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/fa/ - Fashion

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12091951 No.12091951 [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress if I want to lose my virginity to a female?

I am 20 years old.

>> No.12091965


>> No.12091972

you should start by not being such a pathetic beta asking for sex advice on a weeb imageboard

>> No.12091978

Define it

You are the only people I have to ask.

>> No.12091980

it doesn't matter, just be well groomed until you get confident

then you can go hobocore and full labeouf

>> No.12091985

you should NOT DRESS!! haha get it

>> No.12091987

No idea how to answer your question, OP, but honestly, that's a very beautiful photograph. I like that cat.

>> No.12092019 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12092038

>1. work out
>2. get accutane if needed
>3. get a decent haircut
>4. lower standards
>5. get clothes that you legitimately love whilst balancing not looking retarded
>6. talk to women


>> No.12092049

>>1. work out
It's not working. The more weight i lost the more i look effeminate because of wide hips
I think i need to roid if i want to get anywhere
>>2. get accutane if needed
I took accutane but i think i need more but doctor won't prescribe it because he thinks it's not severe enough
>>3. get a decent haircut
Such as?
>>4. lower standards
i dont have any besides her not being morbidly obese
>>5. get clothes that you legitimately love whilst balancing not looking retarded
I wear dadjeans
>>6. talk to women
what to say

Please elaborate.

>> No.12092094

>Wide hips
Want to know who also has wide hips? Christian Bale, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ryan Gosling.

If you put more emphasis on your upper body, you can reduce that wide hip look

If your skin isn't that bad, then don't worry.

I don't know what you look like. Just ask your stylist. A generic medium or short length haircut will work for almost anyone.

Ok then you're fine

If you don't know your own style, stick to basic multi-colored tees and well fitted chinos and denim. Light colors or dark colors will usually work either way then expand your tastes as you go along in the world

Pick up some interesting hobbies, and just go out there and "try". It's not what you want to hear, and it certainly isn't what I wanted to fucking hear when I was younger, but it's the truth. You hear people say socializing is a skill you can get better at by doing more of it. It's certainly true.

hmu any more questions

>> No.12092109

>If you put more emphasis on your upper body, you can reduce that wide hip look

Should I just start roiding? I have low test and I'm considering just running a cruise dose of testosterone, it's super cheap so I don't see why not. Honestly just in and of itself should probably fix a majority of my problems, right?

>I don't know what you look like. Just ask your stylist. A generic medium or short length haircut will work for almost anyone.

I just cut my own hair.

>If you don't know your own style, stick to basic multi-colored tees and well fitted chinos and denim. Light colors or dark colors will usually work either way then expand your tastes as you go along in the world

I tend to either wear chinos with an oxford shirt or just a regular tee with blue jeans. I have the most simple wardrobe possible

>> No.12092117

I mean, if you want to start roiding, that's your thing. I don't know how old you are, but I would at LEAST wait until your early 20's before you start if you aren't there. Have you talked to your doctor about it?

Make sure your clothes is well fitted.

In my honest opinion, the best ways to add emphasis to your wardrobe without looking totally shit will be sneakers and some form of outwear

You can rock out a generic thrifted hoodie, or a Rick Owens sweater. And it'll add something extra to you.

Same with sneakers. Something that isn't terribly outrageous should be fine. I wear Shoes like Pottery and Svennsons but I also probably have no taste so you know.

>> No.12092119

If you haven't worked out before, just do so natty.
Noob gains will bulk you up a fair bit so long as you're eating good.

I cut my own hair too during off periods, but if you're literally going out to look good it makes sense to have a professional just cut your hair similar to how you do it.

Just make sure your clothes fit right, you don't look like you're wearing the uniform of any local business and that you yourself can look in the mirror and tell yourself that it looks decent on you.

Not the person you've been talking to by the way. I am a man in DESPERATE need of sleep. So that is what I shall do. Good luck.

>> No.12092123

>I don't know how old you are, but I would at LEAST wait until your early 20's before you start if you aren't there. Have you talked to your doctor about it?

I am 20.5 years old.

I tried talking to my doctor but she basically blew me off. I guess my only hope is to see a TRT doctor that's well reputed but he's like 6-8 month waitlist and quite a few hours drive away from me. Guess I could start getting in line for the wait...

ill look into some new clothes and shoes I guess. could probably touch it up a tad

>If you haven't worked out before, just do so natty.
>Noob gains will bulk you up a fair bit so long as you're eating good.

I am and have been lifting natty, gains aren't much at all to speak of.
I'm honestly just going to try to see this endocrinologist and in the mean time run a cycle or two just to see how it makes me feel.

>I cut my own hair too during off periods, but if you're literally going out to look good it makes sense to have a professional just cut your hair similar to how you do it.
>Just make sure your clothes fit right, you don't look like you're wearing the uniform of any local business and that you yourself can look in the mirror and tell yourself that it looks decent on you.

true thanks senpai

>> No.12092124

you'll likely be fine, OP.

everybody gets in that weird craze. Judging from everything you've said, you're probably so okay that it hurts.

gl m8

>> No.12092128

I just don't want to be a virgin anymore in 2017.

