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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 800x298, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12185621 No.12185621 [Reply] [Original]

Jan 27th edition

>> No.12185684
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>> No.12185720
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>> No.12185726
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repostan, obvs I'll rate later

>> No.12185734
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>> No.12185781
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>> No.12185786

really good

>> No.12185800
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>> No.12185806

I'd prefer to see combat boots rather than sneakers here.

>> No.12185816
File: 2.29 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20170127_165730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me??

>> No.12185822
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>> No.12185823

tee is obviously two sizes too big and if you unironcially paid for a longline tee please kill yourself. otherwise this is pretty average/not really worth posting

put the sleeves down and I'd love this. those pants are god tier

please proceed to kill yourself
meh looks pretty plain. would prefer black jeans

love your fits mans this is nice

colors are nice but not sure about how i feel on the shoes and jacket. at least one of them needs to go for something more subtle

>> No.12185845
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>> No.12185853
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>> No.12185870
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>> No.12185893

ok so nothing interesting so far

>> No.12185904

These jeans are figuratively and literally fucking trash

>> No.12185913
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>> No.12185914
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>> No.12185951
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Hey hey wuttup!!!

>> No.12185977

if you're looking for interesting outfits why are you on /fa/

>> No.12185985

>Tfw no QT /fa/ gf

>> No.12185995

>tucking tracksuit pants into socks
I like the fit but don't do this

>> No.12186004

I'd like this more with a leather double rider. Come to think of it, your style could REALLY use a black leather double rider in general

>> No.12186043
File: 584 KB, 1934x1794, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like if you wear those pants you should commit to the aesthetic. shoes are ok but i'd wear a different top
not a fan of the dickscarf and i don't like the boots here

>> No.12186067
File: 1.87 MB, 742x1332, yS0uQuX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably couldve used less bulkier shoes but i love these cons 70s

>> No.12186072


>> No.12186074

i'm not sure you should be giving advice to anybody friend

>> No.12186078

idk if I agree on this particular fit, but I'll have a Falcon Garments DR1 by 2018

>> No.12186082

your pants are awful sorry bud

>> No.12186085

>I'll have a Falcon Garments DR1 by 2018
Sorry for your loss mate

>> No.12186125
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>> No.12186132
File: 2.92 MB, 1771x3148, 2017-01-27 01.43.48 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12186133

holy fuck this is awful

>> No.12186145

Awful hahaha

>> No.12186150

Yikes shame you wasted all that money

>> No.12186152

Not big on the full all saints look personally but cool pants, whats up with the scarf belt?
Chill outdoor vibes, fits ur look
Seems ok in thumbnail but really just a forced barrage of high fashion and hype
Not used to seeing button downs in techwear, nice
Would work with other boots not tims
Sometimes untuck under sweater is cool but with your silhouette, itd work better tucked
Old school. You seem either v political or skateboarder
Looks like a warehouse worker but in a good way

>> No.12186156
File: 1.30 MB, 2578x3024, IMG_1919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12186163

It's a trap

>> No.12186228

this looks like it's from ten years ago when robert geller was relevant for about 2 seasons

>> No.12186259

Nice! What leather are you going for? I have a TOJ MDR in black lamb, but the calf and goat are nicer imo

>> No.12186260
File: 459 KB, 1302x1113, IMG_20170127_103152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are my favorites in this thread

>> No.12186267

Nice! What leather are you going for? I have a TOJ MDR

>> No.12186293

I feel like this would be more successful if you binged hard drugs and were 50 yrs older.

>> No.12186299

russelbrand-core. Looks trashy

>> No.12186319


Ate those chef's pants tapered lmao?

>> No.12186321

genuinely curious what you dudes think is so awful about a very standard DR design?

Pretty sure I'm going for calf. Maybe lamb but def not goat, I don't like the graininess of the goat they use.

>> No.12186351
File: 37 KB, 755x524, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a very standard DR design?

>google "falcon garments"
>see this

>> No.12186364

They're MTM. Are you dense?

I would kinda avoid lamb desu. It's super thin and feels fragile. I've had a calf leather jacket from schott and a rick owens lamb jacket, and they both felt like armor, and aside from minor scratches both hold up very well. My Lamb TOJ jacket (FG uses the same lamb) feels like it'd tear super easily

>> No.12186366
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1836, 20170126_080035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest rate?
Im still trying to find my fit and I'm still at odds with what kind of pants i should use .

>> No.12186369

chill my nigger it is just funny to me and I have no opinion on the matter at hand

>> No.12186401

I'm pretty set on calf anyway but cheers for the heads up, I'll avoid lamb.

