i minimize new raw jeans (uniqlo) leaking color on other stuff?

>> No.12263240

by not falling for the raw jeans meme

>> No.12263331

I think I read of someone who'd put tape on the inside of their jeans to stop it from staining their shoes. honestly, though, I feel like that would like just delay the inevitable. Ultimately, you have to embrace the leak, or just listen to >>12263240

>> No.12263686
File: 1.51 MB, 1364x1532, baso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this dude wearing around his waist he's cool as fuck

>> No.12263999

Soak in vinegar to lock in the dye

>> No.12264006

i like this one and she's hot as hell

how am i a cuck for wanting to please my gf?
she can't get it because she doesn't work, she's still studying

>> No.12264200

it's bandage

>> No.12264216

a belt

>> No.12264228

those are some of the thinnest men to ever look badass

>> No.12265094
File: 2.40 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170223_145417020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with these? Are they worth anything?

>> No.12265589
File: 255 KB, 994x1200, Mqy3SZJKSfI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have about 120 in me for clothes. Should I go for an assortment of cheaper basics or a single thing? The supreme drop has me curious about a few stuff they have more then usual.

>> No.12265689
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1479627837505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how dr martens 1460 fit? I wear a 40,5 in stan smiths and they fit quite snug, so i fear that a 40 for the dr martens is going to be too small. But I also heard that they fit 1 size large. So should I risk it and get a 40?

>> No.12265702

Nah they're shit tbqhwy senpai

>> No.12265709

Champion is fine with anything, and mixing Nike and Adidas isn't that big of a deal
Look on the sneaker general. If you look ok and have an actual interest I'm sure you'll be fine
This is the best description of that scene I've ever heard
Why are you so angry

>> No.12265715

Lightwash denim could be a good option maybe tan chinos or grey wool pants

>> No.12265758

Now American Apparel has shut down where do I buy my basic, slim-fit, crew neck t-shirts in the UK? I've tried uniqlo but they're too loose around the arms for my taste

>> No.12265769
File: 650 KB, 644x912, Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at 12.23.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between high rise and drop crotch? why should I not buy high rise pants, wear em low, crop and pretend they're yohji?

>> No.12265780

sauce please

>> No.12265802

Have to wear a suit to a job interview, got a white shirt and a navy slim fit pair of trousers so far, what colour shoes should I wear? Will clarks wallabees look good with a suit or will I look like a pleb? any shoe recommendations? what about a blazer and tie? Leaflet said to dress smart. The job is blue collar though.

>> No.12265958

hey guys. i've seen quite a few different sites with color wheels that cover what colors go well with which. is there any site in particular on the topic of color combinations that is good?

>> No.12265993

Wear a full suit and tie, better to overdress for an interview than underdress. Also, avoid skinny-fit trousers and jackets. You might be able to get away with it but some conservative employers will instantly dislike you. Buy a conservative, boring suit that you wear for interviews- you can stand out when you get the job.

>> No.12265998

I mean, you could, but the tailoring will be all off - yohji pants are both dropcrotch and high waisted

>> No.12266040

Folks, I'm in need of a suit, or at least a blazer that I can pair with my black slacks. The problem is, I'm a college student, and my rent+phone bill consumes almost my entire paycheck. I'm going to try thrift shops, but I'm tiny and there is only one in my town, so there's very little to choose from and they're usually wayyyy too big.

I just need something to wear to speak at a convention. Will an H&M jacket be a good idea in this situation? They are the cheapest ones I can find. Any other suggestions?

>> No.12266485

these guys are basozuku, kinda like the japanese equivalent of a 1%er motorcycle club. the all dress like this. they virtually died out but the fashion is still around. vice have a documentary that these shots are from.

>> No.12266566

Would it be better to buy another hoodie now, or invest in some t-shirts as spring is nearing and it will get warmer?

>> No.12266676
File: 90 KB, 512x640, IMG_20170213_150932_975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair? Going for girl mode and it's past my shoulders now, unstyled.

>> No.12266998
File: 91 KB, 480x400, 14345001.T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any poorfag alternatives of dr. martens 1461? Under 100 bucks

>> No.12267014

Mate the 1461s are the poorfag alternative, maybe try looking second hand or something

>> No.12267019

zebra 350 v2 comes out tommorow try cop them on release

>> No.12267020

also since she's a girl she prob has small feet and so it'd prob be easier to cop

>> No.12267022

>tfw Im about to spend three hours pissing around on the internet again and cop exactly 0 shoes

Every time

>> No.12267041

I know man but my country's currency has fucked up hard, so it costs a shit ton for me and gotta pay border tax on it too if I order online

>> No.12268718

it's a track top, literally anything. stop being so autistic.

>> No.12268744

I want to get new clothes and have it tailored but like I'm not sure what to do. Do you just take clothes in and say "I'd like this tailored" or do they ask you about how you want it to fit?

And about how much does it cost?
Do they usually do hemming too?

>> No.12268965

are muji clothes any good?

>> No.12268970
File: 76 KB, 550x403, varg_vikernes_large_1270121283_crop_550x403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is varg /fa/?

>> No.12269335

i need replacement white cp laces. any recommendations? i don't want to accidentally buy ones that are too long or short.

>> No.12269505

nah he is a bona fide retard, and retards can't be /fa/

>> No.12269932
File: 3 KB, 297x295, wonderinghomosex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I use normal detergent to wash raw denim instead of woolite black?

