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File: 471 KB, 849x565, Hair-Loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12210999 No.12210999 [Reply] [Original]

help me /fa/, what are things that have worked for you combating hair-loss? and what are your plans for a better cure?

>> No.12211066

Science has failed us yet again.

>> No.12211097

shut the hell up

>> No.12211123

>combating hair-loss

Minox and finasteride. Together.

Those are the only two drugs that have good evidence for working at all. Even then they don't work for everyone, and they tend to work less effectively with time.

You're pushing back your thinning and baldness years, maybe a decade or two if you're lucky.

> plans for a better cure?

Stem cell therapy seems promising, maybe 10 years away.

>> No.12211202

Literally nothing is proven to work well outside of a hair transplant, and even they look iffy sometimes. You're done.

>> No.12211271
File: 82 KB, 760x1000, Anders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fin will kill your dick
Transplants look iffy and still gotta take fin
Micropigmentation can look good if you have a good head shape
Wigs look the best but attachment maintainence every two weeks
Shaved head looks ok but shadow shows hairline and gotta shave erry. Single. Day

Pick your poison op, personally i fluctaute between wigs and shaved head because i get bored/lazy

>> No.12211279

Shave it off.

If there was a 'remedy' it would have been discovered thousands of years ago

If there was a scientific cure, it would have been mass marketed, common knowledge, and making more for big pharma than cancer medicine.

>> No.12211282

razor and/or caps

>> No.12211401

Fin has saved my hair and regrown a noticeable amount. Temples didn't fill in though but my hair's looking crisp.

Works better for prevention though, if you want regrowth you're gonna have to combine fin with minoxidil probably.

>> No.12211406

This is far and away the best hair loss website:


Bookmark it, and read through all of it. Including the "Updates/News" section.

But honestly, wet shaving it daily with a razor is perhaps the best solution. It depends on whether you like the look of it, I guess.

>> No.12211679 [DELETED] 

I have been almost 6 months on fin for diffuse thinning and I have pretty decent regrowth already. Baseline was pretty good tho with no obvious signs of hair loss or receding hair line. Good stuff, but get on it sooner rather than later.

>> No.12211684

I have been on fin for diffuse thinning for almost 6 months and have had pretty decent regrowth so far. Baseline was pretty good tho with no obvious signs of hair loss or receding hair line. No sides either, good stuff.

>> No.12211801

dermarolling + minox + biotin has given me some regrowth and thicker hair in general

the small effects of minox alone wear off over time

>> No.12211835

Just shave it off and start lifting weights, faggit

>> No.12211898

Finasteride is working for me but I'm not sure if I will continue to use it, I am getting worried about the side effects

>> No.12212908

What a fucking victim.

>> No.12212943

Did you actually experience them or are you just worried?

>> No.12212955

Kill yourself. It worked for me.

>> No.12213025

No side effects?

>> No.12213568

Minoxidil didn't do shit. Finasteride gave me horrible sides.

Needless to say, I threw in the towel and shaved my noggin.

>> No.12213613

I regret putting off shaving for so long. My hair is still thick enough to wear short, but I did a zero cut one day out of manic curiosity. Then I shaved out of more curiosity. Turns out I actually look better shaved than with hair. Granted, I still have a good hairline shadow, but I think I'll still look good after the top goes completely. Anyway, I've gotten compliments, and I'm no longer worried about eventually going full-bald.

Point is, you might be surprised. I never thought I'd look good bald.

>> No.12214361

if you get sides just stop taking it. Too much fear mongering by insecure baldlets. Going bald isn't a big deal as long as you don't be come a insecure baldlet about it.

So if you don't want to go bald, you're only real option is finasteride. If you dont wanna risk getting sides then dont bother, but realisitically any sides will go away upon discontinuation.

>> No.12214363

i have friends who sound like you. Just guys who have shit tier hair and look better being bald. The thing is though is the hairline. The hairline frames the face. That's the difference between bald and full bald.

>> No.12214433
File: 218 KB, 933x1097, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been losing my hair for 2 years, 27 currently. With this recent rate of hairloss I'll buzzcut for the summer.

Tried fin, it killed libido but gave my hair back for the time I was using it. It returned to the pre-fin state within 6 months of quitting.

>> No.12214441

been on minox only for 2 years then started fin. and been on both for 4 years total (so 6 years of treatment)
grew everything back and doesnt seem to be receding at all anymore

>> No.12214456

Shave and lift

>> No.12214497
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1440, 20170206_035114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to bald. Hair is thinning out in rapid rate past year. Been taking biotin gummies. What else would work?

>> No.12214633

Finasteride and only finasteride. Biotin is snake oil.

