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/fa/ - Fashion

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12107710 No.12107710 [Reply] [Original]

Can we just have a thread where we laugh at body builders who are "into fashion"

>> No.12107713

being muscular is undeniably better for fashion

the shapeliness of the body gives far better angles to exploit, and fabric clinging to muscles is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.12107719

Too bad they usually dress like shit

>> No.12107726

are you fukcing autistic

>> No.12107728


it's more down to a culture thing tho - most people into physical culture enough to become muscular are nerds or normies at heart
I generally can't be bothered to dress up unless I'm going somewhere

>> No.12107730

OP is a DYEK butthurt spooky skellies

>> No.12107733

christian guzman is cringe
he sells overpriced nike t-shirts to his other bodybuilding fuccbois for $50 +
hes making tons of money with his fashion line

>> No.12107741

Being buff and wearing nice clothes isn't a bad thing. The problem is that they become too vapid and think that wearing skinny jeans or tight shirts that show off their bis look good. Just wear clothes that compliment the physique better instead of being compressed by or swimming in fabrics

>> No.12107742

Tbh no one asks them to dress up or anything

With a nice body it should be so easy to look good but no, they go for this autistic skinny jeans / manchild joggers / longline tee shirts / monstruous sneakers bullshit. You can clearly see that they're trying but simply fail to have taste

Such a waste

>> No.12107743
File: 458 KB, 1019x490, 44b325e76fc29a3dbed02e4f512e0fb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait guys joggers and longline tees are still cool r-right?

>> No.12107747

>54 dollars for ugly joggers
jeez christ

>> No.12107748


it because /fit/ likes qt bearmode bfs instead of fashionable twinks

>tfw no twink bit on the side to dress you up for your bearmode bf

>> No.12107754

The way those arms come out of that sleeve looks like they are sausages hanging in a butcher's