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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 640x398, pocatello flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12081488 No.12081488 [Reply] [Original]

Proud to be Pocatello Edition

Answers to these questions and more in our handy pastebin: http://pastebin.com/hTiigudJ

Remember to ask questions for the FAQ!

>> No.12081494

wtf you're from pocatello??? me too

>> No.12081521
File: 25 KB, 520x693, tmp_7292-1482699781757-1001099004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to use this for Nostromo patches from the movie Alien. Opinions?

>> No.12081534

Post the patches

>> No.12081541
File: 21 KB, 300x240, 1482700076448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of these on the shoulders

>> No.12081542

Two of the same patches??

>> No.12081544
File: 51 KB, 576x151, ALIENPATCH-012-ALIEN55-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this above the pocket

>> No.12081549

Yeah to emulate the style from the film

>> No.12081556

Use only one. It would look better.

>> No.12081564

Great idea if you don't mind looking a little nerdy to those who understand it

>> No.12081566

What about the wings above the pocket?

>> No.12081574

Would look fine.

>> No.12081629

Imma go for it then since the jacket is on sale

>> No.12081683


what the fuck, im from boise and i thought there were maybe like 2 people from there that visit /fa/ but pocatello? Got damn

>> No.12081795


>> No.12081799

at least post some patches to bump the thread

>> No.12082094
File: 82 KB, 800x376, P6060011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12082640

What the fuck, I lived in Pocatello for like 6 years in the 90s. Cool to see this.

>> No.12082661

/fa/ - Pocatello

>> No.12082664
File: 268 KB, 853x640, s428982168532535188_p172_i1_w640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking upper left arm would be good.

>> No.12082669

I wonder how understood this would be out in public

>> No.12082670
File: 105 KB, 800x800, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this cool or nah

>> No.12082672

>Generic playboy bunny

It's up to you

>> No.12082679

Would this be a good backpack for everyday use and travelling to sow patches on?


>> No.12082680

To normies:
>"Oh it's one of those fake patches that brands slap onto an otherwise plain bomber to justify the higher price"
To /a/sshats:
>Red faces and broken eye contact

>> No.12082681

for real, man?

>> No.12082688

What kind of patches were you thinking of putting on it?

>> No.12082690

i'm just wondering if it's possible to wear without giving off greasy pervert uncle vibes

>> No.12082697

Do you look like a greasy pervert uncle? Your next answer will tell you what to do.

>> No.12082724
File: 24 KB, 267x293, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool or autism tier?

>> No.12082729

Looks like a cum stain / 10

>> No.12082731

Phrases arent my thing but it's not super in your face and I like the design.

>> No.12082772

small rectangular ones of the countries i've been to, I don't think any are larger than 3x3 inches

>> No.12082790

I think that'd be fine. It's a simple black backpack so there's you lot you can do with it in terms of patches

>> No.12082796

If you understand it then you're most likely a nerd as well and would appreciate it

>> No.12082817

I feel like its not too outwardly nerdy, and if anybody recognizes it they're probably worth getting to know lol. I've always loved Alien

>> No.12082826

Would look sweet on leather or a dark denim jacket.
I love GY!BE and all, but only wear that if you're ready to explain not just what it represents, but also what it says and it's translation.

>> No.12082857

Nah Alien is sick and I feel like it's not really associated with a shit fanbase of annoying nerds. Plus that patch is great. Say go for it

>> No.12082867

someone make a "500 days of bummer" patch

or "born under a rad sign"

>> No.12082891

I ordered them. It'll all arrive in 5 to 6 days. If there's a patch thread Ill probably post it all together when it comes. Should I put the wings and Nostromo patch on the same side or different sides? The wings will be above the top pocket

>> No.12082983

>tfw there are at least 3 people from idaho in this thread

what the fuck who knew pocatello was so /fa/

>> No.12083621

what's the jacket?

>> No.12083626
File: 90 KB, 826x829, circlestirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How worthwhile would it be manufacturing this design, you think?

>> No.12083642

probably pretty worthwile, stirner is the memeiest philosopher out there

>> No.12083643

Repost the image of the other designs.

>> No.12083645

The other stirner designs or all of the patch designs I posted for voting?

>> No.12083659

You had a compilation of all your designs, including Trip Design, stirner patches, etc.

