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File: 55 KB, 604x604, 1484369553710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12148729 No.12148729 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>12142667

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"
removed by mods :o(

>> No.12148737

Who's that girl? I'd like to masturbate to images of her, but I need more.

>> No.12148738

Stay hoodratted

>> No.12148747
File: 72 KB, 317x379, 1472826519161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being on nofap
Sorry though i have no idea.

>> No.12148755
File: 466 KB, 1527x2315, IMG_20170115_221543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i thinspo?

>> No.12148760
File: 684 KB, 1000x2018, horseasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, plus taking photos of you legs in a lounging position is cheating.

>> No.12148766

Eh. You're thin. But a little too bulky for /thinspo/ imo. More like hairless ottermode.

>> No.12148772

Not sure. Post underwear.

>> No.12148773

Victoria maybe

>> No.12148791

>that outie

>> No.12148792

>that guy
>too bulky
holy fucking shit

>> No.12148802

Not too bulky for normies but too bulk for to be thinspirational. Lurk moar.

He is undoubtedly closer to otter than thinspo. Because he's got a good amount of muscles, which is not the /thinspo/ aesthetic.

>> No.12148810

How many calories are you eating daily?

I have a 1800ish TDEE and eat around 300-600kcal

>> No.12148811

Dont be mean to me anon

>> No.12148814


>> No.12148815


>> No.12148825

if you mean the girl in OP, I'm pretty sure she's "steqhs" on insta

>> No.12148830

700/800, but sometimes take a drink with friends

>> No.12148845

how to lose fat in my gut? or is it just bad genetics?

I'm fairly thin

>> No.12148851

your bellybutton is one of the grossest i've ever seen

>> No.12148854


>> No.12148855

600-700 daily for me.
I went a bit overboard this weekend, but I'm back to normal tomorrow.

If your gut is chubby, start working out to tone it up.

It kind of looks like an unused condom.

>> No.12148868

you can't target weight loss,it has to be from everywhere

>> No.12148889

>If your gut is chubby, start working out to tone it up.

Terrible advice. If your gut has fat, it could be genetics in that your genetics and hormones decide where you body stores fat first and thus where it loses it last. But you gotta reduce your body fat overall and let your genetics decide where it comes off. You can't spot reduce fat. It's like a bathtub. You can fill it up or drain it all but you can't, say, remove fat soley from the head of the tub, or just the middle part, without artificial means.

>> No.12148894

oatmeal is fucking fantastic

i haven't had it since i was a kid and saw it mentioned in a thread recently and decide to make some today. had a good size bowl and i feel so full

>> No.12148898

Fasted cardio is said to target lingering fat. Not sure if true, but worth investigating

>> No.12148899

how much do you eat and how many calories?

>> No.12148900
File: 35 KB, 480x480, C8kgVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /fph/?

>> No.12148904
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>> No.12148910
File: 71 KB, 960x1280, 1449376312062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12148917

1 cup and 1/2 plus with some blueberries and craisins probably around 250 calories give or take
( according to google )

>> No.12148920

how much is 1 cup in tablespoons?

I always was paranoid about that and eat like 4 tablespoons of oatmeal boiled in water

>> No.12148924

according to internet I've got 9.2% body fat, is that good?

>> No.12148926

16 lol

>> No.12148933

post pic

>> No.12148951

I'm at the theater right now, gonna watch Manchester by the Sea. I'll post when I come back to my house

>> No.12148956

I discovered steel cut oats recently, holy shit.
1/4 cup of those, cooked in vanilla almond milk, then I add a tablespoon of natural PB, and serve over about a cup of fruit.

It's a godtier breakfast, honestly.

>> No.12148960
File: 55 KB, 620x400, glasgowian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. Unless they are in this thread. Then I only lowkey dislike them for letting themselves get fat but like them if they make a genuine effort to turn it around. That doesn't make them some sort of hero tho.

>> No.12148965

Anon will surely deliver.

>> No.12148968

why give people leeway when they're the ones that allowed themselves to get fat in the first place?

>> No.12148970

thats sounds delicious will have to try it in the future

>> No.12148971

In what way am I giving fat people leeway? Genuinely curious.

>> No.12148978

Very reasonable. I'm similar. I used to be fat so I know it's possible to go from fat to thin (well, bmi 19) and it's not some kind of heroic achievement, it's just what you're supposed to do.

>> No.12148989
File: 238 KB, 818x548, 1471503856239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless they are in this thread
>but like them if they make a genuine effort to turn it around

>> No.12148994

maybe like is a strong word. I meant like them more as opposed to fat people who have "tried everything" and are still fat. Or who struggle to eat sub 2000 calories and look for support online for not being a fatty.