>> No.12214703

I'm currently 19, my balding started at the age of 16, I'm on fin and minoxidil for about a month now, no great changes, my dick is not dead yet. For me, balding is not the problem, the main problem are the thoughts that can come along with it, and they can even be worse if you're a low self-steem person like myself. It can really destroy you to the point you don't even want to go outside or talk to anyone.

>> No.12214721


what is finasteride? Do you take it orally or put it on you hair? Also what does it do to your penis?

>> No.12214812

I know what you mean.

The psychological side effects of balding are far worse than the potential and highly unlikely side effects of fin.

Fin has given me back so much confidence to the point where I no longer think about my hair. Absolutely zero side effects. If anything I'm hornier than ever since I'm in a much better mood generally.

>> No.12214917 [DELETED] 

pill: finasteride
lotion: mixonidil

finasteride may cause libido (sexual desire) reduction on some men

>> No.12214927


Unless you want to get your dick broken you need to embrace it.

>> No.12214942

finasteride: pill, you take it orally
minoxidil: lotion, you put it on your hair

finasteride may cause libido (sexual desire) reduction on some men

>> No.12215095

Most cases of side effects are only placebos from fear mongering.
If you take a pill thinking "This is gonna kill my dick" then it probably will.

FDA tests show only 2 to 3% of men get ANY side effects at all. They also did a placebo test using sugar pills. Almost the same amount of men got side effects like erectile dysfunction and impotence...on sugar pills.

So actual sides are very very rare and if you stop worrying about it and just read up on the facts you will likely never experience any.

>> No.12215128

Finasteride has done literally nothing to my libido or sex drive. SSRI's on the other hand fucked my sex drive and libido, yet there isn't nearly as much fear mongering about those.

>> No.12215135

Threads about balding are literally the worst thing that has ever happened to /fa/.

They represent the gravestone to this fucking shitty, dead board.

>> No.12215165

Also I have a thick head of hair again :^)

>> No.12215500

These fucking threads have fucking ruined me. Going bald is my worst fucking fear.

>> No.12215522

Baldness usually comes from your mother's side. So, slap your mother and then keep that federa on tight. Now you have a real reason to wear it beyond autism.

>> No.12215539

I have the impression that my sperm is getting more "liquid" than usual but yes maybe it's just me. So I really don't know what to do, I am hesitating to shave and go full bald I don't think it is worth to ruin my health for that...

>> No.12215618


If you can grow a nice beard with it, it's even better, but you can easily avoid that

>> No.12215853


What is the best size dermaroller to use for hair loss?

I've seen hugely fluctuationg numbers on various sites.

>> No.12216330

The phase 2 and 3 studies were conducted by Merck themselves.

>> No.12216354

I did get that too. The sperm became very watery. But that wasn't a deal breaker for me.
Almost complete loss of morning erections and general loss of hornyness is what did it for me. I kept using fin for couple of months after these symptoms started, just to see if they go away, but they didn't.

Everything turned to normal after approximately a month after quitting. Funnily enough my hair was good after that for a long time. Only now after a year of quitting fin I'm where I started.

I keep a short 2-5 mm buzz, it's not as good as having hair but at least it's really easy to maintain.

Still, I'd advice to try fin, if it doesn't work, then quit and accept the fate.

>> No.12217203
File: 987 KB, 1574x1278, 20170207_115113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'm balding or if my hairline was always just sHit

>> No.12217248

Not sure how common finasteride killing your lust is. I'm over 30 and it's the opposite if anything. It's harder to cum though.

Worse for me is the sense of foggy mind I got for months. It's either gone away or I'm used to it.

>> No.12217294
File: 148 KB, 960x1280, IMG_2214425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest how much longer do I have left

>dad is almost bald
>dads side of family seems to have a bald theme
>grandad on mums side is 74 and has full head of hair

is is possible to get lucky and get muh grandads meme genetics?

>> No.12217471

>tfw been on dutasteride for 2 months and feel better than ever

>> No.12217518

>If you take a pill thinking "This is gonna kill my dick" then it probably will.

This happened to me. I've been on psych meds for almost 4 years to try and fix this.

DO NOT take finasteride if you have anxiety or insecurity issues, It can fuck you up.

>> No.12217990

i second the fuck out of this. if you have genuine anxiety issues, and are anxious about taking fin, don't take that shit

>> No.12218002

Poor quality picture, but it looks fine to me (compare to old pictures). However, if you think you're balding, you most likely are. Get on fin sooner than later. You'll be fine, /fa/m.

>> No.12218021

It's usually the female side you get it from, so you're most likely fine.

