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/fa/ - Fashion

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12219627 No.12219627 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow at 4 o clock new yeezy reservations on the adidas confirm app. Don't miss out.

>> No.12219743

App link/name?

>> No.12219751

can you not read? what is an adidas confirm app?

>> No.12219978

can you really only sign up if you live in New york? That's fucking idiotic

>> No.12219980

Only worth copping if you're going to resell them. The mark-up for these all black ones is going to fucking skyrocket. Buy as many pairs as you can OP.

>> No.12220547

fuck this trash overpriced shoe

>> No.12220604


>> No.12220622

not him

>2 bills for a made in china shoe

you yeezy fans are retarded

>> No.12220681

Not a valid argument, you fucking retard.

This has nothing to do with it.

Those shoes are terrible and overpriced, you're a retarded nigger lover if you think they're worth $220.

Anyone who wants to get them should just look for some $30 replicas. They look the same, they feel the same and they are the same. I'm sure Kanye will be fine if he doesn't get more of anyone's money.

>> No.12220782

worst colorway. i wouldn't cop to resell. Not much hype here in Florida and I'm sure the market for them won't be that good

>> No.12221175

the all black ones will resell for a ton man, people only dislike the fucking tacky ass stripe. there will be a market for these because it fixes the only bad part of the v2s

>> No.12221223

Just like CPs

>> No.12221233

what are cps

>> No.12221235

I really loved that stripe... guess it's just me.

>> No.12221270

will this be a mass release or limited per usu? the mat black is rly nice compared to the previous shit

>> No.12221272

the FUCk are you talking about the stripe makes the v2.

the "spply 350" on the side fucking ruins it

>> No.12221330

where are you gonna get $30 reps

>> No.12222321


>> No.12222326

Whatever mental gymnastics you gotta do, poorfag.

>> No.12222388


>being this poor

>> No.12222415

What the fuck are these meme shoes? They look terrible.

>> No.12222674

youre either from some eastern european shithole or nobody is willing to pay more than 20 bucks for an hour of your time cuz youre worthless to the society

>> No.12222781

Didn't get a call from the raffle, so I gotta break out the bot.

>> No.12222851

a lot of people i know disliked it until they saw them in person.

for me i like the belugas and oreo stripes

>> No.12222873

>still using the "sweatshop" meme
>he thinks quality depends on where it was made


"The companies were assessed on their policies, knowledge of suppliers, auditing practices and supplier relationships, and worker empowerment, and given a grade of between A and F.

Seven companies received an A grade, led by fair trade companies Ekito and Audrey Blue, which were both graded A+. Inditex was given an A, followed by Adidas Group, Liminal Apparel, Patagonia and Rrepp, which all received an A-."


>> No.12222879

>nigger lover

Lmfao opinion discarded buttblasted underage whiteboy

>> No.12222884

suck my fucking dick you fucking retards

grow up

>> No.12222889


Pick one

Also, nice argument


>> No.12222897

You did not understand the article you linked.

>> No.12222899

>he's still defending yeezys


>> No.12222906

>damage control
I'm so glad I'm not as poor as you

>> No.12222908

Then explain it to me

>> No.12222911

>/fa/ is still gullible and brainless enough to buy a pair of shitty overpriced shoes just because some illiterate nigger put his name on them


>> No.12222912

I have a pair of 90$ oreo fakes and they look the same, not gonna lie, I don't give a fuck about supporting a brand or being called out, they're comfy and good quality, if you pay more than retail for those you might aswell kill your self

>> No.12222918
File: 30 KB, 500x265, 1484508091712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao @ everyone who buys this shoes to wear them instead of resale.

>> No.12222919

>not wearing a pair of shoes because a black man has his name on it
Who cucked you?


is your mom not paying for them this time?

>> No.12222920

>wearing fakes

>wearing yeezys

Trust me, they notice and they laugh at you

>> No.12222924

>he STILL thinks yeezys are expensive
>muh buzzwords

hahahaha have some self respect and go back to plebbit newfriend

>> No.12222931

I've been here longer than you lmfao

>he brags about the time he has been here

Wow you're fucking pathetic

>> No.12222939


>> No.12222942

Stop crying like a child.

>> No.12222943


sure thing, hypebeast newfriend. whatever you say

>> No.12222951

I've been on /fa/ for 5 years

I'm here now because I enjoy arguing with autists like you who are afraid of wearing a shoe because a "nigger" made it, it's out of your price range (otherwise known as you're poor) or because you are going full sperg and not wearing it because it's popular

>this much damage control
XD I'm so much more mature than you, go back to redtube, we wear rick owens here

>> No.12222954

The article your provided does not in no way refer to the quality of the clothes.
Not only this, the actual report only takes into account a really small number of fast fashion stores that happen to sell to the Australian market.

With only these two points (I might go further if you're keen on shitposting) you understand how irrelevant >>12222873 is.

>> No.12222963

i doubt anything would be lost if hypebeasts kill themselves. speaking seriously, i would doubt that any of them make more than 30k a year.

