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File: 52 KB, 768x1152, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12218305 No.12218305 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting a Leather Jacket worth it?

>> No.12218324



>> No.12218343


Depends on what kind it is tho

>> No.12218373


Is the leather real or not?
Do you have a shitty posture/narrow shoulders?
Skellymode or fyat?
Edgy neckbeard-tier trench or """"hip""""" moto-racer with racing-logos plastered all over?

The one that I currently wear was found at a flea market, after researching I found out that it's "Tomahawk Garments"-biker jacket, around $99-120 brand new, I got it for €42. It was pretty cruddy and distressed, but after shining and coating it with dark saddle-wax, it turned out to be looking pretty awesome. Fits me well, very warm and heavy. And surprising considering it's a size M (I normally wear size L-shirts and jackets), I can still zip it up and use the waist-belt just fine.

>> No.12218399

>buying your leather jacket
>not beating the shit out of a rival gang member and taking theirs instead


>> No.12218409
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Suede is the shit. Can anyone ID this fine looking specimen (the jacket, not the homo)?

>> No.12218425

Not OP, but say I were to get an old motorcycle from the 70s, what kind of leather jacket would be appropriate? I was thinking a brown leather bomber-style jacket.

>> No.12218441
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>> No.12218449
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the only jacket I need if I'm somewhere where it's not going under 40 F

>> No.12218471
File: 54 KB, 479x720, biker-jacket-long-sleeve-shirt-dress-pants-low-top-sneakers-tie-original-4917[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what your general style is. For example, I recently bought a perfect fitting navy sports jacket instead of a cheaper brown leather jacket, because my style doesn't really include leather. If you invest in a quality leather jacket (just forget about the faux ones, not worth it and doesn't look good) it might be a very good versatile jacket to have.

>> No.12218479
File: 839 KB, 2240x1344, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just copped something similar in leather. List was $159.00 at Macy's. Got it on sale plus 10% for $48.00.

>> No.12218493

did you just divorce your wife and buy a harley because you are going through a mid-life crisis?

>> No.12218504


Not yet. But, when I do, I'll be dressed appropriately.

>> No.12218510

Ive had mine for over 20 years now, and its the best piece of clothing i own. If you think you will wear it in the future, and dont mind taking care of it from time to time, then fuck yes! If you think you wont be willing to wear it much in the future, then dont bother investing.

>> No.12218548

Really ugly
Biker jacket is good value, in all it doesn't matter the styling so much as it fits well, and isn't overkill with detailing
Make sure its quality leather, something soft. If you want full americana value watch the movie easy rider.
This is the best advice. Shank a royal and take it.
Listen to >>12218373 for the questions but be more willing to spend than them.
Really good leather jackets, style wise, start at about 300 with no ceiling cost. Look for something with the style you want, the price is whatever (just save up). Remember, quality leather lasts long enough that dropping a lot is worth it.
Make sure the leather is a quality type, calf skin can be thick (but is usually good) but deer or lamb skin are safe bets. Research leather. If its "genuine leather" or cow hide just fucking drop it. Shit stuff that isn't worth it. Faux leather is trash, idgaf if you have ethics about it.
Also this is true >>12218441

>> No.12218557
File: 282 KB, 1500x1500, bomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking something like this, with less fleece coming out the collar and sleeves

>> No.12218583

Shearing is better than fleece. The design looks okay but the leather looks like meh

>> No.12218630

Ideally I would want a regular cloth lining, fleece seems like it could get filthy really quick.

>> No.12218667

It does and when it's wet it's hell

>> No.12218705

>Really ugly

Opinions are like assholes.

>> No.12218768

To me, the reason I don't like those black leather jackets are because edgemasters and dorks wear it when they don't feel like wearing their fedora.

>> No.12218883

Sorry I didnt confirm your purchase anon, and made you feel sad for buying a jacket that was so ugly noone touched it so they had to mark it down to 30% :( I never meant to make you feel sad

>> No.12218915

it does, my fleece winter jacket lining is turning grey

>> No.12219078
File: 323 KB, 876x1584, IMG_2249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only got this one pic of it saved but I love this jacket.

>> No.12219089

It's worth it for sure. I'd stay away from cheaper ones. Just wait until you can afford a nice one for like $500. It'll last a lifetime

>> No.12219093

assuming you're vegan, what do you think of beeswax? is that not vegan? it's in almost every hair product

>> No.12219097
File: 57 KB, 600x603, james-dean-leather-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12219103

Does your personal style work well with one?

I'm a 6'4" italian with dark features and I dress kinda like a greaser, it's my core outerwear and by far the defining piece in my wardrobe.

However, if you're a 5'6" asian who dresses in techwear or prep? Probably better uses for that money.

