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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 581x824, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12156848 No.12156848 [Reply] [Original]

I love how comfortable joggers and will probably be sad if everyone hates on them. I wont stop wearing them though.

I'll be just like that old person that still wears bell bottom jeans, but with joggers.

>> No.12156873
File: 396 KB, 500x750, 13319788_574248502734548_2009916308420165653_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joggers can be fashionable yes, but not in your pic

>> No.12156880

i fell for the meme and bought some shitty ones from jcpenney

feels bad man

>> No.12156881


I'd say get some higher quality joggers, because everything from companies like Macys, JCP, American Eagle etc. are all just garbage produced so they can jump on that joggers money when they boomed in popularity for a bit.

However I dont have enough responses to justify telling you to because they could be shit in general.

>> No.12156892

I like adidas soccer pants, mostly because they don't have the cuff at the bottom like those.

>> No.12157121

>buy black jogger chinos from target
>flip the elastic up into the pant leg
>suddenly have mid-to-high rise perfectly tapered pants in just the right length
Possibly the best $20 I've ever spent on clothing

>> No.12157173

pics plz

>> No.12157290

I wear joggers al the time

they're not fa, just really comfy

>> No.12157316 [DELETED] 

joggers were literally never /fa/shionable

they went straight from a single kanye pic to h&m, asos and zara catalogs.

there wasnt a single fragment of time in this dimension in which they were fashionable

im very sorry

>> No.12157320

>they went straight from a single kanye pic

I really think they've been around a bit longer than kanye friend

>> No.12157462

what are some good jogger sources? zanerobe etc or what would you consider

>> No.12157643

If this thread is still up when I get back from work I will deliver

>> No.12157727

they never were, you fucking dip.

>> No.12158296


I now exclusively own joggers, I'd say best higher end are Zanerobe, I love ugly

Best low end are Cotton On, and any name brand you can get on clearance such as basic Nike or Puma

>> No.12158443

Thosr are good for the gym and lazy days

>> No.12158459

>mid-to-high rise
total bullshit

i've never seen a pair of joggers that wasn't completely saggy and frumpy in every respect
not long at all

>> No.12158506
File: 913 KB, 1280x853, publish-brand-legacy-jogger-pants-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent $90 on twp pairs of Publish Brand Legacy Joggers, their top of the line, water resistant joggers and they have held up nicely and look great. This was back in 2014. My friend bought some for $20 at Hot Topic and American Eagle and they look like shit.

Pic related. I cant wear mine anymore bc ive gained some weight but currently working on shedding these extra pounds.

>> No.12158681

>reading comprehension
They're black chino joggers
As in not sweats
As in not saggy
The only thing that sets them apart from normal chinos is the taper and elastic cuff

>> No.12158714
File: 85 KB, 960x1002, lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12158812

Yeah and most not sweat ones are also saggy.

>> No.12158932


>> No.12158934

how much weight do you have to gain to not fit into joggers anymore

>> No.12159009

>all these high-end brands beginning to make sweatpants

its happening for a reason, whether you like it or not

>> No.12159711


>> No.12159715

athleisure is literal cancer

>> No.12159729

wow literally??

>> No.12159736

Bought some joggers from Wrung, fit me well, and arent baggy. 65€ for a pair tho

>> No.12160151
File: 122 KB, 900x900, dickies-160921-1_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these in every different color and I don't care if they are pleb, I love them.

>> No.12160163

they are beautiful, where can I buy

>> No.12160895

only thing i hate about joggers is the fucking knee bagging

>> No.12161820

if you have the money, Loro Piana lmao

>> No.12161826

Ralph Lauren

>> No.12162181

Am i the only one who hates fucking soccer pants?? Feels like i'm wearing womens yoga pants. Those things are way too tight

>> No.12162199

Don't get the XS size then

>> No.12162237

Joggers are comfy and don't look bad, but I'm rather tired of seeing them everywhere. While trendy, I don't consider them "fashionable." They're basic bitch fuckboy-tier. Especially when paired with meme running shoes, they're the male equivalent of yoga pants and JUICY sweats stuffed into uggs/cheap boots. Perfect for wearing indoors, but not outside. I especially hate the ones made from anything but sweat material is it mostly kills the comfy aspect. Get properly tapered chinos/jeans/trousers if you want that silhouette.

