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File: 1.57 MB, 3749x2992, IMG_20161229_0559278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12091430 No.12091430 [Reply] [Original]

Post your everyday carry items.
>Honest edition (don't show off with random things you own)

>> No.12091436

>that Polaroid

kys my man

>> No.12091452

He has another way out through Instax.

>> No.12091453

instax is cancer, might as well just take pictures with my phone and print them at home.

>> No.12091456

>not taking the latter and using an instax printer

>> No.12091478

You carry tabs of either AL-LAD, 1P-LSD or something (can't tell exactly just from a part of the structure) every day? For what purpose?

Much better keeping them in a cool dry place for storage to keep them from degrading. I mean what, you need to carry them every day in case of an emergency comes up and you NEED to trip? Huh?

Either that or you sell to friends or something, but still, why carry it on you every day?

>> No.12091489

It's ALD-52. I just carry it because I sell. Mainly indians in my University. I only take it with me in case someone "orders" from me but that's pretty much all the time :^)

>> No.12091510

Nice. Send some my way wouldja?

I kid. Thinking of ordering some ALD-52 soon though. Danced with 1P and AL-LAD enough to know I love acid. How do they compare, if you've done them?

>> No.12091515

ALD-52 seems "smother" to me than 1P but just as potent, a bit less visual but more relaxed. I think I'll try AL-LAD next but I don't think I'll ever try ETH-LAD, I read that it's pretty shit. Reddit is good for this kind of thing.

If they ever decide to ban it in Germany, I'd stock up on ALD-52.

>> No.12091520

Oh yeah, I haven't done ETH-LAD yet but I know two people who have and they are quite certain they'll never take it ever again. It can get very intense and it's different than your typical acid experience.

YMMV though, of course.

I like your description of ALD. I think I will put in an order soon. If you wanna try AL-LAD, order now, because they're stopping production, like, now. Just a heads up.

>> No.12091524

Why? It seems to be pretty popular.
Where are you ordering?

>> No.12091530

Not gonna bother sourcing here, but I think we both frequent certain subreddits to keep up with RC news. Check those subs out for more info and you'll see what I'm talking about.

1P and ALD seem to be safe for now at least.

I can highly recommend AL-LAD btw, definitely get at least a small order before it's gone. Great visuals, super forgiving headspace, light and pleasurable body feeling. Perfect for more adventurous, recreational trips.

>> No.12091537

Oh no. Well thanks for the heads-up. I'll make sure to get some in time.

>> No.12091579
File: 217 KB, 1000x656, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not using the xa right now though

media player is a zune hd 32gb

>> No.12091623

But the experience won't be fun and exciting

>> No.12091636
File: 166 KB, 736x981, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12092241

Damn. You are a BADASS. You probably destroy pussy with all of that equipment.

>> No.12092448

>zombie tools

>> No.12092484

Are you chasing the dragon my man?

Only reason I can see to carry around a sheet of tinfoil and a lighter, yet no cigarettes.

>> No.12092489

>4 pens
thats it

>> No.12092862

What effect pedal are you using?