>> No.12083660
File: 366 KB, 1001x963, goofedthatrightup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are

The Ito patch may be off the table for copyright and intricacy issues

>> No.12083664




>> No.12083669
File: 30 KB, 880x667, moonmuseum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, and here's the more recent design for a pin I think would turn out pretty neat


>> No.12083676

Proof that the faggot AM posts without his trip

Proof that he's a viraling shilling piece of shit

>> No.12083677

Damn! How could I have been so careless...

>> No.12083686


Newfag get out.

>> No.12083691

Autistic cocksucker kys

>> No.12083705
File: 1.52 MB, 1494x2656, 20161130_002107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comes to patch threads only to bitch
>Doesn't hide posts or posters he doesn't like
>Calls other people autistic

>> No.12083708

Put your trip back on

>> No.12083717

He's a namefag, not a tripfag. And I'm not him if you couldn't fucking tell you colossal retard.

>> No.12083719

Put your trip back on

>> No.12083723
File: 1.55 MB, 2125x1196, Skulls n shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck being so autistic you can't even tell the writing style of the namefag you hate so much.

>> No.12083727
File: 124 KB, 540x405, IMG_2871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this 2 weeabo?

>> No.12083729

yes you sperg

>> No.12083732
File: 42 KB, 648x165, no!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12084050

Killer Queen patch is nice and subtle. Only fans will know that you're a weeb

>> No.12084063

Can I see some of your guys examples of patches on jackets?

Would love to get 973

>> No.12084156
File: 82 KB, 600x800, 80698452-a5ca-42f2-a1e7-c01c5f4e5877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would this patch on a jacket be subtle, or is it too much?

>> No.12084162

>Is a loli being raped by a octopus subtle

You tell me

>> No.12084167

the fuck man

>> No.12084192
File: 590 KB, 960x720, moonmanawoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a patch with Moonman?

Spotted at an anime convention.

>> No.12084271

Well I havent seen too many patches that scream edgy faggot so at least it's original!

>> No.12084371

It's funny, given the original patch, but next to no one would recognize what it's referencing and think you're fucked

>> No.12084496
File: 47 KB, 600x601, BORN_TO_DIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /fa/ ?

Would this work as a patch?

>> No.12084548

Maybe as a back patch but not anything else.

>> No.12084847

what's the meme around this?

>> No.12084857

guy on /k/ makes it and that cosplayer is also a fag who browses /k/

>> No.12084866

Where'd you get that wizard patch at? Looks awesome

>> No.12084871

Night watch. They may not have any more

>> No.12084890


>> No.12084897

>Explaining shimapan

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12085051

Oh I see, that's lewd...

>> No.12085145

doot doot

>> No.12085281

absolutely halal

>> No.12085830

I'm not really into art but I always really liked this as a patch design

>> No.12086353

So if I want interesting patches I should go to /k/?

>> No.12086641


Just do that fucking Proust patch already.

>> No.12086644

So many butchered references. Don't know if this is the worst or best thing I've ever seen.

>> No.12086736

I hope the trip patch is coming today.

>> No.12086966
File: 757 KB, 946x854, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I patch this?

>> No.12087178
File: 605 KB, 1024x768, upset miia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still hasn't come yet


>> No.12087504


>> No.12087543

Who /political violence/ here?
Where can I find some no-irony, no-maymay violence related patches? I'm looking to project "leftypol uprising"

>> No.12087555

Can I sew patches onto a black hershel bag without ruining the bag?

>> No.12087565

Currently waiting on my two

>> No.12087571
File: 663 KB, 2656x1494, 20161227_194249 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, I got something similar to it today

>> No.12087582

Whatcha puttin the patch on?

>> No.12088002

Not sure yet. My current jacket already has a nasa inspired patch on it. Maybe one of my bags.

>> No.12088220


Arms and upper chest

>> No.12088707

If you see his IG, that's prolly where most of his income comes from. A couple of weebs on a chinese imageboard about clothes prolly doesnt matter.

>> No.12088760

Ayy got the killer Queen one too nice. Know any places to get velcro strips anon?

>> No.12089044

>Some patches from california arrive in a few days
>Others take two weeks to arrive

I don't get it, I just my trip patch

Just pick up industrial velcro brand from walmart, amazon, any hardware store really. Works great.

>> No.12089109

A-are you guys sure you didn't order after it became a pre-order?

