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/fa/ - Fashion

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12091023 No.12091023 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12091028

My dad makes 200k a year and some of it finds its way to me

>> No.12091030

I'm a nurse, hemodialysis

>> No.12091036

I'm a musician, I'm still in college but I've toured with people like The helix nebula, plini, Tesseract, and intervals

I'm broke t

>> No.12091045

I suck dicks.

>> No.12091055

Grad school stipend...
I'm poor.

>> No.12091065


>> No.12091074

how does it work? just out of curiosity

>> No.12091075

freelance design + illustration whenever: a lot of t-shirt designs and logos/branding
part-time at a print shop
part-time for a home remodeling company: i do mostly demo work and wood floor installation

broke as fuck

>> No.12091091

Selling weed.

>> No.12091092

software engineer

>> No.12091093

You have to be 18+ to post

>> No.12091098

You are saying that adults can't sell drugs?

>> No.12091100

adults sell real drugs

>> No.12091112
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systems engineer

> fourier fourier fourier

Not effay but it pays well for 22 y/o

>> No.12091125
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Electrical engineer, currently on 85k at 22 years old which is p gud

>> No.12091126

My country doesn't have big drug scene, so i'm making my own money. I earn 1000€ every week.

>> No.12091380


>> No.12091395

painting dogs mostly...

>> No.12091413

I'm an the art director for a national publishing company and i also freelance on the side

>> No.12091426

nice work buddy

>> No.12091439

Personal Training to lanklets and bbws, sharing LSD for donations, life is fabulous.

>> No.12091528
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>> No.12091535

Athletic scholarship refund. Hopefully I do well with the interview cycles in the spring and I'm making real money next year post graduation.

>> No.12091563


>> No.12091569

you wanna know how i got these scars?

>> No.12091615

As in painting ON dogs or painting pictures OF dogs? The former sounds infinitely better than the latter.

>> No.12091624

Privileged children like you are the reason why fashion isn't respected. That and the fact it's fucking stupid which is probably why you people are so attracted to it

>> No.12091626

h e D g e F u N d

>> No.12091627

Sup Andrew lol. We went to Nueva together

>> No.12091649

Then why are you on a fashion discussion board

>> No.12091752

my parents are wealthy doctors and i live off them

>> No.12091762

Engineering and I do day trades.

>> No.12091764

>software engineer
>privileged children

>> No.12091776

work for a hedge fund and bank ~140k after taxes. pretty good pay but the job makes me want to blow my brains out.

>> No.12091786

Superior Chemical Engineer coming through

>> No.12091788

selling drugs

>> No.12091793
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Stock Broker

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to walk to the outskirts of the city and jump off a bridge

>> No.12091795

>my ______ is more legitimate/better than yours because i grew up poor

>> No.12091801


>> No.12091912

Do you have friends?

>> No.12091979

Nice gary

>> No.12091993

>everyone who doesn't do some boring ass monotonous blue collar job is privileged

>> No.12091998

I was spared and my parents paid my whole way through school. Second post best post

>> No.12092102

Archivist for a government agency. I like it.

And I can shitpost from work all I want.

>> No.12092118

currently security.
getting in shape to join french foreign legion and leave humanity behind
probably should stop browsing fa cuz they dont want qt ladyboys....

>> No.12092158


Yeah m8, I have friends but still a bit of a sperg. EE has a weird spread of social and non social people desu, makes the job interviews easier if you can hold a conversation

>> No.12092168

In which Country?

>> No.12092357

>millionaire parents
other answers are objectively un/fa/

>> No.12092372

work as an architect. people seem to think it's really effay, even though it's basically a boring office job.

>> No.12092382


>> No.12092439

analyst at a bank

>> No.12092443


>> No.12092446

>2-3 jobs
>60+ hour work week
>living paycheck to paycheck
>little to no savings in the bank

what the fuck

>> No.12092464

Do u still dress like garbage

>> No.12092471

Do you enjoy it?

>> No.12092488

Literacy student working part time as a cashier on Saturday and Sunday

>> No.12092503

I get paid to viral spam products on reddit

>> No.12092505

Modelling is more /fa/.

>> No.12092525

Electrical Engineer

But clothes hardly cut into my finances because I'm on that flip game