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/fa/ - Fashion

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12059756 No.12059756 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>at party
> try to talk to girls/ get with
>constant voice in the back of my head saying: they're not into you/ they don't want to talk to you/ you're ugly etc
>end up not getting further than mild flirting
> go home depressed and alone
How do I do it /fa/? I thought dressing well was supposed to bring confidence, I feel the worse I ever have

>> No.12059874

Just assume everyone you talk to wants to suck your dick. That's what I do. Sometimes you'll succeed, a lot of times you'll get rejected, but hey it's just rejection. If you get anxious just remember, your existence is pretty much worthless in the grand scheme of things, no one really gives a shit about you enough to care if you fail or not.

>> No.12059889

You did the right thing
Sometimes it's better not to make a fool of yourself instead of doing something you'll regret later
Trust me, don't listen to the cucs that say "it's useful because you gain experience" bullshite
If you weren't 100% sure of yourself that moment try next time

>> No.12059910