>> No.12219114

If it's SLP

>> No.12219120

You've gotta be really dumb or really rich to buy an SLP jacket at full price. The leather quality and construction quality of something like a 1k ToJ jacket (1/5th SLP retail) is almost identical, and since they're MtM the fit is better on most people

>> No.12219123

$0.25 has been deposited into your account

>> No.12219127

You can't even buy ToJ jackets anymore dummy

>> No.12219132

thanks charly

>> No.12219173
File: 2.29 MB, 4016x6016, DfutFwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have infographics for leather jacket?
Also, w2c pic related or something similar.

>> No.12219185
File: 232 KB, 1100x825, 6USc9Jf2TFIGGqjOFfsP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally have gotten laid several times because of my leather jacket

sooooo ya its worth it faggot

>> No.12219201


>> No.12219206

Schott, ToJ/Falcon Garments, AllSaints

>> No.12219262
File: 195 KB, 1583x816, Snake Plissken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake Plissken-core is the way to go.

It's fit on you is more important than anything else.

>> No.12219282

Thanks anon

>> No.12219291

That's a BLk dnm black perfecto jacket I believe

>> No.12219355
File: 105 KB, 1080x1079, 14309664_1773039432972530_1383491324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to buy a leather jacket.
>Have babyface


>> No.12220260

Get fit

>> No.12220420

the simpler the better
I hate to say this but with a leather jacket "timeless and classic" is really the way to go because they're more of an investment piece comparatively (simply because the material and construction is expensive by default)
if it's reasonably within your means and you can realistically see yourself wearing it for years (to include changes in your style over time) then yes they're worth it

never go under $800 for new, but it's pretty common to find a good one used in the $600 range

I copped a $2200 UC double rider for $450, four zip pockets, no epaulets, quilted stitched pattern along the bottom, leather quality and texture is amazing, it isn't silky smooth like TOJ but it's soft

without a doubt my favorite piece, have been wearing it for two years and I don't see myself getting tired of it anytime soon

>> No.12220422

embrace it and go full boyband

>> No.12220427

To be honest with leather jackets it's either high end designer one or bust
basic perfectos are ugly as shit, any interesting or good looking designs are expensive

>> No.12220461

i just looked at allsaints, the jackets look a bit bit cheesy and "distressed", and shittily made

>> No.12220469

most of them are
the quality for the price is fair enough if you can find something simple without distressing

>> No.12220503

How much you willing to drop?

There is one more or less identical being sold at The Kooples. http://www.thekooples.co.uk/camel-suede-jacket-with-biker-collar-1284783.html

>> No.12220505
File: 274 KB, 1174x1565, IMG_3681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no CCP leather

>> No.12220510

no it's actually pretty nice

>> No.12220533

you can justify spending quite a bit on a good quality leather jacket and that's fine just make sure its a classy design that isn't gonna go out of fashion for a decade
per wear cost desu

>> No.12220902

Don't get a leather jacket if you wear a backpack everyday, it will rub and wear in places and start to look shit after half a year. Or just wear it when you don't have the backpack.

>> No.12221005

posted above, I've owned mine for two years and wear a backpack every day, no scuffing or signs of wear at all

but yes it makes noise

>> No.12221125

It's a $159 leather from Macy's, of course it's shit. What did you even expect ?

>> No.12221132

That's a perfecto, you can get that literally anywhere

>> No.12221809

Looks like shit. It's too big.

>> No.12222001

I want to get my ass fisted wearing this

>> No.12222476

You should off yourself if you're a vegan. Only thing worse than that is being a Nigger.

>> No.12222904

And bring a Jew or a gay.

>> No.12223003

I think it is Zara

>> No.12223006

Is that...witcher ?

>> No.12223357

nice hoodie aswell g

>> No.12223505

>no mention of Lewis Leathers

>> No.12223580

you're gonna need a biker jacket, those things are armored in case you fall off

>> No.12223582

*leans back*

>> No.12223660

Most biker jackets look like faggy autismo wrappers; I'd love to find some decent leather jackets made for motorcycle safety, bu tI don't want something that shouts 'motorcycle' if I choose to wear it to dinner.

>> No.12224077
File: 177 KB, 1120x1096, dainese_street_rider_perforated_leather_jacket_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motorcycle safety has advanced a lot in recent years. it's become very hard to conceal armour inserts, back protectors, sliders and double thick sections of leather. most jackets just resign themselves to screaming "i ride bikes". there are still companies producing good looking casually wearable riding leathers, but it's difficult to pass most of them off as straight up fashion leathers

notable companies would be roland sands and segura. most large gear manufacturers (a*, dainese, rev'it) have 'vintage' offerings, which look reasonable off the bike but still offer modern protection.

e.g. i'm quite fond of this dainese leather, but it's probably a bit too casual to take out to dinner under most circumstances

>> No.12224101
File: 402 KB, 1100x1687, _11675352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then you have, for example, this RSD ronin
sacrifices some protective elements but stays significantly more wearable off the bike

>> No.12224107

I ride a motorbike from the 50's, wouldn't matter if I rode one from the 70's or today either, you want motorbike gear. Looking good is nice, it's what we come here to discuss, but you can't look good if you turn yourself into a hamburger because your leathers aren't up to the job should the situation arise.

