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File: 181 KB, 750x1063, 4L_CCjNKC3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12183034 No.12183034 [Reply] [Original]

wtf uniqlo

>> No.12183047


>> No.12183049
File: 230 KB, 736x1104, 6aeb0a3c4c87b4e1b2bd8fea04c2cb71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the caliphate of canada
this girls a qt though

>> No.12183051

I don't see what is wrong with this

>> No.12183053

Nothing wrong with it if it weren't directed at muslims.
Call it a headscarf, not a hijab.

>> No.12183062

what if i told you that "muslim clothes" existed long before islam and Muhammad ? i mean look at their environment, cultural attires will always match the climate/nature.

maybe these people find headscarves/hijabs aesthetically pleasing, not being politically correct, but people CAN find hijabs aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.12183071

why do they have to call them hajibs though? market them as headscarves so I can buy it and not be accused of cultural appropriation

>> No.12183079

well because they ARE hijabs, my self conscious kkk friend.

>> No.12183081

They can be effat when they are loose and hang off the face like the one in pic related.

The tight wrapped ones and the shitty american flag one that popped up during the Woman's Meme march are fucking stupid.

>> No.12183084

WTF i hate uniqlo now

>> No.12183090

Isn't there only one Uniqlo in Canada and it's in Toronto?

Really gets those neurons firing

>> No.12183093
File: 106 KB, 840x559, hussein_chalayan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been done

>> No.12183102
File: 28 KB, 504x850, 779a14e9b38443c3f9b0a61095a7d42c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183149

If a non-muslim woman wears a headscarf, no one minds.

If a muslim woman wears a headscarf, no one minds.

If a non-muslim woman wears a "hijab" she will likely be called racist, insensitive, ismlamaphobic, and a cultural appropriator.

You alienate a large potential buyer base with this terminology.

>> No.12183156

hijabs are /fa/ as fuck

I'd convert to Islam just to wear a hijab every day

>> No.12183158

i hate my fucking country

>> No.12183160

only jews are racist.

>> No.12183163

nice try im a different flavour of filthy degenerate, inuit

>> No.12183171
File: 86 KB, 720x1058, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ss98 Chalayan was beautiful.

but yes it's really nothing new.

>> No.12183186
File: 28 KB, 604x604, 1479923815585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.12183204

I'm a very firm critic of Islam and a small part of me I don't vocalize irl about it glad Trump is trying to shut off immigration from "terror-prone" countries but
>there are products that will be bought
>company sells them

Wow sound the fucking alarm

>> No.12184272

They've done several Hana Tajima collabs like this before. Why are so many of you posting like this is some new shocking thing. They've done about the same number with her as with Ines de la Fressange. Have you been living under rocks or something.

>> No.12184278

>anti "degeneracy", girls with tattoos, pre-marital sex, etc etc.

>anti Muslim too

What's /pol/'s reasoning?

>> No.12184294


>> No.12184343

girls who choose to wear head coverings for religious purposes are a market like any other, clothing companies will make clothes and people might buy the clothes

>> No.12184361

Why? What specifically about Islamic practices don't you agree with? Obviously there are extremists, not disagreeing that there are numerous attacks that have been brought on by Islamic terrorists. But what about Islamic doctrines and practices don't you like?

>> No.12184366

>lol wat

>> No.12184369


>> No.12184432

Please tell me they're opening a new location outside of Toronto

>> No.12184440

>living in Canada and living nywhere else but Toronto

>> No.12184499

I don't get it... What's wrong with this?

>> No.12184509

nobody is complaining about the fact that a company is selling hijabs being wrong, but the fact that its CANADIAN UNIQLO.

not some backwater shitty arab country, not some backwater shitty arab company, but UNIQLO CANADA.

RIP the west. liberals in their retardation will end up normalizing the things they hate the most (violence, sexism) by giving muslims so much "freedom of religion"

>> No.12184515

They frighten me and I'm jealous since I cannot grow a beard.

>> No.12184540



>> No.12184551

>non leaf commenting on leaf activities

>> No.12184554

Dont you have a crashing economy to deal with you autistic spic fuck

>> No.12184557

>more specifically toronto
>not shitty

Fucking nuke toronto and get it over with

>> No.12184613

/pol/ has so much in common with fundamental islam it's not even funny

>> No.12184642

>Japanese muslim
don't see that every day

>> No.12184647


>> No.12184672

sounds about right

>> No.12184674

dont you?

>> No.12184685

>>12184674 My currency isnt 21:1 with the usd and my country isnt run by cartels you 3rd world faggot

Stop just dropping trip whenever makes fun of you and just drop trip and fuck off

>> No.12184690

chalayan redpilled af

>> No.12184695

You know, I bet Muslims will assimilate quicker into a culture if you don't constantly ostracize and berate them.

>> No.12184706

Uniqlo's pretty big in Malaysia, which is ~50% Muslim. They already sell this stuff over there.