>> No.12149025

I only hate those who "don't eat but are not losing weight" or "have a bad metabomeme" or shit like that

I will respect any fat person who says they are fat because they like eating because at least they're being honest

>> No.12149046

>at least they're being honest

I think that's even worse because they know they're doing permanent, irreversible damage to themselves and society. Fatties produce more garbage, more waste, they take a toll on our healthcare system by getting beetus and heart attacks at age 35, and now little kids have dedicated plus size sections in the US.

All because they won't moderate themselves around food.

>> No.12149059

>implying i care

I never said i care,i will just not argue with them and by "respect" i mean i will immediately shut up to not be a dick

>> No.12149074

^fatty detected

>> No.12149081

I am underweight as fuck :^) probably lower bmi than yours

>> No.12149095

>I am underweight as fuck :^)
don't jostle your double chin too much

>> No.12149105

This. I hate fatties who sit and wallow around, complaining and wondering why they're fat as they stuff a chocolate cake down their gullet.

I don't mind people who are fat and happy with it. I think it's a good thing to be happy in your own body. It promotes more productivity and self-care than self-hatred over your weight does.

>> No.12149112

They just fuck up with their portions

I can eat some cake and still be thin if i don't overdo it with the calories,in fact everyone is like that

The problem with fatties is not that they eat junk food,it's that they eat a lot of food,any kind

>> No.12149144

some people have horrible parents that let them get fat as children, once you're fat as a child you're basically fucked because its nearly impossible to get your body used to a healthy weight and diet

>> No.12149157

that was me, 4'9 and 150lbs, now 5'3 and hovering at 98, my skin is vile but we all gonna make it brah

>> No.12149162

How do you feel at 98? I know body types are different but you're my height and that's my goal weight. Do you feel like you could go lower?

>> No.12149169

tfw 5'9 and 105lbs

>> No.12149174

Hey faggots, get some fucking muscles

>> No.12149176

u first, nerd

>> No.12149178
File: 105 KB, 750x1334, crewsocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good evening thinspo. too lazy to take new pictures but just wanted to say stay safe and healthy! good vibes for the new week

>> No.12149181
File: 141 KB, 750x1334, 1484272520597[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149182
File: 193 KB, 409x594, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.09.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna dump some qt thinspo girls i follow on ig, i sincerely hope i don't get them reported or something

>> No.12149183

>no bulge

>> No.12149186
File: 433 KB, 593x593, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.10.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149192
File: 271 KB, 471x578, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.17.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149195

I could go lower, there's still parts I'm not happy with but I've only just reached maintenance. I can fit in all the clothes I want to fit in, have a nice thigh gap, I'll see how I feel in a few months I guess

>> No.12149199

What about a comparison of thinspo girls and regular fit girls with similar clothing for comparison.

>> No.12149209
File: 470 KB, 593x594, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.22.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149214

fuck off, one day I will get a gf

>> No.12149216
File: 484 KB, 582x585, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.23.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, I'll try to find some. This is all I've got for now.

>> No.12149219

Surely it can't be /that/ small, right?

>> No.12149232

I have never measured it...

>> No.12149234

i think it should be classified as child abuse

>> No.12149238

measure or post a pic then, anon
Sure it's not terrible

>> No.12149239
File: 752 KB, 592x591, Screenshot 2017-01-15 at 5.27.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite artist is pretty /thinspo/ imo. any other thinspo art or artists?

>> No.12149240

that girl in the left looks 'cute'

>> No.12149242

Good enough, it makes it easier to claim thick thighs as slutty- lookong and thin thighs as cute in similar clothing. Currently making anothor thinspo image adrssessing this like >>12148760

>> No.12149250

naaah... I am fine bro

>> No.12149253

agreed, its literally the same thing as starving your child and leaving them malnourished. overfeeding and fast food is just as bad if not worse, because then you have consumerism and corporate brainwashing coming into play for children.

I hate my country so much, fuck normalization of obesity,

>> No.12149260

she's softglowgirl on IG. her face is..interesting and her legs are thicc but overall i think she's pretty cute.

>> No.12149272

her face is actually cute but her makeup makes her look like a weird sickly doll

>> No.12149278

it's such a bullshit double standard. if you get so fat you can't walk the government will give you taxpayer dollars to fucking sit around and consume food all day until your death at age 40-45

if you're anorexic they can legally institutionalize you against your will until you put on weight.

>> No.12149307

The government wants us to get fat. That's how they make their money.

>> No.12149313

yup. and the food industry is in our highest levels of government. i mean it's just now coming out that the palm oil in nutella is cancerous, and they've known that for years.

>> No.12149350
File: 522 KB, 2656x3192, I+d+try+and+convince+you+i+m+not+a+sad+depressed+_b2e2867fb4913fc15501e5678320e625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149358

>tfw my mom was so obsessed with keeping me from getting fat I developed a severe ED and ended up obese
I'm working through it now, but honestly I feel like the fear of fatness needs to be decreased in our culture. So many parents worry about their kids becoming fat that they end up fucking them over and making them hate themselves. Sports and exercise need to be seen as fun, and not used as punishment, and healthy cooking needs to make a comeback - especially learning how to properly use and cook veggies and other things.

