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12175465 No.12175465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is yellow fever /fa/ ?
Asking for a friend

>> No.12175469
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ooooh yes it is

>> No.12175473 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x899, Bgp9HP1CQAAghdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

siiiiiiiiiiiiii hummmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.12175476


>> No.12175515

Is it yellow fever if I'm Asian? Asking for me

>> No.12175526

I'm half asian and I think I have yellow fever

>> No.12175531

sauce pl0x

>> No.12175561

Being attracted to good looking asians isn't yellow fever, that's jsut being attracted to people who are good looking. Yellow fever is when you're attracted to someone simply because their asian.

>> No.12175607


>because their asian

their asian what?

>> No.12175627

That building looks extremely suspiciously like the university I go to.

>> No.12175673

just because

>> No.12176243


>> No.12176366

Why their penis weenis of course

>> No.12176385

yellow fever is as played out as vaporwave


>> No.12176447

being attracted to women who look like this is perfectly normal

being attracted to any third-rate pinoy just because she has slanted eyes and a different skin tone is some wack pseudo-fetish shit

>> No.12176484

No it isn't effay because it's usually low test beta males who play a lot of video games and watch japanese animations who have yellow fever. Their fetishization primarily stems from the false belief that adian women are more submissive and shy, which all in all comes from watching too much anime which romantacizes being a quiet, introverted male who thinks he is smart. That is very attractive to men in the real world who are that type and that draws them to asian culture and also their women. But in the end, every society sees men like that as bottom specimen of the hierarchy. It's because they are. And if you are quiet, shy, withdrawn and anxious as a male you aren't attractive or effay.

Now there is nothing wrong with being attracted to beautiful asian women, because veing attracted to beautiful women in general is normal. Yellow fever, the fetishization, on the other hand is an indicator that you are a low value male due to the things that cause yellow fever in the first place. I pity average asian girls who get hit on by gross white beta males who are looking to make a complex and deep human being their anime girl they delusionally dreamed of.

>> No.12176489

If she's high test, yeah.
This one is freakishly thin. It's scary

>> No.12176618

Stop liking fatties you pig-fucker

>> No.12176762

How is someone racial preference of a group considered fashionable? That doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.12176766

Oedipus complex desu

>> No.12176773

>tfw find asians ugly
>tfw they are the only girls who have shown interest in me


>> No.12177015

Yellow fever is pretty embarassing

so no

>> No.12177383

>This one is freakishly thin


>> No.12177628

my dick says yes but my /pol/ says no

>> No.12177727

I'm half asian and asians disgust me. Then again, my mother also disgusts me, so maybe >>12176766 is relevant.

>> No.12177815

Many asian women are very beautiful but saying that you have yellow fever and only masturbate to asian porn is pretty stupid, autistic and embarrassing.

>> No.12177959

/pol/ isn't effay

>> No.12178013

fetishes are never effay lol

>> No.12178118

>Dating a white grill
>Most of the grills that ask me out are Asians
>Majority of friends are Asians

God forcing yellow fever on me, but I reject his bullshit

>> No.12178358

>most of the girls who ask me out
Wait a minute, girls approach you?

Fuck, man...really makes me wonder.

>> No.12178617

>this one is freakishly thin

you must be fat as hell anon, cause she's quite healthy looking

>> No.12178626
File: 192 KB, 865x1317, 1460947391802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you made that point

I'm Asian myself and generally prefer good looking Asians as well. I always felt a little conflicted as to wether or not it was yellow fever (ironically)

>> No.12178642

it's not hard when you have decent social skills, anon-kun

>> No.12178652

Dating Asian bitches is fucking awful, so I don't really think so

>> No.12178656

He's not wrong though, her legs are way thinner than the average person

>> No.12178737

"yellow fever" is when you date asians because you think their race makes them have some innate personality traits like being submissive waifus. simply being attracted to a certain features is fine as long as you remember that they're individuals with their own personalities

>> No.12178739

where to cop sweater?

>> No.12178742

No it isn't effay because it's usually low test beta males who play a lot of video games and watch japanese animations who have yellow fever. Their fetishization primarily stems from the false belief that adian women are more submissive and shy, which all in all comes from watching too much anime which romantacizes being a quiet, introverted male who thinks he is smart. That is very attractive to men in the real world who are that type and that draws them to asian culture and also their women. But in the end, every society sees men like that as bottom specimen of the hierarchy. It's because they are. And if you are quiet, shy, withdrawn and anxious as a male you aren't attractive or effay.

Now there is nothing wrong with being attracted to beautiful asian women, because veing attracted to beautiful women in general is normal. Yellow fever, the fetishization, on the other hand is an indicator that you are a low value male due to the things that cause yellow fever in the first place. I pity average asian girls who get hit on by gross white beta males who are looking to make a complex and deep human being their anime girl they delusionally dreamed of.

>> No.12178822

Only if you're a Non-White guy
White guy with an Asian girl screams "I'm on the spectrum and have an obsession with submissiveness"