And if you did order when it wasn't, USPS has been really backed up these few weeks, so some orders are taking a really long time. Sorry about the wait my boys :(

>> No.12089140

Ordered it the day it went up for purchase. The first time wasn't a pre order.

>> No.12089191


You're slipping m8.

>> No.12089274

Alright, then it's definitely on its way to you. If you don't get it by the time the new batch comes, I'll send you a replacement!

I just had to open my store right before the holidays

>> No.12090378
File: 164 KB, 1199x1200, 9676245677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12090393

I have no idea what this is

>> No.12090417

The logo for a band called Iceage

>> No.12090508

If I saw someone waering that in real life I would assume it was a white power t hi ng

>> No.12090527

long time /patches/ lurker, first time poster. are all patches iron-on?

>> No.12090538

Much more advisable to sew them on anon - its much more durable that way

>> No.12090602

Anyone know a good velcro strip to put on denim. Was thinking this https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0013DO888/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE

but other alternatives are appreciated. All my patches are velcro so i gotta make do with this.

>> No.12090619
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, jacket001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old mod jackets for inspo

>> No.12090626

Looks pretty cool. Thought it was star wars for a moment.

>> No.12090632
File: 1.90 MB, 3072x2304, patches 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12091019

hello yes it is me the Against Meaner here

>> No.12091025

how about just the animals and "born to die" in the top and "world is a fuck" on the bottom?

>> No.12091083

please tell me the translation i'm interested

>> No.12091085

shit i forgot to take off the stupid meme name

>> No.12091476

"tohu va bohu". It means "formless and empty"

>> No.12091487

The phrase is used in Genesis 1:2 to describe the universe before God separated dark from light.

>> No.12091492

thank you <3

>> No.12091499

You're welcome dude now where's my TRIP patch

>> No.12092138

if i order a TRIP now, will I have to wait 3 weeks from now? or less? or maybe more?

>> No.12092235


>> No.12092274

I was looking for a Interkosmos patch and I found one at russian patches world. Does anyone know if this site is safe? How do you find out a site is safe?

>> No.12092463

Hey I remember a while ago you gave out a promo code are you still doin that

>> No.12092496

Isn't his shit on pre order now?

>> No.12092555

No! Just got a notification that the patches are being delivered
Hello it is me anonymous

>> No.12092560

I'm out of town right now so I can't make a new code, but I'm fairly certain NOTASELLOUT still has some uses left

>> No.12093230
File: 558 KB, 2656x1494, 20161229_154058 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get Trip patch
>Shit, that looks really fucking good

>> No.12093619

I'm another first time poster.
I just started sewing on a patch to my bag, and i feel like the needle is making holes too big? Wont it damage the bag? Or does it matter?

>> No.12093683


Well, you're sewing shit, so you're gonna make holes. Use smaller needle if that bothers you. It won't damage it of course, but if it's water proof, it won't be water proof any more.

>> No.12093791
File: 457 KB, 1200x1600, 2016-12-30-07-51-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time putting patches on a jacket. The longer i look at it the more i feel i should remove either of the round ones. What does /patches/ think?

>> No.12093981

I hope you enjoy! Really glad you like it
It all depends on how finely knit the cloth you're sewing into is. The courser it is, the less noticeable or more nonexistent the holes will be
Heyy I recognize those patches
I don't think you need to remove anything, just move the red patch to the arm opposite the one with the Medusa patch and it will look great

>> No.12094591

I have an arm patch and one for above my torso pocket. Should I put them on opposite sides of my jacket?

>> No.12094676

are Trip patches available yet?

>> No.12094679

wtc that patch?

>> No.12094826


Shit, that sucks, I only wanted the Ito patch.

>> No.12095263

W2C Deplorables?

>> No.12095296

Bump for placement advice just one Nostromo patch

>> No.12095590

are you retarded

just pre-order it you impatient faggot

>> No.12095990

trying to cop that werner herzog patch

>> No.12096262

Where can I order the TRIP patch from?

>> No.12096272

Check the pastebin

>> No.12096339
File: 528 KB, 1000x667, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people responding to w2c AM patches posts
>not realizing they're talking to AM

>> No.12096356

Next you're going to accuse me >>12093230 of being him.

>> No.12096383

Both me btw

>> No.12096386
File: 14 KB, 374x102, I still have (You)s and they dont lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12096393


Viral marketing.
It's getting pretty obvious...