>> No.12149373

the fuck lmao, are you not in the US? 40% of adults are fucking obese.

btw it's not your parents fault you became fat. you just overate like literally everyone else, except you think you can blame it on mom

>> No.12149375

>fear of fatness needs to be decreased in our culture
are you not from America? here its the opposite. we need fear of fatness because parents think its no big deal. and then we have skyrocketing rates of heart disease, diabetes, bone problems, joint problems, etc etc from fat kids growing up fat and malnourished.

>Sports and exercise need to be seen as fun, and not used as punishment, and healthy cooking needs to make a comeback - especially learning how to properly use and cook veggies and other things.
this is so true. convenience has killed American household. now if you try to reintroduce actual health-made food people will be unable to handle it because it costs more time and effort -- maybe if they didn't work the lower classes to death for pennies they would have time and money to cook for themselves instead of take-out and frozen pizzas.

>> No.12149380

>overfeeding and fast food is just as bad if not worse

no it isn't just as bad or worse. malnourishment leads to severe uncorrectable developmental issues, whereas a fat kid will at least develop just fine.

i'm not saying it isn't bad, but don't compare it to something like starving your child or doing something dumb like putting them on an all raw vegan diet.

>once you're fat as a child you're basically fucked because its nearly impossible to get your body used to a healthy weight and diet

this is an excuse. you might harbor poor insulin sensitivity and leptin resistance, but this doesn't make you incapable of losing weight, it just makes it more difficult.

>> No.12149381
File: 436 KB, 2048x1536, AJ44Qda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like the fear of fatness needs to be decreased in our culture.
pro-obesity movements need to die. you get to 300+ by age 23 and you literally live til 35-45 years of age. and no one is talking about how fucked up that is.

>> No.12149389

>whereas a fat kid will at least develop just fine.
and get diabeetus at age 30.

it's funny you're talking about malnourished and assuming the fat ones aren't. those kids haven't touched a vegetable in years and eat processed chicken nuggets, mcdicks, beetus juice, and chips every single day. they are overweight and severely malnourished

>> No.12149400

>it's funny you're talking about malnourished and assuming the fat ones aren't

they're not.

>hose kids haven't touched a vegetable in years

doesn't matter. all essential amino acids and micronutrients can be found in meat, poultry, and milk, including the meat/poultry they use at mcdonalds.

>> No.12149401

are you retarded mate? feeding your child fast food, junk food, processed shit etc IS MALNOURISHMENT. you can grow up fat and still have developmental issues from not getting enough vitamins, as well as excess of fats and salts in your system, hormonal and puberty issues from high body fat, not to mention the extra social stress. yes, it IS as bad as starving your child, unless you starve them to death obviously.

>this is an excuse.
people use it as an excuse, and I didn't say its impossible, I said NEARLY impossible. statistically it is very very unlikely most people will recover from childhood obesity. it sets you up for disorderly eating patterns and all kinds of physical and hormonal changes, and you have to not only be smart but have a very strong will, whereas somebody who gained weight from being lazy in college for example can recover more easily.

>> No.12149405
File: 139 KB, 632x980, IMG_1331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends, 90lb Chron's Disease victim here, am I thin enough for you?

>> No.12149407

>10 cents has been deposited into your account, McDonalds Inc. thanks you for your cooperation!

>> No.12149411

>are you retarded mate? feeding your child fast food, junk food, processed shit etc IS MALNOURISHMENT. you can grow up fat and still have developmental issues from not getting enough vitamins, as well as excess of fats and salts in your system

please shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about

>hormonal and puberty issues from high body fat

yes and no. adipose tissue can increase the rate at which testosterone aromatizes to estrogen, but the increase is not particularly high.

kill yourself you misinformed cunt. people like you are everything that is wrong with these threads--you lack the most basic knowledge on nutrition and parrot nonsense because you've read it enough times to think it's true.

>> No.12149413
File: 74 KB, 619x960, 16111652_1268681706508354_539156708_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why that picture uploaded

>> No.12149417

>20 cents has been deposited into your account, McDonalds Inc. thank you again for your cooperation!

>> No.12149422

oh god, is this like the food version of the popular "le cigarettes are perfectly health!!! its all anti-tobacco propaganda!!!" meme on /sci/?

>> No.12149424

I am in the USA, but my mom was abusive, and my weight/appearance was one of the things she really targeted. I was always told I was fat, ever since I can remember. When I was 12, I was put on the Slim Fast diet (a meal replacement for breakfast and dinner), and forbidden from eating at the house, even snacks or meals with the family. When I could eat, I wasn't allowed to get my own food, my mom plated it for me, and even salt and peppered it because she was afraid I would put too much on.