>> No.12092133

U wear clothes that feel good and pick a haircut u like

Women are attracted to all types of men but especially the ones who talk to them

Talk to them about what u want to talk about and listen if they're interesting

If they're not interesting then good for them find someone interesting to talk to

I is woman

Have much experience matchmaking

Have fun

U will meet her there

>> No.12092134

I'm 26 years old and going to fuck prostitute next year. i suggest you to do the same.

>> No.12092137

This seems like simple but effective advice desu.

That seems a little pointless, what's the use if there's no emotional connection?

>> No.12092140



>> No.12092170

I just want to get over it. It can also help cure my low self esteem.

>> No.12092217


Kill me, Pete. Please, I'm begging you.

>> No.12092252

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12092259

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12092290

flowing white robe
3000000000 dollar driving glove on one hand (red)
always appear to be overcome with ecstasy
speak only in piercing falsetto

what is she gonna fuckin say no?

>> No.12092343

le cripling dreprsiion XD

>> No.12092352


>> No.12092420

Kill me, Pete.

>> No.12092480

It's a stale reddit meme

>> No.12092535

>what's the use if there's no emotional connection?

Do you want advice on how to get laid or on how to get a gf? One night stands are not emotional experiences unless you have serious attachment issues.

>> No.12092574

sleep tight, pupper

>> No.12092595

pls be my gf

>> No.12092607

Don't kill me yet, Pete

>> No.12092610

>Such as?
When in doubt, Hitler Youth, stupid

>> No.12092662

Please be in Stuttgart

>> No.12092718

Kill me Pete

>> No.12092746

no offense but it seems that you're a lost cause

>> No.12092747

>>6. talk to women


>> No.12093030

Kill me, Pete.

>> No.12093044

praise kek

>> No.12093681


Kill me, Pete

>> No.12093730

kill me pete
if dubs it happens for real

>> No.12094531
File: 9 KB, 300x222, 1473362350579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spend less time on /fa/ and more time in the gym

>> No.12095405

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12095416

Go to the gym

>> No.12095473

>talk to women
Just go out drinking with friends while not being obnoxious, disgusting or acting like a tard in general.

>> No.12096009

just be yourself

>> No.12096014

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12096167

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12096191

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12096292

i actually do get it ya its really funny

>> No.12096327

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097055


>> No.12097356

no go greaso

>> No.12097371


>> No.12097388

Kill me pete

>> No.12097402

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097411
File: 3.40 MB, 5312x2988, Lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna make my own thread for this so i'll use this one

I've never put much thought into fashion but I more or less dress like this every day. Does it look "off" to you?

>> No.12097444

if you´re a 50 year old dad with a job and wife or try to go for that texas cowboy vibe then dont change a thing.

how women think is you should stop wearing grandpacore. just get anything this season of fashion, /clint eastwoodcore/ is so 1950 and late

>> No.12097530

if you live in a bigger city or go to school there then ya its alright if you live in a smaller town but it mostly depends on your age

>> No.12097536


looks like you an older IT worker who is ever so slightly behind his peers due to the generational differences in growing up with the technology, thus attracting snide comments and bullying from your younger colleagues you retreat to the bathroom to eat your lunch each and everyday.

>> No.12097542

Swestpants and a power rangers tee one size too small, preferably from goodwill. Its what got me my wife

>> No.12097573

I'm 18 and live in a city of a million people.
Makes me think. Thanks B

>> No.12097596

>Women are attracted to all types of men but especially the ones who talk to them
Well thats me completely donezo then

Once in a blue moon i can hold a conversation with a female if they are enthusiastic enough to want to converse with me but its hard for me to appear interesting to most girls even if im usually the funniest guy in all my classes

>> No.12097606

kill me, pete

>> No.12097859
File: 70 KB, 300x400, George_Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look attractive to you

>> No.12097868

Dress in clothes that are good quality, well fitting, and look decent on you. Do not wear things that are gaudy or draw too much attention to them, as they remove the focus from your personality and looks.

However, I suspect that clothing alone will not fix all of your problems.

>> No.12097870
File: 56 KB, 387x580, onesheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097901 [DELETED] 

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097927

How should I dress if I'm a nervous feminine boy who wants a big strong man to take him?

>> No.12097929 [DELETED] 

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097952 [DELETED] 

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097954 [DELETED] 

Kill me, Pete

>> No.12097961

Nah I love gaudy.

>> No.12097972


>> No.12098142

Gaudy is okay from a pure fashion standpoint, but people won't be able to see past it. OPs purpose requires that he be more compelling than his clothes.

>> No.12098149

>Wide hips

Nope, you're just fat. Every guy that says they have "wide hips" are just fat.

>Working out doesn't make me look better xD

Get the fuck over yourself, fucking disgusting snowflake. That's not true and you deserve to stay a virgin if you keep making excuses for why you're too special to lose virginity.

>> No.12098976 [DELETED] 

Kill me, pete

>> No.12098995 [DELETED] 

kill me, pete

>> No.12099129

Objectively handsome desu

>> No.12099261 [DELETED] 

Kill me, Pete, old boy.