>> No.12224117

strong this. compound fractures and skin grafts are not fashionable. fashion leathers are typically not thick or durable enough to take a slide, and lack any impact protection.

would be nice to see more motorcycle gear discussion on this board, cause it sucks trying to shop around for good looking options sometimes.

>> No.12224171

Leather is classic. It's what people use back in slavery days. Are you saying that you don't like old stuffs ? You fucking communist democrat

>> No.12224175

Tfw gay jew

A-at least I'm not vegan

>> No.12224181

No I agree I want good protection, however so much of the motogear just looks awful, either generic pastels that make you look like a rugby player, or its silly jumpsuits that swat teams don't even wear that much gear.

>> No.12224209

/dbt/ on /o/ might have what you're looking for

>> No.12224312

I own a three and love them all.

>> No.12224397

/dbt/ has barely any gear discussion

>> No.12224410

Then just start a discussion, faggot.

>> No.12224751

the bigger the better :^)

>> No.12224950
File: 491 KB, 2000x2000, Sandro_V6489W-20_V_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this jacket from Sandro?

>> No.12224983


Is this really fashionable?

I mean, I think it looks great, but I listen to NWOBHM and am a big fan of Mad Max 1. Wouldn't normalfags not agree with all the zippers? Isn't it 'tacky'?

>> No.12225080

I have a jacket like OP's and I constantly get compliments on it from both guys and girls (I'm a guy). I actually ride a motorcycle though, which I feel like helps me pull it off.

Only two cons are these: they are usually made a little short. They're supposed to be. That's how motorcycle jackets are made. Otherwise they bunch up around your chest while riding. People will point this out to you, and it's annoying. I personally like the short look, but some people don't.

con #2: it's kind of feminine to some people. I've been mistaken for a girl twice since I got it like 6 months ago. Once was with my helmet on, the second time without it, but my hair was really long at the time, so I'm chalking it up to that.

Other than that, I get multiple compliments on my jacket every time I go out, compared to like one compliment every blue moon before I had it

>> No.12225088

>>12225080 here

mine is actually more like this >>12224950
but with only 3 pocket zippers, no belt, and I think the lapels are a little bigger

>> No.12225107

>People will point this out to you, and it's annoying. I personally like the short look, but some people don't.
Sounds more like you aren't doing very good job with the proportions and silhouette of a cropped jacket like that, might want to consider that.

>> No.12225112
File: 174 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170210-064303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't wear the same jacket for fashion and riding anon, you need something tough like steer or horse hide that has back armor for riding, and something lightweight without armor for casual wear like lamb, goat, or calf

Pic unrelated (hl3 when ;_;)

>> No.12225117

Normies can't comprehend cropped jackets, don't wear anything that doesn't hit the bottom of your belt if you want to impress them

>> No.12225134

I think it fits great, and a lot of other people do, too. But like this guy said >>12225117
most people just can't get past the idea of it not being big like daddy's clothes

The one I got is good for ridding. I've been in a few crashes and there still aren't any scuffs on it, the leather is really durable. The only injury I ever got was a scrape on my wrist because it wasn't covered properly. I didn't just buy some shitty $50 jacket, mine is pretty high grade

That being said, most high grade and low grade jackets in this style look pretty much the same, so OP if you're not planning on actually riding a motorcycle, you can spend under $100 and get something decent.

>> No.12225379

Sandro quality is shit, I would not buy leather there

>> No.12225452

>That being said, most high grade and low grade jackets in this style look pretty much the same, so OP if you're not planning on actually riding a motorcycle, you can spend under $100 and get something decent.
How does it feel to have trisomy 21

>> No.12225455

>normalfags not agree with all the zippers? Isn't it 'tacky'?
Normal fans love them as long as it isn't overboard, this is fine

>> No.12225469
File: 119 KB, 1000x1334, 11254334_6010804_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this.

Still looking to get an SLP jacket and/or a studded Burberry Prorsum at some point, but I love this one so much.

>> No.12225524

I've got a leather jacket just like this one but I never ended up using it because I honestly have no idea what to wear is with. Any suggestions? Shirt, pants, shoes etc.

>> No.12225528

on the contrary their leather is pnice

>> No.12225569

Can I get some leather jacket inspo, I got a date on saturday and I'm not sure what I should wear with it.

>> No.12225870

It looks like an overpriced Lewis Leathers Lightning jacket.


>> No.12226028


>calling something overpriced
>on a fashion board


>> No.12226099

>Implying it wasn't your devilish good looks, carefree attitude, and colossal dick

fucking loser, haha.