I was 5'3" and 115lbs which isn't fat at all, and any chubbiness would have gone away naturally with puberty. But my mom was adamant that I needed to be below 100lbs, and I think a lot of it was because she was a fatass herself, so she projected onto me. Everybody else in the house was allowed to eat normally, except for me. It led to me binging when she wasn't home, and later in high school I became severely bulimic.

Looking back at family photos back when she started putting me on diets, I was actually really shocked to find out that I was normal, and even skinny. I really thought I had been obese my entire life. I've finally gotten back a healthy relationship with food though and don't feel bad/guilty when I eat, or that my self worth is directly related to my weight. It's given me a lot of self confidence and leads to me feeling better, and taking care of myself. I've lost almost 30 lbs so far, and I hope to be a normal size by the beginning of the summer.

>> No.12149429

are you really so stupid that you've convinced yourself that meat and poultry are bad for you?

jesus fucking christ

red meat has protein (obviously), b12, zinc, iron, b12, phosphorous, and ALL nine essential amino acids.

stop fucking posting and go read a fucking book

>> No.12149431

that's fucked up, sorry to hear

best you can do it move on and make sure you raise your children better than that

>> No.12149434

>you've convinced yourself that meat and poultry are bad for you

>imaginary argument with imaginary person

anon I hate to break it to you, but you may have schizophrenia

>> No.12149445

>somehow eating more meat, eggs, and dairy leads to nutritional deficiencies in micronutrients and amino acids present in meat, eggs, and dairy

why are some people here so stupid?

does fashion appeal to people who just aren't very intelligent in general?

>> No.12149450

>blah blah blah milk eggs dairy amino acids blah blah other stuff no one said or even mentioned
wtf who are you even talking to?

... is this a bot?

>> No.12149457

apparently no one here can read either

>feeding your child fast food, junk food, processed shit etc IS MALNOURISHMENT

>those kids haven't touched a vegetable in years and eat processed chicken nuggets, mcdicks, beetus juice, and chips every single day. they are overweight and severely malnourished

>> No.12149462

Nearly there MtF cutey, just reduce your calories intake and you'll be good to go.

>> No.12149500
File: 70 KB, 413x319, 1442975655961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>106 replies since 4:15
damn this is a long way since it took four days to fill a thread before the new year

frof was made illegal by mods :o(

>> No.12149515

fatties and their new year's resolution they will give up on by february

>> No.12149518

>those calves
she's a strong medium

>> No.12149534

Is stevia a meme like aspertaine? Coke Life seems pretty low on calories and I can stomach it unlike diet. Or is the difference marginal enough that I may as well drink normal Coke instead?

>> No.12149545
File: 180 KB, 750x750, IMG_1708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time deciding how small I want to get..is 5'2 110 lbs small enough? Right now I'm 130, lost 10 lbs so far. I use to be 98 but my family started to worry. That was about five years ago.

>> No.12149547

>Is stevia a meme like aspertaine?
what do you mean?

also just stop drinking soda you fat fuck, it's not that hard

>> No.12149557

not bad but "lets hide half my manface with a phone" gives it away

>> No.12149562
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 12825864_831127087014399_633040939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google image search beautiful people gives you nothing but thin humans
>google ugly people and it's fatties and obeasts

just a friendly reminder

>> No.12149575

I like it every once in a while. But aspertaine fucks with how your body stores fat cells and makes you gain more weight than processed sugar would.

>> No.12149579
File: 828 KB, 1944x2592, wdupfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wdup senpai havent been on fa in quite some time. first thread was thinspo, its only destiny.

cba getting up to take picture but heres my carcass

how you guys feelin tonight?

>> No.12149592

No one can tell you how you will be happiest looking.

>> No.12149599

Jfc, her head is like a bratz doll but otherwise she is flawless.

>> No.12149603

>how you guys feelin tonight?

Good now that I figured out why I have been so hungry lately. I feel like my entire life is back on track. :^)

>> No.12149609
File: 276 KB, 1104x750, IMG_1035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a very angled face but I'm not a man

>> No.12149618
File: 609 KB, 1008x1395, 1465009078290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this list is unreliable. I want to look like Brad Pitt though is there a different routine I can do?

>> No.12149623

I reduced my calories a lot but I'm pooping even more than before because I'm eating so many veggies and whole grains instead of calorie dense junk. Unexpected benefit of dieting.

>> No.12149629

what on earth are you talking about. so you have to be skinnyfat to be thinspo?

just kys man

>> No.12149634

whaa? not even mtf?

>> No.12149644

*my man

>> No.12149662

You're pretty I like your hair

>> No.12149671

first time fasting in 3 months and Ive already had 6 cigarettes and trying not to order pizza while watching the chiefs

>> No.12149676
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 320732_272762369433631_527657597_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I already have a very angled chin but since I lost too much weight with chron's disease, my cheeks look very caved in, giving it a manly appearance

>> No.12149709

Reread the comment thread, friendo. Then kill yourself.