>> No.12186404
File: 762 KB, 1239x1997, file1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit shoes
change your shoes
wrong pants, nice shoes

>> No.12186407

looking fresh

u wearin levis now?

>> No.12186410

wow everything looks so cheap

wtf is that jacket even? an unstructured perfecto? wth is this give up

>> No.12186485

I've just now noticed how shitty and sideways the pic looks, Sorry anons, I'll get it right next time.

>> No.12186501
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feedback appreciated

>> No.12186514
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Sorry for headphones


>> No.12186537
File: 116 KB, 1334x750, 16389165_1410380462347798_514342375_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking mirror

very nice

maybe better fitting jeans

>> No.12186541
File: 137 KB, 1333x1334, 16357737_1410380522347792_829837851_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just so you can see the shirt underneath

>> No.12186557

I like it. Gives you washed up druggi / grunge look while still managing to look classy.

Cute drawings on the wall as well.

>> No.12186560
File: 2.42 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20170127_133903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working from home today hehehe

>> No.12186625
File: 2.56 MB, 2000x3555, 20170125_124552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks dope, gimme a better pic

this has become my uniform

>> No.12186629

pls be in London

>> No.12186630

Too fuccboi-ish

>> No.12186648

what are those shoes?

>> No.12186651

sent ;)

>> No.12186653


>> No.12186723

You look like a cuck.

>> No.12186753
File: 331 KB, 1152x1440, _136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is nice, my man.

>> No.12186782

Feels smokey, man.

>> No.12186818

belt, even when you don't need one, you always look better with a belt

>> No.12186828

I had the beltloops removed on these pants when I had the waist taken in. So no can do.

>> No.12186846


>> No.12186871
File: 82 KB, 1334x749, 16357770_1410440542341790_655645402_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some other fits I wore throughout this week

I think it looks good without a belt t b h
also nice shoes

Seems pretty clean, I feel like a designer wool sweater would work better than a hoodie w japanese script

>> No.12186885

also i meant to say, thank you

>> No.12186905

Yes sir. Good jean

>> No.12186966

Really dig your style !

>> No.12186998

I'm gay and boys are cute

>> No.12187013
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>> No.12187071
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please don't pretend to be me
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but over the internet it's creepy

but i do think boys are cute

>> No.12187157
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x1836, 20170127_163650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this field jacket today from Goodwill for $5. Paired it with a Gildan tee, some Goodwill Levi 501s, and thrifted Nikes.

>> No.12187396
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty baked atm

>> No.12187409

cuff yer pants so you look like you care

>> No.12187413

Looks like Rolling Stones cosplay

>> No.12187500

lol man why did you size up so much on the pants?

>> No.12187592

They're not sized up I'm just fat

>> No.12187600
File: 2.52 MB, 891x1588, jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fridays are for shopping and sleeping

>> No.12187772

Every fucking thread. Every single fucking thread when i come shitpost this little faggot just stands there and posts these stupid fits. What should i do about him? Ideas?”

>> No.12187844

what jacket?

looks good

>> No.12187990
File: 2.88 MB, 3648x2736, 1485523480250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12187997

Your beard could be a tiny bit tighter and I'd swap the shoes but pretty dang good otherwise.

I don't get why everyone under 25 is apparently depressed as fuck.

>> No.12188048


>> No.12188212

love that look m8

>> No.12188400
File: 718 KB, 1613x2165, wiawt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing the same as 3 days ago

>> No.12188452

The only good poster in WAYWT threads

>> No.12188582
File: 25 KB, 360x640, 16344276_10206671347220988_2140672396_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12188587

>le black crinkly garbage bag diaper pants man

>> No.12188592

are you serious or is this a ruse?

>> No.12188603

You're really grasping at straws here, aren't you reddit?

>> No.12188607
File: 1.84 MB, 2409x3765, WP_20170128_16_03_59_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashing this thread with no survivors

>> No.12188612

nope, just calling it as i see it. bro's entire outfit would literally melt if he caught flame.

>> No.12188615

He's right

That fit is fucking abysmal

>> No.12188619

you're ugly and have bad proportions and that fit only exaggerates that

>> No.12188684

first good outfit. w2c pants

>> No.12188714

Talk shit post fit nigger

>> No.12188743
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>> No.12188744

amazing eyebrows man

>> No.12188756

Back to /r/streetwear faggoy

>> No.12188785


>> No.12188852

Well executed
try some riskier shit you could probs do it

>> No.12188860

clean room pls

>> No.12188885

looks classy

>> No.12188937

do you have insta bb

>> No.12189156


thrift, but they are the hundreds burnt camo pants. I thought the subtle pink flowers where pretty unique

>> No.12189450
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>> No.12189456

Turbo normie.
If thats what you were going for, gj.

