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12239824 No.12239824 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother trying to dress well when you'll never look as good as based Jake no matter how hard you try?

>> No.12239834

Dressing well doesn't change your face, Anon.

>Why bother swimming if you'll never be able to play golf as well as Tiger Woods?

>> No.12239839
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The way people view the way you dress is influenced by your face. It is possible to dress more attractive than you are, which will make you a laughing stock.

>> No.12239843

provide examples of your claim

>> No.12239870
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Use your imagination. An attractive man dressing smartly (well tailored clothes, expensive shoes + accessories etc) won't be seen as out of the ordinary let alone mocked. Think Ryan Gosling

A man who is unobjectively ugly wearing the same clothes will be viewed as trying to compensate, tryharding. His clothes are more attractive than the person wearing them. His face and clothes do not compliment eachother, infact they just exacerbate how ugly he is. He will be laughed at. I'm sure you've gotten some second-hand shame off people dressing at a tier above what their physical attractiveness is.

>> No.12239871

But you can change your face.
>knowing your facial features and having a haircut and facial hair that match them
>eating healthy
>going to bed early and sleeping at least 7 hours

Basically having a healthy life will make you more beautiful and attractive.

>> No.12239875

read: attractive people are attractive regardless of haircut.

eating healthily and getting enough sleep isn't going to change your facial structure, only plastic surgery can do that. the best you can hope for doing your ways is simply looking healthier

>> No.12239897

nah. I've seen sharp dressers who were ugly. It makes them look better and more respectable.

You don't have to dress down to match your face. I pity the fool that lives their life that way.

>> No.12239898

the fear of tryharding is the real root of looking shitty

ffs Kurt Cobain was a retarded heroin addict stop trying to emulate his decision to give up on life. It wasn't really cool then and it's definitely not cool now.

>> No.12239902

>eating healthily and getting enough sleep isn't going to change your facial structure
It will.
Your facial structure isn't just your skull bones. It's also the layers of muscles, tissues, fat and skin that cover it.

Eating like a fat fuck and sleeping 5 hours a day make your face droopy and tired. Too much fat, muscle weakness and fatigue will change the appearance of your cheeks, neck, etc.

Also some foods boost your testosterone levels, having a direct impact on your facial muscles. The more facial muscles you have, the more masculine you look.