>> No.12270036


>> No.12270130

I had a go-to grey zip-up hoodie for about four years because it just werked. I want something new with color.

Any ideas where to get one?

>> No.12270148

where's best to get a leather biker jacket on a budget of around £300?

>> No.12270161

Does anyone have that image that recommends different styles of glasses based on face shape? I'm going to go try on some frames and want some understanding of what will look good, it's hard to judge when I'm wearing them because I can't see.

>> No.12270632

https://profoundco.com/ Hasn't dropped yet

>> No.12270798

Fat wallet or slim wallet?

>> No.12270978

holy shit dude i literally bought 5 from ebay for exactly this purpose-my 8am undergrad lectures that comfy feel when you can sleep in em too and just get up and head to class in the morning

>> No.12271014

Shut up Lucio

>> No.12271024


>> No.12271029

lol what the fuck are you doing.

>> No.12271086

slim. carrying change isn't /fa/

>> No.12271213
File: 226 KB, 973x574, 2 jackets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy another winter jacket, and i cant decide between pic related. The Dickie's one is cheaper, but the Carhartt one seems nicer, i just cant decide

>> No.12271391

the one on the right

>> No.12272003

where can i buy 032c clothing? all i know is their online store, ssense and slamjamsocialism. are there any more places that stock it?

>> No.12272016
File: 83 KB, 734x734, goods_62_192787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Uniqlo U t-shirt came in today and I fucking love the texture. it's rough, but not stiff.
does anyone know of where else I can find such shirts?
what are some terms I can search to find shirts with similar texture?

>> No.12272060

It's called a haramaki.

>> No.12272093

Any place i can buy birkenstocks for under retail? Like on sale or some shit? They never seem to go on sale and theyre always around $100. I dont have the money to justify spending that much for some sandals. I can push like $60-70

>> No.12272105

have you tried Uniqlo?

>> No.12272185

I own a couple of white blank Uniqlo tees and they feel totally different.

>> No.12272246

Would you recommend sizing up if I want a looser fit? Sick of most basic tees hugging my arms and not having long enough sleeves

>> No.12272462

I'm going to Tokyo next month, but I have no idea what clothes to buy
Moneys not a concern, and I'll take any recommendations from luxury to hypebeast to thrift store shit
What should I get/where should I go?

>> No.12272472

I got a small and it fits kinda big. definitely bigger than normal Uniqlo stuff. I think you'll still have to size up, though.

nevertheless, don't take my word alone. I'm really bad when it comes to answering these kinds of questions. here are my measurements for my small, but I doubt that'll be useful since you're probably going for bigger sizes

27.5 length (inches)
21 width
8 sleeve length
6.75 arm opening

>> No.12272557 [DELETED] 


One guy here says that you can find amazing shit thrifting, and that's what I would do too.

What brands? Well, it's fucking Japan.

There's all the wonderful westaboo workwear americana brands: Visvim, Kapital, Engineered Garments, White Mountaineering + high-end raw denim brands.

Then you've got cult streetwear brands like WTAPS and Cav Empt.

For the techwear inclined, you've got Eiichiro Homma's Nanamica and his Japan-exclusive collaboration line with The North Face, North Face Purple Label.

Then there's the fashion legends like Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garcons and Issey Miake.

And personally, if I was there, I would look for Undercover pieces.

>> No.12272566


One guy here says that you can find amazing shit thrifting, and that's what I would do too.

What brands? Well, it's fucking Japan.

There's all the wonderful westaboo workwear americana brands: Visvim, Kapital, Engineered Garments, White Mountaineering + high-end raw denim brands.

Then you've got cult streetwear brands like WTAPS and Cav Empt.

For the techwear inclined, you've got Eiichiro Homma's Nanamica and his Japan-exclusive collaboration line with The North Face, North Face Purple Label.

Then there's the fashion legends like Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garcons and Issey Miake.

And personally, if I was there, I would look for Undercover pieces.

>> No.12272630

Does wearing a jacket with a collar on top of a button-down look stupid?

>> No.12272646

Where do I start guys? I'm 6,3ish and I've never payed attention to how I look before, never done anything with my hair as I've got a double crown. Do I just buy shit I like the look of or is there some kind of a megalosaurus to figuring out good outfits? I've read the sticky but it's pretty limited honestly.

>> No.12272921

where's the rest of your jackass face?

>> No.12272922
File: 2.00 MB, 2448x3264, ysl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea if this is fake or not?

I want to say fake but I have no knowledge or experience with Rive Gauche era Saint Laurent ready-to-wear

>> No.12273010

People who are insecure about having small feet really like this on shoes. Makes them think they're dick is decent size for once

>> No.12273051

seems legit to me
as I recall the Rive Gauche stuff was contracted out to Ittierre just like Pierre Balmain and other major house diffusion lines
seems like that piece was intended for the asian market

>> No.12273060

If you're really just starting out I'd recommend visiting the /r/malefashionadvice reddit
they'll show you how to dress nice and then you start browsing other forums and sites to dress like an individual, since they all dress the same there

>> No.12273067

really depends what kind of stuff you wear normally

what are you into?

>> No.12273068

this >>12273060 building your own style and aesthetic takes awhile. in the meantime, the guides on leddit can help you.

>> No.12274543


>> No.12274569
File: 68 KB, 600x400, IMG_1222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me to id this jacket?
The movie is Virus, 1999