>> No.12096398


it's a nice patch, but if you say it's viral marketing then i guess it has to be, right???

>> No.12096401

I really need to shape up if I want to make it less obvious, huh?

>> No.12096416

Viral marketing or not, its worked, because I just put in an order for the TRIP patch and the Chernobyl one.

>> No.12096426
File: 359 KB, 898x889, wolf_embroidered_patch__fantastic_mr__fox__by_spaceguy5-d94wdzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anon who keeps shitting up the thread pretending to be the namefag is doing a better job of shilling than the namefag actually has done


>> No.12096450

what the fuck

>> No.12096486

enjoy being treated as a terrorist
is this an auschwitz patch?
nobody will understand, besides, he sux
4 6 7
i like it
was this 1 cent on aliexpress?

>> No.12096508

>153 / 28 / 61 / 1

Whew AM no wonder /k/ ran you out

>> No.12096509

>enjoy being treated as a terrorist
It's Hebrew, dumbass

>> No.12096522

>2.5 posts per IP in a discussion based thread
Woa fucking incredible

>> No.12096525

/k/ has an even worse ratio.

45 / 15 / 22 / 1

>> No.12096544

i know, but it's not like your average person on the street will realize

>> No.12096610

I'm pretty sure /k/ hates me because I wouldn't order the Chernobyl patches with velcro backing

Also the stolen valor arguments there

>> No.12096615

how many patch orders do you get in a month? i got some designs ready but i dont know if it's gonna be worth getting them produced.

>> No.12096643

Well for a while I was getting like 1 or 2 orders a day but the TRIP patches sold out in two days and got me a bunch of new Instagram followers, so things have picked up a bit since then. The best things you can do to sell are get an Instagram account and get in contact with @patchgame

I can give you my email if you want more advice! Now's a good time to get started too, patches are really picking up it seems

>> No.12096654

nice, i'd appreciate it, here's a throwaway email you can send yours too.

>> No.12096669

Oh don't sweat it, it's just againstmeaning@gmail.com

>> No.12096705

Do you have a background in graphic design or anything? What do you use to design the patches before you get them made?

>> No.12096712

hey /fa/m I ordered both the Trip and Chernobyl patch a while ago. Do ship my order asap since I'm moving soon

>> No.12096755

I'm only self taught, no real background at all. I'm just a big fan of graphic design. I use Inkscape and sometimes GIMP when I need to do pixel based editing

Sure thing mate! I'll have it shipped by the 2nd as I get back home on the 1st. If that's too late for you feel free to email me and update your address

>> No.12096760

One of the patch stores on /k/.

>> No.12096762

>is that an Auschwitz patch

It could be used to mark the weabs on the DotR

>> No.12097011

I'm not a fucking kike so I wouldn't notice their language which, judging by the way the characters look, was probably developed by 3 year old with autism and learning difficulties.

>> No.12097016

If I ordered mine a few days ago will it be going out on the 2nd too?

>> No.12097236

I would buy this as a back patch

>> No.12097404

Any good backpacks for putting patches on?

>> No.12097680

5.11 has some.

>> No.12097837
File: 137 KB, 1409x805, skoglineup3012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grand budapest patches soon™

>> No.12097886

I'd prefer something I could wear to school without giving off the vibe that I would kill everyone there.

>> No.12098079

Lobby boy is reddit. Im sorry.

>> No.12098244

patch fags, any chance someone wants to make one with laissez les bon temps rouler on it and a pair of dice rolling that would be fantastic senpai

some sort of pun around lagniapple would be cool too but I don't think non-cajuns would get it while at least the above is grokable to most people

>> No.12098256
File: 71 KB, 600x600, 667-hello-kitty-puppet-patch-applique-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight male here, but I like the hello kitty aesthetic. Would putting this on the upper sleeve of a bomber jacket be cool?

>> No.12098274
File: 117 KB, 774x809, 6a00d83451c29169e2014e5f869706970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098277

Man, I've seen this on ebay a long time ago. I probably should have picked it up then

>> No.12098284


I'm so livid that nobody has reproduced this patch anywhere.

"because physical wounds heal" is probably the coolest slogan any military branch has ever come up with.

>> No.12098289

Can always take it to /k/ and see if someone would be up to reproduce it

>> No.12098382

i've never been to /k/, do they have patch threads too?