>> No.12189488


>> No.12189743


>> No.12189856

I'm telling you this for your own good. You look like a got damn retard.

>> No.12189917
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>> No.12189922


Do you do standup?

>> No.12190025

w2c jacket where did you find it anon?

>> No.12190035

Favorite in thread. Love the look

>> No.12190046

Shoes feel off to me. With commit and go with like black UBs or swap to a wool coat with some more greys

>> No.12190054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12190063
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>> No.12190071

are you from Argentina?

>> No.12190082

Its a combination of goyim and faggot, faggoy.

>> No.12190174
File: 200 KB, 480x854, mä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only replying to first 2 fits i see cuz im lazy af.
Cool jacket
I personally dont like this

>> No.12190213

I got some material.
But I haven't been to an open mic in so long

>> No.12190268
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Strayya so summer. Been a hermit with a long hair bogan jesus look up until a few months ago and no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.12190271


where'd you get them jackets?

>> No.12190281

Dope, id on bag ?

>> No.12190323

No, my dude

>> No.12190331

Lose the beard or start lifting. Skinny dudes with beards are weird.

>> No.12190452

yea I got em today so i kinda just threw em on.

tfw you need to start going outside more to fit the look

do you just like black shoes? I'm kidding I get disliking fbts, but In my opinion they look much better irl.

thanks senpai I'm workin on it

>> No.12190464

Yeah working on the lifting/diet/sleep atm. Super insecure about jaw though. I guess it's better to be insecure than have a weird beard though.

What do you think of 5 o'clock shadow? I look 12 without anything on my face.

>> No.12190469

you clearly live in a continent unknown to fashion and vice versa because i don't even know what that is

>> No.12190704
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big boy edition

>> No.12190844
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>> No.12190855
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>12 year olds wearing Rick

>> No.12190857

Why u in sandals and wearing a jacket kid

>> No.12190859
File: 93 KB, 600x600, b2005501_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to noose myself

>> No.12190862


>> No.12190868


>> No.12190890
File: 414 KB, 1055x1960, IMG_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy fit for studying at home

>> No.12190948

fix your hair

>> No.12190952

you should be able to get some belt loops put on for cheap, probably even within a day

>> No.12190964

If I wanted beltloops I'd have left them on, don't you think?

>> No.12190980

I dig the top, but some relaxed/slim trousers would chill the fit out a bit more

>> No.12190981
File: 160 KB, 720x640, fghf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 anger

Do your worst, laddies.

>> No.12191000

I agree with >>12186404. Wrong pants, everything else.

>> No.12191001

your $300 parka doesn't go with anything you have on. starting to think you bought that piece without anything to wear it with.

>> No.12191003

very nice. :)

>> No.12191005

all black done right. techwear done right. always dig your stuff.

>> No.12191009
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>> No.12191038

W2c top?

>> No.12191042
File: 791 KB, 1449x960, 20170129_083528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12191060 [DELETED] 

Your face is pretty ugly m8.

>> No.12191083

Mine is lee sherpa that i bought from here http://pinkomo.mycashflow.fi/product/1098/lee-sherpa-jacket

>> No.12191127


Dope jacket man, can I get an ID?

>> No.12191198
File: 387 KB, 1842x1842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12191229

slimmer pants my dude

>> No.12191231

i can dig this, are those postmans?

>> No.12191254

fat *

>> No.12191277

wat voor laarsjes jij heerlijke man?

>> No.12191279

if this is the style you're pursuing, I suggest you get the basics right in /r/malefashionadvice on reddit.

>> No.12191281

left proportions are skewed to make you look smol
probably the length of the jacket, which is a really nice jacket sadly.

>> No.12191283

I like the relaxed fit and pants with shoes. p good alltogether

>> No.12191286

Ilyaflacko storms in the room!
he uses autism-humor!
it's barely effective...

I like this, turtlenek is a good choice. regarding the instagram pic: pants seem too short/tight for your legs.

>> No.12191341

Fix the collar a bit but other than that bretty good

>> No.12191449

Way better than your usual crap, i dig.

>> No.12191487
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>> No.12191567

ty for the feedback

>> No.12191873
File: 1.47 MB, 3021x3207, IMG_0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how'd i do

>> No.12191967
File: 2.34 MB, 5184x3456, wdywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is edgy as fuck cos it's for my mate's photoshoot.

