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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 2084x2084, iPhone-6S-Silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12112052 No.12112052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What smartphone is the most /fa/ aprooved? And in what color?

>> No.12112058

always apple

color choice is personal preference, just remember that cases are for poor people and should never be used

>> No.12112069

Depends on your style.

Techwear/Casual/Formal is always Samsung.
Fuccboi is Apple.

>> No.12112075

It seems like all models use iphones.

>> No.12112089
File: 103 KB, 840x473, sony-xperia-z5-z5-compact-Z5-premium-aa-19-840x473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all androids are unaesthetic chink tier garbage, other than the xperia line

>> No.12112101

anything but apple

>> No.12112116

>chink tier
lmao where do you think your precious iphone's made?

>> No.12112122

>buying a phone that literally looks worse
>because you need to fit in with teenage girls


>> No.12112153

iphone 5s is objectively the most effay phone ever made

>> No.12112160

5s is fucking impossible to use if you aren't a manlet

>> No.12112162

>Not iPhone SE

>> No.12112183
File: 24 KB, 600x332, iPhone-SE-rear-colors_-_Copy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SE is objectively the best cellphone

any color but rose gold is cool

5S is the exact same thing so it also counts

androids are for autistic faggots
iMessage is literally the #1 thing for getting laid
if a girl sees that green bubble she's turned off

>> No.12112232

holy shit, is that what the green bubble means?

>> No.12112366


>> No.12112367

Yeah... thats what it means.... I might buy an iphone because girls take that into account. Also its effay.

>> No.12112375

imagine being so desperate for validity u have to start arguing about phones

>> No.12113415
File: 317 KB, 1600x1138, s.aolcdn.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12113593

kill yourself applefag

>> No.12113595

Underage GTFO! Also /g/

>> No.12113610

too big to be /fa/.

apple did it right. the iphone is the perfect size for a phone.

only fat fingered fatties from /g/ use giant phones like the the one plus faggot and samschink shit

>> No.12113647
File: 797 KB, 1936x1337, IMG_0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone 7 Plus with Apple's tan leather case is as patrician as it gets.

>> No.12113650

None of them, only fags associate a phone with fashion. If your someone who even thinks a phone is a part of fashion, very un /fa/

>> No.12113653

Green bubble means poorfag, women and people and general avoid people with green bubbles.

>> No.12113672

Probably something that's pure Android and easy to root like the Nexus or pixel line.

>> No.12113684

>having such a vapid personality, being so ugly, and dressing so terribly that it comes down to this
I think the best phone for you would be the noose

>> No.12113685

Yeah but I can't phonepost with clover from an iPhone

>> No.12113691

You do realize the 7 is also huge, right?

>> No.12113693

Nexus 6P is effay

>> No.12113698

Why not rose gold?

>> No.12113705
File: 260 KB, 1242x2208, 4L_N9VZGpvR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use Fortune, best phone shitposting app for iOS

>> No.12113848

Found the hamplanet sausage fingers faggot

>> No.12113889

protip: no one gives a fuck what phone you use
also if you buy apple products for social prestige you should just kill yourself

>> No.12113895


>> No.12113905

Who cares? It's a phone, not an accessory. You people are nuts.

>> No.12113940

it depends on you. I personally have Android phone and i like it because of free apps and things yu can do to its system. Down side of that is that Google has some kind of a contract with FBIy so your personal things ren't really personal.
On the other side iOs is stiff and you can't so easy root it to hack some games or some shit. But you get all the security of the world. Plus, iOs has lower RAM due to its good chips and porcessors and is rly fast. on the other side Andorid has big patches, big updates that require a lot of memmory in first place, and RAM to implement those updates in practical (interface and everything u see and use)
in the end its up to you what dou you prefer :)

>> No.12113941

Because pink is for faggots.

>> No.12113950

Is your masculinity that fragile? Lmao

>> No.12113980

5S is a scam. Normal 5 has almost identical specs for like $100 less.

>> No.12114196


>> No.12114213

Don't wanna jailbreak tho

>> No.12114219

Google Pixel is the best thing you can get. It looks good, best OS, best camera. There is no better smartphone right now

>> No.12114228

The SE is affordable and has the same specs as 6s tho. So unlike the 5/5s, it wont run irritatingly slow in a year (unless you refuse to install ios version updates)

>> No.12114232
File: 71 KB, 582x625, fSG2Eh3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are american women really like this?

>> No.12114235

I can't help but notice all those girls in that pic are black.

>> No.12114331

Could probably sideload it

>> No.12114335

Is there a guide?
How do I do it
If I update my phone will there be problems?

>> No.12114338

Thank you Ranjeet. 10 rupees have been deposited into your Google positivity account.

>> No.12114343
File: 52 KB, 800x533, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone 6(s)/Plus gold. Only answer.