>> No.12184708

Its not a muslim exclusive thing which is nice. I mean people have shared cultures for centuries and its nice to see it happening again without accusations of cultural appropriation, even if uniqlo is cheap jap shit.

Being modest should be marketed to women again, but being exclusively middle eastern wear is a bit fishy. Labeling it as a headscarf would be more appropriate.

>> No.12184714

But theyre not assimilating and theyre not ostracized in canada you retard esp. When they live in self segregated pockets in the gta

At least theyre not demmanding sharia yet

>> No.12184717

A moderate response huh

Theyre probably just trying to capture the large muslim population in the gta desu

>> No.12184718

Hey, it takes time.

>> No.12184719

>Mohammed's wife, Aisha
>Mohammed's treatment of Jewish tribes of Medina, slaves et. al
Not saying that all Muslims are bad, but there is plenty that you can criticize about the religion
That really worked well for Sweden with all those "refugees" they took in.

>> No.12184722

Do you think the process is instantaneous?

>> No.12184750

>"pieces inspired by the baju kurung"
>that unsure feeling when traditional fashion from your unheard-of region is going mainstream

>>there are products that will be bought
>>company sells them

Supply and demand, anon.
This has been around in S.E Asia (y'know, where Japanophilia is sorta more mainstream) for a while. Though, I'm a bit intrigued at the Canucks' demand for this, and how they're gonna receive the more regional stuff (see first point).

>> No.12184751

Muslims didnt just appear in canada overnight either

>> No.12184763

Honestly, it should be taking place way faster especially seeing how Sweden and other countries practically bent over backwards for them, in many cases shitting on normal citizens in the process.

It's almost as if they don't want to assimilate.

>> No.12184764

What's your point? They're clearly assimilating. You think that the chick in the photo or other women who shop at a fucking UNIQLO are going home to Muslim extremism?

Maybe it's a bad idea to take in large amounts of immigrants. Probably depends on the situation. But it's almost certainly a bad idea to make them feel like complete outsiders once they're there.

>> No.12184781


Im not even sure what you're trying argue here no shit not every muslim is a terrorist

Its pretty clear you're not canadian so why on earth are you trying to argue the tennets and benefits of large scale muslim migration into canada without any understanding of the nuances of canadian culture and our history of immigration

>> No.12184789
File: 12 KB, 411x369, 1454463471465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't the majority of the Muslim immigration to Sweden happen in like the last two or three years? I have no idea if Sweden did the right thing. Lots of things can make a person not assimilate (lack of housing, jobs, etc.) besides social acceptance.

I'm an immigrant to the USA myself, and I can say that it took me years to adjust, and I'm white and moved relatively young. In my country, for example, we always used to get in schoolyard fights for the dumbest reasons--it was never punished, and it was constant. When I came to the USA I always got bullied, because that's how kids are. Violence was my natural response for years, until I realized after two years of in-school suspension and disciplinary hearings that it just wasn't nearly as accepted here as there. There are lots of cultural things I still do that aren't American (I shop at ethnic stores, use metric system, and so on), but I still went to college, have a job, commit relatively few crimes, etc.

I just think this expectation that people have of Muslims instantaneously fitting into a culture so different from theirs is unrealistic. Maybe it'll take decades. My parents certainly haven't assimilated nearly as well as I have.

>> No.12184800

I'm just arguing it's probably a good thing the UNIQLO sells hijabs. Yeah, I'm not Canadian, but not being Swedish doesn't seem to stop a whole lot of people from commenting on their immigration policies.

>> No.12184807

Ok thats ancedotal at best and doesnt apply to canada at all considering classes in southern ontario (which is where the majority of muslims in canada live and also where the only uniqlo in canada is) are becoming majority non white, its not like muslim kids growing up in schools are their own little islands they are surrounded by people who look like them sound like them speak their first language its not like it was even 10 years ago

>> No.12184817

Ok but i havent talked about swedens policies at all thats not an arguement also it doesnt make you less ignorant that other people are ignorant

Uniqlo selling hijabs is a neutral action, simply a company reacting to rapidly changing demographics

However it has concerning political undertones about the future of canada

>> No.12184839

what's wrong with this? you think muslim girls all wear burka?

>> No.12184842






>> No.12184857

I'm pretty librul and am all for more diversity of my country, but there's a lot of worrying inequality inherent in Islam. Also, sharia is fucked up.

>> No.12184929

Just so you know, this Hana Tajima line isn't new and has been sold in the US.

You have to remember UNIQLO had Indonesians and Malaysians

>> No.12184940


...in mind, not ay-rabs

>> No.12184980

If women who cover their hair are modest

Does that make women who don't cover their hair immodest?

Hmmmm, really make u think

>> No.12184994
File: 177 KB, 487x700, 1484825718852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people just automatically associate head coverings with islam despite them being a mainstay of many traditional cultures. you'll find depictions of european women with their head/hair covered dating back thousands of years, until quite recently it was a common practice.

some catholics still practice this, as well as groups like the mennonites, hutterites and amish.

>> No.12185012

someone needs to tell that whore to cover her hair