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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 541 KB, 568x668, whites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12052885 No.12052885 [Reply] [Original]

Why do white people ruin everything? Serious question.

>> No.12052889

t. non-white living in a white country

>> No.12052963

-in denial white living on planet earth

>> No.12052993

I don't understand what you're trying to get at here.

>> No.12053005

becuase white people are actually doing something. you cant ruin things if you dont do anything

>> No.12053007

just remember you probably dressed worse at their age op

>> No.12053008

streetwear is shit anyways, let them have it.

>> No.12053011



you're literally clutching at straws here mate, you got rekt so take it and move on, don't try and make it seem as if what they're doing is right

>> No.12053013

Reminder that all those clothes are designed and made by white people with the exception of rappers doing collaborations

>> No.12053036

oh so that's why streetwear is tacky garbage, makes sense now.

>> No.12053039

Printed one of these tees the other day. if anyone is interested ill list some somewhere for like $20

>> No.12053051

relax shitskin
those are just some rich edgy teenagers influenced by nigger culture

>> No.12053079

Who cares what overweight children with rich parents do? Those shirts look tacky as hell.

>> No.12053085
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>> No.12053091

I was just looking at this drop on my phone, everything was bad

I like Supreme too but yikes

>> No.12053095

what are those cuck-pants they're wearing?

>> No.12053116

Streetwear has always been for little boys

>> No.12053136

Yeah real men like us wear fedoras

>> No.12053141

Earth is a white planet

>> No.12053143

>implying black/generic "brown" people don't look incredibly goofy wearing this sort of trash

just everyone has lower expectations.

>> No.12053152


Those kids sure lookin fly, livin off of mommies alimony.

If you aint trying to run up on them and jack their shit, then you can't complain about them.

When underage white kids start copping fashion, it's a sign that the trends are about to change. They are a good rule of thumb to follow.

>> No.12053159

You forgot one thing

>> No.12053731

They're teenagers lmao.what do you expect them to do right? Masturbate 10 times a day to cute Susy in math class.

>> No.12053743

no, anyone can though, and they have.
>Arabian slave trade
>Haitian race war
>rape of Nanking
>the desert quadrilogy (bible, quran, torah, book of mormon)
>Mao's great leap forward

>> No.12053835

Than why can't niggers where anything but hyped up jewish streetwear brands?

>> No.12054218
File: 1.13 MB, 1122x1122, le scrub face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are so eeeeevil, bruh!!

>> No.12054473

supreme has been dead. Little kids wearing supreme because of complex and Ian connor. Tyler only made it known.

>> No.12054477

no restraint

>> No.12054483

Whitey can't handle the bantz as per usual :^)
Weirdly enough you're also the ones complaining about people being unable to take jokes

>> No.12054584
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racebaiters are always this

>> No.12054592
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>tfw OP was waiting for this type of reply

>> No.12054596
File: 24 KB, 615x456, 1386039709327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how have FOB pinoys and soft spoken white kids not ruined this brands image yet? It's years overdue.

>> No.12054599

instead of focusing your hate on white fashion just because you had problems w/ racism irl, why not dig around and look at the many underground scenes thats going on.

>> No.12054714


>> No.12054767

>shitskins unironically have such an immense inferiority complex that they take the time out of their day to make threads like this


>> No.12054804

Yet you still need whites culture and inventions to make you feel better about yourself

>> No.12054810
File: 473 KB, 771x787, 1480494647545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there seem to be more and more /pol/-type posts on /fa/ these days

>> No.12054862
File: 539 KB, 1280x1279, yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish streetwear brands
u said it was made by whites, are jews white now?

>> No.12054863

whites are the biggest race baiters on /fa/

i bet you op is white

>> No.12054891

how many levels of irony are you on right now¿

>> No.12054998

white guy on the right has the best fit
black guy has the worst
guy sitting looks mexican or some other shade of brown
adidas man looks like some sort of slav and slavs aren't white

>> No.12055001
File: 85 KB, 628x480, 1424028220406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white guy on the right
on the left*

>> No.12055062

in this instance, you're probably 100% right but don't act like poo in loos and dindus aren't making actual threads like this

>> No.12055077

bruh, if you're referring to that pic no ones pulling that off

>> No.12055080

bruh, no ones pulling that off.

>> No.12055082

Yeah, I'll list some good fucking brands/designers who are white, then you'll shut the fuck up.

Rick Owens
the soloist
Lad musician
I could go on. Just because you're insecure about your race, doesn't mean white people run this shit. You're probably a fucking gook.

>> No.12055089

Soloist, nn, dbss, lad musician and julius are all Japanese. I'm not sure about blackmeans. Rick owens is at least partially native american too I think.

>> No.12055090

none of them are white lol

>> No.12055111

is this a joke

>> No.12055121

Yeah that's the point, retardo

>> No.12055128

They're exactly what we all are trying to be.

We don't feel secure being ourselves.

Trying to be them, generates various feelings. From empowerment to embarrassment and insecurity and (for the thinking people) inferiority.

For ages, they're the ones combining intelligence with alphaness. that's why we always end up feeling insecure and following them. Because we're betas. Whatever color you are.

And of course because women are more attracted with alphas, so women around the world are more impressed, entertained, excited with alphas (in this context, whites). We betas experienced mixed feelings that ended up in us trying to be them because women like them more.

Whatever you're embracing right now, it was created by white people. Accept it, we're not that great in their game. And they're probably not that great too in our game (something traditionally boring and we always avoid).

I also feel this guilty feelings. I enjoy being western so much but i also feel like i'm cucking my own culture, like i'm admitting my own inferiority. I feel bad about it. I wish my culture was as great and cool and i can be proud of embracing it.

>> No.12055133

You don't even know who you're replying to.

>> No.12055135

If OP is nonwhite, i'm addressing it to him. But if he's white, i'm addressing it to all nonwhites here. But if no one can relate to it well then it's just another vent out i guess

>> No.12055748
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1425349884860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if supreme is JUST being ruined for you now you need to stop worrying about clothes and maybe take up something else before ur late as fuck to that too.

>> No.12055798

lol rick isn't native his mother is mexican

>> No.12055838

fucking lmao

>> No.12055882

>Blacks ruin society
>Whites ruin streetwear

Really makes you think

>> No.12055963

whats wrong with ruining society?

>> No.12056011

dont /pol/ fags hate society?

>> No.12056341

Must be the reason why you are getting bred out of existence.

>> No.12056343
File: 659 KB, 1055x808, giggling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks whine about whites stealing their fashion
>when blacks never invented clothes