>> No.12226304

why the fuck are you still on here

>> No.12226311
File: 210 KB, 819x1024, ENfQGaW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped this exact jacket at 50% sale once

feels good

>> No.12226626
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x2448, 8Nq58pY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not worth it unless you can look as good as this, which you probably can't

>> No.12226657

lmao little penis boy

>> No.12226675



>> No.12226683

Get a sportsbike instead with one piece racing leathers. Drop enough weight for a narrow face you'll look risky and fashionable even if your being "safe".

>> No.12226698
File: 369 KB, 2000x1334, Jensen-Beeler-Energica-Ego-electric-superbike-launch-Scott-Jones-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step off the bike
>become a 2nd gen power ranger

>> No.12226712

I'm a midwest guy, there is no "drop weight for a narrow face". I'll be kinda big forever, even if I get down to 165.

>> No.12226736


w2c my dude

>> No.12226877
File: 33 KB, 647x576, z2011a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good milspo leathers?

I thought about the A-2 but it's still similar to bombers, any input would be much appreciated

>> No.12227022
File: 180 KB, 700x745, 33112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, /fa/ hates this, and I guess i'll be too much of an eternal autist to know why.

>> No.12227027


I'm not sure about buying leather from Varusteleka, but it'd be a nice change from those dime-a-dozen Perfectos for sure

>> No.12227030

I need this

>> No.12227080

Mind posting the one you wear?

>> No.12227099


>> No.12227117


Yeah, I'm unsure of the quality, but I like the clean panzer look. Some other thread on here was absolutely trashing it.

>> No.12227163

I pray for the day you kill yourself and so do many others.

>> No.12227227

lad it's fucking horrendous

>> No.12227236

>this entire post

>> No.12227239

Don't worry anon, just keep eating steaks and you're alright in my book.

>> No.12228505

Kek, its like that scene from the peep show, its gestapocore

>> No.12229137

Is it try hard to wear my leather motorcycle jacket off bike

>> No.12229178


>> No.12229183

saw similar at j crew outlet a few months back

>> No.12229852

how the fuck did u manage that?!?! I just got the super rare coveted ethnic rider for 1500, the leather feels like sex and the sound of the coins jangling on the shoulders is the stuff of dreams.

>> No.12230775

don't get it from hm and dont oversize get a faux leather some look very nice imo and are very cheap try lc waikiki if u have one jackets form real leather look whack to me for some reason

>> No.12230779

i like it is it real leather?
water you bane

>> No.12230796
File: 28 KB, 375x392, IMG_2092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good type of hat to wear with a leather jacket?

>> No.12230816

Hi Milo

>> No.12230841

Is the jacket padded like in the back? Nah, i've tried it. It's painful to try and sit anywhere.

Otherwise, go for it.

>> No.12231136
File: 57 KB, 500x749, 1393777bd774a39d5b7b5d514e38de1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12232565

i hope that shitty cross zipper is removable

>> No.12232571
File: 426 KB, 600x1020, 02_PAGE_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you fags ever step up?

>> No.12232580
File: 69 KB, 534x800, 6-White-lambskin-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12232658


The convention, at least among motorcyclists in the US, is that white leather is for chicks only. Not that I think it doesn't look good on a man. Dunno about elsewhere

>> No.12232659


>> No.12232674

>but it's probably a bit too casual to take out to dinner

None of the branded manufacturers of bike leather are /fa, not with the habit of putting their fucking logo everywhere. Absolute shitty.

The tip for buying leather is, it either fits perfect and looks fabulous, or its shit and it makes you look degraded

>> No.12232681


Problem with fashion leathers is that they are too thin, too low-quality.

Leather is, fundamentally, armor, so you must also look reasonably fit.

>> No.12232696


I had a similar jacket to OPs pic, classic biker.


1. cut the belt off ! useless and makes you look fat.
2.You must wear an underlayer. Hoodies work best.
3. If you are not on a bike or its cold, keep it fully open.
4. get good leather gloves that match the jacket.
5. Never wear sneakers with leather. Boots only
6. Pair with leather jeans to improve overall

>> No.12232699

>that fucking button
>no visible zippers

fuck outta here

>> No.12232707


Again, cut the stupid belt off

>> No.12232718

haha wat
3 and 4 are okay but what dude lol

>> No.12232820

dont wear hoodies with jackets its a bad meme

>> No.12232865

>pair with leather jeans

dont do this unless you are literally jim morrison

>hoodie with leather jacket

kill youreself my man

>> No.12232891


>hoodie with leather jacket

literally not a meme

>>pair with leather jeans
>dont do this unless you are literally jim morrison

learn the difference between jeans and pants my friend

>> No.12233294

LMFAO I've never upvoted a post so fast.