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/fa/ - Fashion

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12172981 No.12172981 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12172991

blacks that care about the shoes i wear. fuck off i don't criticize your meme ramen noodle haircut

>> No.12172997

Nigs acting like Jordan brand shoes are real Jordan's. Nigs acting like real Jordan's are nice in any way b

>> No.12173000

when negros wear band shirts that aren't rap. stay in your own lane jamal

>> No.12173005

rap is a white man's music

>> No.12173010


i said stay in your lane jamal. you speak when spoken to

>> No.12173011

3/3 are triggered by negers, i approve of this thread

>> No.12173014

>implying jew produced nigger rap is indicative of the quality of rap as a genre
I bet you think movies are shit because they're all made by jews now, cuck.

>> No.12173041


>> No.12173045

white people scared of black ppl bruh keep it 100, the internet is da only place where white mfs can get away wit talkin shit

>> No.12173053

See you at church next week nigger.
t. Dylann Roof

>> No.12173075

what's wrong with OP? babe?

>> No.12173089

It's obviously a monkey in clothing.

>> No.12173093

i would love it if every time someone on 4chan said "nigger", a picture of their face was auto posted just to see the neckbeards lul

>> No.12173095
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>> No.12173097

that would be funny

>> No.12173098




>> No.12173307

ITT neckbeards and cucks blaming blacks for their own social insecurities.

>> No.12173339

I call my token black friend (joking obviously, he's a real friend) a nigger all the time and he hasn't attacked me for it yet, maybe you're just a thug lol
Also usually attack in groups because you're no less cowardly than the strawman neckbeards you're thinking of

>> No.12173401

i could care less about what chicks wear, for the most part they're beyond saving, so those things don't even trigger me anymore

what triggers me on guys: stupid/outdated haircuts like the undercut or the topknot, too skinny jeans especially on not too skinny fatlets, pre-distressed jeans, pinroll/cropped pants with no socks in winter, cheap ass snapbacks still worn with flat brim (wtf, it's 2017 now, those were last cool two years ago)

so mostly the stupid shit, which is not practical

+1 any kind of distressed jeans on negers, i don't want to see your ugly colored (hairy) legs

>> No.12173404

ITT: a cuck libtard trying to blame other people for talking about facts

>> No.12173419
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Only thing that triggers me with females are these ugly sandals like pic related and certain earrings

idk why but if a girl wears ugly earrings i don't wanna be near her

>> No.12173560

People that use the word "trigger"

>> No.12173579

what about them? be careful, it includes you know, hereby we have written proof that you used the word "trigger" at least once in your life

>> No.12173711

whites = master race

>> No.12173948

What part of stay in your own lane dont you understand jamal? I know you're a nigger by try to pay somewhat attention

>> No.12174143

Nigger means not human, something not even your own species. If you call him that, he's not your friend.

>> No.12174365


>> No.12175464
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>> No.12175539
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dad hats on girls

>> No.12175546

really? i think certain girls look hot as fuck with dad hats on

>> No.12175549

>ramen noodle haircut


>> No.12175696
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>> No.12175714

>friend says wants to be "high fash"
>literally broke as fuck
>spends his money at semi cheap mall tier clothing
should i tell him that im worried about him being so bad at managing his money or should i just mind my own business

>> No.12175719

i noticed maybe 6 dad hats on my way to college today. 2 on a group of skaters, 2 on a pair of asian girls, and 1 each on two girls by themselves. all had a small embroided logo

>> No.12175733


>> No.12175743

A hot take

>> No.12175775

Nigger comes from the spanish "negro", meaning black.

>> No.12176106

If you mean triggers my dick yes that body and style triggers my dick

>> No.12176134

Admittedly I wear a baseball cap, but only if its sunny (It's summer here presently), windy or a little rainy.

>> No.12176565


>> No.12176571

Black people trying to look /fa/. Terrible style here in london

>> No.12176580

Leggings and crop tops
Joggers and runners
Predistressed clothing
Cps,gats, etc
Old schools
Basic shit in general

>> No.12177789
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>> No.12178099

Buying a 70 dollar hoodie for you to brand their shit for no other reason

>> No.12178119

You mean 700?

I don't get Supreme either. At least Bape is different looking and distinctive for the price. Supreme hoodies are basically just a plain Hanes hoodie with a red bar logo on it.

>> No.12178259


>> No.12178323

Chances are he'll get defensive as fuck but that's a judgement call you'll have to make on how shit a person he is.

>> No.12178341

itt: cancer

>> No.12178344

sorry, gotta call samefag on this one

>> No.12178540
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>he seriously believes this

>> No.12179377

Ralph Caps
Shitty fast fashion bombers

>> No.12179471
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>> No.12179480
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>> No.12179482

This really cheap sheet dresses you can buy at grocery stores

>> No.12179486

neckbeards triggered by this post need to go back to their safe spaces LUL beta snowflakes tbqh.

>> No.12179496
File: 60 KB, 783x1056, 0409-GQ-RC04.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything posted on GQ magazine triggers the fuck out of me.

>> No.12179499
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you don't like Margiela?

>> No.12179500
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>> No.12179512

yeah, their styling is so stupid and played out at this point

whatever idiot first pitched the idea to corporate to have all the models strike goofy 'in motion' poses should be shot

>> No.12179522
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>> No.12179765


holy shit american gq is literal untermensch tier

just like the population lmao

>> No.12179771
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>> No.12179782

>>12175775 In Italian "negro" has about the same weight as saying nigger in English