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/fa/ - Fashion

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12094209 No.12094209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I dont care if anyone replies I just want to get it off my chest
>be an 18 y/o virgin beta
>go to uni
>Decide to try and get out of my shell, drink, make friends, maybe try it on with a girl
>go to a party in a nearby dorm the night I arrive
>6/10 approaches me pretty drunk, lets call her han, I'm shit at small talk but she likes my accent and we watch the same shows and shit
>drink a bit more
>decide fuck it, getting rejected is better than going back to my empty room and wanking
>ask if I can see her room or some shit
>go to her room and sit on her bed
>we start making out and shit, first time ever for me
>feels really fucking good man
>try to go in for more but she says she doesn't want to, promises she will later
>fobs me off later so I end up wanking alone in my room later anyway
>that was nice.jpeg
>obviously since this is pretty much the first time I've been shown this kind of attention, let alone from someone fairly attractive, I get attached to her pretty quickly, she's in the dorm next to me so we see each other a fair bit
>become friends
>in the week following she fucks a chad on the floor below
>we become friends during this week like the weak cuck I am
>we actually get along pretty well, turns out she occasionaly browses 4chan and shit
>the chad fucks her off somehow and she is done with him
>manage to get to her room to watch a film one night, I sperg out conversation wise but manage to make out with her to the intro to stranger things
>spend the rest of the night cuddling, literally the cosiest thing I've ever experienced
>I feel so warm and close to her, like everything is alright
>we talk about shit, turns out we've both attempted suicide in the past
>we get on better and better, start staying round more often

>> No.12094232

this is /fa/ you know

>> No.12094242


>> No.12094246
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>we mostly just cuddle and sometimes kiss, watch films and shit
>cosy as fuck, I have no idea how I landed her but carry on
>she says she doesn't want a relationship right now, she just got out of one back home when she came to uni
>by this point I'm attached to her and want a relationship
>decide to go along with because I don't want to stop speaking to her
>a few weeks later eventually lose my virginity to her, awkward as fuck and not really enjoyable but I actually lost it
>I'm happy, I get off this hell hole and feel good about myself and my life
>getting good grades at uni
>it's all going ok but she's almost never in the mood
>kisses the chad she fucked in freshers week in front of me when we were out drunk in a pub somewhere
>cries about how it's not fair on me, I deserve better etc.
>yet still she kissed him
>at this point I am having serious doubts she cared about me at all, never in the mood and just seems to enjoy hanging around me
>agree to some degree of exclusivity, we can kiss but not fuck other people
>because I'm autistic as fuck that basically meant she could kiss other people
>whatever I thought, I'm in love with her full on by this point
>carry on seeing her despite her not committing, should have pulled out early when it would have been easier
>goes on like this for a while
>on election night in fact she fucks a third year
>she tells me herself the day after at least
>barely see her for a week
>she attempts again with pills
>one night she was drunk and 'forgot her key' - she stays over at mine
>we work things out sort of and start seeing her again
>feels nice again but not the same
>now she wants even less committment, she wants us to still cuddle at night and sometimes do stuff but we're allowed to fuck other people
>I grudgingly agree like the cuck I am
>she fucks a post-graduate rugby player
>shame and dissapointment round 3

>> No.12094277

she's literally just using you as an emotional crutch because she knows she can't truly handle being alone. and yet you being the beta cuck male you are not being assertive in any way, probably weak jawline and patchy facial hair, smells bad, aren't smart enough to realize this yet. start lifting weights, take care of yourself more, assert yourself and say hey I want to fuck your hole and if she firmly says no after all that dump her stupid ass. you can always do better dude.

>> No.12094278

>being THIS beta

>> No.12094281

Fuck off, don't encourage him

>> No.12094282

a little inebriated rn but you get the point you dumb fucking idiot.

>> No.12094287

get the fuck out retard this is not /r9k/

>> No.12094302

you're a fucking loser lmao

>> No.12094367
File: 31 KB, 567x561, 12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay with her she'll eventually see what a nice guy you are once she's been knocked up and Chad bails on her. Godspeed anon

>> No.12094376

Please report to the rest of the robots in r9k about how having sex doesn't solve anything.

Don't you wish you never met her and stayed inside playing video games? Lol.

>> No.12094386

How can you be such a fucking c u c k jesus christ, get a hold of yourself, have some respect fucking cuck, cuck, cuck

What is wrong with you? You fucking worthless person, cuck

>> No.12094402

Go back to /r9k/ you retarded frog poster.

>> No.12094442

This is the most stupid shit i ever seen in my life.
Also you post in a board about clothing, what do you want? "How to dress to atract this girl?"
Go back to /r9k/ you beta cuck stupid faggot.

Also you fall in love with a girl that was drunk in party and want to have sex with a strange (you motherfucker) tell me what do you expect?
>but she is pretty and you don't undestand our feelings!
She is a wore, and you are so beta and so stupid blind by her face that you can't see it....

Fuck you and literaly Kill Yourself, society don't need so weak specimen


Also this is truly honest, ain't beign rude or anything is all the things i think of someody like you

>> No.12094456

I hope this is bait...i wish this is bait...i wish there is nobody so weak and stupid in real life...go see doctor...jesus....

>> No.12094479
File: 3.09 MB, 300x225, IMG_0332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The least you can do is post pics of this girl OP.
All these posts as correct. Op I'm really hoping this is some sort of odd bait

>> No.12095349

Anon you can honestly do better. Accent + america, you can pull cool 7-8s or dumb 10s.
Source: I'm a hot girl

>> No.12095376

Post your picture """""""""hot""""""""""" girl

Last time A girl claimed that turned out to be a landwhale on /fa/

>> No.12095401

well he did say "6/10"
im not expecting much

>> No.12095439

mate you sound like a proper gay cunt

you know all the things you're doing wrong yet keep doing them

dickhead, fucking grow a pair and stop crying about >muh feelings >muh chad on fucking /fa/

absolute sad case

>> No.12095451

absolutely tragic senpai, you shouldn't exist

>> No.12095461

>copy pasting an r9k greentext you saw on r/4chan
>not even posting the entire thing

OP: even more of a cuck than the dude who got cucked by a half dozen different guys

>> No.12095645

>going on r/4chan

absolute runt

>> No.12095718

wow that's pretty brilliant tbqh

>> No.12095917

OP probably expected to receive some sympathy but got discouraged by the general negative response and left the thread before posting the last part.

>> No.12097314

next time post the whole thing reddit

>> No.12097353
File: 129 KB, 462x668, Cuck_cac570_5861267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097438

>you deserve better, anon

if you ever hear this, you are being cucked and used. just leave.

get off my board RIGHT NOW

>> No.12097458

That guy is way more attractive than the girl

>> No.12097703


>> No.12097747

Throughout the whole story I inagined a normal looking girl, the fact that she is a landwhale and he's killing himself over her makes this thing 100000x times worse

>> No.12097762

Not the place for this shit. Another thread died for you to make this. We have /b/ for a reason.

>> No.12098513

just don't tell us, that you were wearing white cp achilles lows the whole time, that would explain it though

>> No.12098591


>> No.12098636

And how was this shit fashion related you dumb fuck

>> No.12098640

>>try to go in for more but she says she doesn't want to, promises she will later
You failed the shit test

>> No.12098873

Basicly this OP but leave her ass

>> No.12098935

I had to stop reading at the point where you guys had to fucking agree on some degree of exclusivity. You are genuinely being cucked. Either go on a killing spree and take all the people who know about this with you, or just fucking cut contact with that whore and take this story into your grave.

>> No.12099294

>we talk about shit, turns out we've both attempted suicide in the past