>> No.12098405

Yes, decently frequently

>> No.12098514


>> No.12098531
File: 873 KB, 1896x2386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just attached a back patch on my light grey-ish 7 for All Mankind Jacket

>> No.12098621

>le tasteful nude art
>bald with glasses
>shit jacket
WHAT gives you the right to do this to Bosch

>> No.12099073


>> No.12099573


>> No.12099592

Obey is from a "They Live" poster
Nude is a later Keane print

And it's because I received a big fabric print of the garden of earthly delight with a printing error, so they're sending a new one

Also 7 makes good denim jackets

>> No.12100046
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1600, 2016-12-31 23.24.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12100069


>> No.12100081

That patch on his right shoulder is sick

>> No.12100558


It's too early for Proud to be Provo edition

>> No.12100714

I just really like the VDV

>> No.12100717
File: 29 KB, 301x300, 411K9G9T1EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12100944

I just learned I may be snowed in tomorrow so please be understanding if I can't ship on the 2nd fellas ;_;

>> No.12100989

Guys, how do i not look like shitty pre-patched mall jackets?

>> No.12101541
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1280, GMR_Minimap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the pack is pretty damn small, it could work out, and the original is pretty fucking huge so...

>> No.12101921
File: 422 KB, 1067x800, flower1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this thread isn't dead yet

Looking to put a floral patch onto an off-white or cream jacket, which looks better? Number one or number two?

1st one is 17cm x 12cm

>> No.12101925
File: 385 KB, 1067x800, flower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second one

If anyone has any better color scheme recommendations such as avoid x color and have y color instead, don't hesitate to critique


>> No.12101926


>> No.12101934
File: 172 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.811481946_myt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone of you ever put patches on a north face jacket (=polyester) ????????

>> No.12101955

I like the look of this one more - I think the paler shades on this one would look better on an off-white on cream jacket

>> No.12101984


What about some cream/off-white pants? Number 1 as well? Also, what sort of colours would be best for a garment of off-white or cream shade - generally paler shades?

>> No.12102044
File: 330 KB, 1067x800, flower3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention that I found a third too, is this better than the others?

>> No.12102048

I like all of them a lot - where are they from out of interest?

I think they'd all work for sure, I just think the first lot would look best. This new one you've posted would look really good as well.

>> No.12102049

If you don't absolutely like the way something looks, why are you getting it?

>> No.12102063

I tried typing the link but the system keeps refusing the link for some reason, I tried to put a load of periods, replace some letters with asterisks etc.

It's a store named tracy1984 on Etsy, I hope you can find it because this shitty system won't let me link it directly

>> No.12102075

I've got it, cheers!

>> No.12102078

Have a look around, they have a lot of decent patches

If you find any better floral ones from another store or tracy1984, then just post em in here!

>> No.12102079

This one, it's sexy

>> No.12102154

Is it best to iron, glue or sew patches? What if you can't get the thread the same color of the outline of the patch, then is it best to iron or glue? And how long would a patch take to come off if the patch was glued or ironed?

>> No.12102297

It's best to sew on velcro and use that. Failing that, it's best to sew. Only use iron-on when it's a piece of shit garment that you're fine with throwing out. And also you're fine with throwing out the patch. Also you're fine with throwing yourself out in the garbage because you're casual trash.

>> No.12102989

Only problem is that I need the patch going vertically not horizontally, so if I cop that patch that you said was sexy, then it would look a bit weird if I sewed it on vertically, would it not? I feel the flower part of the patch would look too out of place - the stem and leaves, even the bulbs would look okay but the main flower part would look weird because it would be facing sideways

is that just me or am i right

>> No.12103326


>> No.12103868
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x4032, 1483341050505-1240053663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never go for iron on.
I wanted to remove a patch from a jacket and that became an hour long operation of slowly peeling it off while trying to keep its shape intact.

Pic related

>> No.12103910
File: 50 KB, 974x683, 1461514579454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you faggots get your patches made?

>> No.12104058
File: 516 KB, 1440x983, Screenshot_2017-01-02-16-57-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want these so badly but i dont know what id do with them.

>> No.12104120

Aaah that's true. I have another patch coming in that i wanted to put on the other shoulder though. Does the red one on the front look too out of place?