>> No.12114406

designed in california you retard

like i give a shit where the workers come from

>> No.12114484


>> No.12114502


>iMessage is literally the #1 thing for getting laid if a girl sees that green bubble she's turned off

It doesn't matter what phone you have if you're an ugly fuck, m8

>> No.12114542
File: 156 KB, 1181x820, Priv-Devices-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old lumia models and pic related
least /fa/: anything samsung

>> No.12114742


If you want to get laid, you snap the bitches

>> No.12114887

The green bubble meme is honestly one of the best memes going at the moment

Makes androidfags mad everytime

>> No.12114895

with your shitty android snapchat that takes a screenshot of the cameras viewfinder instead of an actual image?

>> No.12114912
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 1482162729894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an iPhone 6s 16gb that was passed down from my exgf to me. Sadly I wsa robbed and bought a nexus 5x, I kindda miss the iOS to be quite honest, is it worth selling my nexus and getting a 5se I plan on getting the 64gb rose gold one

>> No.12114916
File: 36 KB, 595x334, Screenshot_2017-01-05-19-21-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites in general

>> No.12114918

White with Rose Gold

>> No.12114966

I don't get why anybody would ever buy anything other than a chink phone.

why would I need anything but a redmi note 3 pro ?
nobody even needs what this cheap bastards offers , why spend 700 € on a new iphone when all you do is snapchat ?

nothing against snapchat though.
also no hate,
I really don't understand it.
I really dig the concept of a smartphone but there is so little you can actually do with it.

>> No.12115019

Plebs treat iPhones like a fashion accessoire and think it's a status symbol

>> No.12115032

Geobaskets are the true status symbol

>> No.12115040

designed in california?
wow, that's so impressive
I bet samsung designes all of their phones in a small poor fishing village in southern vietnam, even though they're a korean company and probably based in seul and whatnot

>> No.12115043

The fact that it costs more then every other phone does make it a status symbol. You might not think it signifies anything important, but unfortunately people see it and think "money".

>> No.12115060

I thought fa weren't filthy casuals. I am really disappointed with this thread.

As a girl, I always look at a guys phone to judge him and if I see an iphone I know there's nothing of interest I will see. dropped.

If you own a Samsung or an IPhone you're a pleb.

Lenovo vibe or a one plus, id say.

>> No.12115070
File: 79 KB, 540x355, iphone-5-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I generally don't give a shit about what's popular, but if you can't join an iMessage group chat then you're missing out and youre a social outcast. Not like you'd know because no one asks you anyway huh?

if 4chan is that important then you probably dont have friends to talk to anyway

it's the tackiest

im better looking than you m8

>>12114895 is 100% right

it aint a meme it's the truth

how would your dad feel if he saw his son posing as a girl on the internet?

>> No.12115083
File: 239 KB, 363x541, nok ia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can call, you can text, it tells time

>> No.12115106

When I hit my data limit 4chan is the only thing that loads fast
So I just browse when I have downtime and I'm not at home

>> No.12115118 [DELETED] 

Best xperia phone to buy used?

>> No.12115135


this really made me think

>> No.12115156

currently still using my oneplus one. where i live we mainly buy phones off-contract, and it was just the best deal at the moment. for some reason i always thought samsung phones are really ugly. if i could choose i'd get an lg or something. motorola, huawei and pixels look rather cheap. i really loved the iphone 5 look but then they turned ugly.

>> No.12115160

Xperia Z3 faggot here, don't buy one. Looks slick as fuck on the outside, but Sony and software go along about as well as the Middle East and peace.

>> No.12115461


is iMessage really a thing in america ?

in europe everybodys uses whatsapp and the cool kids also have telegram.

really everybody has whatsapp though , it's basically the most common form of commuication nowadays

>> No.12115488

But can you play snake on it?

>> No.12115499

Xperia xz, iphone 7/6s/6, Samsung s7 (not edge) r the only phones for non plebs, unless u don't mind looking dated and late with 5/SE

>> No.12115577

Surely you fellas mean the 4S.
I really liked my HTC One, too.

>> No.12115616

>androids are for autistic faggots
>iMessage is literally the #1 thing for getting laid
>if a girl sees that green bubble she's turned off
you are calling anyone autistic when you rely on an proprietary app for human interaction, amusing

>> No.12115679

If you are a green bubble subhuman, then you can't be effay.

>> No.12115838
File: 55 KB, 431x650, xiaomi-mix-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xiaomi mi mix, no competition

>> No.12115850
File: 130 KB, 1280x652, jetblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet black iPhone 7/7 Plus and the iPhone SE are the only 2 choices for an /fa/ phone desu.

>> No.12115953

As a 6P owner It really dosen't matter wtf you have as long if you can finesse you can cop any girl. Plus snap is the new move now, if you are still asking for numbers in the current year you are doing it wrong.

That being said I'm stilling considering a 6s because of iMessage (that pool shit) and because my family is no fun. But even that is gonna fucking blow because of the rumor that its going to be able to tell you when people screenshot your text.

Also don't be like this nothing is worst than being apart of the infamous cracked iPhone clan.