>> No.12191975

Wow, you actually made the modifications, looks alright... much too short

>> No.12191990
File: 673 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-758502931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the mallcore manlet

>> No.12191998
File: 85 KB, 162x194, 1464053594900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.12192002

i hope this is a joke
the jacket is never not gonna look autistically short no matter what you tell yourself
jacket doesnt really fit the rest but p chill
you're on borderline autistic 12 year old territory but you're riding the line well
who cares
i hope this is a joke
who cares
looks fine
looks fine, pose is ridiculous
you should blur ur face in these pics. fits are chill tho
pretty good, could go for comfier pants and less meme color socks

>> No.12192005
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12192007

I like this a lot, and it probablly looks better in person. Can you ID everything?

>> No.12192012

something tells me you don't like jean jackets

>> No.12192070

What bag is that?

>> No.12192080

thanks! sweater is old kenzo, jeans are acne and shoe are just converse

>> No.12192113
File: 1.76 MB, 2281x1471, IMG_0810[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everest fanny pack. i seam ripped the logo

>> No.12192121
File: 1.91 MB, 2117x1822, IMG_0824[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same day just with jacket+hoodie because the cold

>> No.12192125

who's patrice and which bowling alley does he work at?

>> No.12192142

Shoes look like they from walmart

Can't tell what you're going for cause of those shoes. Everything else looks classy-ish for outerwear but then those shoes.

What is that ring?

Your babyface doesn't fit with your clothing.
Cut that hair aswell, it's 2017.

Change pants to maybe distressed black jeans for a more street style -look, if that's what you were going for.

On your bedsheets with your dirt ass shoes. wtf is wrong with you? Other than that and your dirt room, it looks pretty basic.

Dont know much about fashion concerning black peoples facial and normal hair but maybe shave your face comletely and make that thing on your head longer? Looks silly imo.

I remember when I was in kindergarten and the teachers there would wear those sandals or w.e they are. pls no

looks boyish but if thats what you're going for then looks nice

Your feet are kinda thick so you shouldn't use that tight pants.

Cute face, no homo

Something in this pic triggers me so hard.

>> No.12192153

lmao, didn't even notice how many typos and mistakes I made in my post. Lemme correct

On your bedsheets with your dirty ass shoes. wtf is wrong with you? Other than that and your dirty room

and make that thing on your head shorter?

>> No.12192159

your opinions are literal trash

>> No.12192160

Idk why everyone is so ree about the jacket length here. I think it works really fucking well with the rest of your fit.

>> No.12192164

w2c pants

>> No.12192441

thanks senpai

>> No.12192477

what comfier pants would you recommend? just looser or like a different fabric? Wool? Thanks for the criticism

>> No.12192480
File: 478 KB, 1920x1080, ghettosverhindern_3_160329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So most of you guys probably realize that you look like massive fags-
How do you feel when you actually go outside and are, say, near the central train station or a sketchier part of town? There are other young people (some of whom obviously also care about fashion) who don't look like fags, how do you feel about your outfit in these situations?

>> No.12192506

other people dress like fags, fuck off.

>> No.12192507
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1722, 28-01-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12192515

fucking sick

>> No.12192518

there's some litter left on the porch

>> No.12192521


Where do you live m8

>> No.12192527

some irrelevant flyover state by the sounds of it

>> No.12192529

Not only is this tryhard as fuck, I think we all know you did not leave your house dressed like this.
/cgl/ territory if you start posting shit like this in WAWYTs, you are such a fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.12192532
File: 61 KB, 678x382, 3512433_m3w678h382q75v9920_fgg_FOTOS_saarstrasse_fgg_918bi.2-GS760C5NL.1-ORG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trier, Germany

>> No.12192534

A second zipper for dick if fucking cute.

>> No.12192543

This is a neat piece. I dig the textures.

>> No.12192545


Being in Berlin for the last couple years I can guarantee you those are not clothes people will look at and think you're a massive fag for wearing them

>> No.12192546

Love you dad <3

>> No.12192554


>> No.12192570

To me these guys look like they can be fucked with and nothing bad will happen.