>> No.12149712


>> No.12149729

good to hear you're doing well!

it's funny how little things like that make us feel better and change perspective so quickly. life goes from meh to all good just like that

>> No.12149741

stevia and aspartame are both fine

>> No.12149742
File: 46 KB, 400x574, 1473883925321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's also after school midterms/ finals and getting warmer it's ideal time to remember you hate yourself

>> No.12149808

>But aspertaine fucks with how your body stores fat cells and makes you gain more weight than processed sugar would.

no it does not

>> No.12149933

how 2 cop effay gf?

>> No.12149949

just bee urself

>> No.12149950

whats a good thigh size for a 6'1 145-150lb guy?

>> No.12149951

There's no way you're a legit female, you look too masculine to be one.

>> No.12149968

Cute. Hope you feel better. Are you able to manage it at all? What are the main symptoms? You have to poop a lot and feel like you have a stomach ache all the time?

My dad has some weird stomach thing going on and they finally gave him something opiate based to stop the craps. It doesn't get him high,though, or I'd be taking it.

>> No.12150005

Show us your legs and we will tell you if you should go up or down.

>> No.12150026


it's pretty obvious female here. sorry for calling you a dude, there's so many nasty trannies around photoshoping pics that i assumed

>> No.12150031

I have that shirt!!!

Ate a shakeaway today, considering throwing it all up because I actually feel nauseous

>> No.12150115
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1482461542452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the kik still around?

>> No.12150135

is there a discord?

>> No.12150151


>> No.12150222
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1000, i think i love you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12150326


>> No.12150345

Isabelle Huppert?

>> No.12150434
File: 23 KB, 400x288, tumblr_lcybpsP5gz1qe4nyno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here used to hang around MPA back in the day? It was a lot of fun before it got invaded by fat SJWs and people triggered by anything that wasn't hardline pro-recovery.

>> No.12150476



>> No.12150483

i still hang out there. it's okay, it's been overrun by fatties though which is legit hilarious

>> No.12150557

redpill me on intermittent fasting

>> No.12150604
File: 277 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12150628
File: 35 KB, 134x94, smilextra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give this a watch m8

>> No.12150645
File: 48 KB, 564x752, 1482836211018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always nice to be able to cook really good low-cal food when I actually feel like eating. Tonight I made tofu jjigae and several dumplings. All of it probably about 400

>> No.12150738

ilu frof

>> No.12150785

depends on what you want to look like. i'm 5'3" 110lbs and nowhere near as thin as most of the girls posted here. i think you'd have to be ~90-95lbs at our height to be true thinspo

>> No.12150912

is there any way to possibly absorb less of what you recently ate?

>> No.12150914

eat less

>> No.12150926
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>> No.12150928

Anyone here fasting for weight loss?

>> No.12150980

i only fast, i never "diet". perpetual low caloric intake is a miserable way to live.

>> No.12150984

If you're already at or below 10% bodyfat, how soon after losing 1.5 to 2 lb a week will it begin to show?

>> No.12150989

>If you're already at or below 10% bodyfat, how soon after losing 1.5 to 2 lb a week will it begin to show?

think of losing bodyfat like unrolling a roll of paper towels. as you get closer and closer to the roll (leaner), each equal sized sheet (let's say they're 1lb of fat) gets you closer to the center than the previous.

the leaner you get, the more noticeable changes become.

>> No.12150991

Ate like 900 calories today,it was a refeed day:(

>> No.12150997

Reminder that Auschwitz mode is never attractive.


>> No.12151002
File: 41 KB, 552x928, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about cyclist-ottermode

>> No.12151017

that is not aesthetic

>> No.12151035
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ah.. fellow cyclist!
slender and tough!

>> No.12151049

In the pastebin there are blueberries as low calories fruits, do they also have good nutritional values? They seems to be composed mainly of carbs, you eat them for vitamins/minerals or what? Also, aren't them quite expensive? Is it possible to cultivate them indoors like you can do with basil/mint?

>> No.12151091

drop her instagram link?

>> No.12151140

I'm a big fan of IF and this is a great video for explaining it to people. I never really knew why it worked so well but this all makes a lot of sense.

>> No.12151148


>> No.12151165

Something that most of the world doesn't understand is that fruits and veggies have more than just carbs and minerals and vitamins. They have naturally occuring chemicals galore. They are practically pharmaceuticals. blueberries ine particular always make me feel happy and optimistic unlike any pharmaceutical can. You gotta eat like 4oz a day for that though, frozen is preferred because those "fresh" berries in your market are likely MONTHS old. Frozen ends up being fresher.

>> No.12151175

he seems to be talking about multi-day fasting

>> No.12151244

So the 'happiness' you feel is not something psycological? They seem worth a try if I manage to find, t senpai

>> No.12151259

Yeah. I wasn't expecting it at all and the only lifestyle change I had made in the previous days is cracking open that bag of frozen blueberries I bought a while ago and ate 170g with breakfast.