>> No.12115999

scratches aren't /fa/, anon

>> No.12116082

S7 way better aesthtics with metal frame and glass not glossed over aluminum like what old chunks spend all day collecting from the trash

>> No.12116568

Any phone with the fingerprint scanner on the back that isn't a fucking tablet. Functionality meets aesthetics.

>> No.12117689

I think a white iphone looks better... What does everyone else think?

>> No.12117778


>> No.12118082

-iPhone SE (6 and above aren't iPhones at all)
-Sony Xperia series
-OnePlus X
-Blackberry Passport
emphasis on minimalist design language

>> No.12118198
File: 70 KB, 502x898, 4L_Ug6tBMmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking guy. A discrete and powerful phone is a sign of power.

Also if you're on iOS 10 you're a fucking idiot. A more gaudy OS does not exist. Look at iMessage for gods sake.

>> No.12118297

well you are wrong on that point.
An expensive and very used phone is really fa.

>> No.12118356

iPhones are unbearably shit phones. Ive had 3: the 3G, 4S, and 5S.
I didn't crack any of the screens but somehow the touch pin connectors inside would always fuck up, leaving only a part of the screen touch sensitive. When I would bring my jew phone to the jew store they'd tell me they would have to replace hardware and it would be ~200 bucks. Plus going through iTunes for everything is the worst shit ever.
I have a galaxy s7 now and its amazing. I would never switch back especially now that the TRS headphone jack is gone.
Really though don't listen to /fa/ about tech, listen to /g/.

>> No.12118414

In Sweden everyone I know uses facebook messenger / somtimes kik / snapchat groups desu

>> No.12118463

Does anyone else think the 3.5mm jack removal will actually prevent a lot of people from switching to Apple? I know there was controversy from the apple community, but think of all the people that will never consider switching to Apple products after the removal, it would literally be a downgrade for them. And if Apple doesn't have people switching to their products, it's only a matter of time before their retained market begins to dwindle, no?

>> No.12118517

Bluetooth headphones are just too expensive and bad too warrant buying. Like I feel the top of the line bluetooth headphones would still be inferior to my m50's sound wise so why bother?

>> No.12118745

>Iphone is the epitome of the chink phone
>bland design
>poorly made
>stale 3year old design

>> No.12118749

The funny thing is that the 6+ is way larger than the one plus so you argument is invalid.

>> No.12118756

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.12118760

This phone is /fa/ af.

>> No.12118800

apple just makes some bold moves. removing the 3.5 mm jack actually eventually allows for better audio quality. we're just not there yet. prices of high-end headphones wired vs. bluetooth or lightning is still too far apart, and too little choice when it comes to the latter. in the meantime you can still use the adapter to use the headphones or iems you already bought though. people will always end up buying apple stuff no matter what. it is just partly the appeal of the brand and ecosystem itself.

>> No.12118806


>> No.12118812
File: 677 KB, 940x1147, pixel_2grp-2b_slate_final_simp_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After google stopped cramming it down our throats I thought this was pretty cool looking with the small glass panel.

>> No.12119097

S7 or kys

>> No.12119260
File: 56 KB, 295x350, Apple-iPhone-SE-16GB-Front-Side-and-Back--Space-Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SE obviously

>> No.12119279

Implying 99% of Swedes arent plain basic bitches.
Fucking walk on a street and tell me how many people actually have something of their own and not copied from someone else. All the fucking instagram and snapchat crowd. Adults behaving like fucking teenagers. Makes you think.

>> No.12119378

>listening to LCD Soundsystem

>> No.12119471

Mein Neger

>> No.12119632
File: 17 KB, 374x233, nm285398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>1 result
>"blackberry passport"
>no blackberry bold or q10 posted
i hope trump shuts this vietnamese shitpost quarry down

>> No.12120043

5 series and SE are literally the only phones you can have without being a fucking loser

>> No.12120052

Then where would you spend your time, NEET O'MicrowavedBurrito?

>> No.12120716

as anons already have pointed out - the iPhone SE is the most effay - you can actually grip it which means it doesn't need an ugly case, the industrial design is amazing and you don't look like a tech nerd spending month's pay for the newest iphone. And lastly, phablets are still not cool.

Jet black iphone 7 is second, but good luck keeping it from looking like dogshit after a few weeks without a case.

>> No.12120721

exactly, only retards use imessage

>> No.12120782
File: 2.36 MB, 2000x2000, turingphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


+ Xperias

And the fa emperor who shall rule them all in pic related : The Turing Phone.

>> No.12120907

Not using a case is retarded in any situation.

>> No.12120911

Like why go to the effort of using double hyphens when you have no clue what you're fucking doing? You can't even use not caring because it's 4chan as an excuse because you actually went to the effort of using superfluos punctuation already, so you're actually just a total fucking moron.

>> No.12121124


>buying a $900 smartphone crafted from glass and aluminium
>putting a $5 plastic case on it or being retarted enough to drop it

>> No.12121460

It's objectively the most /fa/ phone for the price after the SE.