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/fa/ - Fashion

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12144241 No.12144241 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ drinks?

>> No.12144257

Gin and tonic.

>> No.12144292

old fashioned

>> No.12144301
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>> No.12144310


>> No.12144339


>> No.12144346

Moscow Mule

>> No.12144393


>> No.12144421


>> No.12144423

B A L T I K A 9

>> No.12144431
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black coffee

Slavcore: vodka

Terrorcore: vodka

Punk/crust: cheapest 40s you can find & jack

Americana: bourbon

tumblr-tier/hypebeast: energy drinks and starbucks


>> No.12144710

Fedoras drink root beer and shit.

>> No.12144726
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Is crystal Pepsi effay? (Ripped from Instagram)(mine)

>> No.12144734

Fucked agan

>> No.12144735
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>> No.12144800

can we all agree no sodas are /fa/ and the most /fa/ drink is tea

>> No.12144810

White Russian is pretty good.

Going to a bar tonight. Smoking hash outside and meeting friends inside. If you drink something because you want to be perceived a certain way by others kys.

>> No.12144831

Well. most models drink vodka, lime, sodas, so probably that. It's a fucking terrible drink, but fashion isn't about the quality of the drink.

If you want to drink something good that also looks good, you're looking for straight spirits, or spirits on the rocks. Brandies, whiskies, and rums will all work, as will any classic cocktails.

Drinking wine without food is a good way to out yourself as having no class.

That said, there's no need to think so much about your drink. Just have whatever you enjoy.

>> No.12144838

booze, my friend, is for getting fucked up - so either basic beer or vodka are your best options. Avoid that fancy shit, that's for faggots.

>> No.12144846

Typical pleb response. Stick to your shitty lagers and Jagerbombs if you want, but stop dragging others down to your level. You don't have to be a snob to enjoy a decent drink.

>> No.12144864

The Definitive List incoming:
San Pellegrino or Santa Vittoria
Any tea from any Parisian tea house
Coffee, hard to define good coffee but anyway.. (obv. not nespresso)
Normal still water. If you live in a place where you can drink tap water put it in a crystal jug.
I don't drink but i would guess whisky or scotch because their bottles looks best.

>> No.12144875

Go choke with your chocolate stout or whatever faggot's are overpaying for.

>> No.12144879


>> No.12144947

literally anything not pretentious and not full of glucose and artificial flavouring is effay if you're effay

just relax and don't be a retard

>> No.12144963

Topo Chico

>> No.12145009

Lmao, you wish.

>> No.12145013

What is techwear?

>> No.12145051

>drinking wine without food is a good way to out yourself as having no class

who is /andywarhol/

>> No.12145068

expensive vodka and whisky

>> No.12145136

>Drinking wine without food is a good way to out yourself as having no class.
fucking this. people that drink wine like this are drinking it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.12145186

Whiskey (Old Grand-Dad 100 proof, bourbon, on the rocks)
Vodka, flavorless.
Port wine/red wine/white wine
Stouts (Nogne O - Imperial Stout)
Porters (Nogne O - Porter)

>> No.12145196

fedora: the post

>> No.12145225


>> No.12145457

>because their bottles look the best

reason no.1982391827312 why this board is dying

>> No.12146770

>hurr durrr shoud tast gud gud

wtf is /fa/ if it isn't looking good?

>> No.12146781

Then put whatever you damn well please into some mid century barware and call it good

>> No.12146837
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>> No.12147028

Good coffee is good espresso coffee – which is almost nonexistent in America.
t. Melbournian

>> No.12147048

agreed, kurwa

>> No.12147095

>expensive voda
wóda i wóda, my friend

>> No.12147157

Definitive list of effay drinks:

Coconut water
Ginger Tea
Freshly pressed juices

>> No.12147288

monster energy