>> No.12151266
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>every weekend
>im thin enough I can enjoy the weekend and eat what I feel like

>every monday
>dont eat all day

>> No.12151270

Nice. I eat pretty normal on weekends, then during the week I do IF. For breakfast on the weekends I try to avoid carbs to keep my insulin from spiking too early in the day, but otherwise eat normally.

>> No.12151282

I was chubby-fat as a child, but turned skinny in my teen years. It really fucked up my way of looking at my body, and is probably why I'm in this thread right now.

>> No.12151283

you should stop connecting food with happiness senpai

not really related to weight loss

>> No.12151287

>do they also have good nutritional values?

not really

you don't really need to eat fruit, but if you want something sweet, berries are generally your best choice

>Something that most of the world doesn't understand is that fruits and veggies have more than just carbs and minerals and vitamins.

no they aren't

>They have naturally occuring chemicals galore. They are practically pharmaceuticals

no they aren't

>blueberries ine particular always make me feel happy and optimistic unlike any pharmaceutical can.


>> No.12151288

literally didn't even mention that word
>eating habits aren't related to weight loss
>attitudes about eating aren't related to weight loss

>> No.12151294

>Being this wrong

God please come to kill all the people who are wrong on the internet.

>> No.12151297

some of you are ten times worse than the broscientists on /fit/

literally nothing you dumb fucks post has any factual basis whatsoever

>> No.12151298
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This. That idiot must work for the blueberry lobby or something.

>> No.12151300

You're dumb.

>> No.12151301
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grimes is the best thinspo <3

>> No.12151306

Got any science to back up your magic blueberry claims?

>> No.12151308

What's the goal thinspo body for men?

>> No.12151311

Lots of mealcucks here and mealcucks don't get into science (or else they'd be using intermittent fasting).

>> No.12151315

ottermode desu senpai

>> No.12151329

i would FUCK claire

>> No.12151332

You're not worth it. I don't care if you ever are happy again. The person I talked to believed me and he'll know I was telling the truth.

>> No.12151334

wow that's lewd.

>> No.12151335

You're a nutcase. You're literally on antidepressants and you think blueberries are what are changing your brain chemistry.

>> No.12151340
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not that anon, but blueberries are very powerful. Especially taking as a suppository. I do this every morning with 8oz. It's a little chilly to put 8oz of blueberries up my bum, but and I'm very happy, even in the winter.

>> No.12151348

>that lewd a f chest exposure

>> No.12151375

is that cute or slutty? I'm similar build.

>> No.12151382

it's qt

>> No.12151386


>> No.12151476

qt. only slutty if you have big boobs.

>> No.12151515

/fit/izen here.

That sort of body is achieved via diet more than exercise. You need to keep about 10 to 12 percent body fat, or less depending upon your genes. Eat a high protein diet to keep/build muscle mass.

The exercises listed in that info graphic would probably work, but you could achieve the same with calisthenics. Just the normal push-ups, pullups, sit ups, and one legged squats would do it.

>> No.12151568


>> No.12151605
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Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking. I'm gonna shoot for 100 and see how I feel/look. It's tough for me because my boyfriend loves my body now..and my family will surely notice weight loss so drastic on me. I'm going to try to be as discreet about it as possible. Good luck on your weight loss endeavors anon!

>> No.12151615
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>> No.12151621
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>> No.12151624
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>> No.12151629
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>> No.12151633
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>> No.12151746

Not that anon, but, was in a similar position. If you see your family often, you can lose weight slowly and they won't notice as much. Biggest problem is when someone else sees you for the first time in six months and you are 10% smaller and say something in front of your family (even if it's positive).

>> No.12151766

Just to play the devil's advocate here, a girl I went to school with was/is morbidly obese. Her parents (both slim) wouldn't feed her junk, took her to doctors and nutritionists, tracked her intake, but she was still fat. She'd get food from her friends at school or she'd sneak food out of her kitchen when the parents weren't looking. The only thing they could have done differently is put a lock on the kitchen cabinets and fridge but someone would have probably alerted CPS if they had done that.

>> No.12151771

My fitness pal says there is only 80 calories in 120G gala apple seems pretty low
Anyone know the accurate calorie count?

>> No.12151842

80 to 100 is the norm I believe. Or that's what I've always tracked it as.

>> No.12151844

No, you catch them doing that you ground them, take away their privileges, their phone, etc increasing as they gain weight (which means they are lying to you and cheating). Fatties are really easy to catch, if it's your kid would just have to track them a bit tighter and catch them a few times - each time punishing them.

>> No.12151926

i have no libido since i started my cut

>> No.12151963

apples have 54 kcals per 100g

>> No.12151978

depends on the variety right? there are a lot of different kinds of apples

>> No.12152001


>> No.12152029

Ok I hope so

>> No.12152085

I'm at about 1100 kcal (TDEE = 2400+ kcal) today. I'm feeling really low energy and hungry, how do I fix this?