>> No.12192574

when you graduate highschool you stop thinking about things like who you can beat up and who you can't

>> No.12192619

Fuck off Biggie Smalls

>> No.12192628

Like what? I figure it's easier getting girls and generally getting people to trust in your abilities if you look like a non-autist as well

>> No.12192636

>I figure it's easier getting girls and generally getting people to trust in your abilities
I like how you countered being called a highschooler with more highschool tier thoughts

>> No.12192645
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everything's genuinely really good except for whatever the things on your feet are

>> No.12192707

>millennial attempts 90s but doesn't actually have any idea of how people dressed back then besides what he's seen on instagram
>low waisted tuck

>> No.12192716




>> No.12192725
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>> No.12192753
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>> No.12192756

Knoch did it first fgt

>> No.12192775
File: 2.76 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a little bonus because ily all [pic]

fit of the shirt is real nice

incredible. that jacket thing is stunning my man

>> No.12192779

Wow the only fit I like when someone tucked the pants into the socks, good job. Silhouette is great

>> No.12192787

really good fit dude, consider tightening your boots though

>> No.12192795


>all brown faces

oh Germany

>> No.12192797

great job capturing the nostalgia of 2010

>> No.12192834


Sorry man, but a striped long-sleeve under a black tee reminds me way too much of cringey high school scene kids, they destroyed that look

>> No.12192936

dont listen to them, this is not actually that bad

>> No.12192950

listen to them, this is actually that bad

>> No.12192964

Love u huck, good fit

>> No.12192970

hey no problemo

>> No.12192974


if shirt didnt say "supreme" it would be 100x cooler. also why not white socks?

>> No.12192980

Throw out the bape

>> No.12192983

You probably cropped it a little too much but it's a good fit

>> No.12193408
File: 504 KB, 1536x1024, 038e603e58ee472ea4d2e9b22c43aa55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me n the niggas

>> No.12193432


belt + braces

>> No.12193445

Its weird that you take all your references from the internet,instead of real life.
It ends up coming off as inauthentic and contrived.

>> No.12193538 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12193541
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>> No.12193591

Do you use a little bit of eyeshadow? Love your style, fave poster on this board since you started tripfagging tbqh

>> No.12193632

Ah well, I wont defend them but they are very comfy. Thank you!


>> No.12193655

it obviously works but it's so effortless at least make the GATs look more stylish

>> No.12193690
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>> No.12193692
File: 53 KB, 499x960, jan29outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! just potsed this on /b/ but they just asked me to send nudes and whatever. One anon told me to ask here. Is this outfit good? I wear stuff like this a lot. Open to any advice Thanks!!

Jeans are old navy.

>> No.12193724

gats are boring shoes though

they look like sambas

>> No.12193756

poe i always love your fits

>> No.12193758

w2c sweater??

>> No.12193772
File: 669 KB, 1089x1161, 1474756746744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello daddy

>> No.12193786

fucking awful
please kys

>> No.12193791

no i mean you're probably going to get scammed if you're stupid enough to wait two years for a leather jacket

>> No.12194069

you look like a shrimp

>> No.12194104


You're not allowed to say that about my favorite poster.

>> No.12194235

>taking a pic in your moms backyard


at least knoch wore it in the city

>> No.12194257

They look like shit and are awful people

>> No.12194486
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>> No.12194491
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Nah, it's Ann D's derbies

Today im wearing this

>> No.12194495

The only good looking ones are on each end

>> No.12194499


top half is so boring compared to the bottom half(which I love). Tie is really bad.

>> No.12194576

Jacket is too long (and boxy) compared to the rise of the pants.

>> No.12194629

Paul Smith bb

>> No.12194658

At least you are also on a literal edge.

>> No.12194675 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 1219x1080, 612517C1-A8C3-4D9A-BBB1-2B4C703C56E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate || No hate

>> No.12195350

You look cute in these thighter clothes

>> No.12195361

Killed it at the studded boots.

>> No.12195411

i will wear thighter clothes sometimes

thanku can poe be my trip that'd be cool

>> No.12196347


>> No.12196425


>> No.12196431

your head is fucking massive. wear clothes with bigger shoulder pads and pare down the hair volume

>> No.12196495

I came here to tell that you all have terrible fashion. Not wearing full black at all times isnt even trying.

Fuck you palecore faggots

>> No.12196720

What pants would be better

>> No.12196924
File: 1.11 MB, 2448x3264, shiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this too informal for a job interview? It's a horticultural job so it's relevant, maybe a bit tacky tho

>> No.12196986

dont edit pics like this.

>> No.12197495
File: 2.46 MB, 2610x4640, IMG_20170119_133427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12197960

woaaaah boy.

>> No.12197988

w2c pants?

>> No.12198037
File: 150 KB, 785x785, 16406451_384345851919318_4228824640800440945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12198052


>> No.12198060

post full body with color

>> No.12198065

i laughed at the fucking birkenstocks lmfao

>> No.12198355

I like the original better.

>> No.12198534

they are thrifted dickies, my friend

>> No.12198689

I don't get all the hate, your hi-top fade is hitting!