>> No.12222966

>Pls stop bullying me guyz fucking kill ur self

>> No.12222967

>5 years
>being racist
>STILL thinks yeezy=rich
>full sperg
>your post

please get out newfriend. have some self awareness.

>> No.12222981

>this much
>damage control
>reading comprehension
>is at an all time low
>no actual argument
>muh secret club
>legitimate autism

Wow I think you should take your own adidas buddy. Real convenient that I find the one person on this board that has been here longer than me, but like I said it's really pathetic that you're bragging about your time spent on 4chan

>> No.12222988


>> No.12223007

>the "muh secret club" pseudo argument
>thinks 2012 is old
>actually thinks I'm sperging

/fa/ doesn't like streetwear, that should be enough. now leave newfag

>> No.12223016

>confusing streetwear and hypebeast clothing

I am not the person you've been arguing shitposting with for the past hour but I wanted to let you know that you should stop.

>> No.12223018

>I am the /fa/ spokesman
>muh secret club again
>still bragging about the amount of time he has spent on 4chan
>fucking normies wearing streetwear

I'm so sorry for you, I didn't think there was anyone actually autistic here but I guess I was wrong. You can get back to your clown shoes and normcore :^)

Oh and btw yeezys aren't rich but the fact that you can't afford $220 dollar shoes is really sad

>> No.12223203

tips on the best way to resell?

>> No.12223275

I'm in NYC and it's only giving me fukcing new jersey zone

>> No.12223293

Trust me, they don't, it's really close to the real thing and actually I don't give a single shit
I could buy their wardrobe without beating an eye, keep your flight club yeezys and cry in a corner alone, faggot

>> No.12223305
File: 21 KB, 900x900, 1461612126971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$220 shoes

>> No.12223327

It's close enough, isn't it?

I'm from Pakistan and had to use proxies to even participate in the raffle. I'm getting them from Netherlands soon.

>> No.12223328

One time this dom I was hanging out with invited this guy over to bring her groceries and us all alcohol and he was wearing Yeezy's. Ever since I associated them with being a submissive bitch, which is basically what you are when you buy Yeezy's. You buy overhyped, ugly shoes, because you're dickriding a trend. Just like that little cuck rode my Dom friend's dildo in the middle of the living room while saying "YES, MASTER!!!"

>> No.12223334

They're expensive for how goddamn ugly they are.

I'll pay 600 dollars for a nice pair of shoes with quality construction, but I wouldn't pay 40 for this crap.

>> No.12223353

the app didn't let me reserve them, what gives?

>> No.12223382

Drop name faggot

you have some weird ass fantasies btw

>> No.12223494

They are so fucking ugly for that price.

Just get the cheapest Raf shoes instead, you stupid fucks.

>> No.12223687

>caring about brand instead of aesthetic
Hypebeast mindset kill yourself

>> No.12223709


>> No.12223714

personally i think theyre ugly but they definitely have a distinct look to them

>> No.12223717

They look like something H&M would churn out for £10 a piece tbqhwy. So cheap and disgusting.

>> No.12223733

stay mad youre fucking poor :D

>> No.12223740

Trust me, they do. Most people dont care or are respectful enough not to say anything. Theres this kid with fake yeezys and i have the same version (real btw). I wore it when i saw him and i think he got freaked out because i knew they were fake especially when they were side by side but i dont really care its cool to see someone wearing them even if they are fake. I just act like theyre real and say nice yeezys

>> No.12223748

I had og velcros and i have to say theyre pretty ugly

>> No.12223775

I like the way 350s look by itself, but I personally don't like how it looks on foot.

Now, the 750s on the other hand..

>> No.12223855

I wear them as beaters
The only real flaw is in the heel, but I'm the only guy ad my school that has a pair, and probably just 3/4 other guys know what are those
I have some retails as well and I'd say that my family is well off enough to buy a pair from a reseller
The thing is, I'm ok with the 220$ price but I'm not gonna pay more for a shoe that will be worthless in a year or so
If someone asked me "are those fakes?" I'd agree, I don't wear them ti show how much I can afford, I like the look and they're comfortable

If anyone is interested, search for "Wengkk reddit" in google, mines are the cheap real boost one, they're nice

>> No.12223862

750s are genuinely great, its a shame that they are by extension associated with hypebeasts

>> No.12223970
File: 20 KB, 620x400, 1449699616812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a shoe for little kids. like those light up toy shoes.

>mfw adults will spend hundreds of dollars on an adult sized kid's shoe

/fa/ is a shit board

>> No.12223992


>> No.12225119

i want all the nigger lovers to leave

>> No.12225122

Yeezy v2 fakes are unnoticeable to the naked eye. Yeezy 350 v1 however have an easy to distinguish pattern.

You are retarded if you pay resell for running shoes made in China.

>> No.12225190

The poorfag mad train just keeps on truckin along.

>> No.12225200

>he pretends that overhyped shoes are super luxury shoes

>> No.12225210

jesus christ is this board full of manlet children?

>> No.12225214

Faggy shoes for faggy ppl xD

>> No.12225280

Ah yeah true beaters barely show any signs of fake because all the flaws are hidden from being worn