>> No.12218154
File: 28 KB, 466x226, ss+(2017-02-07+at+12.30.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12218225

Was on Fin, quit due to horrible sides.

>> No.12218228

thats not how genetics work doggy

>> No.12219339

just relax and take the pill without seconds thoughts and live your life, if side effect do appear then quit

>> No.12219356

Your hairline looks fine. Let's check the back.

>> No.12219359

I am a virgin and I'm pretty sure I'll always be one, so I don't really care, I'll keep taking finasteride

>> No.12219367

>Fin will kill your dick

not mine

>Transplants look iffy and still gotta take fin

i don't think this is true if the transplants come from around the back of your head?

>> No.12220141

Used to care about it when I started to shed than I stopped giving a fuck, got fit and kept it in a buzzcut never looked back.

>> No.12220153

>Fin will kill your dick

Yeah, totally avoid FIN at ALL COSTS.

Embrace baldness, girls love bald guys.


Just let that hair go...hehehehehe

>> No.12220159

Saw palmetto sometimes comes up in these threads. It is said to block DHT, which accumulates in the scalp and causes baldness, as well as accumulating in the face and causing facial hair, etc. DHT is also what spurs the growth of the male genitalia during puberty.

My experience:

500 mg a day after dinner. After 3 weeks, my balls became tender. In the 4th week I started getting aches in the crotch. I made sure I wasn't causing it myself by crossing my legs or sleeping in an odd posture, then concluded it was the SP. I discontinued it on day 30.

Now, I'm 60 kg, and the 500mg dose people mention might be targeted at people in the 80-90 kg range. I'd be willing to give it another try in a few months at a half dose, but be warned, guys, it's no placebo and does affect your hormonal production and masculine anatomy.

>> No.12220161

I suppose I should mention that my dick was in working order during that time, didn't notice anything unusual.

>> No.12220174

no hair issues here, but baldbro friend had micropigmentation done and it looks great, just looks like he has a really short buzz, the hairline frames his face nicely and he's a swole bearded dude so it suits him.

best of luck hairloss anons :(

>> No.12220183

Relax, OP. Your trips will save you.

>> No.12220192

Hollywood anon here. I work in hair and makeup (yes I'm gay), and pretty much all 30+ guys who haven't had hair transplants are on finasteride and/or minoxidil. There's a reason movie stars don't bald anymore.

>> No.12220223

Which male actors are gay?

>> No.12220244


>> No.12220292
File: 25 KB, 500x500, ru-solution1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered myself some RU58841

apply topically to head, rather than killing DHT systemically

lots of good results online, no sides either

>> No.12220302


here's some more info if people are curious:


>> No.12220829

It's eiher a dht blocker drug or minoxidil. Minoxidil doesn't fight the balding though, it promotes hair growth.

An italian doctor has discovered an interesting topical solution (pretty legit in my opinion) a couple of years ago, patent has been sold to a pharmaceutical company but it probably won't come out before 2018-2019 I believe. Search brotzu if you want to know more.

I've started fina a week ago after like 1 year of doubt. I'm still uncertain if I want to continue, obviously no sides right now since it has been such a short period, but I'm not a total retard when it comes to biology and I highly doubt there's such a thing as a "trash hormone" like merck wants to make people believe.
Also my hair have apparently stopped receding and are somewhat dense, but my hairline shape is more like a balding one than a mature, I just don't want to lose anymore hair.

You need to take fina after surgery because if your hair keep falling off you'll just have the new hair on the front or whatever and a balding spot behind.

I've read about topical inhibitors, but they all have mixed reviews and actual studies. I've never heard of this one and can't find actual studies about its usage on a long term, anyway I don't think it's too much different from your standard finasteride topical gel, which means you're not safe from sides. Also that link is pretty ambiguous, could be a shill desu

I'm kinda curious about saw palmetto, but I've always thought its potency was nowhere near fina. Your experience is pretty interesting, you might be a sensitive responder

>> No.12221831

these comments are the worst fucking thing that happened to /fa/
having a fag repeating the same nostalgic denigration of the board is litterally a useless addition

>> No.12221834

cool advice, fugg so great !!!

>> No.12221855

so how likely is it for fin to give me gyno?

i dont care much for low libido, in fact it sounds almost like a blessing since im an ugly virgin anyway, but i just dont want man tits.
also heard that it fucks with people's sleep cycles and generally makes them more tired.

>> No.12221972

begin balding at 16, shaved it all off at 18. now im 26, i tell myself im ok with it, but deep down i see people with nice hairs im really jealous.

>> No.12222427

I've always had this doubt, does the finasteride and minoxidil treatment gives your hair back? Or just slows down the balding?

