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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 143 KB, 1000x667, Black_Vneck_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12204132 No.12204132 [Reply] [Original]

People (especially women) don't give a fuck about you overprised ironic clothes.

The only thing that matters is having a buff physique and an alpha personality.

But of course you flamboyant fucks wouldn't understand this.

>> No.12204135


>> No.12204137

fitbois seem a lot more insecure desu just judging by the fact that they need to justify it by putting other people down

fashion isn't always for women, its a hobby. plus, it makes you more confident which is a big factor in attracition IMO

>> No.12204141

>an alpha personality
Something u dont have meat head

>> No.12204142

Not putting you down.

Just helping you not to spend all of your parents money on ugly ninja clothes when you could instead invest in your body.

>> No.12204146

Op is right. I always feel better after months of working out compared to some shirt I fidget around with the rest of the day

>> No.12204148

Okey whatever makes you sleep at night
fyi not everybody is as beta and skinny as you :^)

>> No.12204155

You're gonna make it.

>> No.12204159

>the year of our lord 2017
>people still reply to these threads


>> No.12204162

I used to be like you. Thought looking cool intimidating was enough. Just until someone is in your face who actually does things active other then sitting on your ass and looking at clothing puts you in your place.

>> No.12204163
File: 26 KB, 238x231, (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the bump though

>> No.12204188
File: 58 KB, 414x559, SEW_ALFUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guarantee pic related is what you look like

Fuck off

>> No.12204193

>porjecting this hard

>> No.12204212

Depends on the woman, obviously. There are a lot of male fashion red flags that put me off a guy, that for many other women wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.12204221

unfortunately for you i live in japan where nobody gives a fuck about muscle and finds /fit/ types to be gross

>> No.12204230

I should add, red flags that more sensible woman wouldn't give a shit about

>> No.12204380

Nobody who unironically uses the alpha/beta outside of being from Greek or a member of a frat/sorority look like the OP, they always look like the guy in that pic.

>> No.12204425

>poor fag
>mad because poor
Honestly kys

>> No.12204438

i hope you're being ironic because even for a cringe board like /fa/ this is possibly the most autistic thing i've seen on here, you are literally a reddit parody with that statement

>> No.12204445

B-but my thinspo :(

>> No.12204715
File: 78 KB, 640x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon made a bold claim about people not liking a body built over thousands of hours of lifting heavy items on a schedule and diet
>its not possible for people to not enjoy bodies bloated with muscle

Ottermode or death

>> No.12204852

yea but the guy saying that is not only a lying neckbeard with delusions of a country that he only knows of through animated porn but also a DYEL that isn't a shredded as fuck or even ottermode, just fat or disgustingly skinny, good job putting words into my mouth and using the """"bodies """bloated"""" with muscle""""" fat person logic to try and strawman your way out of the fact even filthy gooks and chinks don't think you're attractive

>> No.12204883

Because we compete against others of our own sex. and against our inner self


Rock climbers > alle

You won't see much niggas in this sport


>> No.12204910

I like how /fit/ likes to come here every so often to make themselves feel better and to project their insecurities by throwing insults

>> No.12206689
File: 73 KB, 500x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a lot of projecting buddy, is that where you began your fit journey from?

Truth is any body much bigger than pic related is unpractical and unnecessary and probably unhealthy to maintain. Your op is a pretty good example of this bloated aestetic, not to mention he looks like an ape.

>> No.12207822

LIFEHACK: as long as you have a 8/10 or higher face you're gravy. if you're decently /fit/ (not a bodybuilder, just toned arms, non-chicken legs, and visible abs) and have a 8/10 face you'll be able to pull almost any girl. if you're /fit/ and have a 8/10 face AND are /fa/ you're un-stoppable and people will go out of their way to be friends with you and do you favours. luckily I am the 3rd :)

also - be tall

>> No.12207824

My "overpriced ironic clothes" make me happy, confident. Thusly people enjoy me more and they like my clothes regardless.

but ty

>> No.12207838

>/fit/ this salty they couldn't get our boipussi

>> No.12207867

Someone hasnt adopted the neomasculine lifestyle. I regularly lift a 200+ pound metal break above my head.

>> No.12207875

really wrong. also roiders look so fucking tryhard and gay and their dicks dont even work well

>> No.12208144
File: 157 KB, 600x718, lkjhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh this is such bait.

Women, just like men vary in their sexual preferences, and what they find attractive. Some like big, some like tall, some like lean, and some like small. This same concept is transferrable through personality, interests, goals, etc.

People (especially everybody) want to find somebody they connect with mentally and emotionally.

Buff physique/alpha fuck you personality resonates with a specific class of women. Same goes for the opposite spectrum- the artistic more androgynous type.

Avoid extremes as to not ostracize oneself from the median opposite sex, don't be a roid-freak or some malnourished skelly.

being healthy mentally, physically, artistically, spiritually, sexually, is what makes somebody attractive.

>> No.12208164

good post
but save yourself the trouble next time and don't reply to these threads

>> No.12208211

just wanted to post my rarest pepe desu

>> No.12208218

The fact that /fit/ is full of total spergs seems to show otherwise

>> No.12208242

Agree. I'm at least a 8/10, 5'11" and 140 lb. Never had a problem with women. I've never even been rejected though I'm sure it'll happen in the future. I had a motherfucker that looked like ops pic want to fight me because his girl was trying to sit on my lap at a party

>> No.12208965

Back to your board meat head you're probably ugly anyway.

>> No.12208974

being 8/10 is very rare

>> No.12208978

>I'm at least a 8/10
post pic

>> No.12208983

I don't care about women, they're all cheater size queens.