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12188679 No.12188679 [Reply] [Original]

Is lsd an effay approved drug.

Also post trippy fashion.

>> No.12188690

no it's the most reddit drug

effay drugs are ecstasy, cocaine, opiates, benzos and cigarettes

>> No.12188729

it's effay if ur on some manson shit getting them lana del rey type hoes u feel me

>> No.12188730

t. Teenager

>> No.12188734

Only obscure Shulgin compounds with little to no history of use are /fa/ when it comes to psychedelic drugs

>> No.12188741

I had a bad ketamine trip and I've never considered drugs since. It was traumatic.
What are the comfiest, least horrifying drugs?

>> No.12188986

Opiates are by far the comfiest and least horrifying, but if your life or mental state is in anyway poor then stay far away. Oxy use can very quickly turn into heroin. Weed is in no way effay but it's comfy in the right setting.

>> No.12188994

cannabis indica

>least horrifying
don't be an idiot

>inb4 "nah trust me bro, I wont get addicted I only do it on weekends!"

>> No.12188998

Ket is fantastic tho

>> No.12189003

He's talking about the high, retard. Opiates are less panic inducing then weed.

I've done percs and never found the downer thing to be fun. I would be an uppers guy if I were into drugs. Dexadrine, Adderall.

>> No.12189008

In terms of experience while using, not as in an addict's lifestyle. Weed can be terrifying if paranoia kicks in.

>> No.12189011

>somebody asks you for something that tastes sweet
>"oh, lead is pretty good"
>wtf no that gives you brain damage
>"i was talking about the TASTE, retard"

>> No.12189013

>implying you've ever had real LSD and not some derivative chemical produced in a lab in china

top kek

>> No.12189018

ah nice, the DEA is here

don't forget to tell us how MDMA creates holes in your brain tissue :)

>> No.12189024

To clear things up, I was indeed talking about the high. Or the sinkhole of depersonalised despair, as the case may be.

>> No.12189034
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>tells himself he does the real thing

>> No.12189051

>social autist tries to buy acid and probably gets ripped off because he is a dumbass
>gets butthurt and goes on 4chan to tell other people LSD doesn't exist

>> No.12189063

He's clearly talking about the high though. Like absolutely obviously.

>> No.12189076

I wouldn't trust any "lsd" unless my chemist buddy tested it.

Not him, but that shit is almost never actual acid these days and is some weird research chemical with unknown effects.

>> No.12189090

it's still a useless an observation. I would go so far as to say the high from heroin, or maybe heroin+coke is greater than any other pleasureful sensation a human being could possibly experience. but its definitely NOT comfy when you factor in when comes after the high(s). its like telling someone if they jump out off a building its "really exciting and fun" but failing to mention the part when they hit the ground

t. ex addict

>> No.12189092

>Not him, but that shit is almost never actual acid these days and is some weird research chemical with unknown effects.
not even remotely true. do you live in the middle of nowhere or like south america or africa or something? LSD is easy as shit to find in the USA and I don't even live in a big city.

>> No.12189096

It was fashionable in the sixties and early seventies but now it's only fashionable among weird /lit/ intellectual types, chemistry majors, and those weird people who always wear baseball caps with grateful dead artwork and hang long hair and sell drugs.

That being said it is a very good drug just not very /fa/.

>> No.12189097

And you test it and know it's lsd?

>> No.12189118

Just because you had a horrible experience and spiralled downwards with your drug use you project and believe other people with healthier lives can't handle occasional use. Didn't advocate doing heroin, the occasional oxy and kratom is pretty sustainable if you have your shit together. Ex addicts who can't tolerate drug use are as bad as daily users who let drug culture take over their lives, you're still obsessed with drugs and constantly thinking about them, just on the flip side of the coin.

>> No.12189120

I have in sketchy situations (if its really underpriced for example), but not generally because 1) I usually stick to two or three sellers I trust because its convenient and 2) I'm not super paranoid

check the taste, check the paper, swallow instead of soak, and use common sense when buying and 95% you'll be fine.
I've only bought bunk stuff once in ~7 years and spit it out because it tasted like DOx.

yeah there's a lot of research chems going around, but LSD is by no means "rare". it's one of the few drugs which is locally produced in the US en masse, we even export it to other countries. it's not heroin, you're not going to get some shit "from China" lmao

>> No.12189122

I didn't really enjoy hydrocodone, shit was boring to me. I'm dating an ex heroin addict and work at a rehab. I just never wanted to fuck with anything but psychs because I knew I'd end up on meth being an uppers guy. Most I did was abuse ephedrine and caffeine pills.

>> No.12189126

Go home and cut yourself, little emo bitch.

>> No.12189129

you're a clueless moron and playing with fire. true, some people use occasionally then stop, but I can tell by your arrogance and you "this drug couldn't possibly get me, I'm smart" attitude that you're probably gonna get fucked. I call it as I see it.

also kratom isn't an opiate, it's pretty safe

>> No.12189545

Weed, caffeine, tobacco

Only /fa/ drugs, all others are overrated or turn your into an elitist asshole.

>> No.12189683
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>getting big and tasty sheet
>now just have to wait for it to arrive

havent done acid since uni, I am hyped lads

>> No.12189695
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I don't know, do you consider wooks to be fashionable people?

>> No.12189749
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>> No.12191103

Reasonable enough. But I thought
>What are the comfiest, least horrifying drugs?
>(that do not ruin your life)
was implied.

>> No.12191111

acid gave me such a fucking personality crisis the other day when i tripped for the first time

>> No.12191615

Are you sure you didn't have a personality crisis before you tripped on acid?

>> No.12191640
File: 3.97 MB, 2620x4656, P_20170129_095735_vHDR_Auto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is doing mdma e-effay onii-Chan?

>> No.12191642

Isn't LSD literally the "haha so deep so hip muh higher level of understanding" drug since the 1970's

>> No.12191652

The only effay psychedelic is dmt

>> No.12191659

no that's

>> No.12191794

Acid doesn't give anything. Only brings out what's already there

>> No.12191839

didnt read the thread further than this but research chemicals sold as LSD alternatives (i.e. 1P-LSD, AL-LAD, ALD52) are known to be simply superior to LSD-25 in every way.

>> No.12192001
File: 1.19 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSD showed me a lot...

anyone here have ego death? crazy huh lmfao

that expirence shattered my entire understanding of "myself " and the world around me

>> No.12193488

LSD > Coke > MDMA > Alcohol > Coffee + Cig > Weed

Weed is only fun with close friends. Brain fog is annoying as fuck and so is becoming a vegetable. Music while high is great though.

>> No.12193497

ketamine is the comfiest drug I've tried. nothing better than getting cozy in bed and holing to your favorite music.

>> No.12193503

Where do shrooms fit into this

>> No.12193513

swap weed and coke

coke is shitty people only pretend to like it

>> No.12193530

lol, this is what everyone says until they stop being cheap fucks and actually spend money on decent quality coke

>> No.12193626

Coke is the biggest "get what you pay for" drug