Also just placed another order for a Trip and another PATM for a friend. Looking forward to em.

>> No.12104133
File: 493 KB, 943x1024, violentworldnew_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some suggestions for patches to go on a black parka?

>> No.12104155
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What are some back patches that would look good on a classic blue denim jacket?

Thinking about copping pic related

>> No.12104157


stfu n8

>> No.12104260
File: 107 KB, 736x829, a9b0fcdcaf8cc9ef68be4d4b4d4757d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12104305


>> No.12104549

>The idiot actually ironed it on

What an absolute madman.

>> No.12104557

I have a patch, and it's outline is a lot of different colours i.e. blue, peach green etc. How the fuck do I sew it on perfectly without having any visible threads on the garment?

>> No.12104577

pls advice

>> No.12104633

Invisible thread might be worth trying

>> No.12104675

Any hand embroidery tutorials?

>> No.12104761
File: 733 KB, 2396x2396, scrtcops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I/what should I put on the parka?

>> No.12104764

Something dark and subtle

>> No.12104774
File: 1.17 MB, 3214x2283, IMG_1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These just arrived! Left one was from a trade with a woman in Singapore, I'll see if I can find a link

>> No.12104781

Ah, her stuff's at marietoh.com

>> No.12104785 [DELETED] 

>tfw they're pins
I thought they we're patches

>> No.12104790

>tfw they're pins
I thought they were patches

>> No.12104794

Is that a Rothko mug? Also w2c Kiki

>> No.12104990
File: 1.63 MB, 360x236, 1456568901014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it for years, I didn't know better, I was just a child then.

>> No.12105011

Yep! Girlfriend got it for me for Christmas
Kiki: https://www.etsy.com/listing/385487948/kiki-delivery-service-patch-hayao

>> No.12105291

Pins are cool too and basically come hand in hand with patches friendo

>> No.12106336

Those would be better as patches

>> No.12106349
File: 751 KB, 1345x2391, 20161216_202255-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty lewd.

>> No.12106354

Odd, I quoted you >>12106336

>> No.12106366

yeah, will probably buy them tho

>> No.12106468
File: 177 KB, 736x981, 139d01fcae4ba1df92e7b58eb08ca45a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12106531

much better without text but wtc?

>> No.12106544

It's brand new, just google it and I'll sure you find the patch he posted.

>> No.12106919
File: 86 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1047278499_mg3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bud, found this while browsing and thought of you

>> No.12106931

Unfortunately i dont know where to get it. The patch on the astronaut just reminded me of it. A Deja Entendu patch would be sick though.

>> No.12107162
File: 65 KB, 768x760, dyatlov pass patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mates, looking for feedback on this. Any suggestions? I think the basics look good but there should be something else. I was considering orange orbs floating above the tent

>> No.12107297
File: 69 KB, 785x782, dyatlov stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: nine stars representing the nine victims

Also have a design with nine orthodox crosses in a 3x3 grid above the tent

>> No.12107309

I like it but produce one to show so we can see quality and shit

>> No.12107311

Well of course, the only problem is that to get a sample image I need to make the order

>> No.12107324 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 724x523, 99378d7d5adad9fa70dd1ccdd64fef44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly if you made a patch of Junji Ito in a similar style as James Hoyce or Marcel Proust i'd probably buy it.

Pic related

>> No.12107478

I feel like the tent could be a little bigger.

>> No.12107511

I agree on the tent being bigger
Maybe a white border too?

>> No.12107581
File: 1.54 MB, 1934x2604, IMG_20170103_050128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /fak/ now

>> No.12107584

Whats with all this Patch interest ? Is it a new trend ?

>> No.12107588

People have been into patches since like, 'nam.

>> No.12107997

Ikr. Like a week after i frequent these threads and bought a few i see pre-patched mall jackets everywhere.

>> No.12108038

I'm only here because I started looking at these threads, but there is a total surge in patch interest at large, especially on social media.

>> No.12108053
File: 78 KB, 851x836, dyatlov final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's the tent a little bigger, and the stars as well (so they'll look better when embroidered)

I think I like the yellow border too much to part with it

>> No.12108134

It'll probably work. Just sew it on instead of ironing/ gluing

>> No.12108415

The yellow border looks good, definitely keep that. Im thinking it could look better either with the sky contrasting more with the border with the words or blending in with it.