>> No.12162299
File: 63 KB, 736x939, 881cafa14ae6d5cf9f9933d0e13cfe89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you on crack

Joggers are in right now and look very good

They're so simple and casual to wear but yet look so good

>> No.12162318


This is fucken garbage, noy helping your point

>> No.12162372 [DELETED] 

sure it is you fucking sperg

Post a better outfit. Lets see that /fa/ outfit of trenchcoats and autistic military boots school shooter tier

>> No.12162376

sure it is you fucking sperg

Post a better outfit. Lets see that /fa/ outfit of trenchcoats and autistic military boots school shooter tier

>> No.12162407

nah they came back about 3 years ago when yung lean was still relevant, now it's just 15yo's who think they're road wearing these sorts of joggers for day-to-day wear

>> No.12162416

pic or it looked like an anal prolapse of fabric

>> No.12162428

Post a better fit then

Idgaf about what /fa/ autists think, you guys wear the cringiest shit. It's what the public thinks, and the public agrees joggers look nice. Except for those autistic shoes in OP that dont work with joggers at all

>> No.12162450

haaha fuck off kid you can't put everyone on /fa/ into one category if you're here yourself and don't consider yourself a 'sperg'

jsut face it wherever you are from is either well behind with whats in or you're under the age of 18

>> No.12162461

>wont post a better fit

Lol stay /fa/ faggot

>> No.12162464


Having to one up someone is not necessary when we are just saying that the jogger you posted is fresh doodoo

>> No.12162466
File: 357 KB, 510x676, Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 01.32.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than this? bruv it cant be done this is the fit to end all fits

>> No.12162478

w2c arm braclets??

>> No.12162479

>Joggers are comfy and don't look bad, but I'm rather tired of seeing them everywhere. While trendy, I don't consider them "fashionable." They're basic bitch fuckboy-tier. Especially when paired with meme running shoes, they're the male equivalent of yoga pants and JUICY sweats stuffed into uggs/cheap boots.
This is pretty much it. There's nothing wrong with wearing them, they're just not new or exciting. They're just pants now.

>> No.12162492
File: 44 KB, 514x680, d56d400d80861829ad6d52a5868297df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont post a better fit

Girls and chads like chads. Autistic /fa/ neckbeards dont

Which opinion matters? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.12162498

christ, it gets better and better

yeah i've lurked here most winters for maybe 7 years, havent posted a pic of myself once, dont plan on starting now

>> No.12162561

you dont need a pic of yourself you fucking idiot, post a better outfit. google image one

lets see it

>> No.12162664

Depends on your personality really. Still popular w/ nogs
If you have the confidence to rock em, you'll rock em.
H&M joggers are the best $20 investment you can make

>> No.12162701
File: 1.10 MB, 901x2075, %22%22%22%22%22joggers%22%22%22%22%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic, and it's not the most daring outfit, I admit, but I think these pants look pretty good for $20

>> No.12162715

they're just ok. Not the same vibe as properly lengthed and cut ones.

>> No.12162725

>all this talk about joggers
>no techwear

What the fuck

>> No.12162738

Yeah, obviously I would prefer that, but I still haven't found a decent tailor where I live, and like I said, they were only 20 bucks

>> No.12163101
File: 87 KB, 600x900, 815061430b94c95645f21e62f250d1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post a better fit
>posts a fagboy with a purse, no sense of proper proportion or silhouette, and a filled diaper
I hope you're joking. Literally anything else would be a better fit. I don't even think joggers look bad, but if you think THAT is a good fit you're an idiot.

Pic is a random from GI. While I don't like the boots it's a good example of working with an unconventional silhouette, different textures, and pulling a monochromatic look off well. Even if you don't like it, it's better than looking like you never left high school and like you just shit yourself something massive.

>> No.12163105

Not bad, but you can tell it's tucked in. My advice is to cut off the elastic cuff and hem the pants.

>> No.12163113

That drop crotch looks fucking retarded.

Just because the guy is good-looking and muscular, doesn't automatically make the fit good.

>> No.12163123

Yeah, I've been meaning to do so for a while. Just paranoid that I'll mess up and I can buy a backup pair because they don't carry them anymore.

>> No.12163124
File: 88 KB, 900x511, 24705a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to take your regular boring ol pair of joggers and wrap black WW1 puttee's around them for that WW1 Militarycore...