5'11" 130 lbs

>> No.12152092

My TDEE is only 1500

>> No.12152106

Stats? M or F? I'm male and walk a lot.

>> No.12152108
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this is nofap on easymode

>> No.12152112
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This is me BTW, do I look thinspo yet?

>> No.12152115

are you a mealcuck?

>> No.12152123

Yeah. I know it's a bad idea, but otherwise I get stomach rumbles in class...

>> No.12152136

Pretty good. Nice Jaguar as well, with the stripey t-shirt you look proper shoegaze/britpop.

>> No.12152159


>> No.12152168

After a few days of IF you get used to it. Also you could move your eating window before class. For example your eating window could be 6am to 10am or maybe 9AM to 12PM (then you have a small breakfast and a moderate lunch or whatever, then no dinner).

The problem, memes aside, with being a mealcuck is that you get insulin resistant as fuck leaving you starving and with a low BMR. If you can do IF you lower your insulin resistance, up your BMR and eat a bit more with the same weight loss results (just easier to maintain).

You could also look into a keto diet but fasting is so much easier.

>> No.12152171


>> No.12152175

My main problem with being a mealcuck, is that I pretty much have to eat dinner every day cause of my family. Can't wait till I move out! (Thankfully not long)

>> No.12152190

why is this

>> No.12152204

Do you still restrict just as hard with IF or do you eat "normally" ?

For example, would eating three 200cal meals throughout the day be the equivalent of eating one 600cal meal with IF? Or does the fasting part call for higher intake?

>> No.12152213

>Thinspo General
>post thinspo
Why are you all calling this thin-"spo"???

I mean, I get the portmanteau, but apparently whoever started this was a moron.
Thin + Inspiration ≠ thinsp"o"

People writing how they speak. Not just style or tone or pace or something, as if interpreting a casual speech pattern. No, literally writing things based on how they sound.


You /fa/ children truly have no self-respect. Public schooling, my God.

>> No.12152222


>> No.12152233

I guess that explains it. What a generation.

>> No.12152234

no you're autistic
noun: inspo
something or someone that serves as inspiration or motivation.
"we can provide outfit inspo"

>> No.12152254


>> No.12152257

Post underwear

>> No.12152265

I'll take that as a yes ;)

>> No.12152267

Same intake.

>> No.12152270

No, I mean post underwear so we can be sure. You're wearing baggy clothes.

>> No.12152308

How much are you intermitten fasters eating in a day? When I go without eating I get terrible headaches.

>> No.12152331
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Drink water.
I usually eat once a day, around 5-7pm

>> No.12152336

Do you put salt in it? How to get started? Also want to know how much to eat. I eat 600 calories currently.

>> No.12152338

Have any of you tried a fitbit to help keep track of your TDEE? I was thinking of buying the fitbit zip because it's cheaper and easier to hide.

>> No.12152344
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Sorry bout the shitty picture quality.

>> No.12152347

I prefer normal tap water, sometimes with lemon juice added & coffee in the morning/early noon.
You get used to it pretty fast imo, just be strong during the first few days.
You can eat as much as you want, as long as you stay under your TDEE. Just go with what feels right for you and maybe lower with time.

>> No.12152357

I just thought about it and I think I've been doing intermittent fasting all along. I eat 6 hours after waking, then again 6 hours later, meaning I have an eating window of 6 hours and fast for 16 hours in a 24 hour period. Is that intermittent fasting?

>> No.12152358

they lack macro nutrients but are high in micro nutrients

>> No.12152366

Nice. Thanks for sharing, anon. You look good. Stats?

>> No.12152370


this was me

>> No.12152375

Undoubtedly thinspo :^)

>> No.12152379

you have shit bone structure you should start working out, being thin only works if you have long clavicles compared to hips

>> No.12152394

I wasn't going to say anything because I thought it was mean. I have the same sort of hips/waist bulge and I wonder if it will ever go. I am not thinspo yet though.

>> No.12152401

Same amount. I actually find lower the calories, the tighter of an eating window I preferred also. So when I was eating only 1500 calories I did a three hour eating window because I actually felt full. On 1800 calories I'm doing a 4-5 hour because i'm just maintaining/slowly dropping/already at goal weight.

>> No.12152403

>long clavicles compared to hips
What does this mean? English isn't my mothertounge.

>> No.12152408

Where are you from?

>> No.12152412

Denmark, why?

>> No.12152415

Just curious, friendo. :^)

>> No.12152454

from a evolutionary psychology point of you should probably be hunting when you're so hungry instead of fucking

>> No.12152461

My ex gave me a concussion and now I have to eat normally for like a week :( I'm 51 kilos want to get to 48

>> No.12152503

lol rekt stupid roastie

>> No.12152515


>> No.12152559
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>> No.12152569
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>> No.12152575
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>> No.12152585
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>> No.12152592

you have narrow shoulders and wide hips

>> No.12152600
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>> No.12152601
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ESSENTIAL thinspocore here. Highly recommend. Anyone else seen this great film?