>> No.12223524

It's really hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure gyno and sleep cycles are kinda rare as side effects. Keep in mind that, while a drug that interferes with hormone production is definitely likely to give you some sides of sort, fina has a pretty fucking strong nocebo effect on people, so take every "tragic, life ending experience with fina" you read on the internet with a pinch of salt.

Also, comes to think why would you care about your hair if you gave up on your look and chances to get laid?

Minoxidil stimulates hair growth but won't do miracles, especially in bald areas. Finasteride's goal is to stop hair loss, there might be some regrowth in recently balding areas.

>> No.12223547

you would look 10 times better if you buzzed, I guarantee it.

>> No.12223575

so, seems like I won't get my hair back. I am >>12222427, I asked this because I saw some before vs after pics on google images and I was amazed. I'm fucking 19 and I already have a notiacble white spot on the top of my head, simply destroys me in every single way, no fucking idea what the hell I'm gonna do, guess I'll just keep on fin and minox and see what happens

>> No.12223602

>hehe good goys, take pills that mentally ill trannies take that want to become women, buy the pills heheheheheh
Seriously, men have been balding since we were retarded monkeys in Africa. Just buzz and start going to Gym, if you aint got no bitch now with hair, you wont get anyone taking fucking DHT blockers you stupid fucks.

>> No.12223672

t. head full of hair dipshit

>> No.12223688

he's still right though

>> No.12223751

>why would you care about your hair if you gave up on your look and chances to get laid?
not caring about getting laid =/= not caring about how I look

>> No.12223880

How long have you been taking fina? Since you're young and I believe your crown isn't bald as an egg/the balding is recent, you'll probably get some hair back there. As I said fina can regrow some hair. If you get some sides I'd consider getting off the drug asap, dht is a pretty important hormone for young men, and most likely still significant for full grown up males too.

Some people don't make a big deal about losing hair, some people do, you're just being an annoying cunt. Post your opinion again when you'll start losing your hair, and don't bother baiting saying you're balding

>> No.12224046

Any actors you know of that take fin in particular?

>> No.12224051

Let me ask you this then. Why hasn't Prince William fix his bald heda? or Trump

>movie stars don't bald anymore

That's because hollywood, unlike say Soviet cinema, never featured balding actors as leading man, aside from a Bruce Willis, a Patrick Sewart, Statham and a few more

i dont believe any baldness cures available as of yet

>> No.12224188

because you cant magically regrow hair.
if your hair follicles die then they're gone for good. i would assume the movie industry would get their actors to take some sort of fin before actually showing any balding

>> No.12224618

Good job ordering baby powder, that guy is a known Chinese scammer

>> No.12224989

>if your hair follicles die then they're gone for good.
MPB doesn't ""kill"" or damage hair follicles, only scarring alopecia does. It's technically still possible even for a NW7 dude to regrow his hair.

>> No.12224992

Bradley Cooper.

>> No.12225065
File: 3.72 MB, 4928x3264, dsc_0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried cold laser? I had a nervous breakdown and severe backpain and used it for my head - it made my hair grow thicker in some areas. I'm not male tho.

>> No.12225131

>Why hasn't Prince William fix his bald heda? or Trump

Trump is probably on fina, keeping what he has so he can do that comb over. I guess prince William doesn't care enough, yes you're probably surprised but there are balding guys who legitimately don't care that much or not at the point of taking some hormone drug.

>> No.12225225

>I guess prince William doesn't care enough
That might have something to do with his inevitable rise to the throne as William I, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

>> No.12226222

>he's still right though

not really. the purpose of anyone taking a dht blocker is to 1) encourage hair growth/stop hair loss on their head, or 2) discourage body hair growth/stop hair growth on their body.

that's it. "trannies" also take estrogen, which is something i'm assuming you have a lot of, since your test isn't high enough to worry about losing your hair :^)

>> No.12226228

>That's because hollywood, unlike say Soviet cinema, never featured balding actors as leading man, aside from a Bruce Willis, a Patrick Sewart, Statham and a few more

matthew mcconaughey

>> No.12226518

I'm pretty sure matthew mcconaughey had a transplant too, of course he's using fina now, he's pretty much forced to

>> No.12226883
File: 135 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, alot of people have said that buzzing your hair is the best course of action if you dont have any weird bumps or lumps
i dont when i feel my head, but i was really stressing over whether i would suit a buzzcut

>> No.12227778

An actual crown is better to have on your head than natural hair, a hair transplant, a wig or anything of that kind.

>> No.12228417


>> No.12228880

What's a legit pharmacy for ordering without a script
I want to get on dutasteride