>> No.12108426
File: 57 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1064061545_gils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gon dump some patches

>> No.12108435

It will definitely contrast more as a patch because one of those will be twill fabric while the other is embroidery

>> No.12108439

Shit, that reminds me. There was a patch posted that was about traveling, had a sunset on it. Wish I could find that again.

>> No.12108474

make the tent smaller like abnormally small

>> No.12108490
File: 73 KB, 570x570, climb higher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found it, I just remember it being different.

>> No.12108537

Leave this board

>> No.12108545

Come with me

>> No.12108568
File: 71 KB, 833x826, dyatlittle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12108604

my fucking sides

>> No.12108791


not him but thanks, she has some cool stuff

>> No.12108802


reverse search

>> No.12109075
File: 578 KB, 628x638, szdgoiuyaSDFgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw TRIP patch still hasn't arrived after 19 days

>> No.12109080

Yeah I'm sorry man, if you ordered before it went to preorder they've been taking forever to ship, especially if you're out of the US

People are receiving them though, don't worry!

>> No.12109102

Ok good. I'm in OH so I'm a little surprised that it's taking this long, but thanks for the update anyhow.

I have a pretty good idea for what to do with mine; so I'll def post a pic once it arrives.

>> No.12109876

>not being faithful to the film
how dare you

>> No.12110663

This is kind of a long shot but a while back I saw a large patch on the back of a jacket. It was Adam from NGE on the cross and I was wondering if anyone knew the source of it

>> No.12110708
File: 395 KB, 530x530, chicago_530x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped. what do i put it on, bomber or denim jacket? and where, shoulder, chest?

>> No.12111080

>it's not just a reference to Mac Tonight
Not everyone is an edgy deplorable that only communicates through memes ;^)

>> No.12112060

why didn't you just heat it up again and peel it right off?

>> No.12112065

How about some footprints in the snow? I'll never understand what made them run naked into the snowstorm...

>> No.12112279

>AM keeps getting featured on that patch game account
>People are eating that shit up

Oh boy.

>> No.12112305

The thing is, for that to make sense the tent would have to be all torn up and that kind of feels like crossing a line to me. I like how peaceful the scene looks as-is
I'd love to see it when you do!

>> No.12112643

Bump, let's wrap this thread up

>> No.12113107

Looking to manufacture 50 patches but I don't have too much money. Whats the best way to go about this or the best place to go?

>> No.12113188

50 patches will probably run you $60-80

>> No.12113285

From where?

>> No.12113289

Pretty much any manufacturer

>> No.12113293

Is Alibaba safe and a good deal?

>> No.12113354

I know what the patch is supposed to represent but it doesn't seem to fit the look of your other patches imo

>> No.12113367

Well the store is still young and I haven't fully found my look yet so I'm letting myself experiment a bit to see what sells and what I like. I'm torn between historical, literary, and glitch-art patches so I may end up having those as my three categories

Definitely not restocking the Attention and Stagnant Water patches when those run out, lemme tell ya

>> No.12113474
File: 2.46 MB, 800x800, patchdesign1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this design? I plan to have them out by next week. I'm working on some other things too. I don't really have a style in mind so I'm just going to experiment with fun designs.

>> No.12113478

Who's your demographic?

>> No.12113479

I do not know what it is referencing if anything

>> No.12113486

Soup's on, boys, come get some slop

>> No.12113493

Don't really have one.
I named it after a town I have a connection to and I just thought the gun looked cool.

>> No.12113505

The sprite clashes with the lettering. Maybe try pixelating the letters

>> No.12113507

1. the pixel graphics will look really bad embroidered
2. not many people will have the same connection to pasadena you do

>> No.12113606

I'm right there with ya brother.

>> No.12114107

>PATM will be limited edition
I feel special

>> No.12114125

Is it this? >>12114111

>> No.12115033
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12115755

man ive seen so many art hoes in wicker park with these dont do that

>> No.12116622

you just have to own it, bro. as long as you're not embarassed by it, it's fine

>> No.12116934

Neat, I bought a jacket hoping to do the same thing. Except I'm looking to do original patches, just in the same vein.

>> No.12116939

It'd be fine without that phrase.

>> No.12116977

What would go well with a jacket like that? Asking because I want one.

>> No.12116979

(you'll get a better response if you post in the new thread)

>> No.12117001

Thanks anon