P.s. watch with 48+ of no sleep for maximum comfieness

>> No.12152607

Falling for nofap meme in 2017, wow

>> No.12152612


I'm not the only one

>> No.12152649

>watching the thin documentary again

>> No.12152658

>that one gay anon who asks where every boy is from

i wonder where he's from

>> No.12152665

Which one?

>> No.12152679

>falling for nonofap meme in 2017
lmao degen

>> No.12152689

Thin. That's the title, sorry.

>> No.12152724

she is the couch

>> No.12152772

shut the fuck up.

>> No.12152777

23 inches.

>> No.12152782

Make me.

>> No.12152815

>eat at defecit
>gain muscle mass

>> No.12153161

I've cracked, /fa/. 3 slices of pizzas and a big bowl of frosted wheat. I regret nothing.

>> No.12153288

>falling for the evolutionary psychology meme
it's probably just lethargy and maybe a little of your body not functioning properly from lack of sustenance

>> No.12153298
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Lads i'm at 9 stone and a half (5ft 5) and i'm not losing anymore weight the usual way (just having low calories and not eating shit)

I've started calisthenics, should I start doing cardio too? Really want to get to 8 stone, so close to losing my fat

>> No.12153301

Well if you want to drop a stone stop carrying them. Learn to use real measurements

>> No.12153316
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>> No.12153319

At least use kg, christ what kind of measurement is stones. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.12153348
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is this thinspo

>> No.12153352

>people pretending to be thinspo
>not even posting half naked
what's even the point

>> No.12153364

Can't wait to move out and eat lowcal all day every day
>two pieces of pita bread
>bunch of carrots
>2 tbsp hummus
>2 eggs w/ salt, pepper, & tabasco
>500 calories

>> No.12153397

Off topic but I work at panera bread full time and literally everyone is sick except me and two other people.
Is everyone fuckin and catching it like that or am I just super immune?

>> No.12153481

Because it's technically not /soc/

>> No.12153569

panera bread has the grossest employees. mine has them taking smoke breaks outside near the drivethrough 24/7

>> No.12153650

man how do you guys fight cravings. Any advice? I have a killer sweet tooth so its really hard

>> No.12153659

I like to lick a salt lick whenever im craving potato chips.

>> No.12153667

basically replace the feeling with something else. make sure there's nothing sweet in your house that would be unhealthy. add things like fresh fruit to plain yogurt or tiny bits of vanilla or honey.

>> No.12153742

>and my family will surely notice weight loss so drastic on me

Iktf. I lost weight really slowly and I'm not even that small (5'3" 125 -> 110lbs over like a year) but my parents are constantly commenting that i look too thin

i'm aiming for 100lbs too so good luck to both of us anon

>> No.12153753

right is too much desu

>> No.12153755

stones are even more retarded than pounds. use kg

>> No.12153787
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i just started doing pushups and now i dont feel like passing out all the time :+)

>> No.12153793


>> No.12153798
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looks good senpai! I had a fainting problem a while back but that was all dehydration. I drink plenty of water now!

good for you ^^

>> No.12153802

guys bodies are so ugly

>> No.12153809

also are those sol republic headphones senpai?

>> No.12153824

i dont have more tbqh i delete p much all my pics


>> No.12153835
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ah cool! I have those in gold I think. I'd post a pic with em but late/tired. I only have these 4 from last week.

>> No.12153867

woman or twink?

/fa/'s oldest game

>> No.12153874

you decide anon. but I'm pretty sure I've got 2 x chromosomes

>> No.12153901
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same chick though

>> No.12153905
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>> No.12153915
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>> No.12153918
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>> No.12153922

>nose bleeds every day
Why can't I even supplement without fucking up

On average about 700-750 kcal, in the morning and when I feel like it (I'm used to IF and have GERD as an extra motivator so I don't feel the need to eat in the evenings anymore)

I used to have constant headache for over a month but it's gone now, I guess I either got used to it or it's more carbs (still don't make it to the basic 130g/d but increased a bit since only like bread, I eat about 70 a day I think)

Yeah when it came out I don't remember shit anymore
Watching black swan right now but MC annoys me so I kinda stopped halfway through

I'll post when I'm a thinspo

Make low kcal sweets? (with sweeteners etc.)
Or eat something sweet in small quantity
I can't really relate since I hate most sweets but it should be doable

You could always have kleinfelters

>looks basically the same but with better arms
what's the point

Now this one actually had a change

>> No.12153923
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>> No.12154070

Is the right from WWII or something? Doesn't look healthy at all.

>> No.12154271

>tfw decide to make a stirfry with leftover veggies
>vastly underestimate the caloric values
>1000< calories just for a bowl
Looks like I'm going to aim for about 4-500 today to try to even things out.

>> No.12154429

New thread:

Bump limit reached.

>> No.12154741
