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/fa/ - Fashion

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12170355 No.12170355 [Reply] [Original]

post advice for working out and diets

>have massive lower body, skinny upper body
>tree trunk thighs/ass/calves, both muscular and fat on top of it
>Quads jut out from biking to school every single day, and used to do a shit ton of squats from playing soccer back in high school
>everything else looks skinny, stomach is flat with partial abs
>5 ft 11, 155 lbs, trying to lower it

Seriously I look like someone took a regular person's upper body and fuckin glued it to a chubby powerlifter's lower half. I need some help and /fit/ will just tell me to "appreciate" my legs. Ideally I would like to just be skinny honestly, not muscular. If I ate like 1000 calories a day would I lose this leg/ass fat? Unfortunately I still have to bike a shit ton. Honestly I'm almost considering that in the summer after I'm back home I'll just sit in a fucking wheelchair and let my legs atrophy while starving myself, but I don't think that's feasible. I'm seriously desperate desu, Wat do?

>> No.12170921

First off, chill the fuck out. /fa/ has a weird obsession with being super skinny, which is utterly retarded. There's nothing wrong with having some tone to your muscles. You have two options: do a shit ton of cardio and eat less food, or gain muscle on the top half of your body so you look less like a retarded tree trunk.

I recommend the first route because if you eat at a caloric deficit, that is, if you eat in a way that is constantly having you lose weight (especially in addition to cardio), you are going to feel like shit. And that's very un-effay.

>> No.12170993

Lift to balance out your upper body. The only people who are too muscular to look good in most clothes used drugs to get as big as possible and it simply can't happen to a normal human bean.

>> No.12170998

This, you can't get too big natty unless you're under 5'7".

>> No.12171019

Go to thinspo

>> No.12171162

I just want to be able to fit into slim pants, that's it. I can't fit into most jeans it just looks like I have sausage legs. I can work out my upper body but also would like to lose lower body stuff, and if I "balance" out my lower body I'll really look ridiculous

>> No.12171174
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont work out
>tfw you eat unhealthy foods on the daily
>Still only 137 pounds and im 6'1''

Only bad thing I have is acne issues

>> No.12171184

>/fa/ has a weird obsession with being super skinny, which is utterly retarded.
what's retarded about a fashion board wanting to be skinny? that's literally 80% of the battle for looking good in what you wear.

I think you're a salty fatty

>> No.12171186


>> No.12171191

you're still 137 because of the amount you eat, still a horrible diet though.